Era of Disaster

Chapter 1208: pain


Bai Yi's heart was very painful, very painful. Looking at the figure in the air, a kind of pain and silence almost completely suppressed Bai Yi's heart. ⊥ Three people, in almost the same period of time, Bai Minglou lost three members of the absolute core.

Barton, Kanda Kiyoshi, Kwan Shile!

Whether it is a subordinate or a friend, Bai Yi is difficult to accept. Looking at the silent costume suspended in the air, Bai Yi's heart was like a big hand pinching the heart, almost breathless. Extremely depressed, now Bai Yi only wants to tear all the enemies into pieces, even the lv6 that appeared before.

Suddenly, a slight movement came from the ground. Bai Yi's life field scanned, and then immediately shot, pulled the people below.

Charm Hibiscus!

The true body of Munar is a special wood plant. On a huge plant, dozens of vines spread out, connecting some other buds.

Bai Yi shot instantly, and quickly clicked a few times in the air, the power penetrated into Munar's body. Stimulated by Bai Yi's power, the flower bud at the top of the vine suddenly opened and spit out a team of players. And after doing all this, the vines are like withering, spreading toward the center of the charm of hibiscus. Bai Yi immediately shot again and put his hand on the root of Meixiang Hibiscus.

After a while, Meixiang Hibiscus gradually retracted towards the inside, exposing the central Munar.

The reappearing Munnar's breath weakened almost almost, although she did not participate in the top battle. But her power is a semi-assist. With her own strength, she has protected all the other guardians, which is definitely more expensive than simply participating in the war. You should know that each of the people participating in the war is not a weak person. If it is not her, it is estimated that every member of the Guardian can survive.

"Admiral Bai Yi, deputy captain!" A nearby Guardian team climbed weakly and saw Bai Yi and Munar on the ground.

"What about the captain?" The others also climbed up, obviously still confused. In previous battles, they were almost completely useless. They just remember that when the battle was too intense, they were stunned and then swallowed by the vice captain's bud. So, as soon as they came out, these people started asking about Guan Shile's whereabouts.

Bai Yi did not answer, in fact, no need to answer. The costumes suspended in the air are very conspicuous. These people just got out a little bit confused, and soon they found out where their captain was. However, after seeing the costumes, all the guards of the Nether Guard suddenly froze.

Even if they are not as strong as Bai Yi, they are also the guardians of Bai Ming Lou, and it is still easy to distinguish the breath of one's life.

Their captain...!

Except for the severely wounded and unconscious, all the Guardians stayed in place, a kind of unspeakable grief surging in their hearts. No one spoke, but everyone felt something in their eyes seemed to be intolerable. Gradually, a slight sob came from the crowd.

A female player covered her mouth and tried not to cry, but she couldn't help her tears.

The other team member's lips were trembling and the focus was almost completely lost in his eyes.

Guan Shile, as the captain of the fourth Mingwei, is elegant, gentle, strong and handsome, and is loved by everyone in the team. Therefore, after they discovered that Guan Shile had fallen, they would be so unacceptable. As members of the Fourth Guardian, they did not do their duty to guard their captain. If it wasn't for the vice captain Munar to protect them, they would not be of any use at all. A strong pain and self-blame spread in everyone's heart.

At this time, two groups of people ran over in the other direction.

It is still the Fourth Guardian, but a member of the Fourth Guardian who was previously isolated from the enclosed space. And, the Winod man who has been hiding outside and has not shot. Even more distant places, people from other forces are coming here quickly.

In the first act, even if the people in the solar system do not understand, but they have to care about such a huge movement.

Soon, another member of the Fourth Guardian came here, and then slowly, his face gradually stopped in shock. Because no one believes that the sky is the captain of the suspended costume.


How could their powerful and handsome captain die like this.

However, the appearance of other people around, as well as the deputy captain's weakness, can prove something. This group of 4th Guardian team members who have just arrived here suddenly felt that their heart was gripped by something, and they were almost breathless.

"Aven, Captain, tell me, Captain." A later player asked the voice of a dull man and asked aloud.

The player named Ivan turned his head and wanted to say something, but his lips were shaking for a long time, but he said nothing.

"I ask your captain." The player shouted loudly and hoarse, but he cried first. In fact, even if they came from behind, why do you need to ask about the obvious situation here? Perhaps, his bone-like inquiry just wanted a different answer from the people here. For example, Guan Shile is actually not dangerous, only the breath disappears temporarily.

However, how can such self-deception be realized.

His crying sounded like a quotation, and other people who were still holding back tears finally couldn't help it. Both men and women, almost all wet their eyes. Many people are still forced to endure not crying, but that look is even more sad and sad.

Bai Ming Lou, the fourth Ming Wei, captain-Guan Shile-battle to death!

Everyone, everyone who came here, confirmed this fact. No matter how they don't believe it, the facts before them clearly show this.

"Asshole!" Inside the Guardian behind, a member of the team suddenly rushed out and punched at the person at Winod.

No power is used, it is completely anger and sorrow to the extreme, instinctively want to beat people. Such an attack certainly can't hit anyone, so this team member was easily blocked. Everyone's eyes were immediately attracted by the player's move, and then looked here.

"You did it on purpose, deliberately delay the time, and then let our captain face the powerful opponent alone." This player was blocked, but he also grabbed Ye Shuang's collar and questioned fiercely.

"You can't talk nonsense." Ye Shuang replied immediately. At this time, he was very clear, although they did delay the time, but they absolutely can not admit it.

"Nonsense, did you* open your eyes and talk nonsense. Didn’t you stay there completely when we passed by? Our request for support has already been sent out, why haven’t you come. You dare Say, didn’t you deliberately delay the time, just to let our captain face the enemy alone, and then let him fall." The player asked frantically.

"That's just your guess, it's because you are too painful and delusional. Vinod is also a member of humanity, how can we do this." Ye Shuang will never admit.

However, he does not admit that it does not matter. Others knew what happened from the simple conversation between the two—Bai Minglou made an application for support from Winod early on. This is normal in the current world. After all, there are so many battles in the solar system. When it is not in its own territory, it will basically apply for support from nearby forces. This is both an opportunity to deepen communication and increase safety.

However, it seems that the people of Winod have arrived long ago, but they did not appear.

Reason: Is the Hang Bai Ming Lou enough?

With the arrangement behind the scenes, the forces between the parties and Bai Minglou are not so friendly now. Although there is no conflict at the top, there are more differences below. The envy and jealousy of other forces towards Bai Ming Lou, as well as the feelings of enthusiasm that gradually accumulate at ordinary times, if they deliberately pit Bai Ming Lou at this time, it really makes no sense.

Deliberately delaying time, let a captain of Baiming Tower fall!

Although they didn't shoot it directly (and didn't dare to shoot it), but by looking at the other people in Bai Ming Lou, they knew that the matter was big.

The people in Bai Ming Lou were all glaring at the people of If Bai Yi didn't say anything, it is estimated that they would rush up.

In fact, Bai Yi knew what happened next, but, when things were not certain, Bai Yi did not immediately express his attitude. Because, at this time, Bai Yi is parsing the message sent by Kanda Kiyoshi. This is very important. If there is no such information, perhaps Bai Yi has already made the wrong decision just now.

Because, when he knew that Vinod was watching and watching Guan Shile die, he all felt like he wanted to kill this group of people.

Not to mention that there is nothing wrong with this. This kind of thing harmed by people on his own side makes him even more unacceptable.

However, Bai Yi gradually understood what was going on after analyzing the news that Kanda Kiyoshi passed back. It turned out that this was so... After understanding the real reason, Bai Yi's heart once again raised a very heartache. These news, but Barton and Kanda Ching Ying exchanged their lives back.

If you can……!

However, for now, this scene must be performed, absolutely, they must not be sacrificed in vain.