Era of Disaster

Chapter 46: fate

Four levels!

"The experimental body in the institute, if divided according to physical strength, is roughly divided into four levels." Martin came out and stood on the podium. Then I wrote a ① on the blackboard with a piece of chalk.

"①The top-level fusion gene may be very strong, maybe there is nothing surprising, but in the body, it reflects the incredible power. The specific reason is not clear, but we all think that this is a kind of Deeper integration with active cells, this individual is defined as-mutant!"

"②Superior-the fusion gene itself is the creature at the top of the food chain above the earth, and the fusion is relatively perfect, and it can fully exert its strength. Although such a gene fusion will not reach the top strength, the strength of its own gene is very stable. , So it’s a good choice. If you’re lucky enough to get a mutation, it’s unclear how strong you are.

"③ Intermediate-the fusion gene is also considered to be a predator in nature, but its fusion degree is very general, and its strength is barely strong."

"④ Subordinate-there is not much surprise in the fusion gene itself. This gene fusion monster seems to be of little use except for becoming a bait for other monsters. Of course, even this kind of creature is dangerous for humans today. The presence."

"What level are we integrating the genes that Hong Qihua said?" Someone asked immediately. Regarding strength and future safety, everyone cares.


"It's so low, and it's only a rough idea?" Everyone was surprised, and it sounded pretty good. After the fusion, the strength was not so good.

"That's just physical strength. For example, you only use minions to fight, but don't forget that the biggest difference between humans and animals is that they use weapons." Bai Yi stood up.

"The strength of evolutionary organisms is not only related to the flesh, but also to wisdom. Moreover, don’t forget what is the most fundamental reason... Active cells, I am afraid that is the focus of the key. In fact, active fusion of genes, exact What I said is not to enhance strength, but to allow us to have more capital to deal with when facing danger. As for how far everyone will go in this world, I am afraid this is a problem that even God does not know. "Bai Yi said slowly, because the lungs hurt, so he spoke very slowly.

Because it is slow, everyone listens more clearly and is lost in thought.

Minions come to fight, use weapons... perhaps understand.

So Bai Yicai just said that the crocodile gene is actually useless. The crocodile is a creature at the top of the earth's food chain. It relies on a terrifying big mouth and that powerful bite ability. However, after humans fuse the genes of crocodiles, do they fight with big mouths? Humans are best at using weapons, so those auxiliary abilities, such as the power, flexibility, vision, etc. written by Hong Qihua on the blackboard, are the most useful things for them.

"Eh, eh, what are you looking at me for?" Woolf asked silly when he saw everyone looking at him.

"Poof!" Helois saw Woolf's silly look and suddenly couldn't help laughing. Woolf really didn't understand the meaning in Bai Yi. Everyone saw Woolf's appearance and couldn't help laughing. Overall, the atmosphere in the team was not heavy, but rather active.

"Roar, don't laugh, you've made it clear to the great Lord Woolf." Woolf shouted with a big mouth, and said roaringly. But this look is even more tolerant. Finally, Helois came to Woolf and explained it to Woolf in detail. Others intervened from time to time, but instead let Woolf wave away.

Seeing how the two looked like, Bai Yi couldn't help but feel a little stunned, and said that Woolf had no chance, which was really unexpected.

"Then continue." Hong Qihua knocked on the blackboard after Woolf understood it. Everyone immediately concentrated again.

"Just as Uncle Bai said, we merge those selected genes. The physical strength may be only intermediate, but we will use weapons, flexible bodies and basic conditions, which will allow us to have more coping when facing danger. Capital. Of course, the premise is that you must remain calm." Hong Qihua continued.

"Actually, the gene we have chosen now is a good way to match, and there is a chance to enter the higher level. However, whether it can really enter that level is also related to the degree of integration." Hong Qihua said slowly. Everyone listened very seriously this time. From the point of view just now, Bai Yi and Hong Qihua obviously have been carefully considered and scrutinized.


"Simply put, if all of us here fuse the genes of ants, in theory, the power will increase, but how much power each person increases, the result will definitely be different. The higher the degree of fusion, the more the power increases, fusion If the degree is small, the increase is small. Perhaps, it is only a change in body shape, and there is no change in strength at all." Every time Martin needed to explain, Martin stood up.

The degree of integration is not difficult to understand, everyone nodded.

"In addition, you guys look at the list of characters in your hands again. I don't know if you noticed that there is some regularity in gene fusion." Hong Qihua said, motioning everyone to check the list.

Everyone immediately looked at the list. Is there any pattern on this list?

"This rule is that the genes fused after the evolutionary creatures cannot be fused again to other creatures. For example, Woolf was almost penetrated by the giant crocodile, but only the crocodile genes were fused, but the crabs were not. Gene. Martin was peeled by the tentacle slug, but only the gene of the slug was fused, but not the gene of the octopus. So that is to say, the genes fused in the late evolutionary organisms cannot be fused by other organisms again. Guess what It should be after the fusion once, although the characteristics have been reflected in the evolutionary creatures, but it is not complete." Hong Qihua did not let everyone think about it, but announced this law.

"Happy, guys, you don't have to be as careful as others to isolate infectious diseases." Hong Qihua said jokingly.

Everyone laughed awkwardly when they heard the words. Speaking of them, when they were inside the base, wasn't that the case? They are indeed afraid of contact with other people, because no one knows whether they will fuse the genes fused by other people. Now that I heard Hong Qihua say this, I can't help but feel relieved.

"Of course, for Shapi and Puff, if you don't want to fuse their genes, it's better to stay away." Hong Qihua added, everyone immediately looked at two'pets'.

"However, Sharpy and Puffy don't have to worry about fusing your human genes, because all the active cells come from the mother. The mother is human, and no human genes can override the mother's genes." Hong Qihua Said another sentence. And this sentence suddenly made everyone concentrate. Although these things, Hong Qihua said in a ridiculous way, but it is extremely important information.

"Then, the next message!" said Hong Qihua.

"The monsters in the research institute also have a way to divide-① animals fuse the genes of other creatures, and then become monsters. ② humans fuse the genes of other creatures, and become monsters. Then, quietly tell you, I am lucky at the gas station I met a monster transformed by the fusion of human genes with other creatures, and still retained enough wisdom and memory, and did not attack me." Hong Qihua said, except Bai Yi, everyone was shocked.

"In a sense, those monsters transformed from the genes of human fusion organisms, but our predecessors or pioneers." Mei Weisi quickly calmed down, and then said.

"That's it!" Hong Qihua nodded.

Everyone nodded to understand.

"Then, after collecting the information collected by Martin and Helois, this Otorohanga School, Otorohanga Middle School, has a small eco-park. Students usually study biological research, and the special creatures in it may not be found, but generally There should still be common organisms. So our first stop is here, first to fuse useful genes." Bai Yi said.

"Then, in the end, it is to synthesize all the information now, and then Uncle Bai and I have summed up the suggestions for everyone to fuse genes." Hong Qihua said again, everyone's spirit has been concentrated too much. Because every time, what was said in Hong Qihua's mouth was more and more shocking to everyone.

"It's the same as the things written on the blackboard. The first gene, Uncle Bai and I suggest that everyone should integrate ants. The powerful power is very useful in many cases. As for the rest, it is up to everyone to choose."

"Only merge ants, other uncertain?"

"Yes, not sure!" Bai Yi came to the front and nodded.

"Gene fusion is not a simple program like the game, there is a fixed route for everything. Even now, our analysis is very reasonable, but in fact, there are still many things that cannot be determined. So, me and Qihua's suggestion to everyone, everyone should first fuse the genes of two or three organisms, at least have a certain self-protection ability. As for the future, what genes will be fused, and to what extent, it will be handed to...fate. "Bai Yi said this paragraph while looking up at the window.

Everyone looked out of the window while listening to Bai Yi's words.

Destiny... This is really an irresponsible statement. Everyone is slightly bitter in their hearts, but they have to admit that Bai Yi said all the facts.
