Era of Disaster

Chapter 229: Because it is not omnipotent

‘How to choose, you better think about it. M’Bai Yi's words echoed in the ears of Damian. This is really a difficult question. After all, there are really few people who can guarantee themselves to walk safely on Devil Island. If it wasn't Bai Yi this time they suddenly appeared, then the previous Ariza was dead.

"You don't have to be so embarrassed, the United Nations-class aircraft carrier is still under construction, and now the Devil's Island, ordinary ships can not enter." Bai Yi said.

"Well." Damian's team nodded.

"Speaking of it, I actually want to ask, how do you usually use other animals and plants in the ice and snow system?" Bai Yi asked. Now Bai Yi has an idea in his heart, but he must first ask clearly.

"How to use those animals and plants?"


"Eat it, but it's very dangerous. Now all the animals and plants on Devil Island are basically strange. Except for the things that have been fumbled with before, others dare not try it." Damian's situation, Obviously, like Bai Yi, they tried new animals and plants with human lives and mice, and then summed up the rules. However, there is no real white rat in Devil Island, and it is not necessarily safe to catch other creatures.

For example, Damian knew that animals and plants in the ice and snow system can induce the transformation of heterogeneous energy toward the ice and snow system, so they are collecting these new animals and plants. However, letting creatures try, what is ineffective against other creatures, is likely to be highly toxic to evolved humans, because the specificity of each creature is too strong now.

In short, it is dangerous!

"So, do you or Grevis have a potion that can steadily replenish your body and induce yourself to change towards the ice and snow system?" Bai Yi looked at Damian and asked slowly. At this time, everyone else in Bai Yi's team looked at Bai Yi and didn't know what Bai Yi wanted to do.

"No, Grevis is just arbitrarily collecting and killing animals and plants in the ice and snow system. It seems that there is no subtle formula. However, we know that more than ten special plants and dozens of animals have this effect."

"This time we found two Qinxue grass on the back of the ice lake monster. The ice floes below were only a creature when we collected them. I don't know what you want to know, Captain Bai Yi?" Duo Xiangzi said, watching Bai Yi carefully. Obviously, everyone can see what Bai Yi wants to do.

"Mix one or more potions that have a huge effect on the energy of the ice and snow system, or food supplements!" Bai Yi said seriously.

"Huh?" Damian looked at Bai Yi in surprise. Bai Yi did this. What's the purpose?

"Make a deal. I'm curious about the way that Gravis refines and transforms heterogeneous energy!" Bai Yi said slightly, his eyes very bright.

"It's impossible, how can he trade this kind of thing."

"No, there is a chance, it's just the amount of chips, so I need your help." Bai Yi looked at Damian seriously. Damian flinched under Bai Yi's direct vision, and then looked at Ariza rescued by Bai Yi over there, thinking a little in his heart. Forget it, it’s just to repay Bai Yi’s life-saving grace. In fact, he is not as good as the other party now.

"Captain Bai Yi, please say."

"I need you to tell us all the special animals and plants around here, whether it is ice or snow, whether it is toxic or not, as long as you think it is special, all of them will be said. Our team will deploy the appropriate potions during this time. He Shibu cuisine. Of course, this requires your cooperation. There are no ice and snow players in our team. You need to try how the effect is." Bai Yi said.

"That's impossible!"


"It's too dangerous. It's too dangerous to test drugs. Many things can't be moved on Devil's Island now." Damian refused without hesitation. Tell Bai Yi that their special animals and plants are ok, but the test will not work. In his team, another woman with a chill on her body also looked at Bai Yi coldly. I thought Bai Yi had a high reputation, so I was still looking forward to it. I didn't expect that someone else would be used as a test article.

"I don't think you need to worry about this issue." Bai Yi pointed his right finger at Bemira.

"Bemira, the energy attribute is "purification", which can disperse any abnormal energy and substances that enter the body. It is guaranteed that you will not have any problems. Of course, if you don’t believe it, you can use what you say is highly toxic. Animals and plants are used as an attempt. In addition, you will also count one copy for this transaction. You can get one for all the formulated formulas. If the transaction is successful, you can also get the energy conversion method of Grevis." Bai Yi said with a smile.

Damian's team looked at Bemira in shock...purification! Is there really such an attribute?

"I believe that you will not lose money in this transaction. Anyway, there are no ice and snow people in our team. The conversion of the different energy is the greatest benefit for you." Bai Yi added another sentence. .

"We need to discuss." Damian's team glanced at each other and then said.

"Good!" Bai Yi nodded.


"Bai Yi, do you value that way of energy extraction and transformation?" In a cave, Vera floated in the air and said to Bai Yi. At this time, all the people were sitting nearby.

"Well, very important." Bai Yi nodded.

"Can we just think about it ourselves," Ulises said.

Everyone glanced at each other and Bai Yi shook his head. "It's not impossible to think for yourself, but if there is a more convenient way to get energy conversion, then don't do anything. Active cell heterogeneous energy is a strange area for everyone. We can show something Others can also present something. Mutual exchanges are the fastest way to progress. Everyone is not omnipotent. If you always think about everything by yourself, it is undoubtedly a naive idea."

"If you have a magic book, just open the book to learn what you want. It's never been so troublesome in the movie." Woolf said.

"This is not a movie. I still want to get a set of intensive deities left over from my predecessors." Bai Yi laughed.

"In short, we can't learn everything left by our predecessors like in the movie novels. It can be said that we are the so-called predecessors, and maybe these things we summarized in a long time may not be in the eyes of future generations. Things like exercises, magic books, inheritance and so on." Bai Yi said with emotion.

"Then can I become a division-level character?" When it came to this, Woolf couldn't help becoming slightly excited.

"You can only be a warrior or the like at most, the division is estimated to have no drama." Betsy shrugged at Woolf.

"Woolf God of War, it doesn't seem very nice. In fact, what I envy the most is Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings." Woolf thought about it in his head, and seemed to be conceiving himself as a God of War.

"What's the envy of Gandalf's old man." Becky was shocked.

"I want to be a princess Baiming." Mo Mo raised his right hand, also very excited.

"What is Princess Bai Ming?" Everyone looked at Mo Mo.

"Dad and I are both surnamed white, and is my energy attribute not an undead attribute, and, I want to be a princess." Mo Mo explained very seriously. The others laughed suddenly, and they were still children, thinking of being princesses in the fairy tale world. There were Woolf and Momo quizzing, and the original serious atmosphere suddenly became very lively. Everyone jokingly nicknamed themselves or others.

When Bai Yi and his team were on the wrong side, Damian was also negotiating on their side. However, no matter what you think, it seems that this will not do any harm to them. On the contrary, they can also get great benefits. They really have no reason to refuse.

"If that Bemira is really purifying energy, I think we can agree." Takako said, looking at Sigiri. In their team, only Damian and Sigri are ice and snow attributes. If you want to test the drug, then in general, it must be Sigri. Anyway, Damian is the captain.

"I'll do it, I'll test the drug. Bai Yi and they promised to let us test the purified energy of Bemira with toxic animals and plants. There should be no fakes. Moreover, Bai Yi's reputation is so high for no reason. If it is really the kind of selfish person, no one will see it. UU reading must know that there are still many smart people in this world." Damian said.

"I'll come, Captain." Sigiri said quietly, and then did not continue to speak, the whole person seemed to be in a quiet shadow.

Damian glanced at Sigiri, then nodded. They all know that Sigiri doesn't talk much, but once it's spoken, it basically won't change.


The next day, no surprise from Bai Yi, Damian agreed to Bai Yi. It's no harm to them, but all the special animals and plants they know, and then cooperate with Betsy and Nancy. There is Bemira, although it is a bit dangerous, but it will certainly not die. Once successful, even if the transaction with Grevis is unsuccessful, the recipes and potions recipes summarized by Becky and Nancy have already made a lot of money.

Knowing that Graves has been active in this mountain recently, Bai Yi and they immediately began testing new recipes and potions.

As Bai Yi said, they are not omnipotent and cannot come up with everything by themselves. As for Woolf's magic book and Bai Yi's magical skills, it's just a joke.