Era of Disaster

Chapter 245: Wind blows

A feast for the wind passed when Bai Yi, the righteous master, almost became a marginal person. m's so-called wind banquet, but it is completely a social field. It is just that these people who have become the upper class of Tasmania need a place to communicate. Bai Yi looked at all this like an outsider, his expression was very calm. This is a shaped society, impetuous and luxurious, and everyone is chasing for their own power and interests.

Now, will Bai Yi become one of them!

Bai Yi looked at the starlight outside and smiled, maybe he really needed to do it. Because Bai Yi wants to return to China through the normal route, he must come to Truman who is now the governor. Look, this is why everyone aspires to power and stubborn power.

Bai Yi drank the red wine and walked towards Truman.

Bai Yi and Truman talked about letting him help see if he could return to China. This matter undoubtedly completely satisfied Truman's face and luck. From this incident, it fully illustrates the current comparison between the two sides. Bai Yi is now an anonymous civilian. No matter how high Bai Yi is, in a peaceful world, it is always unrealistic to want to occupy the land as king. After vowing to take this matter down, Truman became more stunned.


After the wind banquet, Bai Yi and they returned to their new residence. The original house was placed under the name of everyone. Now they are occupied, and of course they will be divided into new houses. It's just that when these people do it now, there is a taste of charity. Bai Yi rubbed a teacup in his new home, looked at the street outside, and began to think about his next plan.

Although individuals do not like the so-called upper world, the current world has not yet reached the point where the personal strength that Ye Ye said all over the social power. Wanting a good life, chasing power and interests is still the mainstream of this world. Even if he doesn't like it, Bai Yike doesn't want Mo Mo to live the kind of life that is so bitter.

"Is Bai Yi there." Truman's voice came from outside.

"I'm here, just come in." Bai Yi said, the voice as if Bai Yi was talking in their ears. Hearing Bai Yi's voice, the two bodyguards next to Truman looked at the house with dissatisfaction. This Bai Yi thought who he was, and the governor took the initiative to deliver things, but he didn't even greet him. It was too rude and too arrogant.

"Don't be angry, Bai Yike is the hero of leading most evolved humans out of Devil's Island." Truman said, disguising his dissatisfaction.

Bai Yi was in the room, listening to the conversation of several people easily. With a lazy smile, Bai Yi relaxed his body and sat on the sand. Why, don't they think that they don't have any identity now, so they must choke them quietly.

Truman came in and suddenly saw Bai Yi sitting on the sand. What to say, Truman's slight discomfort suddenly disappeared after seeing Bai Yi, and even swallowed carefully. What's going on, under Bai Yi's gaze, he was like a king facing the whole world, and he felt a slight fear from the bottom of his heart. What he had been proud of before seemed to be all empty in an instant.

"Is there anything?" Bai Yi asked.

Truman's body was slightly shocked, and he recovered, feeling strange in his heart. Strange, what was going on just now, was that momentary illusion?

"It's nothing. It's just sending a few mydrugs-blooming potions to your team. With this thing, it is easy to bloom successfully. The absolute life field expands outside the body, and the increase in strength is not a little bit. Truman shook away the strange feeling before, and then said to Bai Yi. In any case, Bai Yike took out the k-shaped potion so generously, he should also do something, at least the surface can not lose.

"Oh, thank you, I didn't expect that you have developed such a useful thing." Bai Yi said.

"Where, there is a lot of luck." Truman said, pushing the small box over. There are thirty mydrugs in the small box and nothing else. Unlike Bai Yi, all the recipes and production processes were taken out. Bai Yi didn't care, in fact, he never thought that Truman would come up with a recipe.

Now Bai Yi is thinking of another thing, blooming, blooming potion, this is the name that Bai Yi took on Devil Island. Why did Truman use the same name, and they are exactly the same. There is no coincidence in this world. The only reason is that the name was first passed from somewhere and then accepted by others. Although he didn't want to think about it, Bai Yi thought of a fact.

"Thank you, otherwise Woolf they will enter the LV3 life stage do not know when it will be." Bai Yi looked at Truman as he spoke.

"Where, it should be." Truman wasn't surprised at the name of life.

The two sides talked for a while, before Truman walked out, while Bai Yi held mydrug in his hand. The pink medicine is placed in a transparent tempered glass small bottle, which is very delicate and beautiful. Although Bai Yi believes that Woolf does not need this kind of thing, it is still useful.


The daily life gradually passed, and there was no news about the return to China. I don't know if Truman was really so difficult or Truman deliberately procrastinated, but Bai Yi also just relaxed, so I didn't care. One day, Bai Yi and Alodia went out, preparing to go outside to see, but it was not long before they went out, Bai Yi met Ulysses.

"Bai Yi." Ulises greeted the old man.

"Yo, why are you here?" Bai Yi asked.

"Prepare to go to the bar over there for a drink, come together." Ulises invited. "Come together, the atmosphere in that bar is very good." Bai Yi just hesitated, Ulysses said. Bai Yi nodded, and there was no real place to go anyway, just a casual look.

"That bar is a bit far away, we better go by car, otherwise we can only copy the path." Ulysses said.

"Then walk, no need to take the car." Bai Yi said.

"Well, from here, I really envy you. It's very convenient to go wherever you can fly." Ulysses said, a tone of graciousness and envy in his tone. Bai Yi glanced at Ulysses, but just smiled, and said nothing. Do you want to envy, do you need to envy now, have been in a team for several years. Ulysses felt that Bai Yi seemed to see something. He paused a little, then took Bai Yi and Alodia toward the front.

The so-called short cut is, of course, a remote place, and soon comes to a place like a slum.

Bai Yi looked at Ulysses leading the way, his expression was very indifferent. Have you changed since you returned to Tasmania, or has this been the case since the beginning? What are you waiting for me in front?

"I can't think of it. Tasmania has seen such a slum-like place so quickly. Bai Yi, if you become the leader of Tasmania, what would you do?" Ulise Si looked at a guy like a beggar and said.

"I don't know." Bai Yi replied, following Ulises.

At this time, the beggar suddenly raised his head and looked at Bai Yi three. What did the man just say, what is it, Bai Yi, is it really Bai Yi? The beggar's legs disappeared, his body was as thin as dry wood, there was no arm, and there were countless dry wounds on his face. But at this time, those normally dim eyes turned into unimaginable gaze, and looked straight at Bai Yi.

This person's body shape is the same as Bai Yi's memory, but there is no Bai Yi's fluff, but it is not surprising to think that the k-shaped medicine has appeared now. The most important thing is that the beggar saw a saber red kiss in Bai Yi's waist.

That's right, this is Bai Yi, really Bai Yi!

The red kiss is Bai Yi's Sabre, as long as the evolved humans who are more familiar with Bai Yi will not admit it wrong.

The beggar suddenly rushed towards Bai Yi, and his name was strangely called Bai Yi. "Bai Yi, Bai Yi, etc." The beggar fluttered on the ground and moved towards Bai Yi. It seems that the figure not far ahead is his last and last hope. Certainly, it must be an opportunity given to him by God. If it is Bai Yi, then the original companions can be rescued.

"you are?"

"Bai Yi, Master Bai Yi, I am Bach, Bach Gerrard, do you remember, I was one of the 800 people who survived." The beggar said hoarsely.

Bai Yi looked at the beggar slightly surprised, and then looked carefully. When I returned to Australia at the beginning, there were more than 800 people who Yi is not familiar to everyone, but the comrades left by the life-and-death battle are no strangers. Under such careful observation, Bai Yi immediately confirmed that the beggar was really Bach.

"Bach, how did you become like this?" Bai Yi supported Bach.

"Sir Bai Yi, rescue those brothers from the beginning, otherwise we wouldn't die." Bach's dry right hand grabbed Bai Yi's shirt, and his expression was excited and sad.

"What's going on?" Bai Yi asked seriously.

"A few of Truman are really not humans, they are really not humans! For power disputes, they pulled together the original 800-plus brothers. After all, our strength was the strongest at the time. And we are not interested in power disputes, even Disgusted people, so they did not participate. But we never thought that they actually regarded us as an experimental body, experimental body." Bach complained sharply.


"Why, why? Because it is only our group who have entered LV2. Only when we use it as an experimental body and find out the changes in the metamorphosis period, they will not go in a wrong direction and will not go wrong and die." Bach resented Said.