Entertainment World: The Wild God of Gourmet

Chapter 175: 【hunting】

(Please pay attention to my WeChat public account, search for xrymloveu, Xiangrui Yumei is me./^_^)

The audience has watched the live broadcast for so long, even if they are wild blind, they should have some common sense. You can learn more if you read more. Chen Ergou's popular science from time to time knows that if there is no bonfire, he will be surrounded by mosquitoes, and at night, there may be more five poisons crawling into the hole to eat. "Good food"?

The scene of the spiders covering their backs just now can still be vividly remembered. If you are asleep at night, come to crawl...

"Hey, I shudder even thinking about it."

Chen Ergou put down the bark fiber and said, "Whether it is to use wood to make fire or other methods, a suitable medium is needed to match the fire. Now the surrounding environment is very humid, and ordinary materials are difficult to burn. This Don’t worry, calm down and let me think about other ways to light a campfire."

He was funny and rubbed his temples a few times like Brother Yixiu.

After a short pause, he rushed into the rain again and began to quickly search among the woods.

This time he focused on finding some dry firelighters under trees and rocks. "Some resinous plants, and some dried fruits and fruit drops are usually resinous, which are very good firelighters. Sometimes on dead old tree roots. , You can also dig into resin. Even in such a heavy rain, the bark of the arbor is still a rare and good firelighter."

"Even in some areas where there are no trees, there are natural fuels, such as roped hay, dead shrubs, dried slime, oil shale, oily sand, dried animal manure and animal oil. At the same time, you can also get from Get gasoline from cars that you can’t use or planes that make an emergency landing.”

"Even if you can't find a dry natural firelighter, you can still use the cotton wool in the cotton coat, the bandage in the medicine box, the fluff accumulated in the pocket, etc., and even women's lipstick and lotion can start the fire."

He found a lot of fire-making materials this time. "A dead horse is a living horse doctor. I hope it can be ignited this time."

"It's great, just try the way the locals sleep in the dirt."

Back in the hole, he plated the dry material into the shape of a bird's nest, hollowed out the middle part to keep it as soft as possible, and then placed a layer of fine branches and sawdust. Spirit, which **** bless me to light the fire smoothly!"

"23333" The audience laughed paralyzed.

However, Chen Ergou solemnly began to re-ignite.

This time it was still very strenuous, dozens of consecutive fires did not show any improvement, but he still did not give up. When more and more sparks hit the firelighter, it finally changed in quantity and caused a qualitative change, and it started to smoke.

Chen Ergou immediately held the firelighter in the palm of his hand and breathed carefully, until he slowly emitted thick smoke, and then a cloud of orange flame suddenly exploded from the thick smoke and burst into flames.

"Wow~" couldn't help but cheer.

"Meow" Rengar backed away in fear.

Chen Ergou couldn't control it anymore, so he quickly put the burning firelighter under the wood and added some small branches or wood chips; the wood pieces should be piled as loosely as possible to keep the air circulating. Add some rough wood after it has burnt. ?

Before long, a large bonfire crackled and burned again.

There was no hindrance this time, even if it was still wet, it was still burning.

The red bonfire illuminated his face and smiled: "My friends, it's not easy!"


The bigger the flame, Rengar paced left and right more uneasy, and couldn't help but timidly leave the fire a little further. Although it had seen fires last night, the instinct in the bones of animals still made it fear the hot red flowers.

Chen Ergou gently stroked its fur to comfort the frightened little guy. Little Black Panther followed his own adventure today, but he was suffering. Now that I am afraid of flames, I will be more free in the future. It seems that it is better to contract as soon as possible.

Looking at the popularity value, it is already more than 9.6 million, and it is estimated that a contract will be imposed for it soon.

"My friends, at this point in time, you should have just eaten dinner, or some people with irregular life have not eaten dinner yet. I advise everyone to eat, and also to eat on time in the future, don't eat like Xiangrui Yumei. Tune."

"Most of today's adventure was on the river, and it was a bit monotonous, but I was very fortunate. Apart from fighting the waves of nature and piranhas, at least there were no other troublemakers."

Shaking his head and smiling bitterly: "I should also find some food to fill my hunger, because I am walking in the dense forest in a hurry, and I have eaten all the fruits I have stored. Now there is really no food at all."

"I hope I won't be hungry tonight, otherwise it will be the first time I have been hungry for the first time I have been live broadcasting for so long.

Walking out of the cave, Chen Ergou could see the dense forest peaks surrounded by clouds in the distance, as well as the basin under the mountain and the big river not far away. Ignoring the threats and dangers hidden inside, this rainforest is still very beautiful.

The heavy rain outside still didn't stop, but the sky was getting darker and darker.

Without delay, he cut off a branch and cut it into a wooden spear, and started looking for possible prey based on experience.

"Before hunting, you need to understand the life patterns of the prey. Like red-haired pigs, they are omnivores and basically eat everything. They can burrow and live, and they are the only ungulates that can dig burrows. Domestic pigs are It was domesticated by wild boars 8000 years ago. Not only are wild boars very different in appearance from domestic pigs, their growth rate is much slower than domestic pigs, and their weight is also lighter. Especially wild boars in the rainforest, in order to facilitate their walking, generally have different body shapes. Big, chimpanzees also like to hunt wild boars for food."

Chen Ergou casually introduced and pointed to the camera a few gnawing marks on fruits and plant leaves, which were left by nearby animals that were active in the surrounding area.


Rengar suddenly screamed sharply, and at the guy on the trunk, he made a threatening sound like a drum from his stomach.

Chen Ergou followed the sound. A fat monkey hung on the tree trunk and moved slowly.

"Did the little leopard find the prey?"

"666, Rengar can do it, find the prey before the dog."

"The little leopard is so cute, with black fur and blue eyes, and even the cry is so cute... I really want one!"

Chen Ergou explained: "This is a koala monkey. It is a nocturnal animal with big eyes and strong night vision. It sleeps in the foliage during the day and hardly moves on the ground. It usually sleeps on the tree like a leopard, and It moves slowly. Look at its palm... The koala monkey's thumb and other fingers grow relative to each other, so that it can hold branches of various shapes."

"Cuckoo~~" Before finishing speaking, Rengar started to act over there. It threatened a few times and then the koala monkey ignored it. Now it was annoying. It swished out and swiftly climbed up the tree trunk.

"come back!"

Chen Ergou hurriedly summoned it, "That thing is curry flavor, it's not our dinner." He is not kidding, the koala monkey's body will emit a pungent smell similar to curry, which is used to mark the area. They carry germs in their saliva, which can cause inflammation of the wound...

Besides, he doesn't eat primates, especially monkeys.

Rengar was caught back, a little unhappy, "Woo" kept screaming.

Chen Ergou didn't care if he acted like a baby, just hugged him and left.

He began to search for edible food along the way, plants, fruits, or animals.

"Some parts of plants are edible, but it doesn't mean that other parts are also edible. It is generally distinguished from the leaves, stems, roots and fruits."

Not only did he look for it on the ground, he sometimes digs up the soil and dug out a white rhizome. Said: "This is horseradish. It usually grows in damp wasteland. It is not too high. The way to identify it is to look at its large ovoid corrugated leaves and clusters of small white flowers on the top. Their roots can be dug out and eaten. Some spicy ones can also be used as chili and added to meat. Part of the tender leaves can also be eaten raw or cooked."

Before long, he stopped again in front of a big tree that rose up from the ground. This tree has large leaves and a tall trunk, which is more than 20 meters high.

"This is a lime, usually called a linden tree. The leaves are heart-shaped and have teeth on the edge. The way to identify it is to see that its yellow flowers grow in clusters and smell very fragrant. Their tender leaves and those leaf buds that have not had time to stretch can grow. Yellow flowers can also be used to make tea."

Because it was raining, it was inconvenient to climb the tree, so he broke some branches nearby and took away a few buds and yellow flowers.

After not taking a few steps, I stopped again. This time it was a weird plant that looked like a snake. "This is hops, a climbing plant characterized by long, twisted stems that spiral and twist like snakes. Their The petals are green, like a small bell..."

After speaking, he slashed sharply with a knife, and then peeled off the old skin, leaving the tender stems behind.

"The tender stems of hops are cut into slices and boiled, together with the green flowers, they can also be eaten and made into tea."

There are so many kinds of plants in this bush. Chen Ergou drew his knife and cut a mile-long bush as soon as he finished cleaning the hops.

"This is Rumex sorrel. The leaves are long and narrow and have ripple shapes. They are light green..."

The audience is going to complain. Why are there so many edibles? It's still not a wilderness, no fruit. Are you a herbivore?

"This is a good thing."

Chen Ergou ignored the barrage, and immediately started collecting it, "I can pick some of the softest leaves to boil, change the water and remove the bitterness and astringency before eating. And wipe the mosquito bites with the juice of sorrel leaves. My skin can alleviate the pain, so I can bring a little more."

Of course, in such a humid jungle, how can there be less fungal food?

"I don’t need to say more about the delicious taste of wild mushrooms-if you can be sure that those are non-toxic, it is simply a feast. It is both delicious and highly nutritious. It lies between meat and vegetables, and is better than vegetables. The protein content is much higher and sometimes contains more lipids. Better fungi, such as fungi of the genus Boletus, have calorie values ​​similar to those of vegetables of the same quality."

Before long, a piece of fungus like beef steak fell into the hand, "This is steak fungus. Soak it first to make it soft, and then it can be added to the stew to add flavor."

"This is like a shell, it is an oyster mushroom. It takes a long time to process, so I don't want it."


"Ha, I found chanterelles again. This is really delicious. If you want to cook it, you need to simmer it for nearly 10 minutes. But this time I will keep it because it is so delicious."

After collecting the chanterelles, the bottom of the woods has been blackened, the night vision shooting function has been turned on, and Chen Ergou is still looking for it carefully. According to his experience, this kind of place is easy to grow cassava, but he did not find cassava this time, but found taro. ...Naturally will not let it go.

The audience felt dizzy. Although the heavy rain was still falling, Chen Ergou was already like an industrious little bee, turning east and west, sweeping away all the edible plants nearby. In the circle, even the shriveled backpack was filled with a half.

This lucky "little bee" is like flying into heaven, where he can eat everything.

"6666, what a huge amount of knowledge!"

"Master Gou, have you changed to vegetarian food?"

"I'll change my name to the starving dog in the future!"

"My admiration for you is like a surging river~lightnovelpub.net~ and like the Yellow River flooding out of control."

"Ohhhhhhh..." The little black panther Rengar's faint call came into his ears.

Chen Ergou was stunned, turned his head and saw that the little guy had disappeared. He thought something had happened, so he hurried to chase after him.

Pushing away the hurried bushes, even his arms were cut by thorns, and he found this guy. It turned out that it was using its paws, digging out something at a cave that was slanting downwards, and digging and shouting constantly, probably summoning Chen Ergou to come over.

When Chen Ergou was about to blame, he saw that the direction of the entrance of the cave was wrong, his eyes lit up, and his face bloomed with a smile, "Good man, you have done a great job again, and I will give you a meal tonight!"


Rengar felt his joy and came over to lick him coquettishly. This time Chen Ergou did not escape.