End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 731: Bruce Wayne, would you like to be my son

In 20 seconds, it was not enough to urinate. Even if Russell flew into the sky with a dirty bomb, it would not stop Gotham from destroying the spread of radioactive material.

After Bruce scolded him, he did not continue to blame Russell. Time was short. He wanted to do something more meaningful.

I saw Bruce opened the hidden buckle of the universal belt and pulled out two pieces of chocolate from the dark grid. One is a stimulating gas pill in camouflage shape, which can awaken people from the powerful stun gas. .

Rip off the camouflage, Bruce puts the pill bottle under Miranda's nose, and the latter wakes up leisurely: "Bruce, where are you ... where am I?"

Bruce grabbed Miranda's shoulder and said affectionately, "Don't talk, kiss me!"

Miranda didn't know what was going on, she closed her eyes and raised her head slightly.

With their eyes narrowing, the two were close to each other. At this moment, Russell stepped across the bar, squeezing Bruce out, "Flash away, let me come."

"Asshole, what are you talking about?"

Bruce was furious. How could this kind of thing make other people do it for him? The next second, he saw a flower in front of him, and saw Russell touch the Edman alloy knife from the back of his butt, and then fell into Miranda.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

The sword lights and swords overlapped, as fast as lightning, woven into a net, Miranda only felt the cold and thought he was going to die.

Russell swiftly cut off the hoop that restrained Miranda, grabbed her by the shoulder, threw her hands in Bruce's arms, and under the horrified gaze of the two, he waved to open a door made of bones.


Russell gave a low sigh, flew up and kicked the dirty bomb into it, then merged the doors deadly at the fastest speed.

"It's finally done ..."

Russell touched a cold sweat that didn't exist on his head, and saw Bruce and Miranda staring at each other, shrugging: "What's wrong, do you want me to give you space to be alone?"

Bruce frowned, and released Miranda in her arms, wondering, "Russell, where is that?"


Russell sighed: "Some time ago I stabbed the son of hell, and then Satan caught his eye. This door is my privilege."

"Satan !!!?"

The name surprised Bruce deeply, knowing roughly the beginning and end of the Los Angeles incident, without questioning Russell was lying, and cautiously said, "Satan, what does he ... focus on you?"

"It's unlucky to say ..."

Russell did not pretend to say: "Satan saw me with extraordinary qualifications and was qualified ... Well, Satan doesn't know what kind of style he has drawn. He must let me be his son and take his class in the future to become the next 'Satan'!"

"Bruce, you know me. Superheroes walking in the sun, fighting for love and peace, are full of positive energy, right?"


"If you don't speak, I'll assume you are the default."

"No, I think ..."

"Bruce, don't interrupt me."

Russell continued: "Let me go to the son of the local prison and take the class of" Satan "! How could this be, my bones were grayed out and he didn't wake up yet, so I rejected the unreasonable request on the spot, and Tell him righteously, I'm a good person! "

Bruce: "..."

Sand sculpture, you tell the truth!

"Satan didn't give up, he opened a back door for me, and allowed me to travel freely between **** and hell. One day, when I figured it out, I would be his successor ..."

"When do you figure it out?"

Bruce blurted out, and felt a bit inappropriate after he said it. He coughed and changed his voice: "I mean, **** is really messy, but if you throw the dirty bombs directly, won't it cause any dispute?"

Russell shrugged. "It doesn't matter, there are no living people there."

"Will Satan have no opinion?"

"Uh, shouldn't ..."

"Yes! And great opinions!"

The gate of **** was opened again, and Satan in a white suit stepped out of the door with a fishing rod in his hand.

Why is there a fishing rod?

Russell was puzzled, and saw Satan's expression unhappy, and hurriedly waved politely to say, "Dear Lord of Hell, what kind of wind blows you?"

"A wind called nuclear radiation with strong radioactive material!"

Satan threw his fishing rod to the ground and grabbed Russell's collar: "Boy, I was fishing in the garden, but you suddenly threw in a nuclear bomb, and all the fish in the pond floated up, and I caught a fart! "

"Is there a fish pond in hell?" Russell was shocked. The temperature in the ghost place where the birds didn't **** was so scary that there was a fish pond. It was incredible.

"Because of this, this fish pond is very precious!"

"Uh, I have a friend who is super rich."

"Idiot, what do I want for human money?"

What kind of one can I burn?

Russell secretly defamated, after all, he did not dare to export.

Satan sneered, and approached Russell suddenly: "The soul you threw in before is very good. Nine more, this matter is fine."

Russell broke Satan's hand and said silently, "Tell me the truth, did you make up the fish pond?"

"How is it possible, God knows that I never lie, you can ask if you don't believe me."

Satan was talking, and suddenly felt that there was an interesting soul on the side. He turned his head slightly to see Bruce, and immediately showed an interesting smile: "Bruce Wayne, I have been following you for a while. How about it? Come and be my son and inherit the position of Lord of Hell in the future? "

Russell: "..."

Bruce and Miranda were all together, looking at Russell's eyes wrong. They acknowledged that Russell had not bragged before, the sons of **** did have a thing, but Russell did not say that everyone in **** can be a kid!

It turned out to be a bargain!

Satan and Batman nodded and smiled, feeling that he was not as interesting as Russell, could not help but feel a little disappointed, turned to the gates of hell, and warned before leaving: "Remember, don't throw some strange things in, high-quality soul Let alone. "

The gates of **** slowly merged. After Satan left, the meeting room was silent for a while, and the three of them had their own thoughts.

Russell was aggressive, knowing that the son of **** had a bad street, Satan knew his son when everyone was there, so he wouldn't show it off.

At the same time, I made up my mind, and next time I met an ugly soul, I threw it into hell, and flesh into it.

Bruce was silent for a while, digesting the crazy and weird experience, walked to the clown, took out the special handcuffs from the universal belt, and fixed it in place.

Miranda swayed forward, grabbing Bruce's neck, stomping to send a hot kiss, never thought, Bruce pushed away relentlessly.

Russell's eyes brightened, and he hurriedly found a chair and sat down, looking forward to the development of the plot in the future.

"Bruce Wayne !?"

Caring for her was rejected, Miranda looked ugly, and squeaked her teeth to read the man's name.

Bruce looked coldly at Miranda: "You go, never go back to Gotham!"

Asking is love, but the two people have different positions. Even if they love each other, they cannot come together.

In fact, Bruce was letting Miranda leave, and he was already committing a crime.

But who makes him a master? Every time, he accidentally makes a beautiful criminal escape.

"Bruce ... no, Batman, you will regret it!"

Miranda took a deep look at Bruce, engraved this face in his heart, turned and walked out of the conference room, and soon disappeared without a trace.

In this dirty bomb incident, although Miranda rarely showed up, it was Bain's almost successful help. Because of her beauty, Bruce was defeated by Bain and broke his spine.

To Bruce, or Batman, Miranda has both love and hate, and she can't even tell which kind of relationship is more important.

Before dying, Bruce wanted to have a deep affectionate kiss with Miranda, which made Miranda feel anxious and the hatred faded away instantly.

However, after the crisis passed, Bruce suppressed his feelings, turned his face away from Gotham, turned her away from love, and once again made her change from love to hate, vowing to make Bruce regret.

In the choice of love and Gotham, Bruce chose Gotham, becauseheisBatman!

Leaving the municipal building, Miranda glanced back at the darkness behind, hoping to see Bruce standing there, and even if she said nothing, she would stay desperately, but nothing.

"Wait, ruthless guy, waiting for my revenge on you and your love for the city ..."

Miranda knows that she can't beat Batman alone, let alone talk about Russell, who is extremely powerful, and destroy Gotham is purely delusional. She decided to wait until the most powerful assistant appeared.

The date Miranda counts, if not bad, her assistant will be born in ten natural months.

The situation is not complicated. At first, the woman voluntarily conceived the flesh of Bruce because she realized that Bruce's heart belonged to Gotham, not her.

Therefore, after suffering from emotional torture, she chose to join forces with Bain to kill Bruce, destroy Gotham, and take Bruce's children to go high and fly, never to separate ...

Now that things have changed, Bruce has protected Gotham again, Miranda has failed, and she no longer needs the crystallization of love. She needs a helper that Bruce can never defeat.

All I can say is that women's minds are too complicated!

Also, don't look at her desperately cramping Bruce, as long as Bruce hooks his hands, he will immediately run back.


Russell looked at Bruce, who was standing by the window and peeking, scorned: "If you regret it, you still have time. Rush over and tell her not to talk ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Kiss you."

"Useless, she's dangerous, and I can't change her!"

"Then she was locked in a bat cave and chained, and a dozen bats were born, her thoughts were different ..."

Russell patted Bruce's shoulder: "If you are afraid that the housekeeper will damage your righteous image, it is not necessary at all. I bet he will definitely help you keep it secret."

Bruce looked at Russell with a black line on his face. Hundreds of swear words lingered around his mouth. He finally grunted a cry, and the claw gun ejected out of the window, and his body plunged into the darkness.

"Fearsome guy, I don't know how to suffer after returning from the tiger. Instead of waiting for her to take revenge afterwards, it would be better ..."

Russell sneered, pressed his headset and Alfred began a private chat: "Here is the death knell, is the housekeeper there?"

"Mr. Toll, is there anything?"

"I think it's necessary to discuss with you about Bruce Wayne's lifelong happiness and the future of the Wayne family."

"Please, I will be happy to help you!" Alfred immediately became enthusiastic.

"Leave a secret address, only the kind you know. I'll send someone over later."

After reporting the address, Alfred thanked him: "Mr. Bell, I thank the Wayne family here, and I will trouble you later."

"Thank you, butler, you should have guessed it. I did this to break through Bruce's hypocrisy mask. To put it plainly, I just wanted to see his joke."

"Mr. Toll, I don't agree with this sentence, but ... Master Wayne is a little too serious!"

"Hey ..." x2

At this moment, neither of them knew that the person who was about to be sent by Russell was not one, but two.

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