Era of Disaster

Chapter 1209: Attitude change


During the chaotic period of Neiyu, the breath of birth was born. Copy URL to visit http://%77%77%77%2e%76%6f%64%74%77%2e%63%6f%6d

Countless races have fought, resulting in boundless murder.

The strong players in all star fields ignore their lives, ignore their own leading responsibilities, compete for destruction, and finally break the star field.

Heiyao fell, and the star fields gradually shattered.

This is the script currently being executed. The major sects behind the scenes not only want to get the luck of the various star regions, but they also do not intend to make their own shots, but to act as the savior. The other celestial domains have existed for countless years, and various denominations do not know how much time has been arranged, so it is easy to trigger such a situation. Perhaps those people thought it was their own decision, but they did not know that they were being led by others.

Take a look at Xigu Xingyu, Tianxi Zu Emperor is so confused that he will hang up to know. The power of the seven sects behind the scenes is simply amazingly powerful.

The only exception is the solar system, this star field is a new star field, and the masters above basically know. It is impossible for a master in the Broken Age to suddenly run out of an unknown person.

Therefore, if you want the solar system to fight on its own initiative, you must have an appropriate guide.

The secret guidance of those who were lurking in the various forces before caused Bai Minglou and other forces to gradually conflict. A feeling of anger and jealousy was already lurking. In the world of ordinary people, many people have also been threatened by the public opinion of others, and they have resented and misunderstood Bai Ming Lou. They believe that such continuous outbreak of fighting in the solar system is caused by Bai Ming Lou.

Then, it is the first act now, Guan Shile falls!

This is a captain of Bai Ming Lou. In Bai Ming Lou, they are absolute core members. If this is the case, it is estimated that Bai Yi may still be depressed. However, if he investigates the "reason", he finally finds that other forces deliberately delayed the time before he let Guan Shi die.

What would Bai Minglou think?

He was pitted by the original friendly forces and was worthless. But at this time, spreading public opinion through the eyes of the world, and putting the responsible party on Guan Shile's body, then, will Bai Minglou be angry.

It will definitely be angry, just like the fourth guardian here, just want to kill.

Perhaps, Bai Yi will take into account the overall situation and suppress this situation. However, such a script is not only one scene, but also two scenes, three scenes, and even more. Will Bai Minglou endure it? Obviously it was for the solar system, but it was deliberately pitted by other forces, and it was still not understood. Then, what would Baiminglou do.

You know, the way of spiritual smelting is in Mo Mo's hands.

Baiminglou has this strength to do so, even if it is all enemies with other forces. The biggest difference is just whether or not to do so. However, if the above things really happen, I am afraid that even Bai Yi can’t guarantee that he will make such a decision.

The battle between Bai Ming Lou and other forces, and the battle with other outsiders in the star field, will break the star field. If at this time, someone suddenly appears to be powerful, but feels very close to save the world, how can it not be worshipped and respected.


The master of the Mausoleum Palace is known as the ancestor of all maternal creatures in the universe. Grace, nobility, compassion... if she would restore the broken world.

Completely understood, when Bai Yi saw this from the news, he already fully understood. Why the seven denominations mentioned in the news clearly have the power to crush the entire solar system, but they still have to use such a troublesome way. Because, the smelting of spiritual movement is not a simple matter. Forcibly smelting spiritual fortunes is always inadequate. In this way, the worship and admiration of all the stars are obtained, and then the last son of spiritual fortune is brought under his own door to absorb refining.

It is not the breath of birth that gave birth to life, but the prosperity of life that gave birth to birth.

According to this script, after the final creation of the Divine Court, even in the entire inner universe, even the star field will flourish again. There will be no new conception of birth, because the new world, when the spiritual prosperity regains prosperity, will follow this trajectory and directly become the nutrients of the existing seven methods of conception.

What a great deal!

What a conspiracy!

Bai Yi's eyes are faintly hidden. He can't imagine what this inner universe would look like if it really became the screen of the script. Perhaps, on the surface, countless living races live and work in peace, longing for and worshipping the gods of those denominations and heroes who save the world. But how could they know what the real facts look like.

Moreover, from the current situation, this script is almost impossible to fail.

Just looking at the composition of the proven Warsaw religion is enough to despair everyone.

Are you desperate, Bai Yi's eyes suddenly froze, and a breath of absolute strength appeared instantly. Originally still relatively glaring, everyone who was about to shoot suddenly stunned, and then looked carefully at Bai Yi. Not strong, after all, it is not coercive, but just a simple breath, it makes everyone feel a little nervous. This is the power of Bai Yi, the status above the solar system.

Especially the people of Winod, their heartbeats are quickened, for fear that Bai Yi will trouble them at this time.

If Bai Yi is hands-on, it is estimated that everyone has to lie down.

Of course, the people in Baiminglou also admired Bai Yi, waiting for Bai Yi's attitude.

Taking one step, Bai Yi disappeared in place, as if shrinking, appearing on the side of the leader of Winod. Bai Yi's right hand patted gently on his shoulder.

"Don’t worry, Pomina, although we are not familiar with it, we have known each other for so long. When have you seen it, I will do something unreasonably. Bai Minglou, will not anger you, The only mistake is that Guan Shile's own strength is not enough." Bai Yi said lightly, his eyes very cold.

The guardian of Baiminglou wanted to say something, but they didn't want Winod's people to leave like this. However, they had to stop before they could say anything.

Because, Bai Yi turned around and looked at them.

"That's right, the only mistake this time is that Guan Shile's strength is not enough, and your strength is not enough. Looking forward to others' rescue, when will you become so weak." Bai Yi quietly looked at Bai Minglou Of the Guardian.

"Answer me, do you need the strength of others, do you need Bai Ming Lou?"

"No need!" Hearing Bai Yi's inquiries, all the rest of the guardians answered, with angry and excited eyes.

"Sprinkle, go back, this is the thing of Bai Ming Lou." Bai Yi said to Pomina, his eyes very calm. However, it was too calm, calm to indifference. Although Bai Yi said that he would not be angry, everyone can see that Bai Yi's attitude towards Winod was more frightening than angry. This feeling is like putting them on another stand. It can be said that Vinod's deliberate delay of time has completely changed Bai Yi's attitude.

A big deal is about to happen!

People of other forces can see what Bai Yi's change in attitude means.

Pomina looked at Bai Yi, opened his mouth, and wanted to say nothing, but said nothing. Although he was also the old man of Winod who survived in the broken age, but in the face of Bai Yi, he did not even have the courage to speak. After a pause, Pomina took the Winod man directly and gradually left towards the back. Bai Yi stood so quietly on the spot. When the people of Winod passed Bai Yi, they didn't even dare to take a breath.

Ye Shuang glanced at Bai Yi quietly as she passed Bai Yi.

But what he didn't expect was that his eyes just matched Bai Yi's eyes. Subconsciously, Ye Shuang immediately lowered her head, as if she was very scared. Even if he always prides himself, if he is in that era, he will never be worse than Bai Yi.

Of course, Bai Yi remembers Ye Shuang, a young man with amazing talent but not the four people he chose.

Just to remember, Bai Yi did not pay special attention to him.

The Mingwei of Baiminglou watched the people of Winod leave. Even the most angry person in the past is not investigating anything at all. Because, as Bai Yi said, this time, they are lack of strength. It is good to say that it is pride, and it is good to say that it is arrogant. This is the attitude of Bai Minglou. Baiminglou is the strongest, and they are also the strongest. As Bai Yi said, they don't need the help of other people. This time, their captain is not strong enough, they are not strong enough.

They will bleed and even die in the future, but they will never extravagantly seek help from other forces.

Although it is not investigated but it completely cleared the boundaries.


After the Wynolds disappeared completely, Bai Yicai looked at the people in Baiminglou: "Send, Guan Shile go home."

With a simple sentence, everyone couldn't help it, and the tears kept flowing. The previous stubbornness and previous stubbornness all turned into boundless pain. Their captain, the handsome and handsome captain, died in this battle.


Soon, everything that happened here was thoroughly transmitted, especially Bai Yi's attitude in the end. Bai Yi's attitude surprised people of other forces, because this kind of approach, like drawing a line, is more serious than pursuing.

It's just that when the top leaders of other forces are surprised, those behind the scenes are extremely happy. Although many things happened during the first act, and even several people died, fortunately, the effect was better than expected. Bai Yi's attitude has changed, and they can definitely make Bai Minglou all the betrayal and embark on the road of smelting spiritual transport.

However, people of these denominations do not know that Bai Yiyan's amazing depth. Phone please visit: