End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 865: How superheroes face claims

[Fantastic Four Heroes 2] is a street movie that hits the house of the uncle. It has a double-loss at the box office and a veritable blockbuster.

Of course, the first one didn't hesitate.

Seems lively, and the big scene is also very gimmicky, but after you watch it, think about it, and say hello to your head, what did you just watch?

If you think about it, what impresses me most is the invisible female Susan showing off all sorts of coquettishness.

that's terrible!

If the selling point that attracts the audience is the invisible woman, then it is better to go to [Sin City], the invisible woman inside is even more attractive.

But then again, if you really watched [Sin City], who would care about the invisible woman, all went to look at the broken arm Venus.

The femme fatale needs acting skills and stature, and ecstatic eyes can really kill people. When she was a witch, she also turned Captain Jack into a vampire.

miss you……

"What are you thinking?"

The Superwoman frowned, and slapped her palm on Russell's shoulder.

"Thinking of surfboards and star swallows, try to analyze their strength."

Russell's face remained unchanged, and he calmly answered: "There is not much to say about the strength of star swallowing, even in a hungry state, his strength is very strong. The key is Silver Shadow Man. If the Lord God increases the difficulty for the two of us, the biggest possibility is Start with him. "

The Superwoman nodded after hearing the words, adding: "You have missed a villain. In the plot, Dr. Destroy appears many times and steals the Silver Shadow's surfboard. It is more likely that the Lord God will strengthen him."

"This is also ..."

Dr. Doom, the prince Dum, is one of the top super villains in Marvel. At the moment of his highest light, he is capturing power beyond the protoss and becoming a powerful person close to the level of the Almighty Universe.

At that time, he was omnipotent, and instantly killed the laser eye with part of the power of the Phoenix, easily defeating the black panther with infinite gloves, the hand tearing tyrant, and so on.

Taking into account both the God of Creation and the ruler of Almighty, he extracted different parts of the multiverse and pieced them together to form a new universe.

Russell knew that the Lord God really wanted to do this, and all the reincarnations were tied together, so it was impossible for Dr. Destruction to be used by the Lord God to increase the difficulty, but his strength would never be stronger than swallowing the stars.

The bottom face of the BOSS is still to be given, after all, it is an invincible uncle swallowing.

"By the way, do you know about Silver Man and Star Eater?"

"You asked the right person. I know the characters in the context of the Marvel story very well. I also bought comic books."

"Why is it just Marvel?" The Superwoman asked in confusion.

"This is not important, I will give you a brief supplementary knowledge ..."

Russell once said, telling the Superwoman about the origin of Silver Shadow Man, and the relationship between him and Uncle Tun.

Silver Shadow, whose real name is XXX, is an astronomer on a planet in the outer galaxy. Until one day, the planet devourer came to this planet.

Star swallowing said he was hungry, and the planet was very honored to be on the menu and he was about to start cooking.

Silver Shadow tried to negotiate with Swallow Star, begging Swallow Star to let go of his mother star, and was willing to serve slaves and servants, in search of a suitable planet for food.

The star swallowed and nodded, giving Silver Shadow the ability to control the energy of the universe. The moment he gained the ability, Silver Shadow became what it is now, and all of his memory, good and evil, and moral values ​​disappeared.

Star Eater ordered Silver Shadow to find a new planet as food, because the memory was erased, and the latter immediately pointed to his mother star, indicating that the planet was edible.

Xun Xun refused and replied, "I made an agreement with a respectable person, this planet cannot be eaten."

In this way, the two confirmed the master-slave relationship, and Silver Shadow Man became one of the countless servants who swallowed the star, looking for an edible planet for it.

This story tells us that as long as it is not with your girlfriend, negotiation is really useful, from terrorists to planet devourers, you can talk about conditions.

Dr. Strange: That's right!

"Silver Shadow's ability is to use cosmic energy to express it in various ways. Steel body, infinite life, energy release, flight, but his weakness is also very obvious. Without surfboards, there is no endless Cosmic energy. "

Russell concluded: "So, there is no Silver Man, the surfboard is the body!"

"Don't talk about swallowing the stars, eat food, and destroy Dr ...."

"Dr. Destroyed in the comics is a double-doctor of magic, and he does not have any super powers. He can strengthen himself through knowledge, his magic level can be compared with Dr. Strange, and his technological level can compete with Iron Man."

Russell looked weird: "He was more watery in the movie. He and the Fantastic Four were altered by cosmic rays to change their DNA, and could control ... well, lightning attacks."

"What's wrong with lightning, is there anything wrong?"

"Nothing, I like lightning."

The two were talking. After the TV news broadcast of the thunderous situation of Thunderbolt, they began to laugh at the wedding of the invisible woman and Mr. Wonder. The host speculated that the invisible woman chose Mr. Wonder to be her life partner, perhaps because of his super powers.

Rubber machine guns, rubber rocket launchers, etc ...

The Superwoman didn't change the channel, and found that most of the TV programs were like this. She changed channels, and another host expressed her envy at the Invisible Woman, saying that she had a dreamlike superpower.

Russell blinked in approval, which is indeed the superpower that the male compatriots dreamed of. He has a ‘stealth’ skill card that has not been used to this day.

Superwoman turned off the boring TV: "The wedding of the invisible woman and Mr. Wonder is set to take place two days later, and Silver Shadow will appear in New York on the same day. Should we wait for him to show up or try to get him out?"

"Stop waiting for the rabbit, don't rush for a moment ..."

Russell glanced at Superwoman: "I promised to accompany you to buy clothes. How about now?"

Superwoman's eyes brightened, her heart warmed, and Russell was manually written three million words.

Russell: 0 (?? 3 っ) ~ (: 3 ?? [____]


On the other side, Johnny, who was awakened from the frozen state, complained that today was his unlucky day. He was best at dealing with women, and was clearly arranged by a woman of unknown origin in three or two moves.

"I swear, they must be aliens. Really, they have superpowers."

Johnny had a lingering fear, describing it with exaggerated body language: "At first I thought the woman was not afraid of high temperatures because of her armor, and she burned a fire on her without even curling her hair."

"Stop talking nonsense and see if she looks like this?"

Mr. Reed uses a digital tablet to outline his head, and presents the face of Superwoman on the computer. After many modifications, 80% of them are similar.

"Yes, I remember very clearly, this is what it looks like."

Johnny nodded again and again: "Her eyes can release the red hotline, her mouth spit cold and cold, and her power is more exaggerated than the stone man ... It is terrible. If she has a boyfriend and dares to mess around, she will be killed on the spot , No, flatten. "

Russell: No, she will forgive me!

Next, the invisible female Susan and Stoneman heard the words and rolled their eyes. No one can say that, except Johnny, because he changes girlfriends faster than women change clothes.

The identity of Fantastic Four is exposed to the public, and the happiest person is Johnny. In the past, he tried to find a girl, but now the girl took the initiative to send him to the house to pick one by one.

This is not surprising. The exposure of Fantastic Four is much higher than that of first-line movie stars. Girls who want to become famous overnight will go to Johnny.

"So what about the other, you say he is a six-winged fallen angel with a dark face and only red eyes ..."

Reed put down the electronic sketchpad and said with a headache: "Your description is deeply disturbing. When I think of this kind of person hiding somewhere on the earth, even New York, I feel a big head."

Susan heard the words and reminded: "Remember, even the end of the world, Saturday's wedding must not be postponed again."

"Of course." Reed had a worse headache.

Seeing Reed's perfunctory attitude, Susan was very upset. Her premarital anxiety broke out. Her Majesty said: "This is not a threat, but a notice. If you mess up the wedding, I will grab a man on the street and marry him . "

After letting go, Susan dropped the documents at hand and left in a huff.

No matter how terrible the potential danger is, she only knows that weddings are a lifetime event and must be treated with caution. But Reed pushed it again and again, and did not show the expectations of the newly married husband at all, as if the wedding was optional, and there was still a chance in the future.

Watching Susan fall off the door, the three men in the room shrugged, and the stone man originally glanced at the documents that Susan dropped, from the New York City government.

Fantastic Four broke three police cars in a robbery with a money transporter a few days ago, and the government demanded that they pay compensation.

"A police car was there that day?"

Ben has a terrifying look ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ I can't remember this.

This is the disadvantage of being exposed as a superhero. Every time after the execution of justice, someone will come to claim, so that their team's funds often make ends meet.

To this end, Johnny deliberately pulled out sponsorship and placed advertisements on uniforms. For details, please refer to He Jinyin's locked master.

Similar things have been experienced by other superheroes, with different reactions.

Clark Kent, the farmer ’s child: As long as I put on my glasses, they wo n’t recognize me!

Philanthropist Tony Stark: I did it, go to the finance department to check out!

One-eyed director Nick Fury: Great, I can apply for another wave of funding!

纨 绔 President Bruce Wayne: Who is Batman?

Mercenary Wade Wilson: Say, how many billions?