Entertainment Guru Rebirth

Chapter 1739: Get the Condor Heroes


From the security zone, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing went directly to the airport and returned to Yanjing.

When the two returned home, Chen Xiuzhu just finished feeding the two children.

Zhao Wanqing quickly took the toys she bought from Los Angeles and walked over.

"Tengyang, Jinyu, do you miss your mother?"

The two children saw the toy and said in unison: "I thought about it."

Then they kissed Zhao Wanqing's cheeks, but their eyes were fixed on the toys in Zhao Wanqing's hands.

Xiao Yunhai chuckled and said, "Wife, can't you wait to get toys without seeing the little guys?"

"I see. I'm really angry. I didn't expect that I don't have two toys as important."

Seeing the two children taking over the toys and having fun playing, Zhao Wanqing felt helpless.

Chen Xiuzhu asked, "Are you still not eating? I'll go to the kitchen to make it for you."

Zhao Wanqing hurriedly said: "Mom, you can rest quickly. Me and Yunhai will be fine."

Xiao Yunhai said: "Yes. I haven't cooked for a long time, and I don't know if the craftsmanship has deteriorated."

When Zhao Wanqing heard this, she said angrily: "Forget it. With your craftsmanship, is there still room for retreat?"

Xiao Yunhai rolled his eyes and was speechless.

Chen Xiuzhu couldn't help laughing, and said, "Okay, I'll leave it to you. I'll go outside for activities."

The enemy is not far away and the ball is played by Yuechak

The enemy was not far away from the ball by Yuechak and everyone in the conference room was immediately amused.

The land is not a place where Sun Shusuo is alone to seal the moon

Xiao Yunhai asked, "Where is Dad? Why didn't I see him?"

Chen Xiuzhu said: "As soon as the plane came back this morning, your father and father-in-law couldn't wait to go to Shanghai, saying that they were participating in an auction. There was an authentic piece of Tang Bohu in it."

"Hi." Xiao Yunhai said impatiently: "We have just returned from Shanghai. I would have known it soon."

After eating and playing games with the children for a while, Zhao Wanqing took a hot bath for them, and then went to sleep with her arms around.

Xiao Yunhai turned on the computer and browsed the website. There was no valuable news, so he continued to start "The Legend of Condor Heroes".

During this time in Los Angeles, Xiao Yunhai had almost written "The Legend of Condor Heroes", so in just two hours, Xiao Yunhai completed the entire "Completion of Condor Heroes".

Zhao Wanqing walked in wearing a pajamas and said, "Done?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "You're done. Wife, do you want to read it? I can tell you, don't give up the whole book just because of some small details."

The unhinged local enemy hates the lone grandson

The unhatred local enemy hated the lonely grandson,    Zhao Wanqing said quickly: "Mom, you can rest quickly. I will come with Yunhai."

"Small details?" Zhao Wanqing raised her eyebrows and said angrily: "What a glamorous woman, Xiaolongnv, you are so cruel to let a stinky Taoist.... Is this a small detail? I think you are purely psychopath ."

When she was in Los Angeles, Zhao Wanqing was okay, and took a look at Xiao Yunhai's "The Legend of Condor Heroes".

I have to say that Mr. Jin's literary talent is indeed amazing, Zhao Wanqing just watched it for four full hours, and she was completely involved in the plot.

Precisely because of this, Zhao Wanqing exploded into a thunderous anger after seeing Xiaolongnv being tarnished, and scolded Xiao Yunhai as a dog-blood sprayer, insisting that he change this chapter.

This is the work of Mr. Jin, so how is Xiao Yunhai capable of it?

Furthermore, if this place is changed, how will the subsequent Chongyang Palace battle proceed?

Xiao Yunhai coaxed her to stop her.

Zhao Wanqing didn't read the content behind "The Legend of Condor Heroes" again.

Sun Qiukedi Complex Surgery Moyue Keyou

"Wife~lightnovelpub.net~ Love is never easy. If the book "The Legend of Condor Heroes" gives it a definition, it should be a romance novel wrapped in martial arts. I think of all kinds of The love is mixed in. The little dragon girl is defiled, Yang Guo breaks her arm, and then the little dragon girl jumps out of the cold pool, meets after an appointment 16 years later, etc., all to show the unswerving love between the two. You don't understand our writer's thoughts at all." Xiao Yunhai talked about Zhao Wanqing, who was about to explode, which really calmed Zhao Wanqing.

"Yang Guo's broken arm? Sixteen years of separation? You really want to torture the poor mandarin ducks." Zhao Wanqing said.

Xiao Yunhai smiled and said, "That is. Without giving the hero and the hero a bit of a pain, how can we make their love deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. I ask you again, can't you see?"

Zhao Wanqing thought for a while and said, "You print out the novel for me now. I don't want to read it on the computer. The radiation is too strong and it is not good for my eyes."

The enemy is not unkind to the Moon and Lunar Section of Sun Xue Institute

Xiao Yunhai said: "Yes, leadership."

Half an hour later, Xiao Yunhai gave Zhao Wanqing the printed version of The Condor Heroine.

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"Wife, it's getting late, let's rest and go."

After Xiao Yunhai finished speaking, he stretched out his hand to hug Zhao Wanqing's fragrant shoulders, but she avoided it.

"You go to the bedroom and hug the child first. I want to read a novel for a while."

Xiao Yunhai was silly when he heard it. After a while, he said, "I really lifted a rock and hit my own foot."

Originally wanted to do sex, but now it's fine, nothing can be done. If I knew it, I would not print out the novel.

The next day, Xiao Yunhai got up early and saw that Zhao Wanqing and the child were still there.

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