Entertainment Guru Rebirth

Chapter 1728: Aircraft cemetery

Cell phone

Half an hour later, the car steadily stopped in front of an extra-large iron gate. The wall was almost ten meters high, surrounded by soldiers on guards, with real guns and live ammunition, where it looked like a sculpture. ┡WW*W.ん KeWaiShu. ORG【Full text reading】

As Apollo walked in, everyone including Xiao Yunhai was stunned. Inside, there was an extremely empty concrete floor, on which there were so many fighter jets, bombers, and armed helicopters stopped.

"Damn, is this the most famous airplane cemetery in America?" Long Yi, who had always been steady, was not calm at this time.

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Xiao Yunhai said, "I would rather destroy it than sell it to other countries. The United States is really good. Are these planes still usable? Why do I see that some places are painted off?"

Apollo smiled and said, "Mr. Xiao, these are all planes eliminated from the American army. They have been eliminated for many years, and they are basically out of order. We put them here, but use waste. The helicopters and drones you want are in separate In a warehouse. Please follow me."

Everyone followed Apollo to a huge warehouse, where hundreds of fighter jets, bombers, gunships and other types of aircraft were neatly placed.

Long Yi said in surprise: "Mr. Apollo, is this the aircraft that the United States retired the year before?"

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Apollo smiled and said, "Yes. However, these aircraft are related to our core technology and cannot be sold to you."

Long Yi smiled bitterly: "It's mainly because we bought it and it's useless. We can't build an airport for these planes. The African government definitely disagrees."

Apollo nodded and said, "That's right. The three mercenaries of the Bessie family and the two mercenaries of the Anderson family have no fighters or bombers. If there are, they will definitely be attacked by African countries. After all, That stuff will make their capital less safe."

Xiao Yunhai said: "But we need missiles."

Apollo frowned and said, "Mr. Xiao, we have reached an agreement and the missile is not in the arms deal."

Xiao Yunhai said: "What I want is a miniature missile like the Stinger. I don't need a missile with huge lethality. You don't want to refuse this matter."

Apollo thought for a while and said, "That's not a problem. However, the price is more expensive."

Xiao Yunhai smiled and said, "Yes."

Everyone came to the innermost, dozens of armed helicopters, more than two hundred drones, lying there quietly.

Xiao Yunhai asked, "Is this handed over to us?"

Apollo nodded and said, "That's right. They have served in the American Army for five years, and they haven't been for a long time, and there is no loss. We can repair it for you to ensure that it will look like new."

Xiao Yunhai turned his head and looked at Long Yi. Long Yi knew, and said, "Meng Xiong, monkey, you choose twenty of the best helicopters and fifty drones."


Everyone agreed and watched one by one.

Apollo saw their seriousness and smiled: "It seems that they need to pick for a while, Mr. Xiao, why don't we go to the office for a drink?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "Okay. Long Yi, I'll leave it to you here."

Following Apollo to an office upstairs next to him, Xiao Yunhai looked at thousands of airplanes through the window, and sighed: "You are really luxurious. If you sell these things, you can make at least some money. Trillions of dollars."

Apollo shook his head and said: "The American government is absolutely unwilling to sell. Small countries can't sell their technology. If you sell them to them, they will imitate them. But big countries don’t need it at all. Like your China’s aircraft, it’s no worse than here. Hey, in this way, the final outcome of the aircraft here can only be destroyed. Think about it, it is indeed a pity."

Xiao Yunhai said: "Your Anderson family deserves to be the most powerful arms dealer in the United States. In this respect, the Bessie family is far inferior to you."

Apollo said: "You really don't look down on them. They were really far apart before, but now they are not necessarily. Adams has been embarrassed with the Bessie family over the years and has studied almost all the weapons. Our technology is for them. Generally speaking, there are no secrets. Next, the battle between the Bessie family and our family in arms manufacturing will be completely heated."

Xiao Yunhai smiled and said, "With President Lyell's support, you will definitely win."

Apollo said: "The president is not omnipotent. Otherwise, Adams would have cooperated with the Bessie family to uproot us. What's more, politicians, like businessmen, value interests most. Who brings him higher politics and The bargaining chip, who is his partner. No way, this is America."

Xiao Yunhai nodded.

In the United States for such a long time, he has also seen that American people pay attention to interests. If they were given enough remuneration, Xiao Yunhai even suspected that they would kill his parents, wives and children.

"Mr. Apollo, how are you going to transport these weapons and equipment?" Xiao Yunhai asked, turning the subject off.

Apollo confidently said: "We have our channels. You don't need to worry about this."

Xiao Yunhai said: "I hope you can transport them as soon as possible. Long Yi and the others can't wait to get revenge. I don't want to let them vent their anger because of the time."

Apollo's eyes lit up and said, "Mr. Xiao, that is the mercenary of the Bessie family. Are you really planning to break with them?"

Xiao Yunhai deliberately made an ignorant expression and said, "Those mercenaries who drove us out belong to the Bessie family? Sorry, I really don't know about this."

Apollo was 10,000 in favor of Xiao Yunhai's attack on the Bessie family, and said with a smile: "I will do our best to transport the arms as quickly as possible. I wish you victory."

Xiao Yunhai smiled and said, "Wrong, it's us."

Apollo laughed loudly and said, "Yes, I was wrong just now, it's us."

After spending a whole day, Long Yi and the others selected 23 helicopters and 56 drones, all of which looked quite new.

"Mr. Xiao, we want to ask for more." Long together.

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said with a smile: "It's up to you. Long Yi, I need to go to Los Angeles tomorrow, and I will leave the business to you."

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That night, Apollo hosted a banquet in honor of Xiao Yunhai and others.

After eating, Apollo called Aaron Anderson and reported the situation.

"Father, Kung Fu Xiao is very greedy and bought arms worth more than US$300 billion in one go."

Aaron laughed and said: "Kung Fu Xiao was stimulated and wanted to build a top-notch mercenary to deter others. We have a lot of unused weapons in our warehouse, which can be sold to them at low prices. It costs 800 billion US dollars. Arms, change to a network company that makes money daily. We should make more money than trading. Apollo, you are doing very well."

Apollo said: "There is better news, and you will definitely be more happy to hear it. Because of a huge gold mine, the Kung Fu Xiao dragon war mercenary was driven out of the territory by the Bessie family viper mercenary, and countless casualties. Kung Fu Xiao hopes that we can transport the arms to them as soon as possible, and he wants to bury all of them in that mountain."

Aaron laughed loudly and said: "This is really good news. Because of the constraints of each other, our two big families cannot be enemies head-on~lightnovelpub.net~ but Kung Fu Xiao has no such scruples. I did not expect Bei The West family attacked his people. It was godly. Apollo, transport the arms to them as quickly as possible. I can’t wait to see their battle. If this incident can bring the two of them in Africa It would be great to start an all-out war."

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Apollo smiled and said, "Father, it is not easy to want a full-scale war to break out. We can help them behind the scenes."

Aaron thought for a while and said, "No. We can't keep 100% confidential. Once we make a move and are found by the Bessie family and Kung Fu Xiao, then we will immediately fall into their attack. This kind of thing, Wan One in the possibility cannot appear."

Apollo said, "Okay, father, I am a little worried."

Of course Xiao Yunhai didn't know the conspiracy of Apollo and his son. Even if he knew it, he didn't care.

This is from

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