End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 639: Eric I'm Too Ranchel

After eating and drinking for a party, they rested in the hotel for two hours. Then they took a special car to the Mutant Academy and set off on a mode of outing. There was no atmosphere about the war.

Deadpool closed himself all the time, curling his hands on the leather chair with his knees in his hands. His washing machine was broken. The original washing machine tossed up and down, left and right, and was accompanied by the sound of running water. The fact that a washing machine turns into a refrigerator.

Cold and quiet, no more lively agitation than before!

Deadpool is boring now, and Lingdie starts to gather on Russell again, which is really unpleasant, but what does this have to do with him?

From now on, it doesn't matter.

Deadpool is so scary. This unscientific scene has attracted many people's attention. Just like people at home beside the train track, they go to sleep with the sound of railroad tracks every day. After moving suddenly, they are too quiet and unaccustomed.

During that time, Logan had suspected that Deadpool had been dropped, and now in front of them was the demon-shaped female Ruiwen.

Russell shot it out, and it turns out that Deadpool is still that Deadpool, but it is badly consumed and is currently reading.

"Wade, what happened, you don't look in a good mood." Russell pushed away the eagle-eyed spirit butterfly, sitting across from his buttocks, beside Deadpool.

Deadpool heard the words, as if he had caught the life-saving straw: "Russell, my good brother, Wilson will die, he is dying. Tell me, can the Holy Light cure him, right?"

I can't heal if it can be cured!

Russell continued to be puzzled: "Wade, what are you talking about, who is Little Wilson?"

"Little Wilson is ..."

Deadpool was about to shout, and suddenly remembered that the house was ugly, and the doctor knew it, and whispered in Russell's ear: "Little Wilson is ... oh, right ... he doesn't know why ... Alright, right ... "

Russell took a sharp breath after listening to the sudden change in his complexion, and raised his chest, shouting with his maximum vital capacity: "Wade, you say you are unhappy because you can't do it anymore, really?"

(¬ ?? ¬) XN

There was a moment of silence on the bus, and the passengers were still for three seconds. Then they retreated their scornful eyes, talking about and laughing before, as if they hadn't heard anything.

What a thoughtful group of people gave Deadpool face, if their eyes are more euphemistic, even better!

Deadpool noticed the contempt of the crowd and could not wait to wipe the knife on his neck immediately, thinking that he couldn't die, so he had no idea of ​​suicide.

He took Russell's mouth and said, "Man, you made it on purpose."

Russell slapped open the hand of Deadpool, and honestly said: "No, I'm just too surprised. Originally, your brain capacity was not large, and now you are directly brain dead, and I can't accept the reality for a while, then I shout."

"Come on, I know you so well, you just mean it ..."

Deadpool said, holding back, grabbing Russell's collar: "Russell, tell me the truth, is the death of Little Wilson a mess of your hands and feet?"


Russell shook his head decisively: "If I had this ability, Wilson would never live now."

Makes sense!

Deadpool nodded, loosened Russell's collar, helped him flatten, and flattered, "Good brother, use your holy light to help me heal me."

"I have a problem, a trivial matter."

Russell used the lighting technique, and the glowing palm shot up and down the Deadpool's whole body, wiped the sweat that did not exist on his head, and cared: "How about, what did Wilson say?"

Deadpool leaned his head on the seat, and said ruthlessly: "He's gone, so that I will be strong in the future ..."

Russell laughed out in his heart and made a bad move: "Wade, there is actually another way, I don't know if it works, you can try to use this trick to restore Little Wilson."

"What is it?" Deadpool was suddenly no longer sleepy.

"Don't you have a self-healing factor, can you recover at a faster speed? Try it, you won't lose one piece of meat anyway."



On the other side, Xavier Genius Junior College.

The three X-Men backbone members, headed by Charles, supplemented by Hank and Ruiwen, are waiting in the college garden. Charles could sense that the other party did not intentionally hide his whereabouts, and made a grand announcement ... They were coming!

Is it contempt or confidence?

Charles didn't know. He only knew that after the first two frustrations, the blind behavior of the other side put him under great pressure.

"Charles, relax, you're too serious, it will put pressure on the students," Rui Wen whispered.

Behind the three are the newly formed X-Men, Fast Silver Pietro, Qin, Nightwalker Wagner, and Shock Alex.

The laser eye is no longer listed, and he has not mastered his own power. In contrast, his brother Alex is a qualified soldier and was an X-Men ten years ago.

Alex's ability is to absorb cosmic energy such as radiation, electromagnetic or heat in the environment, and release it from various parts of his body. The destructive power is very strong.

Quicksilver Pietro was invited by Charles to come here to see what kind of person his father, Magnet King Eric, was, as the outside world said, an unforgiving cold-blooded butcher.

Charles met Pitro's mother, and out of concern for good friends, Love House and Wu knew about Pitro's ability.

Supersonic Move!

Although Pietro is young, but as talented as his father, he has mastered his abilities long ago. Charles believes that his abilities may be able to reverse the victory at a critical moment.

In addition to the seven X-Men, other teachers and students in the academy were transferred to the shelter by the school bus. There are many potential mutants and children, but they lack practical experience in using the skills, leaving them on the battlefield. .

Looking at the four young and powerful X-Men behind him, Charles's confidence increased greatly. The members of this team had their own abilities, and they might give the arrogant enemy a blow.

"Today you can free up your energy without worrying about hurting others. Wagner, your ability is very important. The first task is to protect your teammates."

Charles encouraged the two words and looked at the Devil Girl, solemnly: "Riven, I'll drag the other person's telepathic ability. If you can find a way to get closer to Eric, try to see if his family is being held. Where is it. "

The enemy is strong and I am weak. Charles decided to win over his good friends. If the plan is successful, the battle should be stable.


Rui Wen nodded slightly, and found Charles's face was serious. Looking down his line of sight, he saw two long cars entering the school gate.

"The enemy is here!"

The way of playing is a bit chic, even simple, but this does not affect Charles's attention. He locked one of the cars tightly, and the telepathic power that made him palpitated was among them.


The door was pushed open, and Eric, wearing a suit and sunglasses, stepped out, standing beside the car with a cold face. Due to improper speech, Professor X disqualified him from the competition and waited for appearance as a candidate player + bodyguard.

Four figures came out again. Russell, Deadpool, Logan, and Lingdie. These four members of the X special attack team are the protagonists in today's battle.

Considering that Ling Die is a soy sauce, Deadpool died and his brother was not in the state. Logan looked at the familiar figure to remember the past, and Russell was the main attacker.

Russell was among them, beating superheroes, or the superhero group, or whatever, he liked it the most.


The X-Men are a little embarrassed. The other four seem to have no fighting spirit. The daze and the nerves of the nerves are sure to be in trouble?

Only Qin was deeply disturbed, and took a two-step subconscious step back. The middle-aged uncle with a beard on the opposite face stared at her mammoth from the start of the car. His eyes looked like wolf ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ When Russell had no fighting spirit, it was because, like Eric, they were subject to telepathy.

Just when he wanted to say something, the black car window rolled down, revealing a shiny head, and smiled at him.

Professor X did not get out of the car. After all, it was both a wheelchair and a telepathic setting, which would inevitably make the other party think of it, which would be boring.


In Charles' eyes, the light was skyrocketing, and it was not wrong. The familiar light appeared twice after defeating his mysterious man.

He couldn't wait to ask, "Who are you? What is your purpose?"

Professor X grinned, didn't answer Charles' question, and his thick long hair made him very jealous ... keke, very envious, it was good to be young: "Get started, take down this school, and build a mutant utopia."

"Please rest assured, let us give it to you next!" Eric bowed very dog-leggedly, he didn't want it, but he couldn't beat the old one, so he could only use small ones to breathe.

Not to mention, as soon as the scene begins, he enjoys the joy and loves the thrill of playing with Charles in the palm of his hand.

"Eric, you ... what are you doing?"

Charles couldn't accept it. He thought his teammates were being embarrassed, but the scene in front of him was clearly enjoyable!

"What is it, haven't you all seen it?"

Charles asked angrily: "How about your pride and self-esteem, how can you bow your head to others? Eric, is this still you?"

"MD, don't bully people too much, get cheap and sell good bastards!"

Eric I'm too difficult. Lanschel was annoyed, he was bullied by Charles, but Charles was not satisfied, and scolded him for lack of strength.

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