Entertainment Industry Acting Emperor

Chapter 32: New drama boot

Internet pinch has always been horrible, but this kind of overwhelming situation is still rare. Even the major marketing accounts seem to be blind and do not express any opinions on this matter.

Zheng Lei's agency originally wanted to use this opportunity to give Zheng Lei a hype. Who knows that Sen and Entertainment hasn't moved at all, as if it didn't look at them. What makes them even more frustrated is that the more famous marketing account and the navy team do not take their business at all. The navy that can be invited is useless, and it was discovered by netizens that Zheng Lei was invited here in less than half a day. Navy.

Originally, it was a normal way to ask the navy for things like Internet public opinion, but the bad thing is that Zheng Lei’s Weibo before when he was on the crew was all in the same tone as a good brother Gongxi Qiao, but now everyone finds this one. The so-called "good brothers" asked the navy to step on Gong Xi Qiao behind the scenes, and this perception suddenly became subtle.

"I knew that the entertainment industry was complicated, but I didn't expect anyone to do it so ugly."

"I feel sorry for Gong Xi Qiao, who has been dragged and hyped for so long, and he didn't say much in terms of brotherhood. Even his fans are very sensible. I, a passerby onlookers, is about to turn into fans."

"I used to think that Zheng Lei was quite down-to-earth. Now it seems that the so-called steadfastness is an illusion when he has not yet become red. Now he has changed his face when he becomes red. Is the so-called inspirational life stepping on other people's hype? "

The marketing accounts on Weibo and the major naval groups all have inside information. Although they can throw away morals in order to make money, it does not mean that they will throw away IQ. The strength of Gong Xiqiao's family and his friendship with Xi Qing were enough for them to be jealous.

They all mix in this circle, and it is natural to distinguish who can move and who cannot touch anyone. They can mix to this point, and they can't have an IQ.

Anyone who has a brain can tell that Xi Qing and Gong Xiqiao are good friends. What good is it to offend them?

Zheng Lei looked at the comments on the Internet and threw the mouse in his hand. The agent behind him saw him like this and comforted him: "Don't pay attention to these things too much. Everyone will forget about the online things after a while. Now you concentrate on filming, don’t worry about it."

"Is there any news about the Xianxia movie filmed by Xi's investment?" Zheng Lei is best at patience, so even though he was defeated in this public opinion battle, it does not mean that he has no chance to stand up in the future.

"The tone over there is very tight. The Xi family is big and there are no other small investors involved in this matter, so there is very little news. However, it is rumored that Mi Yue got the role of the female third, and I don't know whether it is true or not," the broker People knew what Zheng Lei wanted, he hesitated and said, "The role of this play is not easy to grab, and you have a trouble with Gong Xi Qiao, and Xi Ye has a good relationship with Gong Xi Qiao..."

"The Xi family has a big business. How can he have time to control what actors are used for a movie," Zheng Lei said with a solemn face. "The Xi's executive you mentioned to me last time, if you have time, you can find a chance to help me. Refer me."

The agent was silent for a moment, and nodded with a complicated expression.

In the Xi's headquarters building, Xi Qing silently read the report submitted by Yade, and glanced up at the general manager of Yade Apparel: "This time the spokesperson is very good."

The general manager nodded and smiled: "This time the success has exceeded our estimate. After the end of the chief endorsement contract, we decided to invite Gong Xi Qiao to be the next chief spokesperson. What do you think?"

Xi Qing raised her head and glanced at the general manager, then put the report together: "Use it if you think it fits."

The report was put aside, and Xi Qing's tone paused for a moment: "Let someone hand in a copy of all the promotional photos taken."

"Are all the spokesperson's promotional photos?" The general manager was stunned.

Xi Qing frowned slightly: "You don't need the previous ones, just get Gong Xi Qiao."

"Okay, I'll get someone to pick it up from Teacher Wu later." The general manager agreed, but he was a little bit murmured in his heart, the big boss is so busy, and there is still time to look at the promotional photos?

When Xi Qing got the thick pile of printed photos, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon. The closed office door blocked all sounds. He flipped through the photos and suddenly felt that the office was too quiet, so quiet that he could only hear his own heartbeat.

When he flipped to one of them, he suddenly stopped.

The young man in the photo is dressed in black, sitting under a dead tree with his eyes closed and sniffing the aroma of wine, just like a young man living in another time and space. It makes people feel good-looking and far away.

This is a very nice photo, but he especially dislikes this one.


"Come in," he put the photo in the drawer, and glanced at Goutezhu who walked in. "After the pre-selection list for the movie starring Xianxia drama for this investment filming is finalized, give me a copy."

Although Gotzhu was surprised, he nodded his head quickly: "Several entertainment companies have recommended their artists, but there is no suitable lead candidate for the time being." After speaking, he handed over a document. "These are some of the more cooperative companies in our development project. If you have no opinion, boss, the construction branch will select two from them to discuss cooperation matters."

"Does Senhe Entertainment have a recommended list?" Xi Qing opened the list and looked up to ask Gou Special Help.

Where did Goot help care about the list of recommendations for a movie, but when Xi Qing asked, he had to answer, "The list has not been counted yet. When the statistics come out, I will report it to you immediately."

Xi Qing nodded and paused for two seconds on the name of a certain company. He drew a pen from the pen holder and drew a tick behind the name of the company, "This company is good, and the rest are called from it. Choose one with integrity."

Goute helped take a look at the list and found that the lucky one selected by Xi Qing was named "Hongyun Construction Company". He smiled in his heart. This name was among a bunch of construction companies called "Fenghe" and "Dingzhi". , It's really festive and grounded.

Thinking of this, he glanced at the big boss suspiciously. Does the boss still have the habit of judging the company by appearance?

Noting the assistant looking at her gaze, Xi Qing raised her head to meet his gaze: "What's the question?"

"No," Gottezhu shook his head. After leaving the president's office, he slowly breathed a sigh of relief. He stayed with his boss for three or four years, and he couldn't calmly face his boss. This is really a failed life.

In the past two days, Gong Xi Qiao was in a good mood, and there was no outside speculation that he was lost because of being stabbed by a good brother.

The box office and online copyright income of "Uncle" finally entered his bank account through various procedures. Even Chen Ke and others received a bonus for this, and Xiao Yao called it a "universal celebration".

However, Gong Xiqiao had no chance to go out to spend the money, because the filming of Director Wang's final movie "The Great Man" is about to start, and the opening ceremony is scheduled for 8 o'clock tomorrow morning.

As the lead actor of this movie, Gong Xiqiao has tried several costumes and hair sets for a long time. The effect of the makeup trial made Wang Dao praised again and again. If it weren't for this play, Dao Wang had been preparing for many years, almost even Dao Wang himself. I think this role is tailored for Gong Xi Qiao.

This movie has philosophical thinking about the rivers and lakes, the people and the court. Under the humorous surface, it also exposes the darkness and helplessness of the rivers and lakes.

The male protagonist played by Gongxi Qiao is a princely son of a royal family who is dedicated to wandering through the rivers and lakes but does not know how to martial arts. Because of the yearning for the rivers and lakes, he sneaks out of the palace alone. However, he found that the rivers and lakes were not as bold as he thought, and the so-called gratitude and gratitude were nothing but a scam in a small talk.

What's even more ridiculous is that he inexplicably became the leader of the martial arts under the circumstances of coincidence and wealth, and he has to lead everyone to attack the demon sect.

After all the ridicules happened, the prince who had dreams of heroes returned to the palace, and finally became a prince who was honest and caring for the people.

"The chivalrous man is not confined to the court or the arena, he has righteousness in his heart, and he who loves the people as himself is a chivalrous man." This is the main theme of the film by Director Wang.

There is no so-called female lead in this drama, only male and female characters. The main female character is the leader of the demon cult. This demon girl who is rumored to like to **** human blood has actually never killed a chicken. What I love to do is to hide in the sect and write a small notebook, but I don’t know why it is said that she likes to hide in the sect and **** the blood of virgins all day.

Finally, after the recommendation of Gong Xiqiao and the assessment of Director Wang, this role is played by Mi Yue.

And Xu Chao, because of his true character, got a martial arts master, but because of his appetite, he couldn't eat enough all day, and finally mixed up behind the protagonist as a heroine.

On the day of the start-up ceremony, everyone changed into costumes. Among the crowds of people from the rivers and lakes, Xi Qiao, who was dressed in beautiful clothes and crowned, was particularly conspicuous.

The reporters onlookers were a little confused. Didn't it say that Gong Xi Qiao was the leading actor? Why did this dress look like the villain in the martial arts drama?

In general martial arts dramas, the male protagonist is dressed in a half-new and not old chivalrous costume. These brooding brothers are all villains who oppose the heroes. But when it comes to Director Wang, it seems that the style of painting is a little wrong?

In the subsequent interview sessions, reporters kept asking this question. Unfortunately, how could the old Youtiao Wang, an old fried dough stick, leak the content of his shooting, so the reporters took turns bombing and didn't get the answer they wanted.

"Director Wang, did you choose Qiao Shao as the actor of your finale this time because you admired his acting skills?" a reporter asked.

"Xiao Qiao is a very good and dedicated actor," Director Wang stretched out his hand and patted Gong Xi Qiao, who was sitting next to him. "When I was on the "Guo Ye" crew, I was impressed by his acting skills. Then we talked together. After starting this work, I discovered that he is the most suitable male protagonist. I believe he can play this role well."

The reporters at the scene saw that Director Wang valued Gongxi Qiao and mentioned "Guo Ye". They were a little excited. A reporter from the Imperial Capital TV station asked: ""Guo Ye" will be broadcast as a celebration of the 100th National Day in two months. Come out, do you think this is a work that pleases everyone?"

Director Wang faced the camera and said seriously: "I dare not say that everyone will be satisfied, but we have tried our best in the whole team."

After the reporter asked a few more questions, he brought the topic to Gongxi Qiao: "Young Master Qiao, this is your first time playing a leading actor in a movie. Will you feel nervous?"

"That's okay," Gong Xi Qiao in ancient costume smiled at the camera, and then looked at Director Wang. "Maybe Director Wang will consider me to be the male protagonist and save me some face?"

"Then you may be miserable. I have always been very strict with male protagonists." Director Wang joked, "If you don't behave well, you will only have vegetables instead of meat for your lunch."

There was a burst of laughter at the scene, and suddenly a reporter said: "Sao Qiao, what do you think of what has happened on Weibo in the past few days?"

Gong Xi Qiao glanced at the reporter’s badge, which seemed to be a certain network broadcasting platform, Yu Ji. Although the other party’s question was a bit sharp, he didn’t particularly care about it. Instead, he smiled and said: “Usually I lie down or sit Look."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they realized that Gong Xi Qiao was telling a cold joke. After this entertainment note opened his mouth, he actually felt that it was inappropriate to raise this question on this occasion. Fortunately, Gongxi Qiao did not ignore or make things difficult for him. He just teased and did not embarrass him too much, so he silently relieved in his heart. Tone, because of Gong Xiqiao's good demeanor, I have a good impression of him.

After the official interview, Director Wang was guarded by security guards and left, while the artists were still surrounded by entertainment reporters asking questions.

"Da Chao, I heard that you were able to star in this movie this time because of Qiao's recommendation. Is this true?"

Agent Wu Hai gritted his teeth in his heart, this reporter had a bad intention!

"Yes, if it weren't recommended by Junior Brother, I wouldn't have the opportunity to audition, so I would like to thank Junior Brother more this time."

The reporter who asked the question looked at Xu Chao's sincere and smug smile, and suddenly felt a little speechless. What's so good about a senior who got the role because of the support of the younger generation? Shouldn't normal people hide and tuck them?

"In other words, without Young Master Qiao, would you never have the opportunity to participate in this movie?" But as an entertainment reporter, and also an entertainment reporter who has taken money, his heart is strong.

Life is endless and provocative!

"That's right," Xu Chao nodded naturally, "Without Junior Brother, I have no chance for Dao Wang to appreciate it." Then, he started to praise Gong Xi Qiao, his expression and attitude seemed to be the same as that of a stubborn fan. appearance.

Yu Ji: Damn! I quit! What kind of artist is this, and the brain circuit is so weird!

Wu Hai silently looked at Xu Chao with excitement and numbness on his face, in the bottom of my heart, in front of Qiao Shao, where Xu Chao is a senior, he is a little brother at all.

"Shao Qiao, Zheng Lei just said on Weibo that he and you are the best brother, and he also circled your Weibo. Do you have any thoughts on this?"

The scene suddenly became quiet, and a large number of microphones gathered in front of Gong Xiqiao, waiting for a smashing answer.