Era of Disaster

Chapter 1082: Therapeutic theory


Ernest felt that Bai Yi's approach was really bad, and gave hope to others, but it was futile not to tell others. Similarly, he also had to pay more power to defeat his opponent because of Bai Yi's easy work. In this regard, Ernest can only report a bitter smile, as a subordinate, although he has felt the bad taste of Bai Yi, but he has no right to blame Bai Yi.


"Really just bad taste?" On the other side, Nancy knew Bai Yi very well.

"No, if you are not careful, Ernest will lose." Bai Yi said calmly. Just like what Nancy thought, Bai Yike would not spoof anything if nothing happened. It is said that this time out, in addition to the biological wisdom brain, it is to train Ernest and Tsukachi, the embryo of the carnivorous armor, but Bai Yi is perfect, and he knows a lot about his ability. For example, in some respects, it happens to restrain Ernest's first blood of the first blood, even if it is the second blood of the blood, if you are not careful, you will plant it.

"It's all the members you value, so are you afraid of being spoiled?" Nancy laughed.

"How could it not be so easy to break. Moreover, Mo Mo looked at it next to it, and even if there was any danger, it wouldn't die." Bai Yi shook his head.

"Speaking of it, what are you studying this time?" Bai Yi asked again.

"Medicine!" Nancy said.

"I'm very curious about the medical skills of the East Star Field. I took the time to understand this time and found it very interesting. This Star Field really deserves to develop the meat armor to such a degree of civilization. Their The medical technique is also closely related to this. The star domain is best at replacement. It uses a unique virtual animal component to replace the original aging and depleted tissues of the body to obtain new life." Nancy said, Bai Yi showed what he found during this time.

"Before the era of earth fragmentation, the treatment methods were mainly divided into traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine. In the evolutionary period after that, pharmacology emerged. And after I woke up, the reason why I didn’t come back was that I gradually tried outside and wanted to find out. There is a new kind of medicine... No, it is not correct to say that it is a new kind of medicine, it should be said, a theory." Nancy thought while explaining.

"What theory?"

"Bai Yi, do you know what the essential principle of medicine is?" Nancy asked suddenly.

"The essential principle of medicine?" Bai Yi suddenly began to think.

"Return to normal?" Bai Yi said with a little doubt.

"Correct, as I thought before, but not comprehensive." Nancy said with a smile.

Nancy took Bai Yi and walked in the other direction. On the way, Bai Yi listened to Nancy's detailed explanation. Bai Yi knows that the people in Baiming Building are not idle, and have their own efforts. Before Bai Yi deduced the power system, he developed a costume at night, Malvi tried to make treasures, and Nancy and Bemira were studying new types of medicine. As for Woolf and them, their task is of course to increase their strength. Only the stronger the strength, they can better protect Baiminglou.

"Returning to normal is basically correct, but it is not comprehensive. This is just medical treatment in the usual sense, that is, restoring life to a normal form in the general sense, that is, a race's so-called'healthy' state. And this It is also the first type of medical technique in my opinion, and it is the most common medical technique in the world." Nancy gave Bai Yi a detailed explanation of the principles she understood.

"Whether it is traditional Chinese medicine or Western medicine, whether it is late pharmacology or current restoration of Eastbourne, or even the subtle control after LV4, it can be said that this is a kind of medical surgery. Although the effects are not the same, but to restore normal health As a basic theory."

"And when I was walking in the outside world, I had perfected this kind of medical technique." Nancy said, a soft aqua light radiating from her hands. There are also some lines that look very simple, but are extremely mysterious.

"Actually, I'm curious about the healing techniques in the game."

"No matter how many injuries, it seems that it can be recovered easily under the treatment. And when I explored and studied outside, I achieved a theory, which is the theory of balance. As long as a life has not died, then he and Inherent, the balance of health has not been completely broken. The so-called healing technique is to revise those areas that have been violated. The law that follows is still the healthy part. You know, I still have There is the curing rule now used in Bai Ming Lou."

By this time, the two had come into a room, and an Eastman with his face dying and covered with moss was sitting inside.

The light in Nancy's hands fell on the Eastman.

The Eastman looked at Nancy's behavior and did not resist, nor could he resist. However, the expected injury did not come, but after the light fell on his body, his body suddenly began to change. It was as if a new vitality gradually spread out from the body, and then combed outward.

At this time, Bai Yi also opened his eyes and looked very carefully.

In Bai Yi's eyes, the light of the water fell on the body of the Eastman, and immediately integrated into his body by the above rules and was a part of health. Then, this ray of light suddenly combed out towards the outside, constantly changing from the healthy part, and gradually turning those areas that had been diseased into a normal cycle.

Bai Yi's eyes suddenly light up!

"It's amazing, right." Nancy looked at Bai Yi.

"It's really amazing." Bai Yi nodded.

Because, this combing power comes not only from Nancy's light, but also from the patient itself. From the healthy part, his body spontaneously combed out, quickly transforming the affected area back. This process is like a complete reversal of the disease process.

"This is the power of life. As long as it is not dead, as long as there is a healthy part in his body, he is born with a state that a life should have. That is-health!" Nancy said. Shaked his finger.

At this time, after the light's power approached a hardened place, the power began to weaken rapidly, and the power of the healing technique suddenly became slower. But even so, the man sitting on the bed felt that his body was recovering quickly.

"The advantage of treatment is to spontaneously change to a healthy state. However, its disadvantage is that it has little effect on some stubborn and completely diseased tissues. After all, for things that have become cancerous stones, I want to It’s a little unrealistic to turn into flesh again,” Nancy said, with a scalpel in his hand.

No need to get close at all, the scalpel flew towards the man himself, and then the hardened cancerous substance was expelled from him. And after this substance was expelled, the remaining force worked again to repair his body.

"It's really a great healing technique." Bai Yi couldn't help wondering.

"Actually, I don't even know his pathology." Nancy smiled suddenly and said a little flauntingly.

Indeed, the principle of healing is to repair the law, starting with the healthy part, and gradually combing out to change the lesion to a normal state. This is not a treatment in the usual sense, so it is not so important to know the pathology.

"It's just a pity that it hasn't been completely perfected. It's just a general patient. For those who are too complicated, they can't do it." Nancy said, glancing at Bai Yi.

Forehead, the person whose physical condition is too complicated, refers to Bai Yi!

No, it means people who are in this situation. What kind of special physique, true blood is the real spirit, contemplation blessing, etc., is indeed not a simple treatment to sort out clearly. However, anyway, Nancy has also embarked on this path. This sorting theory is indeed very effective. If it is really perfect to the end, Bai Yi is very curious about what this treatment will become.

"In short, this is the treatment I had originally conceived. But after discussing with Bemira, we came up with another view. Medicine should not be limited to this, but there are other ways."

"for example?"

"For example, converting dead people into spirits, or corpses or something," Nancy said.

"Bemira's theory, medical technique, is to make a life reach a stable balance, not to die for various reasons. As for whether this life maintains its original life form, it is not so important. Even, it is not only transformed into corpses. The body can also be transformed into anything else, as long as it is'alive' and steadily alive," Nancy said, and Bai Yi went in another direction.

"It's really reasonable that Xie Men's way of deviating." Bai Yi smiled suddenly.

"God knows how she has such a mess of thoughts. However, it really makes sense to crook the evil way." Nancy also laughed.


Bai Yi and Nancy chatted casually, walked towards the other side, and left the ward. Neither of them noticed that the Eastman was looking at their backs, and their ears were trembling slightly. In other words, both of them noticed, but didn't care, because Bai Yi and Nancy both spoke Chinese, and there was nothing particularly important.

It's just that the two didn't know that this Eastman had completely recorded the conversation between Bai Yi and Nancy with his own listening patients here are all from Some homeless patients brought back outside were simply unable to heal. After being cured, the Eastman was quickly released. Except for not knowing where he was taken and where he came out, other memories were not erased.

After returning to the street where he was begging, the Eastman who was once a sick homeless man felt as if he were alive.

He was taken away inexplicably, thinking that he was dead. Unexpectedly, after a good treatment, he came back. Moreover, all the pain in his body was completely gone. All of this comes from the two unidentified people.

The words of Bai Yi and Nancy, this Eastman cannot understand, but the unique pronunciation and language have a special charm. At this time, the Eastman suddenly felt that he should do something, for example, find this force and thank them for saving their lives.

Yes, thanks!

The Eastman was covering his chest, perhaps, the other party was just doing a random test. But for him, it is a new life without compromise.