End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 988: Show you the way

"No one is behind, the robot is not chasing, and the police are not chasing."

In the escaping police car, John sat kneeling in the back and looked nervously at the rear window. Leng Buding said something that he was also a little scared: "Why do we run away, the police officer looks like a good person and he will help us."

"Don't be stupid. New York doesn't have unarmed robots and can throw them out of the police for a dozen meters."

Sarah Conner was in a daze, glanced at the one-handed T-800, whose arm was crooked, which was by no means human.

John understood this, too weakly, "But he mentioned Skynet, maybe ..."

"Nothing, it only shows that he is from the future and is a more dangerous robot."

Sarah Conner interrupted by speaking directly, except for her son and herself, she didn't believe anyone, even the T-800 who was loyal to the Lord.

"He's not a robot!"

The T-800 suddenly made a noise, correcting Sarah Conner's mistake: "According to the scan and the database comparison, he is indeed a New York policeman named Russell."

Sarah Conner heard a word of delay: "That monster is famous in the future?"

"No, there is no information about him in the future, and it is initially judged that he died on the trial day of the outbreak of nuclear war, but he mentioned Skynet, which contradicts the information, and the CPU scans him, except for his personal identity."

"What do you mean, what exactly is he?" Sarah Conner was confused.


T-800 responded ruthlessly, no important prop sunglasses on his face, and the terminator's internal taste was seriously insufficient.

Sarah Conner shook her head, turned to look at John, and reprimanded, "John, you shouldn't come to me. It's too dangerous. You almost got killed just now."

"You are important. It is the hope of human beings. You can't take risks by yourself. Understand?"

After learning about the sad future of humankind, witnessing the tragic death of her lover, and her son will become the savior, Sarah Conner is a little nervous.

She trained as a special force, demanding that John be as strong as her and start training at an early age.

In a way, Sarah Conner was put in a mental hospital. It was a right decision. Her anxiety caused emotional instability and had a tendency to worsen.

"I just want to save you ..."

John was aggrieved. He hadn't seen it for a few years. He dreamed that his mother would give him an affectionate hug, but the result was a reprimand.

He missed his mother, is there anything wrong?


The police car stopped abruptly, and Sarah Conner stared at Russell on the side of the road. "Damn, why is he here?"

The T-800 didn't answer. The police car turned around and continued to run. A moment later, he saw Russell again.

"Get off, we can't run, and the other party has shown that he is not malicious."

In the police car, the T-800 was expressionless and Sarah Conner was at a loss. Instead, John was the most calm, or came up hard and refused to obey his mother's order.

He pushed the door of the car and walked quickly towards Russell, with tears in his eyes.


Sarah Conner pushed the door, and when he ran out, John had stood in front of Russell.

"Don't cry to me, no sugar for you."

Russell raised his hand and held John's head, rubbing his hair into a henhouse, then kicked the T-800 forward and walked to the driver's seat of the police car.

"Get on the bus and find a quiet place, let's talk slowly."


Midnight factory, people went to the building silent.

On the rooftop on the top floor, Russell sat cross-legged, looking at the three overwhelmed guys in front of him, and stretched out his fingers: "Sit, don't be kind to me, don't be afraid, I'm a good policeman."

The premise of a good policeman is, first of all, a policeman!

Sarah Conner questioned Russell's identity reservations and was reluctant to believe that he was a human being. A robot with imitation capabilities is more likely.

She took her son to sit down honestly, the T-800 stood upright like a bodyguard, and the steel-cast body had a tough guy style. If one of his arms was not a U-shaped tube, it would definitely be cooler.

"Introduce yourself, my name is Russell, a serving New York police officer."

Russell looked at Sarah Conner, who was very attentive: "You don't need to introduce yourself. I know who you are. They are the Savior, the Savior's mother, and the Savior's stepdad."

"Here is the mother of the savior. There is no father of the savior. He is a robot!"

Sarah Conner immediately stunned back. She had only one husband and would never remarry.

"That is unfortunate, because you are not a qualified mother, which leads to this child's lack of family care and the T-800 over there as a father."

Russell said, looking at the motionless T-800, and said with a smile: "You are calm. I thought that when I mentioned the savior, you would be fussed and ask where I got the information."

Sarah Conner responded coldly: "You don't want to say, we can't force you!"

"Ma'am, your mother has zero strength, and she has no charm as a woman ..."

Russell shook his head and waved his hand towards the T-800: "Come here, I'll give you an old CPU with a BUFF to make you look more personal."

The T-800 didn't move at all, and didn't command Russell at all.

"Okay, I'll go."

Russell got up and walked towards T-800. He slapped his palm on the opponent's shoulder, and suddenly John's thigh was embraced.

"Please, don't hurt him ..."

"I said, I'm not a bad person."

While Russell was talking, using the power of the "Left of the Seat", the Holy Light attached to the whole body of T-800, giving him life and soul.

The shape has not changed, and it is still the governor's stiff, dead face, which can only be seen by dissecting the bionic epidermis. Its silver-white metal skeleton is patterned with complex golden lines.

The T-800's body trembled, and his bent arm recovered automatically. He raised his hands and looked up in front of his eyes.

Because he was experiencing himself for the first time, he was shocked by a complicated 'code' called feelings, and he fell into a down state, commonly known as 'aggression'.

"Are you okay? Hey, hey ..."

John jumped and patted the T-800's face. He noticed that the situation was different. He turned and glared at Russell. "What did you do, how did he become like this?"

Sarah Conner took a breath, if she read correctly, the future human savior would really treat a machine as his father.

Too bad, if the savior becomes ‘pro-machine’, would n’t humans have any hope!

"I made him a 'person', with the will and the ability to think independently. In other words, he is now more advanced than Skynet."

"What !?" x2

The mother and the child were in the same voice, but their voices were completely different. Sarah Conner was terrified, and John was full of joy.

It seems to verify what Russell said. The T-800's body ignited a white flame, and the external epidermis used for camouflage burned out, exposing the sacred metal skeleton.

On its chest and shoulders, the golden path intersects into a cross pattern, like a metal angel descending from the earth.

"My body still has procedures. What a strange way of thinking ... Is this evolution?"

T-800 murmured to himself, twisting the halo on the body surface, changing the governor's human appearance.

Three seconds later, Shame went online. He transformed into a black suit, and took out a pair of sunglasses from his jacket pocket to wear it.

"If this is evolution, I feel pretty good, as if I really have life."

T-800 said, with an anthropomorphic puzzled expression on his face: "So, Officer Russell, can you tell me your identity?"

"Damn, you really turned him into a 'human'? How could you do that and turn him back!"

Sarah Conner was scared to pee, and a robot with her own will has always been her nightmare.

"Don't be nervous, I can give it to him, and I can get it back naturally."

Russell waved his hand calmly, and telepathy calmed Sarah Conner, who was on the verge of collapse, and continued: "A super robot that doesn't exist in history and was born before Xiannet. Do you want to say nothing when you see Anuo? "


Sarah Conner looked at Russell in amazement and thought of something. Her face was horrified and she looked at T-800. She found that her son was still by the other side and began to panic again.

"Yes, I gave the T-800 a name."

"Sergeant Russell, I prefer the name 'Governor'."

"Okay, Arnold!"

Russell replied, no longer playing the maze, and bluntly said: "The future is elusive, and a butterfly wing can give birth to countless unknowns. Correspondingly, the future is correct, and the eventuality will eventually happen."

"Because of these certainties and uncertainties, no one knows what the future looks like. Even if you have a script, the identity is only an actor, and the plot is up to the director!"

"Ms. Conner, don't take yourself too seriously, don't take John too seriously. Without him, there are other saviors. The world is far more complicated than you think."

Russell said only what he understood: "How many protagonists are there? Maybe before Skynet, the world has been tossed by them."

The Terminator appears today, and the Transformers land on the earth tomorrow. The day after tomorrow is the story of the day after tomorrow. Which net on the Skynet counts.

"What the **** do you want to say?" Sarah Conner grew more confused.

"Mom, Sergeant Russell means that we are not that important, little people."

John interjected, and Sarah Conner gave him a stern glance, and immediately lowered her head to embrace Arnold's thigh for comfort.

Arnold raised his hand to cover John's head, while touching his head to kill, while showing the pampered expression of the loving father ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ John is right, there will be no trial day, and there will be no nuclear war. Sleep at home, and live like an ordinary person in the future. "

"How could it become an ordinary person ..."

Sarah Conner shook her head with a bitter smile, and she also looked forward to the days of peace, but that was gone forever.

Not to mention, she can't find a job like a normal person just because she escaped from a mental hospital.

"I'll show you the clear way about this. Have you heard of the Dream Foundation?"

Russell touched the devil's cell phone from behind his back and dialed Satan's line.

"Beep ---"

After the blind tone, a mature and charming voice came out.

"Here is the Dream Foundation, please press 1 for membership application, press 2 for legal aid, press 3 for online wishing, press 4 for manual service, and hang up for Russell!"