Entertainment World: The Wild God of Gourmet

Chapter 134: 【King of Vegetables】

"The place where I am poisoned by the sting is painful and itchy, and I can't reach out to catch it. So I must take some emergency measures to treat myself."

Looking at the surrounding environment, he said: "This is a low-lying pool left by the flood after the rainy season."

"The elephant found here, and then knocked down the nearby trees to open up such a gathering place. In such a dense jungle, every plant is competing for living space, and only the elephant's size can open up such a gathering place. Such an open space came out for them to rest, entertain, drink, and even mate and date."

There are many elephant footprints and dung nearby, and there are even elephant roads trampled by jungle elephants in the forest on the other side.

The audience is also looking forward to seeing the elephant, they all watched with gusto, but his mind is no longer here.

I wanted to add some water, but here is a piece of stagnant water. To be on the safe side, he didn't install the water here. After washing my face and taking a cool shower, I followed the elephant road into the jungle on the other side and said, "Under normal circumstances, you can't follow the elephant's footsteps."

"They are the largest creatures on land, but don't be fascinated by the docile elephants in zoos or circuses."

"In fact, I would rather encounter a cheetah than an elephant. If an elephant goes crazy in the jungle, it will really kill people." Shaking his head, "There is no animal in this jungle that wants to provoke They are except poachers!"

It was scary, but he went in without hesitation.

I kept looking for something on the left and right, and soon I got a harvest, "I found it, and look: this is the Dragon Blood Tree!"

The reason for the harvest so quickly is that this is one of the most abundant primitive rain forests in the world. As long as you know the survival skills, at least you will not starve to death.

"Dragon Blood Tree?"

"Could it be a tree growing on dragon blood."

"Master Dog is afraid of being stung and fainted."

Suiyou questioned, but Chen Ergou looked very happy.

A foot across the elephant road, across the thorny forest, stopped in front of a low, thin-stemmed shrub with ribbon-like leaves.

Pulling out the jungle knife, he began to cut the bark and said: "If you are injured in the jungle, there is a tree that can heal your wounds, then this is the type of dracaena I am looking for. It has a distinctive feature of heart-shaped leaves. There is also a smooth trunk. This tree is the dragon's blood in the local population. It is called the dragon's blood because it should appear red in the sap."

There are two types of dracaenas. One type is a tree with a trunk and flat leathery leaves. It usually grows in arid semi-desert areas. The other type is shrubs, which generally grow in tropical rain forests, and are also cultivated as ornamental plants in China.

"Before I set off, someone told me to look for this kind of tree in case of injury. Its sap can be sterilized and curative. You see, as long as the gap is cut, the bleeding red sap will begin to ooze, and any wound can be painted. "

He took a little red tree sap and threw it in the palm of his hand, like a skin care lotion, and soon it turned into a white paste. Then carefully apply to the stings on the arms, back, and neck.

"It's very cool, a bit like soap. It has a very good effect, and it can kill viruses and kill bacteria. If it bleeds, it can help stop bleeding from the wound. It is really a good tree. I almost immediately felt the pain and itching diminishing, which made me feel more relaxed. Because Along the way, I almost couldn't help but go fishing several times."

The smile hung on his face again, and his expression became a lot easier.

He hasn't eaten anything all the way to the present.

Calculating the time, he should have eaten dinner in China, and his stomach started to irritate, clutching his belly and said: "This start is really unfriendly. I have consumed too much energy along the way. It's time to find something to eat. Has everyone had dinner?"

Some viewers were watching his live broadcast with their rice bowls, and began to poison them irresponsibly: "I'm eating pig's feet rice, gooye, hurry up and find something to eat.", "Xihucuyu fish bones are so hard to vomit.", " Said Dongpo meat.", "Gouye brand Feilong soup, it doesn’t taste like.", "It means I am eating Xishi Tongue, Guifei Chicken, Zhaojun Duck, Diaochan Tofu", "You are all bursting, I am eating the palace Yuyan Buddha jumped over the wall!", "It's really not low-key. I'm eating a full-fledged banquet. Did I say anything? I'm low-key and I won't say it."

Chen Er greedily drooled, and smiled bitterly, "Is this your revenge?"

"If you lose, you must eat well. Because as long as I'm in this jungle, I will never be short of food. Don't be hungry when I want to eat."

"Hahaha, just come on." There was a rare opportunity to fight against the poisonous dog. They had a great time.

Chen Ergou is not talking big, because some dried fruits can be seen everywhere in the Congo jungle.

Especially when going along the elephant road, the elephant is not having the strength to vent everywhere in a place like this. They are also looking for food. Bananas, leaves, bark, and fruits are all in their recipes. Generally, if you go along the elephant road, you can always find something that elephants like to eat.

As long as you search with your heart, you will soon discover.

Just like a palm tree not far away, it is of course much tenderer than the one seen in the desert. His face instantly smiled and said, "Audience friends, I also found something delicious. Look: One Castanopsis palm tree!"

What's so strange about palm trees? The audience said that they were not uncommon in the oasis of the Sahara Desert, and they did not see him go to eat at the time. "Hungry crazy, right?"

It was strange that Chen Ergou had already swung a knife to chop down this palm tree. After cutting off the layers of the outer skin, a tender and white palm core is exposed.

"It's pretty much the same, at least it looks like a bit of food." The water friends smacked their lips, and they didn't envy them when they had just eaten.

As a big foodie, Chen Ergou talks a little bit when he talks about what he eats. He smiled and said, "Some friends who like to eat are definitely not unfamiliar. The inner core of the stem of the Castanopsis palm tree is known as the one of the vegetables. King."

"Among the delicacies provided by the top restaurants in the world, the most high-end vegetable food is the Monopoly Salad made with palm core. In the French cuisine that the French are proud of, many dishes are also used Palm core.

Let me taste it first"

After chewing and tasting, my eyes brightened in an instant, and he nodded in praise: "The taste is not bad, it is crispy and sweet, especially when I have not eaten for a long time, it can help me supplement a lot of nutrition. "

After chewing for a few more bites, he ate a whole section of palm core. "The part near the rhizome is slightly bitter. The whole texture is very solid. It doesn't feel like chewing fruits and vegetables in the mouth, it looks like a sweet The flavor of the protein is a bit like raw chestnut meat."

"But I think ~lightnovelpub.net~ In addition to taste, the reason why it is known as the king of vegetables is due to nutrition and scarcity:

This is a natural sugar-free food that does not contain any fat and cholesterol. For customers who suffer from high blood pressure, high blood sugar, or want to control their weight and maintain their health, it is a rare good product. "

"Palm core can also be used as a diet therapy, and it can also be used to make salads and appetizers. It can be eaten directly as fruit, of course, can also be used to cook hot dishes, such as meat and soup supplements. Therefore, as a chef, it is rare I found the king of vegetables, I don’t plan to give it up. I decided to collect some tree core parts and take it away.

After a few knives, three tender plants have been cut off, and the palm cores have been taken neatly to continue on the road.

Not far, there was another discovery, a wild cassava forest, "In the Congo, cassava is basically their main meal. They often mash the cassava and knead the dough into a ball and eat it as a dough."

There are a lot of cassava, and there is no shortage in China. Shuiyou said that they are not envious.

Chen Ergou didn't take much, and he dug a section of it with a good appearance.