End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 958: Nothing else, just feel interesting

"Sir, that's the general situation."

At the USR corporate headquarters in Manhattan, New York, Steve reported to Russell the results of his attendance at the SHIELD, pointing out that Tony and Nick Fury had a difficult problem and needed Russell's helping hand.

Personally, Steve doesn't want to be a spy, but he knows clearly that he doesn't say that others will also say that he will still be put on small shoes by Russell, and it will pay more.

In other companies, leaders wear small shoes to subordinates, not for purpose but means, but in Hydra, the leader wears small shoes to subordinates is really just a purpose.

As long as he was slightly negligent and left Russell a chance, Russell dared to give him small shoes.

Nothing else, just feel interesting!

"These incompetent guys can't find the way to death, and dare to fight with me."

Russell leaned on the boss chair, took out a cigarette from the cigarette case, raised his hand and raised it. Steve immediately stepped forward when he saw this, rubbing his fingertips with photon energy to ignite it.

"Well, this smoke is good, come one?"

"Sir, I don't smoke."

"Who isn't!"


Five seconds later, Steve lit a cigarette, took a silent breath, felt uncomfortable, and directly cut into the subject: "Sir, regarding how to expose the position of the Hydra and direct Nick Fury's attention to Mars, you Any guidance? "

"Steve, you have changed. You used to talk straight forward, and now you have learned to make a flattery." Russell shook his head. He was an old hooligan, and everyone who walked and walked with him followed him.

It ’s like I ’m willing, not for survival!

Steve was defamatory, with a smile on his face: "Sir, what do you mean?"

"Choose a base and expose it. Pull a teleportation array to specify the Mars base. You can find the rest of the details ..."

Steve's face went all over: "Sir, I have been stupid since I was a child. Let me work out the details, and there may be omissions."

"It's okay, Nick Fury's mind is so good. If there are any deficiencies in your plan, he will make up for you."

Russell can see it, the goal has always been only Tony, Nick Fury is his own, extremely good at sending assists.

Also, the simpler and rougher the plan, the more realistic it becomes.

There is no need to worry about the details. The enemy will help fill in the blanks of the script, which is not only safe and risk-free, but also more reasonable than making up your own brains.

"So ... which base to choose? Should there be a member exposed in the Avengers to increase authenticity?"

"The base is casual. Anyway, there is no difference between those two and two. The Avengers don't need to regenerate. No matter how many you expose, Nick Fury will be suspicious. All members are good and just do it."

Russell waved his hand: "Get it done as soon as possible. I have had a welcome ceremony on Mars, don't drag on for too long."

"I see, sir."

Steve put the planned things aside, hesitated for a moment and said, "Sir, about Karma Taj and Strang, will there be exposed there, after all, many mages know that you are a Hydra Leader. "

Steve faintly remembers that he rebelled with the Amazing Squad, then encountered the Kerry Empire's space battleships invading the earth, and then ...

The Marvel team was destroyed by the Russell group, the Kerry empire's space battleship was also destroyed by the Russell group, and Bucky Hittikri had a warhammer.

At that time, the master of Karma Taj helped open the way, and Russell easily found the surprise team.

Russell nodded and praised: "Yes, as the Captain of the Hydra, you never forget the benefits of the Hydra, so I am very pleased that I did not look wrong."

Steve: "..."

This sounds really uncomfortable!

"Don't worry, Karma Taj knows that the Supreme Master is not a Master of Hydra, and I have dealt with it ..." Russell said, showing a grinning smile, five fingers and palms slamming down everything.

Steve: "..."

Based on his understanding of Russell, it is definitely not killing people. The reason for this action was to evoke his righteousness, and he scolded human life as a child's play on the spot, and then ... Russell had a reason to wear small shoes for him!

Steve nodded expressionlessly, and his eyes were flat: "Sir, you're sure to do it yourself.

Russell: "..."

This was not the answer he wanted. What went wrong?

Was it too thorough for Captain America / Captain Marvel to fall into Captain Hydra, or was his routine clear?

If it's the former, he can't do anything. If it's the latter, Steve is a little overconfident. How can his routine be so easy to figure out.

"Steve, I murdered the innocent for a farce. You didn't see any response at all! You changed, and we said that we would fight for the maintenance of world peace!" Russell was distressed and disappointed. .

Steve was expressionless: "Sir, I am Captain of the Hydra and always prioritize the interests of Hydra."

"Oh, you dare to talk back !?"


"I've decided. Mars plans to partner with Bucky to play the main villain!"

"Sir, I have other tasks. The Avengers can't live without me."

Steve secretly said badly, hurriedly said, "I'm going to take command of the Avengers and take them to the Mars base. The schedule is full."




Five days later, somewhere in New York.

This is a remote and safe house, secretly constructed by a director of the SHIELD who did not want to be named. The source of funds is said to be saved by the director and saved with his own salary.

Nick Fury secretly recalled his most trusted agent, Agent Phil Coulson, who could not find a polar bear in Africa but found a superhero.

Black Panther!

At the end of World War II, the then King of Wakanda and Black Panther Azuri sold all five generations of Black Panther including himself to Russell and became a Hydra ... Miner.

At that time, Azuri regretted that he was a sinner of the country, and later ...

Really fragrant!

In Wakanda's ancestral teachings, only the king is a 'black panther', and the new king must be eligible to take heart-shaped herbs to gain the power of the 'black panther' when he succeeds the throne.

Otherwise, don't say that you are a prince. You have been a prince for 100 years and you haven't discussed it.

But later, Hydra developed a youthful anti-aging agent that can be redeemed based on the contribution points to the organization.

Wakanda has mines, and can supply a lot of points every year, not to mention the 100-year-old prince, the 80-year-old grandson.

In order to prevent chaos in the royal family, Wakanda had to modify his ancestral teachings. Today the king is a panther, but the panther is not necessarily the king.

In other words, there are more than one black panther in Wakanda!

In fact, this is also forced by the fact that things are scarce, no matter how precious, once the bad street is worthless.

There are too many soldiers who have taken heart-shaped herbs inside Hydra. In order to show that the royal family of Wakanda still has other values ​​besides vibrating gold veins, and in order to hold the Hydra's thigh tightly, the black panthers nested next to each other. under.

Wakanda's current king is Techarka. His father Azuri stepped down as King in his early years and now works in the Hydra Mercenary Corps. His son Techara studied abroad in Germany and encountered him when he returned home. Coulson, seeing the bravery exposed the capabilities of the Black Panther.

It was really just a chance encounter. I can only say that Coulson had good luck. When he went to Africa, he could meet a child of the Hydra family.

Techara, who was temporarily receiving the script, was a little panicked, came to New York with Zhenjin equipment and Coleson, and was invited by Nick Fury to meet in the safe house.

Nick Fury was puzzled by the fact that Africa has such a technologically powerful country. After learning that Zhenmetal is a large-scale mining industry, and that it can be used as industrial basic energy, its doubts have dissipated.

That's right, Nick Fury's Wakanda's technology is also a black panther's ability.

"Prince Techara!"

"Director Fury, just call me Techara."


Two hours later, Techara agreed to join the Avengers, with superhero Panther status only, and had nothing to do with his identity as the heir to the Wakanda throne.

Looking at Techara who flickered, Nick Fury showed a proud smile, and he was dug for help, which is a good sign!

Although the prince was very tight-lipped, rarely mentioned the state of Wakanda, and faintly contradicted him, but he did not feel that there was anything wrong, and this performance was true.

Coupled with Coulson's account of the encounter between the two, Nick Fury determined that this was an inadvertent encounter, and there was no conspiracy.

Immediately after ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Natalie and Barton sent the mission report. They had limited capabilities. The original three-day mission took five days to complete.

The good news is that they collected information about members of the Avengers and found no problems, and everyone was innocent.

Nick Fury was overjoyed that there was a spy in SHIELD, but it had not reached the point of flooding, at least the Avengers Alliance he had secretly formed had not been infiltrated.

With this powerful team, plus Karma Taj from Strange, and Wakanda from Techara, he was even more confident.


The communicator sounded, Nick Fury opened it for a look, and his eyes flickered, and Tony's connection to the global satellites gained something.

Then, the communicator rang again, and Strange also found out that he had now arrived in New York.

God help me too!

Translating Nick Fury's mood, roughly these four words.