Era of Disaster

Chapter 246: it has started

Bai Yi heard what Bach said, and what Bach is like now. It was indeed very angry, but Bai Yi had not been stunned by anger. M is really because it was a coincidence to meet Bach here, and now that Bai Yi is thinking about something, it is impossible to treat this encounter as accidental.

"How did you get out of it?" Bai Yi asked.

"They thought I was dead, I crawled out of the body disposal..." Bach was full of sorrow and tears, and told Bai Yi what he had escaped from the institute. Bai Yi tried his best to suppress his inner anger, listened to Bach calmly and rationally, and then analyzed whether there were any mistakes.


"There are three research institutes in..."

"I mean the place to deal with the body." Bai Yi asked.

Bach was stunned for a moment. He thought that Bai Yi asked where the institute was, and then immediately went to rescue those former companions, but Bach still said the body disposal office. Bai Yi dragged his left hand, leaving Bach floating in the air, and then the four immediately ran towards the place where Bach said the body was handled. The speed of the three people is very fast, each jump can jump more than ten meters, and is very agile.

Soon, according to Bach, the three came to an abandoned treatment center. There are obvious warning signs outside the restricted area, but Bai Yi ignored it completely.

"The early research institute was not perfect, so the corpse was carried out to deal with it, so that I could retrieve a life," Bach said.

At this time, Bai Yi landed at the treatment center, and then stepped on it. The air inside the mud burst and emptied in an instant, and Bai Yi's strength was very stable. The ground suddenly turned over a thick layer, and then the scattered corpses inside were exposed. Bai Yi watched silently on the bones, and the faint smell of corpses appeared in the air.

"Are you doubting what I said, Master Bai Yi, you can go directly to the institute and you can definitely find something. Of course, you can't give them time to prepare, otherwise you still can't see anything." Bach floated in the air, Guess why Bai Yi came here.

Bai Yi glanced at Bach, then looked at the research institute hidden in the mountain concave. Since this is a body disposal site, of course, the institute will not be too far.

"Are you going to see it?" Ulises asked.

Bai Yi looked at Ulises and then nodded: "Well, go and see." Bai Yi didn't know what role Ulises played in this incident, whether he had intentionally met him and Bach. But what Bach looks like is not really fake. If it is really what Bach said, then Bai Yi must do something. Not why, just for your own heart.

The four Bai Yi soon came outside the institute and were blocked by the guards.

Reverse flower pupil!

At this time, when it was not reasonable, Bach knew that if the other party was given time to prepare, he would definitely not see anything. Of course, Bai Yi is still sensible at this time, because everything has a sense of deliberate arrangement. Even if you force it in like this, what you see may not be true.


And at this time, on the other side of the city, Momo took a packet of snacks and looked at the empty street corner. This time when I went out to hang out, Momo only brought Jinjila. After all, Jinjila's size was still relatively small. Shapi and Pang Pou came out to scare many people. Mo Mo looked at the empty street corner and wondered a little, where did Jinjila go? This was a blink of an eye, and Jin Ji La disappeared after running here.

"Jinjila, don't hide it, come out soon." Mo Mo called Jinjila towards some dark places.

After a few minutes, Mo Mo stood on the street again and wrinkled her small face. Although Jinjila is usually naughty, this has never happened. Mo Mo reached out his right hand, and countless colorful transparent spirit butterflies flew out suddenly, and then spread out quickly around.

The passers-by around looked at Mo Mo in surprise. The girl and the butterflies were so beautiful. Even though Tasmania has evolved humans, it has never seen a person like Momo.

A few minutes later, several spirit-eating butterflies flew back, Mo Mo looked towards the east in an instant, and his face suddenly became cold. Actually, someone hijacked Jinjila. Indeed, Jinjila has just entered LV2, which is the weakest one in the team, but Mo Mo still can't guess why someone will hijack Jinjila.

Mo Mo took a step towards the air, and then flew out instantly. Momo's body is now more and more part of the soul. Although it has a body, it has become like a soul, and the gravity it receives is many times smaller. Momo flew out lightly in the air, and the scatter-eating butterflies scattered in the vicinity flew back towards Momo as if returning home, and pulled out an extremely gorgeous streamer behind Momo.

The evolutionary humans in the city are all surprised to see the streamer pulled out of the sky. At the front is a bright girl, and at the back and sides, countless soul-eating butterflies follow. Such a huge movement, of course, quickly shocked the people in the entire city, especially the leaders directly under the city.

Truman heard the information reported in the following report, and suddenly recognized who the girl was. Isn't this Momo? I didn't expect to be able to fly, and it was so beautiful. No, no, the key is not this. What exactly does this Momo want to do in such a magnificent flight in the air? That direction is... one of the research institutes.

Truman was suddenly nervous and stood up suddenly.

At this time, Mo Mo had fallen from the sky and stopped in front of this institute. Momo flew over from the sky so unabashedly, the guards here had long noticed that Momo came over and immediately stopped in front of Momo. Unfortunately, if Bai Yi had to think about the consequences, then Mo Mo simply did not think about the consequences. Jin Ji La was brought into this place, Mo Mo will not stay in the slightest.

"This lady, please stop." The guard is still apprehensive. The scene of Momo's flying is so amazing that it doesn't look like a weak one.

"Step aside!"

"Sorry, please show proof of passage."

Soul bondage!

Several mayfly flew out suddenly, wrapped around the guards, Mo Mo lifted his feet and walked out into the institute. In fact, these guards are not so weak, but they have not seen Mo Mo's attack method, and never thought Mo Mo will attack without hesitation. When the reaction came, they could not move.

Mo Mo came to the front door of the research institute and found that a password was required to enter here.

Mo Mo didn't understand any password, and his right hand was scratching to his side. A black transparent ripple suddenly appeared in the space, which was constantly swaying like the cut surface of the space. A group of mayfly spirits and spirit eating butterflies suddenly emerged from this ripple with a black knife. Momo grabbed the black knife with his right hand, and then directed a knife toward the front.

The door made of this alloy was suddenly cut by a strong impact, and crashed and flew out of the door bar. The fierce knife gas even cut the outside of the institute into two. Such a huge movement, a harsh alarm sounded suddenly in the institute, and Mo Mo walked into the institute.

After entering the research institute, Mo Mo walked straight towards it. A group of messy guards and researchers rushed out of it, and for a while did not understand Mo Mo's identity. Until Mo Mo came to them, these talents took out their weapons and immediately attacked Mo Mo. This is not the scene of the police arresting the gangsters, there is something to be warned, this is already a clear invasion.

At the moment when these people started to fight back, the string named ‘Danger’ in Mo Mo’s heart was suddenly touched. The life field opens instantly, and his right hand is drawn toward the front.

Soul charm? Sleep peacefully!

In an instant, all the guards and researchers fell to the ground, and Mo Mo continued to walk inside. After coming down a few times, the people in this research institute also knew that they faced Mo Mo, which was completely a food delivery, with no sacrifice value at all. The comparison of the strength of the two sides is clearly not on a single level.

Until, finally, several people blocked in front of Mo Mo. LV3, the highest level of human evolution, is also the main defense force of this institute.

"Miss Momo!" The visitor was slightly surprised after seeing Momo. Mo Mo glanced at this guy. He didn't recognize it. It was strange that he could recognize it. He recovered his human form, but he had no impression at all.

"It's us, one of the more than 800 people who were alive at the time." the guy said.

"Oh, Jinjila, what do you do to bring her here?" Mo Mo asked, since he is an acquaintance, Mo Mo still wouldn't do it directly.

"What Jinjira, we don't know, it's Miss Momo, you came in like this, what exactly do you want to do?"

"I saw Jinjila was brought into this place, where did you hide her, and what purpose do you have?" Mo Mo asked.

"We really don't know what Jinjila, Miss Momo, your behavior really makes us very difficult to do." These people said, shaking their heads in denial. But this time ~ ~ from the horn at the edge of the channel came the painful cry of Jinjila. All of a sudden, everyone froze in place, and Mo Mo looked coldly at the few people in front of him, and walked over.

"Miss Momo!"

"Go away, if there is something wrong with Jinjila, I will let all of you be buried." Mo Mo's voice has a proud oppressive atmosphere.

A few people on the opposite side were stunned for a while, and then they were full of discomfort. They had long heard that Bai Yi is now just an ordinary person with no status. Their respect for Mo Mo is a past habit, but it is not necessary. Please Momo. Thinking this way, these people suddenly stood in front of Mo Mo, preventing Mo Mo's path.

Mo Mo's mouth twitched slightly, and a cold killing intention flashed in his eyes. From the beginning, Mo Mo only stopped these people at most, and he hasn't really touched his killing heart yet.


In the city, I don’t know when it started, and a strange smell gradually emerged. This smell made everyone’s thoughts gradually become slightly confused, and I couldn’t help starting to get excited.

it has started!