Era of Disaster

Chapter 161: limit

As usual, Bai Yi was full of time every day, and the sleep time was increased to eight hours, which was unthinkable before. Because of Bai Yi's team, everyone was hypnotized by Bai Yi before going to sleep. Basically, they all fell asleep without dreaming. They only need to fall asleep for more than an hour to restore their strength. And even to reconcile with the soul, this kind of sleep time will not wake up more than three hours and will automatically wake up, because the body has added enough energy in sleep.

However, under the absolute concentration of 100%, Bai Yi felt that the sense of consciousness easily became very tired.

Because of this, Bai Yi's time to fall asleep will become longer and longer, and after each full sleep, Bai Yi's jīng **** will be better and better, and the time he can support is getting stronger and stronger. And every time, Bai Yi's learning effect is getting better and better. If he had such an efficiency, Bai Yi would have become a so-called genius in the outside world.


Another evening, Bai Yi went to the prison and hypnotized the five ferocious species to sleep, and then yawned slightly, looking very tired. All along, other people think that Bai Yi is tired after using the inverse flower pupil. He did not expect that Bai Yi was really tired because he was 100% focused on learning. In fact, Bai Yi seems to have strengthened his eyes after breaking his cocoon into a butterfly, and the restrictions are smaller than before.

Bai Yi and Alodia walked back to the rehabilitation center. Now Alodia is similar to Bai Yi's secretary. In addition to helping Bai Yi deal with some simple things, she also learns from Bai Yi.

In addition to combat skills, Alodia himself is also willing to learn biological research knowledge and wants to become a researcher in the team. According to Alottia's own words, interest can also be actively cultivated. In the team, she has little effect, so just make yourself useful. Moreover, Bai Yi's current identity, it is better to be with a person by his side, and Alotija's temperament is more suitable.

In addition to the two, there are also a team of rehabilitation center staff, which are already arranged by the other five parties, just like their eyes. Bai Yi didn't care too much because his center of gravity was not here, but it seemed to be monitored every day, which was always uncomfortable.

Suddenly, Bai Yi received a call. Although the new city of Christchurch is not as global as before, the basic communication coverage in the city can still be achieved. It is indeed much easier to recover on the basis of humanity.

"President Bai Yi!" The phone call was made by the Minister of Defense Freira.

"what's up?"

"I'm in a hurry. Some of us are in a violent state, and we can't suppress it at all. Will Dean Bai Yi come to help them wake up now." Freila said.

"Yes, where are you?" Bai Yi thought that he had just used the inverted flower pupil on the five people just now, and could not help rubbing his brows.

"In the north, on the edge of the Waimakariri River, I have sent a hand to pick you up, the human face bird Chico, and also asked Dean Bai Yi to hurry up." The voice on the other side was very noisy and obviously confused. The responsibility of the Ministry of Defense is to be responsible for driving and cleaning up the surrounding evolutionary creatures. Although it is the most powerful, it often encounters danger.

Bai Yi turned the voice of answering the phone to the maximum, and everyone nearby heard the conversation just now. It didn't take long for a small black spot to fly quickly from the sky. Bai Yi and a group of people looked at it and found out that it was a human-faced bird, whose wings reached more than eight meters, and the flying movement was vigorous and fast. Chico, the human face bird, is also a relatively famous guy under Freila, so Bai Yi does not worry that this is a trap.

"President Bai Yi, please come with me. The situation is urgent." Chico said anxiously, with some blood stains on his body that did not dry out.

"I know, Alotija, let's go." Bai Yi said, pulling Alodija gently and reached Chico's back.

Chico originally planned to take Bai Yi, but it didn't seem to matter if there was one more woman. After Bai Yi and them went up, they reminded them to sit firmly, and immediately spread their wings, and suddenly flew up again, flying towards the battlefield on the other side. Alodia sat down obediently, grasping a piece of feather on Chico's back, but Bai Yi stood directly on it.

No wonder there are so many knights in ancient times. It turns out that there are things to move around. It feels really good. Unfortunately, the current evolutionary creatures are not easy to tame, and Chico was originally a real human being.

The Waimakariri River is New Zealand's largest river, and their strength is very good in Freula. They are usually a group of people together. This time, they definitely met some big guys. Soon, when Bai Yi arrived, he realized that this was the case. A group of more than twenty people were surrounding three people to prevent them from running around. The **** smell of these twenty-odd people is even more irritating to everyone.

You know, everyone is now in a period of violence, and there are potential dangers, not just the three who are caught in the violence.

On the other side, Bai Yi saw a huge fish head on the river, full of fangs, staring at the side. Judging from the pale red curled up from time to time on the river, this guy seemed to be more seriously injured, but because he fled into the river, it was temporarily okay. Bai Yishuang read all the situations, and then jumped suddenly from the human face bird Chico.

The place where Bai Yi fell is directly at the center of the battlefield, Freila and his opponent.

"President Bai Yi!" Even though Flora was fighting, she still had the power to say hello. If not all three of them were his men, I am afraid he would have already killed them. It is because he is a man, so he has no choice.

"Suppress!" Bai Yi said, falling from the sky on the other person's head more than four meters high, the heel slammed on the back of the other person's head, and then turned back, staying in Floira On the shoulder.

Although Freira was a little unhappy, who called him his size is so big, and now he is also seeking Bai Yi. Freud suddenly snapped the subordinate who was kicked in the head by Bai Yi, and then turned to look at Bai Yi. But at this time, Bai Yi closed his eyes and said a few words in his mouth.

"Dont look at me!"

After Flora turned her head, Bai Yicai opened her eyes instantly and used the inverted flower pupil to the fierce species in front of her. Freira couldn't see Bai Yi's eyes, and didn't feel much, but found that the struggle on the opposite side was getting weaker and weaker, and finally his body softened and fell to the ground with a click.


Freira has an agitated mind in his heart, and Bai Yi's eyes are not only effective for violent species, but on the contrary, the general evolution of humans is more effective. If you are hostile to Bai Yi, the first thing you need to pay attention to is how to deal with Bai Yi's eyes. After falling asleep under this man, Floira found that Bai Yi's eyes were filled with red silk, as if full of blood.

Afterwards, the two of them, as usual, also fell asleep. Freira looked at it again and found that Bai Yi's eyes had shed red scars. At this time, Bai Yi never opened his eyes.

"Alotija, help me." Bai Yi said.

"Okay." Alodia heard the words and came to cleverly support Bai Yi.

"President Bai Yi, thanks to you this time, otherwise I really don't know how to tie the three men back, and even if I tie them back, I don't know how to place them." Freila answered seriously. Observe Bai Yi's state.

"Nothing, it should be." Bai Yi shook his head. After using the inverse flower pupil for the third person, Bai Yi never opened his eyes. Under the closed eyes, there were two bright red tears, which were shocking.

At this time, the people in Bai Yi's team also came, Woolf, Helois, and Puff. There was also a group of people from the medical department who came over immediately after learning that someone was violent and wanted to be treated. After Woolf all came over, Bai Yicai said good-bye to Freola.


Back at the rehabilitation center, Bai Yi opened his eyes, and it was Vera's playful look. Of course, the limit of Bai Yi is not here, but it is only the'limit' revealed to the outside world. Bai Yi didn't hurt people's minds, but Bai Yi himself knew that the anti-flower pupil made people too alert, and if they didn't act a bit restrictive, it would cause many people to be uneasy. Bai Yi saw Vera's smile and smiled, and then wiped off the tears on her cheeks with clean water.

Soon, Freila brought a large number of gifts ~ ~ to thank, but Bai Yi did not come forward, it was Vera who received him. The following week, Bai Yi did not continue to go to prison to help restore the violent species in custody, but quietly studied in a rehabilitation center.

Externally, Bai Yi did not announce anything. Of course, not declaring did not mean that others would not guess. It’s no secret that the team of Flora’s team was in distress at Waimakariri River, and everyone already knows that Bai Yi only went to help after the violent species in the prison just used the anti-flower pupil. of.

In the prison, the number of times it was used normally, five times, and then used again three times while helping Freola, then Bai Yi's eyes began to bleed, and then rested for more than a week.

This kind of simple math problem will be calculated by children, so many people have already thought about it silently. Bai Yi's eyes should be used five to six times a day, without affecting his eyes. If you use it strongly, it is estimated that it can reach ten times, but it will obviously have sequelae on Bai Yi's eyes.

When analyzing this news, I don't know what happened. Everyone felt that Bai Yi's eyes did not seem so scary. Guiqiu to share

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