Entertainment Circle Ancient Female General

Chapter 91

Biquge lightnovelpub.net, the fastest update of the latest chapter in the female circle of the entertainment circle [古 穿 今]!

What is sadness and misfortune, Tuobayan feels it.

Qin Mu is a decent person who looks normal, but once it comes to the topic of Zhou Menghuai, she is as if she lost her soul.

Tuobayan really wanted to punch him with a punch and explode the confused soft egg.

You dare not face Zhou Menghuai, there are many other Zhou Menghuai suitors!

She didn't tell Qin Mu directly about Xie Hui, who had suspicious motives around Zhou Menghuai, lest Qin Muzhen collapsed with stimulus.

Tuobayan pulled the USB flash drive and said with a bad voice: "I'm going to find Teacher Zhou, think about it yourself."

Qin Mufu nodded like a quail and shrunk into a ball.

Tuobayan sighed helplessly and went to the study to print the script.

After printing and binding, she dialed Zhou Menghuai's phone, and a few beeps sounded, the other party's gentle voice rang: "Hello."

General Tuoba really felt that she was unlucky and pitiful. She put on such a nasty thing as Qin Mu. She said: "Mr. Zhou, I am Tuobayan. Are you free now? I have something to ask you for help."

Zhou Menghuai said with a smile: "It's a coincidence. I just finished my morning class. Where can we meet?"

Tuobayan said: "It's convenient to see you."

Zhou Menghuai's voice was gentle and airy: "Just I want to go to the drink shop opposite the school to have something to drink, why not go there."

After agreeing on the location, Tuobayan quickly changed his clothes and shoes and carried the small backpack to the door.

Passing through the living room, Qin Mu was still sitting in a state of loss, not knowing what to think. Tuobayan couldn't help but rolled his eyes and suffocated out.

Meng Meng sent her to the door of Jingying School to find a parking space by herself.

Tuobayan entered the door of the beverage store, and there was soothing music in it. The atmosphere was very good. Zhou Menghuai was sitting on the seat by the floor-to-ceiling window, and there was no one around him.

She pushed the spectacle frame subconsciously, and then waved a smile to Tuobayan.

Tuobayan sat down and smiled: "Ms. Zhou has been waiting for a long time."

"No, I usually spend time here without class." Zhou Menghuai beckoned the clerk and said to Tuobayan, "Drink something."

Tuobayan did not refuse, she ordered a cup of milk tea.

There was already an empty plastic cup in front of Zhou Menghuai. Seeing that it was drunk while waiting for Tuobayan, she said, "Come on a strawberry Buffy."

After talking and smiling embarrassedly: "I prefer sweets."

The two greeted each other, and Tuobayan cut into the main question: "Mr. Zhou, I now have a good script in hand. I would like to invite you to come out to guide the shooting."

Zhou Menghuai froze for a while, her expression faded and said to Tuobayan: "I'm sorry, I just want to be an ordinary teacher now, and I don't have the idea of ​​filming again."

Tuobayan had expected that she took the script of "Teaching Support" from her backpack and pushed it to Zhou Menghuai:

"Teacher Zhou, I am sincere."

Zhou Menghuai shook his head: "Not sincerely and sincerely, I once swore that I would never film again."

Tuobayan took a step back and said: "Then please help me look at this book, can give some suggestions, I also benefited a lot."

Zhou Menghuai saw Tuobayan not insisting on inviting her, and she was relieved. She took the script, stared at the cover and taught the characters for a moment, and then turned to the next page.

The waiter delivered Zhou Menghuai's Buffy and Tuobayan's milk tea, but the former's mind was not at all on the strawberry Buffy, who was just looking forward to. Click on the script with a snap.

Zhou Menghuai's eyes were closed and his expression was serious. Tuobayan drank milk tea on his own.

After stalemate for a while, Zhou Menghuai sighed and looked sadly: "Have she been okay?"

Tuobayan said: "No, it's on the streets, if it wasn't for me that I happened to be run into by a few non-influential gangsters."

Zhou Menghuai was obviously surprised, her eyes widened, she seemed to want to say something, but she didn't say anything, but forced her expression to be dull: "Is it ..."

However, Tuobayan saw clearly that Zhou Menghuai's hands pinched the corner of the table, because his fingertips were too hard, his lips were slightly white, his lips were tight, his eyes moved, and he was obviously in a complicated psychological struggle.

She was worried, and she still thought about Qin Mu in her heart.

Tuobayan is really worthless for Zhou Menghuai. Judging from Qin Mu's performance, she is not worthy of Zhou Menghuai!

Yes, Qin Mu is talented, but the standard for judging people in this world is not only talented, except for this, Qin Mu is simply useless!

But Zhou Menghuai's sincerity is not fake.

Tuobayan whispered: "If, Qin Mu ..."

"Tuo Bayan." Zhou Menghuai interrupted Tuoba Yan's words.

Tuobayan quietly waits for Zhou Menghuai's following.

Zhou Menghuai's thin face didn't have any blood at the moment. She was bitter with sadness. She bit her lip and her eyes were red. "I promise you to come and shoot this script."

She raised her hand and shivered to remove a silver necklace from her neck. A ring fell on the necklace. Upon closer inspection, she realized that it was a women's ring with a small diamond.

Zhou Menghuai held the ring in his palm, and after a few moments, took it off the necklace and pushed it to Tuobayan:

"You tell her, I don't want to wait any longer."

Tuobayan did not expect Zhou Menghuai to be so determined, she whispered: "Teacher Zhou."

Zhou Menghuai tried to make himself look free and easy, but his voice was crying, and his haggard face was twisted, sobbing and said, "I'm tired, I've waited for her for so many years, I'm so concerned about it ... . "

After talking, tears finally burst out, and she wept bitterly, and the whole person couldn't cry.

Tuobayan put his hand on Zhou Menghuai's shoulder, his hand was almost a bone. She didn't know what she should do, should she try to help Qin Mu recover Zhou Menghuai's heart, or tell Zhou Menghuai directly that you are doing well, that should be the case for Qin Mu's unconscionable goods, let her regret it .

With emotion in his heart, Tuobayan chose silence.

After Zhou Menghuai cried, she seemed to really put down something. She wiped her tears and smiled: "Tuoba, let you laugh."

Tuobayan handed her a tissue: "Call me Xiaoyan, everyone calls me like this."

Immediately after that, Tu Bayan and Zhou Menghuai chatted for a long time, and the topic has been in the script, about the role selection, funding issues, shooting venues and equipment, and auditing. Being able to explain them one by one, I could not help but make General Tuoba secretly overjoyed, and I found the right person.

Tuobayan didn't go home until dusk.

Qin Mu waited with anxiety. As soon as Tuobayan opened the door, she rushed up, huddled around like a clumsy large dog, but was speechless.

Tuobayan lowered her eyes and opened her palms, lying quietly inside the ring that Zhou Menghuai asked her to hand over.

Qin Mu froze suddenly.

She looked at the plain ring in disbelief, covered her mouth with her hand, and stepped back.

Tuobayan expressionless: "Ms. Zhou said she was tired and did not want to wait any longer."

Qin Mu could no longer stand, sitting heavily in the chair behind him, despairing in his face: "She doesn't want me anymore ..."

Tuobayan sneered: "What do you have to wait for Mr. Zhou to wait for? For so many years, she is benevolent! You think you are good for her, and you are hiding from her with all your thoughts. Now that she is stubborn, don't you get what you want? ? Now who is making this picture again? Are you stupid? Are you scumbag! "

She was obviously older than her, but Qin Mu could n’t refute her rebellion at all. She looked blankly at Tuobayan ’s face and suddenly realized what was happening. Qin Mu supported the chair back and stood up desperately, full of hope. :

"Are you lying to me? Are you lying to me! How can Menghuai ..."

Tuobayan dragged her hand and broke apart. Qin Mu's ring finger also had the same ring.

Tuobayan pinched the ring belonging to Zhou Menghuai and shook it before Qin Mu's eyes: "Look clearly."

Then put it into Qin Mu's palm and force her to clenched her fist.

"This is what Teacher Zhou asked me to give you. People are not rare. Your feelings are polished, and this ring is naturally no longer important. You can handle it as you like."

Qin Mu collapsed, her tears were flowing, and her numbness repeated: "What should I do, what should I do?"

A crackling sound!

Qin Mu was dumbfounded by Tuobayan. She opened her mouth and looked at Tuobayan silly.

Tuobayan gritted his teeth: "You waste! I tell you, I look down on you!"

Qin Mu hadn't responded yet, Tuobayan slapped again on her cheek!

"This is for Teacher Zhou! She should have given you a slap and let you get out!"

This time it was even harder. There were two red slap marks on Qin Mu's face. She opened her mouth blankly, her nose was sour, and her nosebleeds all came out. She wiped her face and smeared it all over her face. , Chong Tuobayan crying: "What should I do! Tuobayan, what should I do!"

Tuobayan was about to be blissed by her, and she would beat her again if she wanted to. Her nosebleed face was so pickled that she couldn't get started; just leave with anger and fear that Qin Mu and Zhou Menghuai really had no room to save.

General Tuoba saw clearly that Zhou Menghuai did not pretend to be a strong and decisive look. In fact, he still failed to put down Qin Mu's advice.

Why is such a good woman blind to Qin Mu!

Tuobayan had a headache, and she scolded: "If you have a species, go and chase them back again! Nagging me has a fart!"

A casual sentence seemed to inspire Qin Mu, she was stunned for a while, and finally recovered her reason.

Qin Mu said: "You're right, I'm going to chase her back again. I have owed her all these years and owe her so much. I haven't paid them back yet. If I just give up, I will be no different from salted fish. . "

Tuobayan didn't expect that Qin Mu actually figured it out. She looked at Qin Mu strangely, but Qin Mu changed into a person and turned into the bathroom. Then there was a loud noise, which should be washing her face.

Does this person dare to remember to eat or not? Still a cheap bone?

Qin Mu asked aloud in the bathroom:

"Tuo Bayan, can I use your makeup to make it?"

Tuobayan is also speechless: "... whatever. Don't move the rightmost row, it's my wife."

Tuobayan walked into the kitchen. A note was attached to the refrigerator. It was left by Li Yanluo, saying that she had entertainment at night, and she might come back later to let the mop eat herself.

She opened the refrigerator to take out the leftover rice, fried a pot of egg fried rice by herself, and chewed herself depressed.

Hey, there is no fragrant meal without a wife.

Qin Mu had a lot of drumming, and when he finally got out of the bathroom, the slap print on his face had been covered with fat powder, and her hair had been taken care of carefully. She asked Tuobayan: "I can't see it on my face?"

Tuobayan said lazily: "I can't see it, it's okay." Actually it's still a little swollen.

Qin Mu touched his face and grinned with painful teeth: "Xiao Tuoba, you are too ruthless, and don't pity my sister's appearance."

Tuobayan was almost spoiled by her and coughed and said, "... you are so confident."

Qin Mu said: "Hey, I can still see this face."

Tuobayan was soon disgusted by this narcissistic maniac: "What do you want to do quickly, don't dangle in front of my eyes."

Qin Mu laughed and rubbed his fingers: "Boss, owner, boss, I have handed over the script to you. Can you pay a little salary? I will buy a bouquet for my wife."

Tuobayan withdrew a few banknotes from her wallet and sent her: "Hurry up."

Qin Mu took the money in disgust: "It's stingy, just take a taxi at this point and it's gone. It's not enough to have a meal ..."

Tuobayan was about to take it back, Qin Mu jumped back, and the monkey-like fart slipped out the door.

After eating, General Tuoba leaned on the sofa to read the script.

She discussed with Zhou Menghuai this afternoon and wanted to play the role of Hailan herself.

Undoubtedly, the most important and the most outstanding character in this play is the sea blue, her innocence and innocence, her loyalty to love, all touch the heart of Tuobayan, she looked at Line by line, I didn't feel obsessed.

Her thoughts drifted away, and she came trance to a rolling mountain, full of green trees, and the tortoiseshell ditch was in the green and blue.

Faced with a plate of greasy scrambled eggs, the arrogant mistress Jane Qiong could n’t get chopsticks. However, this is the precious food that villagers have to cross dozens of miles to the market to exchange for daily necessities; The children couldn't understand her Mandarin, no matter how Jane Qiong taught carefully, he couldn't draw a simple figure ...

On the first night of tortoiseshell, Jian Qiong was hungry and embarrassed. She shrank under the old bedding and covered her mouth so that no colleague outside her room could hear it.

What should I do? Do you admit defeat like this?

Jian Qiong wiped her tears while thinking about whether to run away.

Jian Qiong could hardly support it. When she came, she was still praising her for the beautiful scenery and she could enter the painting. She felt that she was in a hell. She was sitting in a daze on a wooden chair, and her eyes were projected from the window. The scenery more beautiful than the mountain leaps into the eye.

Tall girl with old braided braids and **** oil braids on her shoulders, her skin is not white and clear for urban girls, but healthy wheat color, but it complements her wild beauty. She was carrying a worn rattan basket and shouted her brother's name in native language:

"Yaowa, come to dinner!"

The school bell rang, and the children ran into the classroom of the adobe room, and soon came the sound of reading, and the girl who sent the meal enviously stood outside the courtyard wall, with a deep desire in her eyes.

How much I want, how much I want to read ...

The author has something to say: wants the general to play the sea blue, hahaha