Entertainment of Spring and Autumn

Chapter 126: Smile

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Six

Mu Jianli had a dream.

That is the image from small to large.

She has been asking Jianzong since she remembered. She didn't like to talk since she was a child, watching other children laugh and laugh. She just held the sword and looked at every stripe intently. The thickness of the blade was wide and narrow, and she felt as cordially connected as her own blood.

Others say that this is born only by sword.

The snow-capped mountains, the icy wind, the sword aura is like frost, there are indifferent faces everywhere, and the sky is full of swords of various colors. The little girl carried the iron sword and hesitated in the ice and snow.

Asked Jianzong's clothing, plain as snow, cold as a sword. In fact, it was very beautiful when I first put it on. I asked Jianzong not to be poor, and would distribute new clothes for each season to his disciples every year. The teachers and sisters were happy every time when they arrived, only Mu Jianli didn't care.

Because it's useless to care about it... She carried her sword, when she was a child, she pierced fish under the ice, slashed eagles in the sky and slaughtered the falcons, and slaughtered the bears and tigers in the forest. In Jianhentang. Every day, with the scars on his body, hung in the tattered white clothes, he returned to the wooden house firmly and slowly, and continued to practice cross-legged.

New clothes will be old every day, so what is the need to care?

At the age of thirteen or fourteen, he was beautiful, white as snow, and very beautiful. Many seniors had Mu Shaoai's heart, and even the inner sect seniors showed the intention of pursuit. Mu Jianli has never been indifferent. It is not a lofty attitude, but really can't bring up any interest. Her interest is only swords. Only those who talk to her about swordsmanship will respond with interest.

At first, many people approached her by discussing the name of kendo, but all of them found out that no matter how you want to switch to other topics, it is useless. This sister Mu can't find other things in her mind... After a while, the people who came to her to discuss Kendo disappeared.

Fortunately, I asked Jianzong to be a rather special sect. Although not everyone in the door was of her temperament, it was indeed not uncommon. The most typical one was the Sect Master Lin Wuya who came to the throne a few years ago. Sect master is like this, and there are more people down there. Mu Jianli’s style hasn’t received much disgust. It’s just that the brothers and sisters are gradually alienating her, too lazy to touch her cold face. So she became lonely.

As for high-ranking disciples wanting to bully the outer sect junior sisters, I was asking Jianzong that the chances of authentic sects like this happen are really small, they are not magic sects. Even if a few people have intentions, under Mu Jianli's cold and sharp eyes, they often retreat.

Cold sword, cold weather, coarse clothes, straw shoes, alone, only a sword in his arms. Mu Jianli gradually felt that he was a sword.

Until she stood out in the Zongmen Grand Competition, Lin Wuya personally accepted it as the only heir, her identity has undergone a radical change, and it is extremely likely that she will become the next sovereign. At this time, the sect’s responsibility was overwhelmed, but she started to be a bit more humane, because she was actually ice and snow smart, knowing that she only held a sword and didn’t even remember the face of her brother, she was ashamed of her responsibilities. of.

After walking through the rivers and lakes, she has gained a lot longer, and her humanity has increased with the red dust. Even in the eyes of others, she still doesn't know how to be a human, but to her, she really looks like a person.

In fact, most of the geniuses of Ask Jianzong grew up in this way, making swords first and then being humans. Lin Wuya is like that, and Mu Jianli is like that.

If Lin Wuya met Xue Qingqiu, Mu Jianli knew that he might also meet such a person sooner or later.

Suddenly there was a break in the picture in the dream. I don’t know what happened in the middle. Mu Jianli suddenly felt that he had gone from asking Jianzong from the cold wind to a warm and pleasant place... Skin seemed to be soaked in warm water, comfortable and warm, fighting. The exhaustion is soothed in the water, warm, and penetrates into the heart from the outside.

My heart was warm and lazy, just like spring came, and I saw animals courting for pleasure in the mountains and forests. At that moment, the girl's heart also became ashamed, and then Jianxin shuddered and suppressed herself. Pressing and pressing, and being washed away lazily, I always feel that something is attracting me, becoming more and more impulsive, more and more...

She moved unconsciously.

But I feel a little change in the body. It is no longer a rough cloth, and the skin is sharply stimulated. On the contrary, it is silky and smooth, so comfortable and delicious, making people more lazy...

There seems to be a man in the dream? Can't see the face, it's also very warm. In this warm atmosphere, the girl couldn't restrain the most instinctive traction from the bottom of her heart, and wanted to get into his arms and leaned against his chest.

wrong! The warning signs in Mu Jianli's heart! Could it be an obscene drug?

She finally remembered that she had indeed been poisoned before, but she seemed to be solved by someone?

Is it to do that? No, no, someone gave me the medicine. I remember he smiled very well... That was... Xue Mu?

The timeline in the dream and reality finally matched completely, Mu Jianli woke up and slowly opened his eyes.

"Huh? Are you awake?" A man's voice came from beside him: "Qingqing predicted that it would not be so fast, saying that it will be another hour. I think people like you cannot be measured by common sense."

Mu Jianli tilted her head slightly and met the face in her dream. It really looked pretty... She didn't answer, she felt her own situation.

The first concern is...there is no situation. Mu Jianli's face was slightly hot, and secretly asked what's wrong, he would give priority to whether it was defiled? This shouldn't be my first concern...

I can feel myself lying on a soft bed, covered with a soft quilt, very comfortable. But the bones are still hurting, and the bone injuries are not so easy to recover. But she can feel that the medicinal power is working to help her repair the bones and meridians. The dirt and blood stickiness of the body have also been cleaned, and the smell of fragrant pancreas and the lubrication of the skin can be felt.

Next to the body is... a silk belly?

Mu Jianli opened his eyes wide, and looked down. It's really a bellyband, silk, pink, with mandarin duck embroidered on it...

So this is what you felt in your dream? No wonder, it turned out to be quite comfortable, much more comfortable than his coarse cloth clothes.


She just spoke, and was interrupted by Xue Mu with a smile: "It was my guards who helped you take a bath, soak the medicine and change your clothes. I didn't touch anything. They are all women, you know."

What Mu Jianli wanted to say was blocked and was silent.

After a while, he said, "I'm not used to wearing things like this... please bring my universe bag, I have my own clothes."

Xue Mu said amusedly: "It's just not used to it? You don't care if the pink legs and jade arms exposed on the outside are seen through by Xue?"

Mu Jianli said indifferently, "Why don't you care about a skin bag. When I was in a coma, if you have done everything you want, you still have to look at it?"

"Tsk..." Xue Mu said with a smile: "Since it's a skin bag, then wear it like this. Why are you not used to it? I've never heard anyone say that people who are used to eating bark and grass roots are not used to eating a normal diet. Isn't it pretending?"

Mu Jianli didn't entangle him with this anymore. She wanted to get up, and her bones were about to crack. He grunted and planted back.

Xue Mu shook his head and said, "You are more injured than Feng Lieyang, and there are several broken bones. It's really not easy not to die."

Mu Jianli whispered: "Where is this? How long have I been in a coma?"

"It didn't take long for me to bring you back at noon. It is only in the evening...Shen Shimo. This is the station of my Xingyue Sect in Lingguang County. The conditions are not bad. Generally speaking, safety is not a problem. You can rest assured. "

Mu Jianli felt a little weird in his heart, how could Xue Mu be so natural? It seemed to help a friend. If you’re not mistaken, it’s true that you and him are also hostile...The master stabbed him at the time, and he was also present. He would be considered open-minded if he didn’t anger...According to the demon’s virtues, he Isn’t it normal to be a captive and abuse and humiliate?

She finally couldn't help but ask: "Why save me and heal me?"

Xue Mu blinked his eyes: "If I tell the truth, you may not believe it."

Mu Jianli said seriously: "Please tell me, even if it is ridiculous, I will try my best to write it down."

"Haha..." Xue Mu was amused by these words, and laughed for a while before saying: "Actually, the reason for saving you is very simple. I just want to see when a woman like Mu Jianli puts on a beautiful silk dress and wears What kind of scene should be the famous hairpin, washed fragrantly, and smiling softly on the incense couch. Now the premise has been realized, only the last item... If you have a bit of repayment, then Smile?"