End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 839: Amour 0 Terman

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A tow beam dropped, and the small spaceship where the Guardians of the Galaxy were located slowly drifted upwards and backwards. Kamora felt something wrong. Although Courage insisted that he was a reinforcement, once he entered the opponent ’s site, he could not help but want to leave It's late.

Three seconds later, the direction of the small spacecraft changed, and Kamola gave up the resistance, because it was not her choice.

I saw that in the deep space of the universe, ten large warships were arranged in an arrow shape, and the dark black armor was like a black hole, making the past light unable to escape.

The huge war machine, like facing the Battlestar, is breathtaking.

"Wait, that sign is ... Hydra !?"

In front of the battleship is the dark red flashing Hydra logo, and the skull + tentacles are very conspicuous.

"What is a Hydra?" Drax curiously.

"The well-known interstellar mercenaries are active on the battlefield of interstellar civilization. They are well-equipped and very powerful. I thought you should know."

The Rockets glanced at Drax, explaining, "They have a good reputation, and we have been cancelled several times because the employer chose them."

"A competitor?"

"You can say that."

Drax was worried. "We'll board the ship later. Will they kill us all because of business conflict?"

"I adore Groot!"

"Probably not. We can live until we are not starved to death, which is the task of picking up Hydra."

"Well, haven't we been fooled by pits to keep us from starving?"


Listening to the dialogue between the rocket and Drax's sand sculpture, Kamor pulled his face black. After a moment, the small spacecraft was taken by the towing beam into the belly position of the large battleship. A row of soldiers with live ammunition waited on the apron.

"Long live the Hydra!" Xn

Courage stepped off the spacecraft, saluting the skilled and opposite soldiers.

"Sir, please follow me. The boss wants to see you."

"I'll go now!"

"There are four of them, members of the Guardians of the Galaxy. The leader calls to see them."

"I understand."

The two Hydra soldiers led the way, and Courage and the Guardians of the Galaxy followed. Kamola stepped forward and stayed level with Courage, and whispered, "The people of Hydra actually call you sir. You hide so well. I always thought you were just an interstellar predator. "

Courage smiled proudly, "Child, there are so many things you don't know!"

"Do Stark know?"

"How could you tell him that I don't want the whole universe to know."

At the door of the flagship command room, the two soldiers stopped handing over their tasks, bravely adjusted their clothes, and took a deep breath to enter the door.

Kamola and others also entered, stopped by the soldiers in front of the door, and reluctantly surrendered their weapons.

In the command room, Russell took the captain's command chair, wearing infinite gloves on his left hand, and Ould and Natasha standing on the left and right.


Courage bowed slightly, with a very respectful tone.

"Courage, it's been a long time, I remember you were so high then."

Russell stroked the seat next to him, and according to the time on earth, he and Yong had not seen each other for more than 40 years.

"I adore Groot!"

"Amour Baxter ..."

The sudden sound made Russell go back subconsciously, his gaze jumped over the courage, and he looked at the Guardians of the Galaxy. There was no sand sculpture, and this team looked talented.

At least it looks like this!

A green Kamola, a muscular Drax, a furry raccoon rocket, and a tree bark Grut, each with a clear personality, is unique.

Because the power gem was Russell's bag long ago, Ronan died on the earth, so Sandal Star did not erupt in the battle for power gems, and Groot did not grow into a sprout. Partner with Drax two, one selling cute, one selling stupid.

As for the absence of Ronan, why can Star Guard still form the Guardians of the Galaxy, and why he was found by his ball father several years in advance.

The reason is the same as the little spider on the earth, asking is the multiverse.

Russell should have figured this out. When he first saw Supreme Master Gu Yi, the universe was already different, and he could not continue to hold the inherent impression.

Of the four, Kamora was stunned when he saw Russell. To be precise, he saw Russell wearing infinite gloves, because his father had one.

Kamola was thinking a lot, thinking of some rumors he had heard, and vaguely guessing something.

"The rumor is true. At Morrag Star, I first got the power gem and let your father destroy the tyrant's feathers." Russell's uneasy gaze at Kamoral confirmed her thoughts.


Kamola felt terrible. He managed to escape the tyrant's den and finally entered Russell's wolf's den, and she couldn't afford either of them.

Exterminator is not a good person, but this does not mean that Russell who defeated him is a good person. From the perspective of Kamora, Russell and Exterminator are both in the same ranks, and it may be worse, because Exterminator will not read the minds of others. .

Russell dismissed with a smile. "You think too much. Exterminator has soul gems. He must have read your mind, but he is too hypocritical. Unlike me, after reading it, it is bright and bright."

Thank you so much.

"you are welcome!"

Kamola ??

"What's wrong, Kamola, is he talking to you?" Rocket asked softly.

"Yes, he read my mind. Be careful, don't think too much in your heart, it will be seen by him." Camola reminded.


The Rockets and Drax were anxious. They obeyed Kamola's orders, and let their minds go as far as possible. But the more you think about it, the more secrets you have in your heart, the more you sweat out of your head.

When Russell saw his face slightly, he wouldn't look at the sand sculpture's thinking in front of him. Without him, he was afraid of being infected.

"I adore Groot!"

"Amorous ..."

Russell looked blankly at Groot, somehow, every time he heard this sentence, he couldn't help but want to go back.

It's all Batman, that's poisonous!

"Boss, Captain of the Guardians of the Galaxy is at the Igo Star. If I don't bring him out as soon as possible, Igo will ..."

Courageous halfway, he hurriedly said, "I'm so sorry, my subordinates have passed."

"Anyway, you care about the safety of your sand sculpture son. It is understandable."

"Boss, he's not my son."

"is it?"

Russell smiled and saw the courage to dare not look straight. "But I heard that your son was arrested, so I came here to help grab people. If not, then forget it."

"Well, he is my son."

At this time, Drax suddenly made a noise and said to the rocket, "Look, bravery admits that they are indeed father and son."

"Idiots, they're not biological, they're just like father and son."

"Yes, bravery admits it."

"I adore Groot!"

"Shut up, don't be ashamed here!"


The daily life between the four sand sculptures, if Deadpool is present, will be easily integrated into it, and then every effort is made to make the Star Lord green.

Maybe, Kamola will be greener!

Russell feared that he would be infected, suffering from incurable disease, and ignored the four of them and asked Natasha, "How about God Odin, has the fleet arrived?"

"Boss, according to communication, Asgard's fleet is also moving in the space node."

As Natasha said, she looked at Ould with her light. She had good looks with tall legs and long legs, and an iceberg face. She was a tough enemy.

The nine kingdoms belong to different galaxies in the universe. The fleet of Hydra set out from Wat Algem and has a shorter distance from the star of Igo. The fleet of Asgard has not arrived yet, but it is reasonable.

"Okay, let me make some preparations."

Russell said, his left hand infinite gloves made a fist, and the space gem slightly emitted blue light.

Suddenly, the deep space universe opened its mouth and engulfed ten large warships. When it reappeared, it arrived near the Star of Igo, and the surface of the planet was mainly red and blue without the naked eye.

I don't know if it was an illusion, Russell seemed to see the big face on the star of Igo moved.

"Order the guns to be recharged, and before Asgard's fleet arrives, the whole ship fires freely, giving Igo a greeting."


Natasha turned to convey the order, Russell closed her eyes and opened the channel of the dark dimension at the current coordinate position.

Only two infinite gems and the power of the dark dimension in the body are not enough to fight against a member of the Tenjin group, even if Igo is a disabled Tenjin group, the power is not as good as before.

The best preparation, the worst, is the right way to do things.

Russell is not sure of Igo's specific strength, so he has prepared all the power, including handing over intelligence to Odin and joining forces with him, for the worst.

Really can't beat, and Odin helped the queen!

Hearing that Russell ordered the guns to fire freely, several members of the Guardians of the Galaxy couldn't sit still ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ I was afraid that the unlucky eggs would be shot into the cosmic dust by a shot.

The courage made a few people calm and calm, and came forward and whispered, "Boss, Star Lord is still the star of Igo, using the naval gun directly, will not ... the silly boy's luck has never been good."

"Don't worry, the meeting ceremony is just a meeting ceremony. The naval gun can't break the star of Igo. Even if it can be broken, he won't protect the safety of Star Lord."

Russell closed his eyes and did not open his eyes. After speaking, he stopped paying attention to courage. He found a very bad thing. The surrounding dimensional space was chaotic. It was harder to open the channels of the dark dimension than on the earth.

Needless to say, this must be Igo's handwriting.

"Give me the gem!"

Russell stretched out his hand and took over the two dark gems handed by Ould, and focused on communicating the dark dimension. It might be difficult to change to others, but as the master of the dark dimension, Igo's arrangement was not difficult for him.

The dimensional demon opens the dimensional world from the outside, instead of directly impacting the current dimension from the inside. I am afraid that Igo did not expect this to happen when he was preparing for defense.