Era of Disaster

Chapter 1084: Higher-end


Bauer's death basically announced the decline of the Salon family. http://%77%77%77%2e%76%6f%64%74%77%2e%63%6f%6d↖, no one expected that it would be such a result. Even more so, it was faster than when the Salon family sought the Frye family, as if it was under a certain powerful force and could not be reversed at all.

Bai Yi did not pay attention to this matter, because Bai Yi was not concerned about this.

Regardless of how Amphora, Lane, and the deployment of the Frye family would treat the Salon family, Bai Yi ignored it completely.

In the eyes of outsiders, although the turmoil was vast, it was very normal. Even the other star rings didn't get too surprised when they knew there was a power change here. Because, in the eyes of everyone, the Frye family has this qualification and this reason to return. This time the change of the 1044 star ring is ‘normal’ in everyone’s eyes. As for the deeper information, such as the existence of Baiming Tower, after the information is blocked, it is not known to outsiders.

It is worth mentioning that in the replacement of rights, the Josiah that Bai Yi valued before also appeared, and made a sincere move. However, this so-called surrender also means rebellion. No matter which side of the person, his senses are not very good. And Bai Yi seems to have completely forgotten his existence, and has never said this to the people below. Soon, even with the credit for sincerity, this guy was squeezed to the brink by the people of the Frye family.

Surprisingly, Josiah didn't care at all, just performing his current duties conscientiously.

"You are Josiah?" When Yuko Yuko found the man, the guy was wasting time in a department that was completely meaningless.

"I am, are you?" Josiah asked.

"That adult wants to see you, come with me." Yuko Yuko said briefly, and then took Josiah away.

Josiah's expression was suddenly agitated, and then he thought of Bai Yi he had seen before. Without much inquiries, Josiah immediately followed Yugong Yuko. Soon, he discovered that people along the way were extremely respectful of Yugong Xuezi. Suddenly, Josiah suddenly felt that she seemed to have encountered an unspeakable opportunity.

When Josiah was brought to Bai Yi, he suddenly found the man he had met in the hotel.

come yet!

Bai Yi turned around, revealing a soft smile.

Josiah was surprised that there are actually Amphora and Lane, who are the only remaining core members of the Frye family. It's just that these two men are now extremely respectful of that man.

Not much to say, soon, Josiah left Bai Yi here. But at this time, his heart was shocked to the utmost. It turned out that the Frye family was just a few people under the Baiming Tower.

After Josiah left here, he was quickly assigned a good position. The old deployments of the Frye family are simply beyond consternation. How could such a betrayal of the original owner sit in such a high position. However, no matter what they refuted, Lane, the current head of the Frye family, didn't pay any attention. Because this is the guy named by Bai Yi himself, he doesn't care so much.

Bai Yi didn't say much, but said that Josiah was'very capable' and could be qualified for some positions.

But even a simple sentence is enough to make Amphora and Yelda think about things. Especially Yeruda, already thinking about whether Bai Yi arranged for such a person to prevent them from sitting up. It's just that it doesn't make sense. If you really want to arrange such a person, Bai Yi shouldn't let them know. However, Bai Yi was so clear that Bai brought people to them and let them know the existence of Josiah.

However, among everyone, it is estimated that Ryan and Josiah know why.

Prevent sitting big, power checks and balances?

It doesn't mean much at all. In Bai Yi's eyes, these secular things are totally worthless. If it wasn’t met by chance, the other party would have ignored it at all.

Knowing all this, Ryan is because the heart is pure enough, and Josiah sees the essence.

After taking up not a low position, Josiah quickly showed a strong working ability and handled all kinds of things in an orderly manner. Originally, the rights of the two forces were replaced, and this forced way would definitely cause great turmoil. But under the coordination of Josiah, this turbulence was suppressed to a minimum. In many cases, the way this guy handles things is unacceptable, but it is exceptionally effective.

After regaining ‘status’, no one is in charge of whether Josiah is sincere or traitor. Many people began to please him, even more popular than before.

However, at this time Josiah firmly remembered what Bai Yi said to him at that time.

‘Don’t forget those words from you! ’

It was unknown at the time, but now I want to come, but everything has an answer. The adult, I am afraid that he knew such a thing would happen, so he reminded him. Speaking of which, he is totally worthless to the adult, just pass a sentence, but why did he call him in the past to meet him in particular, just such a few unimportant sentences.

Do not!

It is to remind him that he only needs to do what he wants in the future, as long as he does not make particularly serious mistakes, he no longer needs to live like he used to. From now on, he only needs to be responsible for Bai Ming Lou.


Bai Yi called Josiah to himself, it really means that, let him know clearly what kind of existence and power behind him. As for whether it can be understood, it is Josiah’s own business. Bai Yi did have a little expectation for Josiah, but he didn't particularly value it.

After everyone left, Bai Yi began to sort out everything he had obtained.

The things in the previous research base were only one-sided. Now that the two forces have completely replaced, more things are exposed. Perhaps not all of them are advanced, but the knowledge in them involves all aspects. After integrating these things, Bai Yi's heart also has a new understanding of some of them that are not well understood.

After Bai Yi read everything, his brain of knowledge was perfected. It can be said that Bai Yi can now use this knowledge to re-copy everything the Salon family did before, and all aspects can be better and more perfect. But Bai Yi knew that it was not enough. This was just the knowledge of the Salon family. He needed more and more high-end information.

This kind of information is not so easy to obtain as it is now. If you continue to move in that direction, you must contact the real high-level of the East Star Territory, those innate creatures.

Bai Yi glanced into the distance.

So, get started!

From the beginning, Bai Yi has never thought about what special high-end information can be obtained from the world of ordinary people. The reason for staying in the 1044 star ring is only because of their reasons. However, the result is a little better than expected. Although the biological wisdom brain studied by the Salon family is only a single body, it does give Bai Yi some good insights. Now that things have come to an end, of course, we need to move towards higher goals.

"Is it here?" Bai Yi asked.

"Well, I found out." Yugong Xuezi came to Bai Yi with a document. Originally, these things should be done by Vera, but Mo Mo came over and left Vera, so I could only find someone to temporarily serve as Bai Yi's temporary secretary. After the election, it was the tenth team deputy captain Yumiya Yuko who was most Originally she was placed in the tenth team, which is to assist Ernest, so these things are also very good.

"On the East Star field, innate spirits are called gods. A few decades ago, this star field held a reservation about the innate gods, just like the previous earth. However, decades ago , A void species appeared, engulfed several innate gods, and then triggered a very huge battle, a star ring was completely broken, and the East Star Field knew that the gods really existed." Yugong Xuezi said.


"Well, yeah, the void species that appeared before was bite." Yugong Xuezi nodded.

"After the appearance of the gods, there was a sensation in the East Star Territory for a while, and it has continued until now. However, it is just a sensation. For decades, everyone has discovered that even if they know the existence of the gods, ordinary people have no chance. Contact. Want to reach that group of people, unless selected." Yumiya Yuko explained.

Bai Yi looked at the collected data carefully and thoughtfully.

Is this the case? If you want to get more high-end information about biological brains, it seems that you have to go there.