End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 960: Sneak in

On the surface of Mars, a cyclone rose flatly, and in the desert where the wind and sand stormed away, this wind sound disappeared quickly.

Soon, the three ghostly figures quickly moved in the sand, moving towards the target.

"Captain, you actually have a fighter that can fly in the universe. Which civilization's product has a great shape, is it free shipping?"

Tony is dressed in a steel suit, and the golden red of Sao Bao is placed against the background of Mars, which looks extremely protective.

Also possessing protective colors are Strange, the floating cloak is booming, and complements the world of Mars.

Of the three, only Steve was in a black combat suit and was tight-fitting, but unfortunately it was not a leather coat, otherwise it would be more in line with the theme of secret infiltration.

The atmospheric density of Mars is less than one percent of the Earth ’s atmosphere. The main component is carbon dioxide, which directly causes sounds to not travel too far on Mars. Even if we can hear each other ’s dialogue, because of vibration, they also interact with the sounds on Earth Very different.

Therefore, the three use the hidden form of intercom communication provided by Tony, which is still the technology from Hydra.

"Cybertan civilization!"

Steve rolled his eyes, and the Avengers were short of transportation. Russell immediately sent the special plane to his door, saying that it was a Megatron-type attack aircraft of the Cybertron planet.

It's so nonsense, it was made up at first. He had been a captain in Amazing years. He was also considered to be the Milky Way. Cybertron civilization ... I have never heard of it.

"Which civilization is that? Can you introduce it?"

Tony turned on the recording function, and he was very interested in alien civilization. The main reason was not the worship of technological civilization, but as a standard earth person, he had a very standard earth habit.

Your fighter is good. Can you lend me a look and return it to you after reading it?

"Tony, do you know why I didn't take out the spaceship before?"

"Because you don't need it!"

"No, because you or Director Fury know that the spacecraft may not belong to me."

"Uh, this ... I'm doing scientific research, and Director Fury is the robber."

Tony knew that the topic was embarrassing, his eyes locked on the front, and the positioning signal from the mechanical spider was getting closer and closer on the operation plane that only he could see.

Ten kilometers away, a large wave of air emerged from the sky, and the light curtain was grounded, reflecting the red light on the ground.

Seeing the mountain running dead, the three of them saw the defensive cover of the Hydra Mars base all the way, and it still took a long time to reach the goal.

Tony suggested flying directly and being stopped by cautious Strange. On other people's sites, high-profile actions were tantamount to death.

Tony was very disdainful, low-key is not his style, think about the opponent is the enemy of the parallel universe, and finally agreed.

Steve: "..."

He knew very well that Tony just rushed in with his stereo, and no one would look at him directly.

Because it's not time to see him!


Earth, SHIELD Trident Headquarters, Nick Fury was in the office, a personal computer received the signal from Tony, heard Steve and Tony orchestrate his character, and immediately looked black.

The robber behavior is purely stigmatizing. He also borrowed things occasionally for the sake of the long-term stability of the earth.

There is also the captain, who actually guards him like a thief, it should not be.

The Avengers assembled and stood by in the safe house, but Nick Fury stayed at the SHIELD headquarters. It was not that he was afraid of death. On the contrary, because he feared that the Avengers suddenly disappeared and caused unnecessary attention, he proactively exposed himself to the public. Under the vision.

He didn't know how many Hydra spies were in the SHIELD Bureau, and he couldn't tell who was trustworthy. He simply kept his daily routine and stayed stable at the headquarters.

It's a brave method, and it would be better if Tony had a shorter delay.


In front of the protective cover, wind and sand rolled over the mat, slamming the sound of stones falling to the ground.

Stranger opened the eyes of Agomo, and after investigating, there was no trace of magic, and he nodded silently at Tony.

Steve was the first to pass through the defensive cover, and was wary on the surface. He was as stable as an old dog. He knew very well that there was no possibility of exposure before entering the Hydra base on Mars.

Because this time the invasion task, not the three of them avoided everyone, but everyone avoided them.

How could it be exposed?

Through the protective cover, Tony and Stranger looked to the steel city in the distance, especially the spectacular interstellar port, and felt the powerful potential of technology.

At the same time, they deeply hope that human beings will one day be so powerful.

"Don't look at it, be careful not to be found."

Steve reminded him, and Strange returned immediately, using the magic cloth to reflect the light, making the three invisible.

"Captain, seeing such a shocking scene, your response is too bland." Tony murmured.

"I've seen many starports of interstellar civilizations before. More spectacular than this, I'm used to it."

"Yes, I'm from the country ..."

At the prompt of Strange, the three men were cautious along the way. The robot spider explored the road, avoided the traps and triggers along the way, and touched the edge of Star Harbor.

Tony asked: "Mage Strinch, can your stealth magic trick the scientific instrument?"

"You can only lie to the naked eye."

"This magic isn't cool at all. It's not as useful as my suit, but there is only one suit. I can't bring two people in!"

Tony complained, Yu Guang glanced at the patrol squadron passing by, and leaned against it.

Steve held Tony's shoulders and pulled it back, shaking his head to deny it: "That's the Zitari biochemical soldier, a half-life and semi-mechanical cannon fodder, and every soldier's brain is connected to the switchboard. Kill them and our location will be exposed instantly. "

"The aliens are really troublesome ..."

Tony frowned, trying to grab three pieces of armor to pass the level. Now it seems impossible.

Fortunately, there are cosmic experts among the three.

"Captain, when you used to hang out, you encountered a scene of latent entry, such as now, how do you deal with it?"

"Generally ..."

Steve pondered for a moment and gave the answer: "The interstellar war hits the mother star and basically declares the end of the war, so you rarely say that happens."

"and then?"

"I'm a soldier, not a spy. Whenever I need to sneak in, I just rush in and kill the mission target."


Expert opinions have no reference value. If the Star Harbor is directly blown up, Steve's simple and rude plan is king. The problem is that Tony is smashing the Hydra base and wants to grab it as well as possible.

"I have a solution, hit the West!"

Strange said, "Leave someone outside to create chaos. The bigger the movement, the better. The remaining two secretly sneak in, find the top commander of this base, and use him to paralyze the entire Star Harbor defense system ..."

Tony nodded: "Summarizing hundreds of words of nonsense, it's decapitation, right?"

Strange rolled his eyes, and he was outnumbered, and wanted to rob control. This was the only way.

"Then the question is coming, who's left to create chaos?"

"..." x3

Tony: "My suit has a stealth function, and it is my responsibility to sneak in."

Strange: "I have invisibility, penetrating objects, and perceptual magic to quickly find the highest commander of the base."

Steve: "..."

Tony: "Only I can control the Starport Defense System!"

Strange: "I still have the task of opening the portal and launching the Avengers."

Steve: "..."

"..." x3

Steve covered his face silently. So far, it seems that he is the best bait.

However, if he blows up his own house or something, will Russell take the opportunity to wear him small shoes?

Strange: "Captain, please!"

Tony: "Captain, it happens to be your best model, and the technical flow is left to us."

"Ah, I know."

Steve was speechless. Sometimes he really admired Russell. The script had gone too far, but he was running and turning back to the original track. How did he do it?


At Trident Headquarters, Nick Fury wondered at the freeze-framed picture, wondering if the three of Steve stood in front of the protective cover for a long time. Did an accident occur? As a result, the three of them jumped to the side of Star Harbor .

Nick Fury: "..."

What happened, just got stuck?


boom! boom! boom! boom----

In the distance, a dull explosion sounded, and Tony and Strance sensed ground vibrations, nodded to the viewpoint, and launched the invasion with Star Harbor as a breach.

Strangy opened a cloud of light, and Tony raised his hand to release the laser, opening a large hole in the metal wall for one person only.

After the two disappeared, the patrolling Zita Swiss soldiers passed by, watching the big cave slightly stunned.

After a while, the maintenance robot rushed to re-weld the big hole and restore it to a new look.

Tony and Strange infiltrated the Star Harbor. The huge and well-connected passages made people dizzy. Strange signaled Tony to wait in place, and his shape disappeared into the ground.

Blind search is too time consuming. With the horrible area of ​​Hydra Base, the two may not find the target after spending ten days and a half months.

Three minutes later, Strange entered a monitoring room in Xinggang. His complicated operation interface made him clueless. He used a walkie-talkie to contact Tony.

"Tony, according to my positioning ..."


The door of the surveillance room opened, and Tony in the invisible state walked into the room and looked at the empty room: "Mage, according to the positioning, you should be in the wall now, right?"

Strange showed his avatar, his face glum: "Why are you so fast?"

"Uh, you might not believe it, there is a map in the corridor."

Strinch: "..."

His face was twitched, and the scene was too embarrassing to know what to say.

"So strange!"

Tony withdrew from stealth, wondering: "Just as the captain said, the alien unit is controlled by the switchboard, so why is there a map in the corridor?"

"This is the Hydra base. There cannot be only one branch. The captain also said that it was a cannon fodder."

"That makes sense!"

Tony nodded, stretched his hand close to the operation interface, and the armour on the arm separated like a stream of water. After invading the surveillance system, he downloaded the base map and the defense division.

Suddenly, the door of the monitoring room was locked, all the instruments were automatically shut down, and the noise alarm came from outside the house.

"..." x2

Tony retracted his hand silently, with an innocent look: "Hydra's firewall is great, much stronger than the SHIELD."

"Damn, this is not the time to say this, you have to figure out a way, I'm looking for a safe corner ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ to teleport the Avengers." Strance faded, disappeared into the ground.

The secret invasion has failed, and it is now evacuated to return to Earth, and it will be more difficult to return next time.

Without a retreat, you can only make a fortune!

Strange decided to try it out, and if the defense of Hydra's Mars base is really unstoppable, then consider withdrawing the Earth from a long-term perspective.

Looking at Strangie disappearing, Tony shrugged, wondering if a person was fine, at least no one dragged him.


At Trident headquarters, Nick Fury's communicator sounded, and he opened it to look at the message from Coulson.

‘Sir, the Avengers have set off! ’

Nick Fury lowered the communicator. On the screen in front of him, the three of them were standing in the corner of Star Harbor, and had been fixed for a while.

"F beep!"