Era of Disaster

Chapter 199: dialogue

It is self-evident how Liulixia puts gratitude in her heart and can increase the absolute life field strength. m Even if the toxins in Woolf's body are really the toxins contained in the highly toxic sushi, Bai Yi doesn't need to tell her the complete recipe at all, but only those few toxic ingredients.

It was much better to have an idea, and Liu Lixia immediately began to try this aspect. Bai Yi first used the eight kinds of toxins they had used in cooking, and then other natural toxins. It didn’t take long before they determined an accurate formula to effectively kill this parasite named A. elegans. Too.

However, killing and killing, these hookworms are struggling in the host's body before dying, but let those parasitic people die and live a choke. The weaker guy even confuses the white foam directly. If it is not determined that this method is effective, it is estimated that he would not dare to use it.

Although tossed enough, everyone is in pain and happy. It is best to be able to kill these parasites, especially after seeing a few of the most serious guys. The mature hook-worm C. elegans is about twenty centimeters long, black and yellow, and has a bifurcated tail at the end. There are even dozens of parasites in some people's bodies. It is conceivable that there are so many of these things in the body, and it is strange that they can get better.


"Fuck, Lao Tzu's intestines are almost spitting out, it's disgusting." Woolf's face was pale, looking at the tiny yet dead dead hookworm in his vomit, facing Bai Yi Complained.

"You are still good. The most serious ones have already parasitized the body, not just the intestine. After taking this toxic agent, those guys can kill A. elegans, but how is it discharged? It's all a problem. The most serious ones, even before they are completely killed, die themselves." Bai Yi said.


"Head, got into the head." Bai Yi reminded seriously. Bai Yike had seen some of the most parasitic guys, and the body had not died. The clematis came out of the ears and nostrils, and even drilled into the eyes. The crazy and screaming cry, It really makes people shudder. This is definitely more terrifying than any one-shot damage.

Woolf vomited, and suddenly hugged his stomach again, then ran to the latrine behind. After coming out after a while, Woolf as a whole collapsed. "Laozi will never go into the water again!" Woolf said solemnly.

"Ha ha ha ha." Bai Yi laughed loudly. Anyway, with the solution, Bai Yi was relieved even if he was relieved.

After finally solving the problem of parasites, good news came from Nancy. Although they were forced to metamorphose, the medicines Nancy prepared from them did work. The probability of those metamorphosis succeeding reached 80%, and the amount of the quiet grass consumed by this medicine was more than doubled.

However, even if it is more than doubled, it is also not enough. Now no one dares to continue to go to the water to collect the quiet grass, so a more effective bsp must be researched...

While Nancy and other pharmacists are busy preparing more effective t, Bai Yi is also testing his body. I found the way to breathe in the lake water before, and when I rushed to the lake, I floated for a few steps.

"It doesn't work. Controlling the energy in the body does have the ability to adhere and adsorb, but the water flow is invisible. If you want the water surface to support the weight of the body, the controlled moisture must be a large piece. For now, we can control The energy range is actually the range of the absolute life field, only inside the body. Although we can control the energy in a certain range outside the body, you should know that it is just the afterglow of the absolute life field blooming outside the body, not the real Crossed the body." A low, bold voice sounded.

"Well, indeed, if you want to stand still on the water, you can't do it now. At most, you can only walk like the light power in ancient martial arts." Bai Yi nodded, and the air flowed from his body, and then stepped lightly on the water. To the shore.

"I heard that there are hook-worms in the lake. Are you afraid of being parasitized?" said a guy squatting on a rock by the lake.

"It's okay, I already know, as long as you are careful, it's not a problem." Bai Yi doesn't need to breathe in the water, and can clearly feel the air beside the body, very sensitive to impurities in the water. Bai Yi's body was wet, but he didn't look awkward.

"You should be Augustine. The LV2 that appeared in the tomb city and saved many people." Bai Yi looked at the tall guy squatting on the stone.

"Ahahahaha, it's not as powerful as you said." Augustine laughed loudly, scratching his head shyly.

"Anyway, thank you. If it weren't for you, it would be estimated that there will be fewer evolved humans now."

"Don't say that, it seems very unusual."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Actually speaking, we are indeed almost the same, you are still our predecessors." Bai Yi continued following Augustine's words. Both of them seriously looked at each other, one was the LV2 who had escaped from the research institute in the early days, and the other was the leader in New Zealand's big mutation. The breath of the two people collided involuntarily, which completely saw the opponent's natural reaction.

There seemed to be a crackling sound in the air, and then the two breaths relaxed at the same time.

Augustine was a little surprised, but he entered LV2 in the institute, but the momentum confrontation did not gain the slightest advantage. How did this guy improve his strength!

"Surprisingly, you will appear here. Come and see what I should do."

"Actually, it's nothing. I heard that things here are quite lively, so come and see." Augustine said.

"Is this so?" Bai Yi also made it on the stone at random, without the seriousness of usual.

"Oh, I heard that you plan to return to the human world?"

"Well, there is indeed this plan, do you have any suggestions?" Bai Yi looked at Augustine, as the initial existence of LV2, they must have more different experiences in the past five years.

"No suggestion, but in some cases, I think I should tell you." Augustine said.

"Hear your ears and listen." Bai Yi said seriously.

"Do you know how many subjects there are in New Zealand?"

"There are probably two or three hundred thousand." Bai Yi remembered the information he had learned from Martin and Ye Ye at first.

"So do you know how many subjects escaped?"

"I don't know this." Bai Yi shook his head.

"It’s estimated to be about 20,000 or 30,000. Oh, I mean, I successfully escaped from the institute and entered the new environment of New Zealand. Of course, I am also one of them. By the way, I’m from the country of Tongariro. Park Research Institute, thank you for speaking. If not for you, maybe I was starved to death at this time, ha ha ha ha ha." Augustin laughed loudly.

Bai Yiwen was slightly stunned, but did not expect that Augustine was actually released by them.

"However, do you know how many of these subjects are still alive?" Augustine's tone suddenly became low.

"do not know."

"Less than twenty people." Augustine looked at Bai Yi. Bai Yi did not have a socket, but waited quietly for Augustine to explain.

"There are indeed 20,000 or 30,000 escaping test subjects, but there are also sensible humans among them, estimated to be only 3 or 4 thousand people. And at that time, they generally entered the stage of LV1-2 and LV1-3. What a pity Later, although you also announced some methods to control the violence, it seemed too late for them. A large part of this group of people basically failed to transform." Augustine said.



"I mean, in the research institute, the data that successfully entered LV2 is your batch of experimental subjects. It is estimated that those people are similar, and the height is not too high." Bai Yi explained.

"Well, it is true. The probability of them entering LV2 is a little higher, but it is not so high. Most of them have become LV2.1 defective products, and then I was killed by several friends. Augustine looked at Bai Yi with indifferent eyes.

Bai Yi was shocked and killed!


"Really, what your eyes are, not only don’t thank us, but look like a hatred. You seriously think about it, what level were you at that time, and what level are those LV2.1 defective products. If you don’t kill After you met them, after you met, it was absolutely fatal and fatal. I am also reluctant, but I have to say that throughout New Zealand, your group of talents is the mainstream of evolutionary human beings. If there is any change that may be made, you will definitely be born in you. Body, like now." Augustine said seriously.

Bai Yi recalled this. They really seldom encountered the experiment body. They thought it was because of the vastness of the land and the sparse population.

"Thank you!" Bai Yi nodded seriously.

"No, no, I don’t know if it’s right. In short, I thought that way, and I did it. I came here today to actually collect some quiet grass and then transplant it elsewhere. This thing is for all evolutionary creatures. It’s very useful, but there are no similar plants in other places.” Augustine said.

"Is that so, I also have this plan." Bai Yi laughed.

"Oh yes, there is one more thing. You plan to return to the human world. In fact, in the past five years, many people have gone back, including the batch of experimental bodies that escaped from the beginning. To avenge, but the results are not very good. Now the outside world has little goodwill on the evolution of humans and creatures." Augustin holding a lot of quiet grass, finally reminded Bai Yi.

"Thank you."

"When you find a stable place, remember to let me know. I'm on Devil's Island now." Augustine hugged the pile of quiet grass and soon disappeared here.