Era of Disaster

Chapter 160: trust

"What are you laughing, so happy?" Soon, Hiloes and Vera came in and asked with a surprised look.

"Actually, there's nothing wrong with it. It's just a joke suddenly. Bai Yi glanced at the computer and deleted the test paper every night." After seeing this scene, Bai Yi was relieved. How to say it, Bai Yi doesn't have to cover up, but this kind of embarrassment is still not necessary to show off, and it is better to know less people.

"Huh~?" The two looked at Bai Yi doubtfully. The signs of concealment were too obvious, okay.

The two looked at several others. Mo Mo must have listened to Bai Yi and wouldn't talk nonsense. Shapi, poo and jengila would not be exposed. Now the key is Alotija. When Bai Yi looked at Alodia, Bai Yi made a pleased move to Alodia. This pitiful look suddenly made Alodia laugh out of nowhere. Usually, Alodia still has a lot of respect for Bai Yi, but now that she sees what Bai Yi is like, she realizes that Bai Yi's true temperament.

"Well, it's nothing!" Alortia shook her head with a smile.

"Really?" Vera and Helois looked at Alortia in question.

"It's really okay, I promise, how are you doing?" Bai Yi asked, immediately digressing.

"The situation is not very optimistic. The forces of several parties are more perfunctory. It is not easy to obtain resources. As for the availability of resources, can you use it with confidence? Among them, there is a better attitude. There is Liulixia of the Ministry of Medicine, but she hopes Nancy went to her to develop." Vera heard Bai Yi asked, and did not pay attention to the question of why Bai Yi laughed. They said immediately.

"So what do you mean, Nancy?" Bai Yi asked, looking at the other side.

"I'm a member of the team now." Nancy shook her head.

Bai Yi looked to Nancy. Although he was briefly in Wellington, he was a member of the team who accidentally joined the team, but it really helped the team. However, Bai Yi did not want to restrict her development because of this reason. At least now, Nancy still has a lot of deficiencies.

"I agree that you go to Liulixia first, you have talent, but you were not a doctor before, and you lacked the foundation. To become a pharmacist was completely a matter of self-exploration and a lot of shortages. Unlike Liuliya, many people were originally doctors. The Medical Department is a huge organization. Many of the things in it are researched by everyone. If you go to study, it will definitely be much better than groping alone. You should consider it a one-time study." Bai Yi explained Road.

Nancy looked at Bai Yi and nodded seriously after a long time.

Bai Yi also nodded, then looked at Vera again. Vera immediately reported again: "Ji Huaqing is indeed a very famous researcher. When he knew that the old man was Ji Huaqing, and we were willing to give Ji Huaqing full power to the research department, the other party was finally willing to provide research resources because it was an easy , So I asked for a bit harder." Vera said, smiling slightly.


"A small research institute near the rehabilitation center was originally the independent drug research and development department of this hospital, but it was occupied by the research department. This time I want to come back, and it has been equipped with a variety of well-equipped equipment, and A lot of other things." Vera said, thinking of Isaac's heartache.

"That's really good news."

"However, we don't have a suitable researcher. It won't be necessary to get that research institute." Helois frowned.

"No researcher can find it slowly, everything starts from the beginning. And don't forget our focus, increase personal strength, if you can't find anyone, then this institute can be used to allow us to carry out some familiar experiments. Bai Yi said, didn't seem to care much.

"Bai Yi, I still don't understand, why should Ji Huaqing be let out?" Helois asked.

"Because I don’t believe him. After all, the reason why he came to New Zealand is only his own words. If it is correct, I won’t say it first. The group of special forces came here just to protect him. Entering the research institute, he wanted to persuade those people to parasitize active cells and become an evolutionary human being. He was obviously the one who protected him, but he was so indifferent, I cannot trust it." Bai Yi said.

Although Ye Yi said that Ji Huaqing was the leader of Chinese biological genetics research, Bai Yi was really taken aback and had thoughts of value, but finally gave up.

Perhaps this is a personal feeling. Ming Jihua Qing is very important, but Bai Yi does not trust.

"Then this is the case, Ji Huaqing sent it out in exchange for resources. You go to Liulixia, Nancy, to systematically learn modern medical knowledge, and what such a group of people have summed up. Others have nothing to do, just stay, I don’t trust other people in this rehabilitation center. In addition, the most important thing for you now is not to go out and fight with evolutionary creatures, but to accumulate strength.” Bai Yi said.

Everyone nodded, and then left without much opinion.


"Sister Vera, how did the captain tell me to go to Lilia?" Nancy found Vera in private. In the entire team, only she and Ji Huaqing were sent out. If it is impossible for Nancy to have no idea, now in Nancy’s heart, there is a feeling of not being trusted.

"Because, the captain trusts you."

"Why, obviously let me go out?" Nancy didn't understand.

"Because what we know is different, to say the harsh words, in the team, only you and Malvi's abilities are the most important abilities in New Zealand today, a pharmacist and a refiner. But this is after all Bai Yi also said that the newly developed system, he does not want you to explore in the team alone, a waste of talent. Malvi is different, his ability, that kind of smelting needs to add his own blood, so there is no Before the absolute self-protection ability, it is not suitable to be exposed to outsiders. Think about it, you are a member of the team, and helped Bai Yi adjust his body once, witnessing his cocoon breaking into a butterfly. If you are not trusted , How to make you go out." Vera explained.

"But that Ji Huaqing also knows a lot."

"That's not the same. Ji Huaqing only knows the surface, it's just a little bit of the team information when he was initially unprepared." Vera also wanted to say something, and found that Bai Yi came from the other side.

"Bai Yi is here, I have something to say to you." Vera patted Nancy on the shoulder, then turned and walked in another direction.

After seeing Vera leave, Bai Yi came over and said to Nancy. "Are you interested in taking a walk with me." However, Bai Yi didn't wait for Nancy's answer and walked out on his own. Seeing Bai Yi's move, Nancy recalled Vera's words and immediately followed Bai Yi.

Soon, the two followed the corridor and walked to the rooftop at the top of the hospital. A large tree over 100 meters high has grown on the rooftop and looks lush.

"Nancy, what do you think of this composition of the team?"

"This kind of team structure?" Nancy was very puzzled, did not expect Bai Yi to ask an inexplicable question first.

"Yes, the formation of the team is undeniable. The team is a small group formed in a special environment such as New Zealand. In the team, the captain generally has absolute rights. But after New Zealand gradually stabilizes, this small The structural groups will definitely be gradually dispersed. This is the most basic law of social development. Even if New Zealand will not change, but in the outside world, is it still a small team, which does not conform to the objective social structure." Bai Easy to shake his head.

"I have always regarded you as friends, not pure teammates. The relationship between us should not be a rigid relationship between team members." Bai Yi looked to Nancy with a gentle face. Smile.

"So, don't worry about staying with everyone all the time."

"To be frank, you are talented, talented in pharmacy, but you have a poor foundation, so go study and strive to become more perfect and become a real pharmacist!" Bai Yi said to Nancy, face With encouragement.

Nancy looked at Bai Yi and understood that Yi's appearance still has great alien characteristics, but Nancy felt slightly moved. After secretly lowering her head, Nancy nodded.


Soon, the violent species rehabilitation center was also stabilized. Bai Yi used to spend a few days a day to help several people use the inverse flower pupil to hypnotize, and all the time was used to familiarize himself with changes and learning. It has been almost two years since the initial change in New Zealand, and now it has been spent in the middle of the rush. Now this quiet life is just right for meticulous and then began to settle itself And accumulation.

Therefore, Bai Yicai did not let Woolf go out to continue fighting the evolved creatures, but stayed in the rehabilitation center.

As if a drop of clear water was dripping into his mind, Bai Yi's expression instantly restored his clarity, and then his eyes left from the writing. Bai Yi then closed her eyes. All the materials she just saw were gradually presented in Bai Yi's mind. Every point of knowledge, Bai Yi can clearly understand.

100% focus!

After reminding every night, Bai Yi secretly hypnotized himself, barely reaching this state. In this state, Bai Yi's learning speed is several times that of his previous. Bai Yi only felt this time. It seems that humans really don't spend much time when they are studying. Even when they are studying, it is estimated that they are often distracted.

Now Bai Yi's time is very full every day. After recollecting it in his heart, Bai Yi looked out of the window and Bai Yi estimated that it was time to find an opportunity to let the spies around him know the "real limitation" of his eyes. However, this also requires a suitable opportunity. Bai Yi hopes that the opportunity will occur naturally, rather than artificially arranged, otherwise the trace will be too heavy.