Entertainment World: The Wild God of Gourmet

Chapter 196: [Enter the Lilliputian Country by mistak

One second of genius remembers, to provide you with wonderful reading.

A fat African lungfish, I don't know how it tastes, at least a plate of delicious food.

To be honest, Chen Ergou can also sit here for a day if he is not on his way. Just watch the animals frolicking and enjoying the harmonious family life. Even those who are born to fly, run on the ground, or swim in the water, all animals like to go to the park.

The team continued to move forward, crossing the elephant village. Chen Ergou found rows of delicious food in the waters along the way, including wild ginger, water lily, and aquatic herbs, just like a big bowl of salad with rich dishes. ...It turns out that this is the reason why many animals are attracted to come. This kind of elephant village is like opening a unique window in the forest.

"Really a little bit reluctant?" Jenny looked back and watched repeatedly.

Chen Ergou didn't look back, and said, "There is nothing to give up. Even the animals know that this is just a park and not a place to live. After all, they have to go back to the forest after visiting the park. There is no forest here. Nothing exists, because they know that the trees create and protect this greenhouse of life."

But a clearing like this is just a drop in the ocean in the huge vast forest. Elephant herds can knock down big trees to make a way, and use forest elephant roads extending in all directions to connect the many elephant villages scattered in the forest, but there is never natural force that can restrain this forest...except the Atlantic Ocean!

"Chen, do we have a goal to move forward?" Old Baker asked.

Chen Ergou said: "Of course, I thought about making a huge raft, but the location here is close to the Atlantic Ocean. Downstream, it may directly rush us into the Atlantic Ocean. The huge waves entering the sea are very It’s dangerous. If I’m alone, I’m not afraid of it, but I can’t guarantee your safety. So I decided to continue to use this elephant highway, preferably directly to the Atlantic coast. It may be there in a day or two."


Everyone was overjoyed. This was the first time they heard an accurate time to go out.

Jenny said happily: "Then what if an elephant gets in the way again on the road?"

"At most, you pay tolls, and you usually collect more bananas, fruits, and dried fruits. Don't you cross the highway and don't have toll booths?"

"Haha, Chen, I like this metaphor."

There were no annoying vines and dead leaves blocking the way along the way, and the team marched in a relaxed atmosphere.

Chen Ergou resumed the rhythm of the previous live broadcast, casually popularizing the miracle of this forest with the audience. But it was not always smooth sailing. A towering mahogany with a diameter of nearly seven meters suddenly fell in the middle of the road, blocking the elephant road ahead.

Humans can of course climb over directly, but the elephants generally choose to take a detour when facing this big tree blocking the road. In that case, the end of the elephant road ahead may end, and they will fall into the dense forest again.

"What a big tree!"

"My God, will such a big tree fall?"

Under the camera, everyone was amazed.

Chen Ergou said to the camera: "If there are farmers living here, they will think that this is the best adobe in the world, rich in nutrients, thick and fertile. In fact, it is just a few centimeters below the ground, which is barren sand. "He rubbed the soil layer under the leaves with his foot, and he rubbed a piece of sandy ground.

"Everyone will be wondering, how can such an adobe be able to feed such a huge forest? The answer is death and decay."

"The nutrients in the rainforest are almost not in the adobe, but trapped in the trees. The mahogany here grows too high, the more you go up, the bigger the crown, and there is a danger of overturning in the wind and rain. The rain softened the soil, and there was a strong wind swaying above the head, and then under an opportunity, a towering tree tens of meters collapsed. When a tree dies, it is equivalent to a large package of food falling into the ground."

"The forest recycling experts are termites. They will live in bunker-like mounds, with as many as two million. They can't directly use pliers to divide trees, but they secrete a kind of bacteria to do the decomposition work. These are. The fungus absorbs the nutrient essence of the wood, and the termites are eating the fungus!"

"Termite recycling is only the first link. There is still a large army under the adobe which continues to do the recycling work. Millions of nematodes hide in the adobe particles and break down the fallen plants into smaller particles. In about six weeks, Half of the fallen leaves and rotten wood can be cleaned up. Then more of them are broken down into bacteria, combined with the spreading trunk of the big tree, and transported to the top of the trunk."

"Forests have a perfect recycling mechanism, which is the realm that human science and technology have always longed to achieve. The longer I stay here, the more I understand that all of these are closely related. Plants depend on animals, and animals depend on plants. No matter how big or small they are Same."

He walked around and looked for the place where the trunk of the tree connected to the soil.

Anthony asked, "Chen, what are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for a termite nest. It is a good tool for repelling mosquitoes. With it, at least you don't have to worry about being bitten by mosquitoes at night."

When everyone heard it, they immediately became tempted and helped search for traces of termite nests. No one was afraid of mosquitoes. If you are in a city, even if a mosquito buzzes in your ears at night, it can make you sleepless all night. What's more, at night in the entire jungle, there are buzzing mosquitoes flapping their wings everywhere.

"Found it." Baker found out.

"Okay, take one off carefully. Don't get bitten by termites."

"How to get it?"

"...I'll do it." Chen Ergou, by himself, cut off a wooden flocculent termite nest, swept away the dense clusters of termites with leaves, and then collected them.

Continue to move forward, as usual at noon, the fruit will fill your hunger.

When passing by a tree trunk, there was a muffled noise from the side of the road ahead, and everyone was startled.

After hearing the reputation, it turned out to be a huge fruit, and it just staged a high-altitude falling object. If a person happens to pass below, won't he be smashed to his head?

Some fearful raised their heads and looked up, they found that this tree was very strange. On the bare trunk, there were mushroom-like fruits, all of which were huge dried fruits with a belly button shape.

"What kind of fruit is this?" Jenny asked when she picked it up.

Old Baker is still checking, and Chen Ergou has already given the answer, "It's a fruit that elephants like to eat very much. Let's go quickly, otherwise we will encounter an elephant again. This kind of fruit is a fruit that elephants like to eat. Only elephants can eat it. It is rumored that they can hear the sound of the fruit falling to the ground, and they will quickly come and eat it."

Everyone did not dare to stay any longer.

The more you go forward, from the trail to the main road, the more novel it feels.

"I think this road should take us to the place I want to find." There are more and more trails connected to the main road, and the traffic is busy like a road now. This change strengthened the three people's confidence to follow Chen Ergou.

At this moment, there was a strange cry like singing and animals singing in the dense forest ahead.

All three stopped, "What's that calling?"

Chen Ergou listened quietly for a while, and smiled with relief: "It's humans. We met the Pygmies living in the forest."

"Is it a human?!"

"Oh my God, did you finally meet a human being."

Everyone followed their voices excitedly. Chen Ergou saw that they were so excited, and he hesitated for a while and still didn't appear to break their fantasy. Walked forward following the sound, and then came to a small tribal residence.

A dozen indigenous people looked at them strangely, not friendly but not hostile. Seeing such a state, the three people who had too much hope in their hearts were first down and couldn't help but feel cold.

The people here are not all that tall, there are some dwarfs walking around among them. They wear modern clothes, which proves that they are not isolated from the world. But most women and children don’t wear anything else, just tie a piece of bark or animal skin around their waist to cover their lower body~lightnovelpub.net~ Their skin is not bronze but black. The most amazing thing is they His height is about three to four feet. So small, it almost makes people think that he has walked into the country of dwarves, or met seven dwarves in the fairy tale world.

"They are Pygmies!" Chen Ergou said, "This is the shortest human in the world. Congo is so strange. It is rumored that there is also a Vadussi who is the tallest person on the earth, living in the Congolese jungle. ,. If the Pygmies are a small country, then the Vadussi people are like giants."

But after all, they belonged to humans, and the three Americans came forward to talk with expectations.

Chen Ergou did not participate behind him, and let Goudan use the camera to photograph the beehive-like jungle huts of the Pygmies, whose height was not even as high as his waist. The tools of life are very primitive, and most of them are woven in the jungle.

The conversation between the three of them and the Pygmies was almost about the heavenly scriptures, each of them said their own things, and no one could understand what each other was talking about. Jane became annoyed first, and said dejectedly: "I can't communicate at all."

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