Entertainment World: The Wild God of Gourmet

Chapter 576: [Snake Demon and Goat (3)]

The next day, early in the morning, everything in the forest recovered.

Chen Ergou got up early, boiled a pot of broth and filled with the fragrance.

There was also a slight snoring sound in the cave behind him, he wickedly pointed the camera at the cave, and the two women's indecent sleeping posture occasionally showed their unrevealed posture in the spring, which really made the house full of eyes——

"666, you really get benefits when you get up early in the morning, Lord Gou is his own person."

"From the perspective of a boyfriend, my wife actually snores... She must have been infected by the dog master."

"Hey~husband, please tell me honestly, did you feel that you were not honest last night? Are you sorry for me? Hey! ^_^"

"The cute sister paper upstairs, you have leaked out the big carving."

This funny spit, as always. After a while, the two women also woke up, still chatting in their sleeping bags and not getting up, "Oba, is breakfast ready, can you bring it for us?"

"In the morning in the forest, the air is so fresh. The happiest thing is to smell the fragrance as soon as I open my eyes. Lord Dog, is there stewed wild boar for breakfast? Can room service be available? We are a bit cold.

Two lazy sleeping beauties act like a baby to you early in the morning, and most people are afraid that their bones are crisp. Chen Ergou was also full of excitement, rubbing away a kilo of goose bumps, and with a knife, he said domineeringly: "Hey, I can still get you accustomed to problems. I count three, and I will lose the snake if I get out of bed. One, three... …" As he said, a colorful poisonous snake was really pulled out from behind, his head was missing, and his body was still twitching.


The two women suddenly jumped up and down, and fleeing seemed to get up from their sleeping bags. Fan Pingguo scolded, "How can you throw a snake on a girl? You won't find a girlfriend like this."

The audience in the live broadcast room was also amused-

"666, snake demon!"

"2333, my sturdy dog, I will throw a snake when I'm upset."

"If you don't agree, you will be a poisonous snake. In Guangzhou, it will be used to stew soup."

"It will be used for hot pot in Sichuan."

After making a fuss for a while, the three of them ate dinner. Suddenly, Chen Ergou's eyes were attracted by a figure on the other side of the cliff, and silently put down the tableware and picked up the bow and arrow.

"What's the matter?" Fan Apple asked in confusion.

"Hush, look!"

Following his gaze, he was still puzzled, "Nothing. Oh no...something is moving."

Chen Ergou slowly zoomed in on the camera, and the audience was completely stunned. From a distance, they saw only some small black spots moving on the almost vertical cliff. After he pulled the camera in, he saw the scene. It's jaw-dropping.

I saw several goats standing on the steep cliff, walking towards the end of the cliff rock, licking the rock salt on the cliff rock.

The cliff on this side is not ten thousand feet but also hundreds of feet, and the **** is almost vertical, but the antelopes are walking on the ground like a fist, jumping on this fist-sized bulge.

Chen Ergou raised his bow and checked the distance visually, but he had no choice but to put down the bow and arrow.

The audience was also amazed, their agility is beyond imagination, and people can jump and run even on a cliff that is almost vertical to the naked eye. The sheep look calm, but still people worry about them. Yoona exclaimed, "Oh my god, that goat looks like it is going to rush down. It really makes your heart beat faster."

Chen Ergou smiled and said, "This goat-like animal should not be a real goat. It can be classified as a mountain antelope. In our opinion, this is extremely dangerous, but it is very safe for this group of sheep. The secret for them to be safe and free on cliffs is their hooves. Their hooves have a protruding outer edge and a soft inner pad, so that the goats can generate enough friction on the smooth surface."

"There are many vegetation growing on the cliff. This antelope is also one of the few animals that can climb so high to find food. In order to survive, climb the cliff for a mouthful of salt. Many people get up early in the dark just for a bite of food. All animals are the same."

I don't know what kind of species it is. Obviously, it is very good at jumping and climbing. It runs like a plain river between cliffs and deep mountains and valleys. Even if it jumps down a deep stream that is more than 10 meters high, it is safe and sound.

This stunt performance everywhere, let the audience feast their eyes.

Yoona looked at the wild boar in her hand, then at the small black spots, took a bite of the pork, and said vaguely: "Where do they live. If you accidentally stumble with a soft leg, I'm afraid we will be crushed to pieces. We are. You can't even drink the broth."

Chen Ergou laughed and said, "If you want them to fall off by themselves, that's relatively rare."

"They live in high mountains, on rocky cliffs that are difficult for humans to climb. They usually have a gentle **** on one side and the top of a cliff on the other. The elastic hoof bottom can prevent slipping on ice and rocks. Provide a safe foothold on the cliffs. Because there are few animals in nature that can climb to such a high place to hunt them."

"Look carefully at the top of the isolated cliff over there, is there something moving..."

The camera zoomed in again, and the audience was shocked!

I saw the top of a sword-shaped stone peak standing on the banks of the Dulong River. It was only about square meters wide. At this moment, it is not a high mountain man-made peak. Now it is a mountain high sheep.


"This family on the cliff is really amazing."

Chen Ergou gave up hunting, but ignored the two restless men under him. Rengar walked to the edge of the cliff with a threatening sound in his throat, grinning, but the antelopes made a "baa" sound without any scruples, which seemed provocative.

"If you can't catch it, you can't catch it. Hey, I'm so angry."

But it also has a brother who can endure very well—the J-20 has no worries, its wings fluttered, and a long "chee" resounded through the world.

For the antelope, which is extremely sensitive to sight and hearing, ~lightnovelpub.net~, this sound of carving is undoubtedly a thunderbolt.

Frightened, the head sheep slammed its hoofs on the ground, making a "boom, boom" sound, and also made a sharp "hush, hush" sound in its mouth, warning other members of the sheep family to flee quickly.

Chen Ergou didn't have a leisure time to eat, so he put down the tableware and became a photographer, quickly focusing and recording the picture of the J-20 hunting.

It's too late to say, then it's fast.

The F-20 slammed into the eyes of a sheep at the top of the cliff, and the old sheep was attacked, instantly losing balance. The collision hit and fell all the way from the cliff, hanging halfway up the mountain and there was no movement. The other goats rushed away and disappeared.

This scene was fleeting in the blink of an eye, and even Chen Ergou was stunned, turning his head to look at Yuner stiffly, "What did you just say?"

Yoona: "..."

"Okay, you don't need to say anything, the name of Crow's Mouth is officially handed over to you."

Fan Pingguo clapped his hands and smiled, "Haha, my Yoona is amazing."

The three of them ate breakfast quickly, extinguished the fire, returned along the way, and fell back down the mountain to the bottom of the valley. They have to climb over the lonely mountain and retrieve the prey.

It's just that this lonely mountain can be seen clearly from the top of the mountain, hanging a column high, not even a fork. There are not many places to climb in the middle. If you want to retrieve the prey, you must compete with the goats and compete for rock climbing ability.

"It's too dangerous, so don't go." Fan Apple looked worried.

Chen Ergou said, "If you say you don't want it, don't do it. You have to ask the stupid bird if you want it."



The J-20 hovered halfway up the mountain, but refused to come down. From time to time, it made long and sharp noises, urging Chen Ergou to rush over to help.

"Okay, don't rush, it's coming soon!"

"Today's lamb, we are set!"