End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 928: Yan value betrayed him

The gravekeeper was named Carter Slay. The last time he was an evil knight, he was ordered by Mephisto to retrieve the contract from Saint Vincent Gonzalez. Because of the fear of the devil, he would destroy the world. He resigned and ran away at night. Knot.

Obviously, Mephisto, the devil, is the best capitalist in the world. It is his nature to squeeze employees, so the salary here means something else.

It's power!

Mephisto recaptured Slay's power, making it impossible to transform into a ghost knight, and cursing the rest of his life forever with pain until death.

Of course, these are all thought by Slei, the source of the power of the evil knight is not clear to him, and he really thought it was from Mephisto.

He took the contract east to hide in Tibet, and finally settled in the cemetery, becoming an ordinary gravekeeper.

This is one hundred and fifty years!

To be honest, he chose not to hide himself as a gravekeeper.

Yan value betrayed him, how could an ordinary old man be so handsome!

Especially the sharp squint, deeply restrained and focused.

Not to mention Russell, as long as ordinary people are not blind, they can see that this is an old man with a story, and it must be unusual when he is young.

And the Saint Vincent Gospel ...

The more important the treasure is, the more you need to keep it safe. Most people will think so.

Shi Lei did the opposite, hiding it in a shovel and thinking in reverse, so far no one has noticed it.

In order to keep this shovel from attracting the attention of people, Shi Lei used it to dig pits and bury soil every day. After using it, he leaned against the corner and never brought it into the room.

Very clever means, every time Shi Lei thinks of it, he is complacent, can not help but praise his clever old mind.

Too smart, who can think of this TM!

Therefore, when Russell lifted a shovel against his shoulder and turned away without a word, he was aggressive.

No, the script is not written like this!

You should hit me hard and ask me where the contract is. I swear I won't do it, and then if you hit me again, I still won't.

In the end, you were furious, and killed me on the spot. After searching for a long time in the room, you could not find anything. You had to scream and leave, and I will be revived after you leave ...

This should be the case. What does it mean to take the shovel directly?

"Wait, you robber, put down ... my shovel."

Shi Lei looked back, quickly caught up with Russell, **** shot his **** and slammed his back fiercely.

Without firing, it wasn't that Shi Lei hit the intelligence-reducing halo, but when he pulled his finger on the trigger, he intuitively told him that Russell's fart didn't matter. He might have to lie in the coffin.

Russell quickly walked on his shovel, and before the stock fell, he turned abruptly.

Huh! !! !!

The shovel was in the middle of Shi Lei's head, and the sound was endless. He stared at Venus and almost planted it in the pit.

The pits dug by hand during the day will wait for dawn tomorrow and someone will bring the coffin over.

"Sorry, I didn't do it intentionally."

Russell waved his hand apologetically, and did not intend to have a general understanding with the elderly, so the attack behind him did not happen.

He saw Shi Lei swayed and did not fall down, expecting that his body was tough and he should have no problem. He was so calm that he turned and continued to leave.

This turn ...

Huh! !! !!

This time Shi Lei did not resist, the detective grabbed it twice in the air, and planted it straight into the pit.

Russell: "..."

I said it was not intentional, does anyone believe it?

Russell shrugged and lowered the big killer from his shoulder. He was kind and feared that no one would be beaten again. He broke the shovel on the spot and took out the contract of Saint Van Gonzac hidden in it.

The contract is very long, densely written with a lot of text, in addition to the various names are additional terms, each character contains a strong dark magic.

Such a long contract, the thickness of the roll is amazing, it is difficult for Shi Lei, hollowing out the shovel and hiding it, let alone digging with such a brittle shovel.

This shovel is enchanted!

"He sent you, right?"

As soon as Russell pushed the contract behind his buttocks, Shi Lei trembled out of the pit and tried to test Russell's identity.

"He! Who does this mean?"

After getting the contract, Russell was not ready to stop, picked up the broken shovel on the ground, threw it one by one, and smashed Shi Lei who had just climbed out of the pit back.

Without transforming into a ghost knight, Shi Lei is an ordinary old man, at best a little handsome, and a little bit resistant.

"You can't take it away. You must know that it is an extremely evil deal. If it falls into the hands of the devil, what will it bring to this world ..."

Shi Lei jumped out of the pit, probably because Russell did not give up his hand several times, giving him the confidence.

He thought that Russell, like him, although he was Mephisto's dog leg, worked for hell, but walked on the edge of conscience. As long as he persuaded, Russell would be rehabilitated.

"Listen, you must not let this evil contract fall into the hands of the devil, otherwise the whole world will become a **** on earth."

Shi Lei chased to the side of the locomotive. He pulled the handlebars and refused to let go. "Young man, I don't know if you care about the whole world, but I believe you must have precious people or things, even if it is For them, you have to make the right choices, otherwise you will regret it late. "


After a straight punch, Shi Lei covered his nose and rolled.

"The last evil knight, your name is like a thunderbolt, called ... that who ... forget it, the name is not important, your mission is over, and the contract will be kept by me."

Russell retracted his fist and sighed: "Go, your life has just begun. Find a rich wife for a sunset love, wait for her inheritance after her death, and find a few beautiful young girls ... ... "

"Well, run out of heritage before you die, don't leave them alone."

It sounds pretty good!

As soon as Shi Lei's eyes brightened, he quickly shook his head to dispel the distractions. As a righteous knight who defeated the devil, he could stand any test and would never be confused by Russell's rhetoric.

"Return the contract to me. Your words make it difficult for me to believe your character!"

Shi Lei climbed up in place, glanced behind Russell secretly, and then warned solemnly: "Since you know that I am an evil knight, you must know how powerful I am. Don't force me to do it."


Russell smiled slightly, and hit another straight punch, hitting Shi Lei's nose.

"Don't be stubborn, the heroes don't mention the courage of the past. Before, now, now, now, how many times can you transform? Ten times, three times ... or the last time?"

He said to Shi Lei, who was rolling all over the ground, "Don't fight, anyway, you can't stop anything, it's better to stay alive for two years."

Alas, I was almost killed by you, what else did you say to live for two more years!

Shi Lei covered his nose, bleeding continuously in his fingers, and looking at Russell's eyes uncertain, his strength was only enough to transform for the last time.

This time the transformation is complete, even if he regains the contract, he will lose the ability to guard the contract, but he will not return even if he does not change the contract.

If I had known it, I would dig a pit and bury the contract!

Shi Lei regretted it, but his eyes became firmer. The last time, the last time, the contract must not fall into Russell's hands.

Huh! !!

As the sun and moon alternated, the moonlight disappeared into the sky, but the light of dawn did not rise.

Shi Lei rolled up the wind in front of him, his eyes were black, Russell opened three pairs of black wings behind him, and surrounded them from side to side. One of the wings stood up and pointed directly in front of him, like a pot of cold water. Body thoughts.

"How's it going?"


Seeing that Shi Lei was silent, Russell waved goodbye, twisted the handlebars of the motor, and galloped towards the city where the stadium was located.

At this moment, the dawn light broke and shattered on Shi Lei.

He sighed slightly, his clenched fist loosened, as if his strength had been evacuated, and he collapsed to the ground with a slump.

Staring at the darkness and loneliness around him, at that moment, he couldn't raise a little resistance, even if he turned into an evil knight, there was no chance.

"Law law ~~~"

A black horse ran out of the back of the cemetery, bowed his head and arched Shi Lei, awakening him from the loss.

"Yeah, what else is there for me to die for ..."

Shi Lei laughed at himself, got up and wiped his nosebleed, turned over and jumped onto his favorite horse.

At one time, in order to prevent Mephisto from getting a contract, he risked his soul to go away.

One hundred and fifty years passed, and the test came again. However, because of his blood, time was flattened, and he lost his desperate need, and had to splash the blood of his enemies, so that he would let the contract be handed over go.

After arranging the cowboy hat on his head, Sley drove her horse and chased in the direction Russell left.

Even if it is the last transformation, he will take the scroll back, this is his responsibility!

After two hours of pursuit, Shi Lei determined one thing and he lost it.

Horse ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Welcome to Johnny Blazer's amazing leap ... "

In the Super Bowl league ’s dedicated gym, today is the day when super cyclist Johnny Blaze challenged his record. The crowd was crowded at the scene, and he wanted to see for himself whether the dead expert would be at the corpse today.

The competition has not yet started, and the sound of the radio speakers has been covered by their enthusiasm. I don't know, I'm afraid this is a group of true fans.

Russell sat in the corner of the auditorium. He didn't buy a ticket because he was handsome and was put in. He also received a bucket of popcorn for free.

He looked around the field, and the sense of sight of [Death Coming] became stronger ...

Helicopters won't blow up?

High-speed text hand hits the end of the chapters list