End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 573: 1 punch to kill 1 tyrant

Golden armor, helmets, and sharp-edged double-edged swords. Extermination of tyrants came back against the darkness. Although lonely, it exudes an invincible force, which makes people dare not underestimate.

Of course, no one dares to underestimate him. The Avengers, like their enemies, quickly enter the fighting state.

Russell's eyes are slightly stunned. Unlike the plot, although the tyrant holds a knife in his right hand, he holds a gold-colored infinity glove in his left hand, with two souls and souls embedded in it.

You do n’t need to introduce yourself, you can see at a glance that this tyrant is from 2012!

Annihilation stood on the edge of the sword, eyes swept over the Avengers, and finally stayed on Russell. To him for 12 years, the Avengers were just a group of strangers he hadn't seen before. Russell, who held infinite gloves and four gems, was the only goal of his shuttle time.

The tartar doesn't have much ruthless words, and the tyrant directly enters the topic: "With four gems, you must be an outsider!"

"Yes, where are they? Those who give you information!" Russell glanced around and found no trace of the reincarnation. Was he afraid of infinite gems and hid in the battleship.

不用 "Don't look for it, I killed them all."


The three Supergirls were amazed. It was not a shock to the ruthlessness of the exterminator. It was a good thing that the hostile camp was dead. They were surprised that the main deity was too pit. Hanging dead.

选择 Camp selection is really terrible!

"Why kill them? You should know that they are here to help you. Without them, you ca n’t even come to the present." Russell deeply felt that the death of a group of reincarnation meant that the lottery he could trigger was not Already.

"There is no need to keep the disobedient."

Annihilation gave reasons, it is unknown whether it is true or false. Perhaps it was because the soul gem was obtained, and the mood was very unpleasant, so the anger was vented on the informers.

"Disobedient people, it is not better to send them to death! Even the garbage has the value of recycling ..."

Russell shook his head slightly and stepped into the thinking circuit of the villain. He wouldn't do it instead, it would be good to keep it as cannon fodder, and to consume the enemy's physical strength.

"Stop that nonsense, come together and kill him!"

Stark couldn't help but say a word, Russell's conversation with Exterminator seemed a little panicky, for fear they would reach an agreement.

"Wait a minute, I'll clear the scene first."

Russell agreed with Stark's words, to deal with the evil demon, no need to talk about the morals of the rivers and lakes, just go together. But the Temple II was floating in the sky, and the number of demons was superior at this time.

I honestly hurt, the Avengers failed to gather six gems, not even one of them, four Russell, two annihilators, and they split up together.

The Avengers did not revive the reinforcements. Russell, in the principle of fairness, believes that the army should not be suppressed by the army. He raised his infinite gloves, clenched his fists, two gems of space and power flashed, and targeted the Temple II.

At a high altitude, a blue light curtain appeared on the surface of the huge hull, which was captured by the space gem. Then the purple light burned and the ship's black outer armor was peeled off. After Russell struggled to pull it, the battleship quickly fell from the sky.

A huge black shadow hangs over the ground, the space gem lights up, Russell opens the space passage, and leads everyone away from the place.

Annihilation did not move, the real ruby ​​on the infinite gloves bloomed, and the ruins of the Avengers Base, together with the surrounding vast land, instantly turned into a country of Ze.

Temple II crashed, the impact caused a wave of terror, the ship was attacked by power gems, and many damages caused it to be paralyzed. But compared to the crash, this ending is already very lucky.

The real gem was modified, Ze country was turned into ruins again, and the army of extermination forces continued to emerge from the Temple II.

The first to bear the brunt is the five black generals, the five youngest brothers to destroy the hegemony. Secondly, it was the garrison of the vanguard and the army of Zitaari.

There is also the Nebula. In 2012, the nebula appeared several times, and one was buried in the ruins, which is a model worker.

The space channel opened, and Russell looked at thousands of troops. He slightly wiggled his lips and used infinite gloves. He still matched the strength and space gems and threw Temple II to the sky.

This time, the tyrant did not intervene, let it become a free fall, and fell into a ball of scrap iron in the distance.

"You don't have infinite gems. It's too bad to deal with the tyrants. Come and help me after cleaning up the soldiers."

Russell said this to the three Supergirls. There is a soul gem in the hands of the exterminator, which is a bit tricky. Only the power of the gem can offset it.

When the words fell, Russell opened the space channel and stepped out in front of the annihilator. The four jewels on the infinite gloves simultaneously lighted, and he swung his fist towards him.

In the face of the menacing fist, he did not evade the bully, used the power of gems to fight, punched out, and collided with Russell.

The power of horror bursts out in an instant!

之间 Between the two infinite gloves colliding, the gorgeous light was stirred, and the shock wave visible to the naked eye was vented in all directions. The tearing of energy caused the ground around them to fall apart and be crushed into ashes, swinging along with the shock wave.

The fist stalemate for a second, and in the energy competition, the tyrant defeated quickly. He stepped back two steps, holding up the double-edged sword with his left hand, trying to bow Russell.

As soon as the razor blade was lifted, Deba noticed that the space was locked, his heart was stunned, and a fist in front of him quickly zoomed in, banging heavily on the side of his face.

The huge power cannot resist, and the use of two gems by Destroyer is still inevitable. He turned into a cannonball, passively pulled backwards, fell on Temple II, a few kilometers away, and bombarded a deep pit.

Fairy fights mortals suffer!

The annihilation army was swept by the shock wave, and more than a quarter of the army was GG on the spot. The Avengers wanted to come to help. When they saw this situation, they said nothing and killed the remaining army.

I didn't do it from my heart ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ but Russell had the upper hand and didn't need their help.

Temple II, steel turned into fly ash, extermination of tyrants out of the ruins. The actual gem was modified to repair the injuries on the body, and even the damaged armor became new.

Russell stepped out of the space channel, and his 12-year annihilation power is good. Perhaps it is the adjustment of the main god, which makes him a lot stronger than in the movie. But it can only be called good strength. Compared to another tyrant that Russell has seen, he is far behind.

If the two men remove the infinite gems at the same time, Russell is confident that he can beat him in terms of hard power, without the character card, using the angelic power in the sacred mark.

I watched Russell coming out of the space channel, and Famine frowned, Russell's use of gemstones was a lot trickier than he thought.

"If you just have this ability, I will be polite to the two gems of reality and soul."

Russell put up infinite gloves, the soul gem strengthens himself, so that he can better control the remaining three gems.

Is not over yet, the time gem acts on the annihilation, jumping back his repaired injuries, and then the space gem is locked, making him stiff and unable to move his body.

At last, Russell frantically extracted the energy from the power gem and smashed it with a punch against the tyrant.

自信 He is confident, one punch can end the life of annihilation!

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