End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 567: Face to face

"Oh, right!"

Russell continued to say to Steve: "I said just now, there is a surprise for you when you shout the exit number. Although you shouted reluctantly, lacked passion, and had a low voice, you finally shouted out."


Steve: Can't say this!

"I'm talking and I'll give you two important pieces of information for free ..."

"First, go to Nigeria on a mission in the future, be careful of the bombs on the villains, don't let the witch kill the innocent people."

Steve looked stunned, wondering what Russell was talking about. What does it mean to go to Nigeria to carry out the mission in the future? Who is the witch, and the enemy?

Russell put up two fingers: "Second, your good friend Baki is still alive, he is controlled, his memory is a bit chaotic, and an valiant knight is urgently needed to save him. Work hard, I am optimistic about you."

什么 "What, Bucky ... are you lying to me?"

"Is it necessary?" Russell said very shamelessly, "What good is it to lie to you? It all says that you are so weak that you don't need to use conspiracy to deal with you."

Steve: "..."

塔 Stark's brain is much easier to use than Steve. Now that he has determined that Russell is not a villain, he can't help but say, "Is there a surprise for this Hydra leader?"

"Coincidentally, there are exactly two."

Russell looked at Stark with amusement, anyway, he had already spoiled him a lot, and it was harmless to send him some information.

Stark raised his ears: "Please!"

"First, your dad Howard Stark was not killed in a traffic accident, but was killed by Steve's good friend, Bucky."

Stark: "..."

Steve: "..."

The two looked at each other with a little dodge in their eyes, Steve smiled awkwardly, and Stark pursed his dry lips and said to Russell: "You said it would surprise me, this is not counted, there are two more."

Russell poked his lips and talked to smart people. "It's really a surprise. I'll tell you the facts now. It won't be used by interested people in the future. The Avengers will not disintegrate ... Oh, your good friend Colonel Rhodes also It would n’t fall into disability. "

"What! Exploited by a caring person, what does it mean to dissolve the Avengers, can you elaborate more?"

"What happened to Rhodes being crippled?"

Steve and Stark exclaimed in unison, Russell's intelligence was too horrible. They didn't know whether it was true or not, and wanted to know more details.

Russell did not answer the question, and continued: "The second surprise is that in the future you will marry Ms. Potts and have a daughter."


Stark groaned exaggeratedly, then shook his head with his face covered: "The so-called marriage is to continue the mistake for a lifetime, I am too irrational in the future. It is pitiful that what terrible things happened to him will only happen So desperate and pessimistic? "

"You're so proud?"

怎么 "How is it possible that I am a singleton and hate getting married and hating children!"

For those who are cheap and sell well, Russell always has zero tolerance and sneers: "That's good, because your daughter is not happy. She has lived in a single-parent family since she was a child."

Stark's face changed abruptly, covered with frost: "What do you mean, make it clear!"

"This question, wouldn't it be more appropriate to ask you in the future?"

Russell said, Infinite gloves fisted, turned sharply and waved out.

The walls of Houhou Street crashed, and a metal shield intersecting with gold and red blocked the shock wave. Stark looked at Ms. Bao's shield and yelled at MMP. Someone misappropriated his creativity.

Shield turned into a stream of water, and a smooth Iron Man stepped out. Behind him was a star-stripe man with a grim face.

From the future Tony Stark and Steve Rogers, the two originally intended to wait until the end of the war to sneak into the Stark Building, stealing two infinite gems of space and soul with fake and real, Steve even 'Long Live Hydra' The lines are all ready.

However, as a result, the plan is not as fast as change. They find that they are not traveling through time, but into another world.

There was a super sturdy woman in the sky, who had blasted Zitaari's army alone, and the ground was not very peaceful. Suddenly a self-proclaimed 'Hydra leader' came out ... Uh, this product is a villain, definitely not a good person .

The mysterious man who suddenly appeared appeared to hang the Avengers. Only in this case, the two would not appear, but this mysterious man got the soul gem and knew the future.

What shocked them most was that the mysterious man possessed infinite gloves and held power gems. If it was not for the big difference, they even suspected that the other party was annihilation.

看 "Look, Captain America and Iron Man from the future!"

Pointing at the two, Russell said to the gazing Avengers: "Stark, if you have any questions about the future, you can ask questions now."

"Really from the future !?"

Stark murmured to himself, and his mind was chaotic. At this time, the first idea was not to ask questions, but to be complacent. In the future, he would really beep, and actually invented the technology that travels through time and space.

Buzz buzz! !!

The MK50 nano suit broke down, and Stark from the future removed his helmet to reveal a weather-beaten face. He ignored his former self, and stretched his hands forward to point at Russell.

The armour of the arm changes into an energy cannon, and the propellers behind are separated to form an energy impact cannon suspended on all sides. The blue-white light is fully charged, but it is not emitted.

"Sir, you have too much nonsense. Can you remove the mask?"

"of course!"

Russell nodded decisively, pulled down the hood on his head, exposing the senior face of the elven queen.


Hell, even if there is a woman in the sky with a powerful combat force, why is there one on the ground?


Russell's arc flashed around his body ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ A finger flicked on his shoulder, and a piece of floating dust fell quickly, and he fell into Ant-Man Scott Lang after falling to the ground.

Coincidentally, Ant-Man just landed on Rocky and Thor, and the three of them were all charged, twitching madly together.

But obviously, the brothers hate outsiders to join!

"I know you have a lot of questions, but not now, when I get the two remaining infinite gems, everyone sits down and talks slowly, it must be very interesting."

Russell said, pulling the hood back up, the dark mist covering his face, and the scarlet smiley face daunting.

"Where do you want to go?"

For those who have infinite gloves, the future Stark can't afford half favor, the energy cannon is launched, and Russell's location is blown up with smoke.

The dust settled, and Russell was wrapped in a pair of light wings. He slowly flew up, waved his hands at a few people, and moved into the sky at high speed like a teleportation.

"Angel !?"

The Superwoman is still tortured the Zitaris, and the space gem is not in a hurry to take it for a while, so that she can exercise more and consume tens of thousands of words of physical strength.

Russell slightly looked at his eyes: "Go get the time gem first ... well, it is the Supreme Master I hate most."

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