Era of Disaster

Chapter 282: Planned things

After Gong Gemei Shazi finished speaking, the whole person had collapsed on the floor of the living room, and the whole person almost collapsed. Bai Yi's rebellious pupils made her completely recount the past without any resistance. The humiliation, blood, and ugliness covered in the depths of memory completely floated to the surface, completely! Gongge Meishazi's eyes completely lost focus, and for the first time he heard of this dark snow child and Xiushu's brother, he was completely silly.

Bai Yi sighed deeply in his heart, and then said: "I can give you a choice." Bai Yi's voice, with phonology, has been directly oscillated to the heart of Gongge Meisha, otherwise Gongge Meisha No sound could be heard.

"What choice?"

"Do you want to face it all, or continue to bury these things. It is easy to forget these things, including everything today and before, you can continue to return to that beautiful actress, there is no change at all. And, I promise, No one else can continue to uncover this memory. But..." Bai Yi looked at Gong Gemei Shazi's eyes and said.


"But you are still a weak person, but no one will continue to uncover this memory. Whether I will still encounter these things, I am not sure." Bai Yi said slightly cruelly, breaking the final heart of Gongge Meishazi A hint of fantasy. Gong Gemei Shazi sat completely on the ground, and it took a long time before she raised her head.

"If I face these things directly, what will change?"

"Then you need to decide for yourself." Bai Yi said, his eyes slowly turned-the pupil against the flower!

Human understanding of the world is entirely based on the senses of the five senses, and Bai Yi's heterogeneous energy can simulate the signals of the five senses. And for ordinary people, without an absolute life field, Bai Yi's energy invasion cannot be prevented at all. In a flash, Bai Yi's senses of the five senses were controlled by Bai Yi, presenting another world in the eyes of Gong Gemei Shazi. Gong Gemei Shazi saw nothing, but after a long time, she suddenly knelt in front of Bai Yi.

Complete submission!

The great fluctuation of the heart, coupled with Bai Yi's powerful hypnotic ability, made Gong Gemei Shazi completely surrender. In fact, for Bai Yi, there is no difference in choosing who, but since it happened so well, then it is not impossible to give her a strength.

"The world is not so dark, you can see the world clearly with your own eyes."

Bai Yi also hinted to the rain palace sisters and brothers, as long as they don't tell what they saw today, Bai Yi did not hide their memories. As for whether the world is really so dark, Bai Yi believes it must not be so. However, Bai Yi and they happened to be enemies with such people. Of course, this is the only part of what they have heard.


After another month, Bai Yi finally got some gains on how to converge the life field. Being able to research it so quickly is also related to some of the activities that Bai Yi has recently undertaken.

What should I do to accumulate strength?

Bai Yi's advantage is that they have all the information needed for LV0-LV3. Since the next era cannot be avoided, then of course Bai Yi and they need to make more preparations. Therefore, Bai Yi and their negotiation were to establish a biopharmaceutical company, which mainly sold three kinds of pharmaceuticals.

①Powerseed power seeds-extracting successfully developed body fluids of other evolutionary organisms, can allow ordinary people to infect active cells.

But not only that, Bai Yi and others graded this power seed, which is the level of active cells, from LV4-LV8. Active cells are a diminishing infection. Although the outside world can easily reach active cells, it is not easy to contact high-level active cells. In fact, for Bai Yi, it doesn't matter what level of active cell body fluid they get, but the price varies greatly between different levels.

② Prot original form medicine-even if the genes of other organisms are fused, it will not cause the change of form. This is a new type of medicine in its original form, but it is not the kind of inferior product that Bai Yi initially took.

③SuperEnergy Super Energy Mixture-a biological mixture containing a lot of energy, used to supplement the energy converted in the body, because the binge eating period is too much to eat.

As for other things that are indispensable in the course of evolution, Bai Yi did not intend to sell them in large quantities. The raw materials of those potions are basically from Devil's Island, and even Bai Yi can't obtain them in large quantities. For example, MaterialCream essence, ClearHeart Qingxin Lotion, FostSoul Soothing Lotion, SlumberDrug Sleeping Potion, TranquilMedit, etc., are not not sold, but they are absolute treasures.

This is Bai Yi's advantage. It is conceivable that with these things, Bai Yi's influence will be greatly increased in a short time. However, if there is not enough self-protection ability, then these things are extremely hot. Before these things appeared, Bai Yi needed complete control over Japan, which is why Bai Yi did not choose a big country. Although the flower pupil is powerful, Bai Yike is not so crazy to control a big country. Moreover, in the process of subverting the country, there will definitely be a great deal of damage... It is Bai Yi's selfishness.

During this time, Bai Yi and they are making related preparations. Joanna is an expert in this area, but it is not as good as Doctor King. Of course, there is only one Doctor King, but Bai Yi doesn't like that guy very much, too crazy to control. However, general talents also need special training.

When thinking about how to converge the life field, Bai Yi used the relevant knowledge. A new type of medicament has been developed. In fact, it is not accurate to say that it is a new type of drug. It should be something that exists in Doctor King's data itself.

RestrainDrug inhibitory agents-agents that inhibit the infectivity of active cells.

Obviously, after the active cells spread widely, this guy thought about this problem, but in the end it was not possible to study it out. It is estimated that it does not matter if it is infected. When thinking about how to converge the life field, Bai Yi they remembered this thing that has not been valued. Summarizing on the relevant information, Bai Yi and they have mastered the method of converging the life field, and this time has passed again for more than a month.


By this time, Yugong Xuezi had already gone to Sachioka Middle School, and the new semester began. Bai Yi took Momo to Tokyo and helped Momo to complete the transfer procedure of Sachioka Middle School. From now on, Momo is also considered a student of this school, although it is only to experience it.

Through some procedures, Momo directly transferred to Yugong Xuezi's class.

At this time, Momo's life field has completely converged, at least it is impossible to find Momo's anomaly from the outside.

"Hey, quiet, this is your favorite transfer student, attention!" The head teacher is a tall and thin man, and he looks relatively easy-going. "Transfer students, introduce yourself."

"My name is Momo? White? Restoa, for some reason, I came to Japan to study." Momo introduced himself quietly.


"Great, mixed-race beauty."

"It's so beautiful. Is the silk flower on the neck a family symbol of the nobility?"-It's just a general decoration.

"Wow, it's so temperamental, like a noble princess."-This is not a guess, but it's a princess of the Netherland, you won't want to go.

"I'm sinking, I'm sinking completely, I'm so lucky to be able to stay in this class."-Then sink, Mo Mo can definitely satisfy your wishes, and this may not be a lucky.

In an instant, the students in the class became very excited and extremely enthusiastic. Mo Mo had never seen such a thing, his body tightened instantly, and his right hand slightly grasped. Yuko Yuko, who was also very happy, shivered in his heart. Don't, don't catch it. In the second half of the summer vacation, Yugong Xuezi also knows the general ability of Momo, the princess of the Netherland, but it has always been accompanied by death.

Fortunately, Mo Mo calmed down quickly and did not really make any offensive actions.

At this time, the head teacher also knocked on the table, preventing the students below from continuing to make noise. When I saw the girl from the principal in the morning, I knew it would happen. The girl who looks very good just can imagine how warmly she will be welcomed.

"Okay, Momo, your position is there." The head teacher pointed to an empty space in the last row.

"Huh." Mo Mo nodded.

Yugong Xuezi was covered in books, and smiled at Mo Mo. It has been half a month since she started school, and she thought it was a joke that Bai Yi said Momo would transfer to her school. As soon as the get out of class was over, almost all the students immediately surrounded Mo Mo and asked about things. Of course, they were all irrelevant. With the experience just now, Momo did not feel anything wrong this time, calmly answering the questions of these students.

Bai Yi looked at the situation in the classroom on the other side of the school and smiled. This is the result that Bai Yi wanted. Mo Mo's childhood has been in Devil's has experienced countless battles and pains, and now has the opportunity to come out, Bai Yi hope Mo Mo can live some really relaxed life. Although this time will not be long, it will also become a precious memory in Mo Mo's life.

After returning to the bedroom, Momo found Yugong Xuezi and gave her something.

"what is this?"

"Powerseed8 power seed LV8, Prot original form medicine, SuperEnergy super energy mixture, RestrainDrug inhibitor medicine." Mo Mo explained briefly. These are counted as samples, and the quantity is not large. After all, Bai Yi's actions are not yet possible for mass production in such a fast way.

Yumiya Yuko is extremely excited, knowing these things will make her completely follow a different path.


At this time, Bai Yi looked at the message from Miyako Misako, that Ueda Keichi was in Tokyo. Exactly, you can go and see who this guy is, and Bai Yi looks to the sky.

Wait for me, bastards!