Era of Disaster

Chapter 1014: Recuperate

Bai Yi and Mo Mo both stood quietly at the highest part of the Baiming Tower, overlooking the sleeping place in the distance. [txt complete set download] A gentle breeze blew past, Mo Mo leaned gently against Bai Yi's side, looking very harmonious. It's just that at the reunion after ten thousand years, the two didn't have any wind and snow, but seemed extremely quiet.

"Is it guilty!" Bai Yi said softly.

"Huh!" Mo Mo also answered softly.

Although Bai Yi resurrected some people, but not all reads;. If Bai Yi is not obliged to resurrect all of the people in the extraterrestrial realm, then Bai Yi can't. Even if it is a god, there are things that cannot be done, not to mention that Bai Yi is actually just a relatively powerful individual. For some people who have fallen completely in the previous battles, and whose body, soul, and consciousness have completely disappeared, Bai Yi is powerless.

For example, the buns that have long been dead, and there are Xiaoyou who completely dissipated.

Although this part of the fallen people is only the grassroots staff of Bai Ming Lou, don't forget that without them, it is impossible to constitute the entire Bai Ming Lou.

Both Bai Yi and Mo Mo are very quiet, not regretting, but feeling guilty and sad. Both Bai Yi and Mo Mo have come from that era, and their minds have long been extremely firm, and they will never stop what they want to do just because some people die. However, even so, even now, they can't take all this for granted.

Not cold enough!

No, it is precisely because Bai Yi and Mo Mo still retain this feeling in their hearts that the people below are willing to follow. People who are really cold and indifferent, who do not put others in their hearts, will naturally not be loved by others.

"Master Bai Yi, Master Princess!" Sha Luo came to the back and called the two of them.

"Well, let's go." Bai Yi answered, but didn't look back. After a while, Bai Yi turned around, and Mo Mo walked towards Bai Ming Lou. When Bai Yi and Mo Mo returned to Bai Ming Lou, everyone was already waiting. Now that Bai Yi has been resurrected, many things can be decided, for example, the reconstruction of Bai Ming Lou, the future policy and so on.

Originally, this was something that should have been determined long ago.

However, after the end of the end of the war, the whole world was broken up and reorganized, and after the new world woke up, it happened to encounter such a thing as the breath of pregnancy, so there has never been a suitable opportunity. But now it is just right, Bai Yi is resurrected, and there is nothing more reassuring than this. (')For a force, a convincing collar is the most important. Although Mo Mo also has a very great prestige in Bai Ming Lou, as a young woman, Bai Yi has never been so reassuring. .


Bai Yi announced the main policy to everyone.

This is the main policy for a period of time after Bai Ming Lou, and even the breath of pregnancy is not intended to be ignored. It’s not that I don’t care, but Bai Yi and Mo Mo both clearly know that there are a lot of things that need to be sorted out in the current Bai Ming Lou. difficult.


After Bai Yi set the guidelines, everyone in Bai Ming Lou immediately began to act.

First, it is the reconstruction of Baiming Tower.

As a symbol of Baiminglou, Baiminglou is also a base camp and has a very important position. However, in this battle, because Baiminglou was used as the main venue for the battle, it was basically destroyed. Fortunately, before the battle, important things were already specially collected, so apart from architecture, there was not much loss. Now what Bai Minglou has to do is to rebuild Baiminglou.

For the construction of Baiming Building, Sha Luo made a suggestion to use the solidification rule array!

The so-called curing rule array is to use the rule array to completely shape and solidify the material at the beginning of construction. After this material is shaped, even if it is damaged, it will have the effect of automatic repair. The Baiming Building is built with this material, and then it is solidified on a large scale, which is equivalent to having a fixed formwork. In the future, even if the Baiming Building is damaged again, it can be restored quickly according to this template.

Sarah's suggestion has won the support of most people. After all, Baiminglou is a very important core place. If it is destroyed at both ends of the three days, let alone rebuilding it will consume a lot of resources. Even the prestige in the hearts of Baiminglou members is a huge blow.

However, it is not easy to build such a Baiming Building. First, it is the curing rule.

Finally, it was decided to perfect the evolution based on the capabilities mastered by Captain Moses of the Eighth Guard. Moses' ability to regenerate the earth is very vast in battle, but he did not expect that his ability would actually be used on buildings. Of course, this is just a foundation, and specific improvements need to learn from many other things. For example, various information obtained from extraterrestrial domains, as well as communication with other forces, etc.

For this, Bai Yi directly allowed Moses to communicate with other forces. Bai Minglou has never been cherished by broomsticks. Communicating with others, the corresponding gains are actually more. Bai Yi believes that other forces should also be more interested in this kind of curing rule array with automatic repair capabilities.


The second is the assignment of reads;.

Bai Yi did not modify the division of duties that Momo had sorted out before. In fact, Bai Yi also felt very suitable. It's just that after the battle, many people have already fallen, so the personnel need to be changed. There are a lot fewer individual core members, even if they don’t want to be directors, they all have a name in a certain department.

Ministry of Internal Affairs:

Still taking Salo as a subordinate, the main subordinates are mayfly spirits and doll maids. Vera also put a name in it again, but basically no director.

Armed Forces:

Divided into twelve escorts, the most powerful is their captain. Woolf became the captain of the first **** and concurrently served as the captain of the team. Even the resurrected Randolph has not been excluded. Although the power has been lost, it has the previous memory and the power system of Baiming Tower. I believe Randolph will soon catch up. Before that, Bai Minglou only needed to arrange a deputy captain with enough directors for him.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

It is still Abe Shinzo. However, Bai Yi has told Shinzo Abe that unless there are major changes in the future, Bai Minglou will basically not intervene in the regime of ordinary people outside. Because, at this level, they can clearly understand the different levels. People of their level, and then casually intervene in the world of ordinary people, it is like holding a nuclear bomb to maintain peace in the world. A careless, the resulting conflict is simply greater than the original destruction.

From now on, Bai Minglou will mostly exist as a behind-the-scenes leader. At the same time, in the future, the focus of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be biased towards the collection of resources.

Strength Research Department:

Of course, it is Bai Yiwei, but anyone has a name in it. The main purpose of this department is to integrate various forces to form a complete system. Especially every master in Bai Ming Lou, such as Bai Yi, Mo Mo, captains, etc., are the core members inside. Their power composition and derivation are all very important information. In addition, the staff will evaluate and deduce each person's different strengths and make corresponding suggestions.

Research Department:

This department must be based on nights and nights. If the strength research department is mainly an extension based on individuals, then the research department is a force formed by the outside world.

Although Bai Minglou lost a lot because of the battle, it also gained a lot, especially the different technology and power system of each star field. The main research purpose of Yeye is how to use these external forces. Being good at using foreign objects has always been the advantage of intelligent creatures.

However, in previous battles, I always felt that this advantage did not show up.

The source guide is a good research direction, but the time of the source guide is too short, it may be very powerful for ordinary people, but for the top masters, it seems more tasteless. For the real top experts, the foreign objects that can be used and used are basically enough to reach the level of ‘treasure’. The research goal after every night is to mass-produce treasures... No, or to say, mass-produce "treasures" with equal or similar power.

This is undoubtedly very difficult, but the encounter with the ‘God’s costume’ from the Batchy Star Zone, as well as several ‘scourges’, has finally made a striving direction.

What needs to be done every night is to absorb the corresponding technology and principles, and finally form the unique "treasure" of Baiming Building.

Dark part:

Any except the armed forces on the bright side, there must be indisputable armed forces. The original dark part used Kanda Kiyoshi as the dark part minister in the final battle stage. However, during the reorganization, Bai Yi cancelled her post.

It wouldn’t work if she didn’t cancel, because she didn’t mean to take up this position anymore, and Malvi looked at him eagerly. The dark part is a very dangerous department. It used to be a last resort. Now Bai Yike does not do the sort of thing that breaks up others.

At this time, everyone else had to admire. This guy, Malvi, had just saved Kanda Kiyoshi for a short time, but now he has such a gentleman who is obedient to himself, indifferent to the outside world, and powerful.

Of course, after Kanda Kiyoshi resigned, the original deputy minister took over. This deputy minister was the mad dog Patton who was cast under Bai Yi a long time ago. This guy is quite suitable for such activities as the dark part. Although he has completed many important tasks in the past, it has always been infamous. No, this should be the way of life that best suits him, living in darkness. People outside did not even know his name at all.

There are many other departments, but these are not so core, but they are also very perfect.