Era of Disaster

Chapter 197: The fierce Bai Yi

Bai Yi stood on top of the knife handle and looked around, everyone swallowed slightly. M, even those who were still screaming because of the previous fighting injury, could not help closing their mouths, fearing that a little noise at this time would attract Bai Yi's attention. Unconsciously, Bai Yi's deterrence is getting heavier, not only the identity, but also the gap brought by the strength.

"Bai Yi...!"

With a slight knocking sound, Bai Yi suddenly turned his head to Momo. A long time ago, Bai Yi just thought Mo Mo was hurt a little, but at this time Mo Mo suddenly fell down, and Bai Yi was surprised. A shimmering body, Bai Yi appeared directly beside Mo Mo and immediately supported Mo Mo. Eye-catching, suddenly Mo Mo's lips have changed color.


It's now!

"Run!" Kawada shouted suddenly, but he didn't do anything.

Hearing the roar of Kawada, this time, a group of people who had been suppressed by Bai Yi's breath also reacted instantly. There was only one Momo before, and he rarely showed up. He forced a group of them to such a degree. Now, with another Bai Yi, it is conceivable that there is no need to consider what the outcome of the battle is. If Bai Yi is left here, it is estimated to be over.

Most people were very disturbed by Bai Yi's breath before, and completely lost their ideas. Hearing Kawada's "run" without thinking about the result, the body instinctively moved. Sure enough, at the moment the rest of the people ran up, Bai Yi grabbed a red kiss and waved toward the fastest runner.

At this time, Kawada shouted again: "Alcott, take the quiet grass, we will converge behind."

Bai Yi subconsciously looked into the crowd, looking for Alcott's figure. At this time, Kawada rushed out towards a **** in an instant, completely disregarding his injuries. Moreover, Kawada's degree is not the fastest even at this time, but is mixed in everyone.

"Stop me!" Bai Yi said coldly when he saw the chaotic crowd.

"I said, stop!"

Bai Yi's mood is bad enough now, and now he has completely lost the patience of persuasion. Seeing these people unmoved, Bai Yi suddenly grabbed the two kisses of Red Kiss and Hei Ming. Mo Mo was right next to it, so Bai Yi did not chase it out. It was just that the double knives closed suddenly, and then they staggered toward both sides.


With a hum, the two semicircular slashes flew out instantly, spreading like ripples. This circle of ripples spread over hundreds of meters in an instant, and the people around were still running, but the next moment all came from the screams of pain. Bai Yi's two knives are not temptations, but they are actually swiped across the ground. Except for a few, because of the good position, avoiding Bai Yi's knife gas, all others were cut from the leg into two pieces.

In an instant, howling all over the place, everyone crawled on the ground, holding his broken legs in pain and wailing loudly.

"Shut up!" Bai Yi drank coldly again.

How can it be said that the pain of broken legs can be tolerated. Although Bai Yi drank, there are still many people screaming. At this time, Bai Yi went straight to the nearest fiercest guy, grabbed the guy's neck with his left hand, and slowly inserted a red kiss towards the guy's heart.

"I told you to shut up." Bai Yi's face was grim.

The heart was slowly inserted into the red kiss. This guy had a fearful expression on his face. His body was constantly twisting because of pain, but his mouth was too scared, so he dared not make any sound. When others saw this, they couldn't help but also covered their mouths, fearing that a little voice would lead Bai Yi to this side.

Too cruel!

All those who are still alive have an inexplicable fear. In the eyes of the outside world, Bai Yi has always been very kind, and rarely angered. But at this time, the brutality and coldness displayed by Bai Yi left everyone in amazement.

Everyone will not be invariable. Perhaps the former Bai Yi was indeed very kind, but now, in this kindness, decisiveness and coldness are also hidden. Not to mention, Bai Yi's mood is now extremely bad. Woolf, they were parasitized by the mutant parasites, the preparation of the tranquil herbal medicine was slow to progress, and Momo poisoning faint, no matter which thing, Bai Yi could not calm down. Instead of killing them all at once, Bai Yi kept enough reason.

"Very obedient!" Bai Yi said softly, and slowly stopped the red kiss.

With a snap, Bai Yi pulled out the red kiss. Although the wound on the chest kept flowing blood toward the outside, the guy who was released by Bai Yi gasped for a long time and inexplicably felt that he had taken a life.

"Alcott!" Bai Yi looked at Alcott who crawled on the ground in the distance.

"What is the poison in Mo Mo, and where is the antidote." Bai Yi asked.

"You promised not to kill me..."

"Don't talk to me about the conditions, or you will die now!" Bai Yini Huahua suddenly looked over. The strong deterrence suddenly made Alcott's words all blocked in his throat. Bai Yi is not kidding. Judging from Bai Yi's behavior just now, Bai Yi's mood is so bad that there is a little bit of entanglement. It is estimated that Bai Yi will kill him directly with a knife.

"It's Agnes's poison. There should be an antidote there." Alcott immediately replied.

Bai Yi looked out, and among the people who were still alive, a guy immediately rolled out and shouted: "I have it, I have it here. The captain is very poisonous, and we are afraid of accidentally poisoning. The most basic antidote. There are still." This guy crawled on the ground, slowly took out a packet of herbal powder from his body.

"Effective?" Bai Yi stepped forward in front of this guy.

"Effectively effective, the captain just did not use the most powerful poison, just the basic poisonous gas." The guy nodded busy. Afraid that Momo had something wrong at this time, Bai Yi was all upset and killed them all. Bai Yi took the herbal powder, sniffed it lightly, and looked at this guy again-Reverse Flower Hitomi!

"Is this really an antidote?" Bai Yi asked.

"Well, it's an antidote."

"How to take?"

"A packet is poured directly into the mouth and taken with blood, which is better than water."

Bai Yi was slightly surprised when she was not swallowed with water. After confirming that it was the antidote, Bai Yi immediately made a knife on his arm with a red kiss, and then poured the antidote into Momo's mouth, ready to feed Momo. However, Mo Mo was already comatose at this time, and Bai Yi's blood was poured into it. The **** breath suddenly made Mo Mo spit out. Bai Yi didn't avoid the suspicion, he went straight to his mouth and took the antidote to Momo.

At this time, the guy who took out the antidote before was just a joke, as if suddenly waking up.

Reverse flower pupil, Bai Yi used the reverse flower pupil to him just now. Recalling the question of Bai Yi just now, this guy couldn't help but secretly rejoice in his heart. Fortunately, he didn't plan to lie, otherwise he was estimated to be dead this time.

"You can get first aid and you are not allowed to escape."

Bai Yi said something, and then a person was there to help Mo Mo heal carefully. Momo's body is not only a poisoning injury. The previous confrontation with Kawada also caused a lot of wounds in Momo's body. After hearing Bai Yi's words, other people began to heal silently. Although occasionally there was a mumble, they all dared not call out.

At this time, most people did not escape, but there is only one exception. It was the Kawada Ryota who initially called out to run, and then called Alcott to disperse Bai Yiyi with quiet grass. At this time, this guy was slowly rolling down a small **** next to it, where there was a small river that was only two meters wide. Although small, in the eyes of this guy, it is an opportunity to escape.

Bai Yi has been nervous about Mo Mo's injury, and even Jing Mi Cao didn't ask, so he didn't notice Kawada's small movements. By the time Bai Yi responded, the guy had already disappeared. When Mo Mo opened his eyes, Bai Yicai finally breathed a sigh of relief.


Bai Yi hugged Mo Mo gently, and felt very scared at this time in his heart. Although Alodia said Momo is the best person to perform tracking tasks, Bai Yi has always been very worried. Especially when I saw Momo falling down, Bai Yi's heart was choking, so Bai Yi's method was extremely cold.


"Tranquil Grass!" Mo Mo said nervously when he woke up.

"It's okay, it's okay." Bai Yi said Hearing Bai Yi say this, Mo Mo also quieted down slowly. The poison in Mo Mo was because of her dangerous judgment. The way, although the time is short, is very deep. Although taking the medicine, it is estimated that it will take a good rest to recuperate for a while.

"Alcott, the quiet grass is here with you." Bai Yi asked.

"Well, here with me." Alcott didn't do anything at this time, but just looked very depressed. Bai Yi looked at Alcott, shaking his head slowly, without blaming, but just glanced at the package behind Alcott. A sigh is representative of Bai Yi's current mood.

Alcott originally thought that Bai Yi would say something, but the result was a sigh, but it made him inexplicably depressed.


Soon after, other people also came here, seeing the wounded everywhere and Bai Yi who sat quietly with Mo Mo sitting there, could not help but feel relieved. Afterwards, the treatment and aftermath proceeded in an orderly manner. After counting the number of people, Bai Yicai learned from the following report that he escaped a guy.

"Is it." Bai Yi unexpectedly calmed down when he heard the news, just saying so simply.