Era of Disaster

Chapter 461: Temptation and behavior

"Sir, your injury doesn't matter, these documents need your approval." After Bai Yi's body was "good", Tina immediately brought a lot of documents and placed them in front of Bai Yi.


Bai Yi couldn't help covering his head, he didn't do this kind of thing here.

"Tina, please help me deal with it." Bai Yi said.

"That's not okay. It's an adult's job in itself. And now many people outside have questioned the adult, and it's even more difficult to relax at this time." Tina said one lesson at a glance.

"Ah, my body hurts." Bai Yi immediately pretended to be sick.

If Bai Yi is really dealing with these things, then it is upside down. And pretending to be sick is just an excuse. As long as Tina knows that he doesn’t want to deal with these things, should Tina, as a secretary, not help these things? However, after Bai Yi pretended to have pain, Tina suddenly sighed, and then leaned down, with her small hand on Bai Yi's waist, and began to gently knead and stroke.

"Sir, you are true, but after a while you will have to deal with these documents honestly." Tina said as she stretched her hand towards Bai Yi's pants.

If Bai Yi didn't know what Tina wanted to do at this time, it would be an idiot.

At this time, Bai Yi couldn't help but scolded in his heart-‘Sabatino, you guys had eaten his secretary long ago. ’

But at this time, Sabbatino was also worried about it when he thought about it. Although Tina was his secretary, the two had a close relationship. Although it is not a lover relationship, as long as it is a man, it is estimated that his woman and other men have no relationship. Bai Yi became his way, wouldn't something happen with Tina? If Bai Yi really had a relationship with Tina, Sabatino couldn't help but rush to the head thinking of this.

In fact, personal secretaries, most of them have that kind of relationship with their bosses, and they are very secretive about each other. Like Bai Yi, there has been no relationship with Alortia, but a few.

Do it or not?

Obviously, the relationship between Tina and Sabbatino is really close, and this behavior should be very common between the two. If he refused, it would have been suspected by Tina.

Tina has reached out to Bai Yi's lower body, and at this time, Bai Yi looked up.


"Well, lord!" Tina raised her head when she heard Bai Yi's words.

At this time, Bai Yi's reverse pupil turned, and Tina suddenly appeared in a trance. "Tina, you helped Sabatino deal with physiological problems in the usual way..." Bai Yi slowly hypnotized. Simply letting Tina leave is not a good idea, it is better to form a hint of what happened to the two of them. But after a while, Bai Yi regretted it again. Why are there so many problems?

At this time, Tina was hypnotized by Bai Yi, as if she was really doing the same thing as Sabbatino. If this is okay, the key is that Tina took off her clothes in front of Bai Yi, revealing her full body and being emotional.

damn it!

Looking at a beautiful woman with a spring touch in front of her face, Bai Yi was stupid.

Bai Yi scolded in his heart, and then the life field expanded to the outside. The guards outside are all close friends, obviously knowing the relationship between Sabbatino and Tina. At this time, all of them were concentrating on their duty, as if they didn't know what happened inside. If Bai Yi went out at this time, it is estimated that these guards would be strange. But not going out... Bai Yi looked at the beautiful woman writhing in front of her and couldn't help feeling dry.

Nima, it would be nice if he really didn’t refuse to come. Now he just eats dry and wipes clean, but this time it makes him feel uncomfortable.

Bai Yi took a deep breath, then closed his eyes, as if to ignore Tina's movements in front of him. After more than half an hour, after Tina finally vented herself, Bai Yi let Tina wear her clothes and then pretend to be like after intense exercise.

"I will deal with the file, you go out first." Bai Yi said to Tina who gradually recovered her consciousness.

"Okay, sir!" Tina calmed down, and waited until the flush on her face subsided before she went out.

Bai Yi looked at her excited body after Tina left. Isn't his self-control so bad? He always feels that the previous acacia mandala seems to have left him some sequelae. It’s better to raise the ‘injury’ as soon as possible, and end the matter here quickly, otherwise he will come back a few times, and he doesn’t know how long he can stand it.

However, Bai Yi looked at the pile of documents in front of her and felt that her head was very big. She still had to look at this thing. I knew it was better if I agreed at first.

Bai Yi opened the file and browsed slowly.

Even if it's a temporarily disguised Sabbatino, Bai Yi has always been very serious in handling things and has no perfunctory attitude. But after gradually looking down, Bai Yi's expression gradually dignified. What was wrong with his imagination, Bai Yi originally thought that processing these files was a waste of time, but after reading these files carefully, Bai Yi discovered that the contents of these files contained all aspects of shady Italian issues. From these documents, it is possible to analyze the structure and status of the entire shady Italy... The documents and materials are simply more complete than those collected by Luigi.

Not only is it complete, there are many materials that cannot be investigated even on the surface. Now, Bai Yi only needs to add Sabatino's approval to these documents to determine the division of power and personnel direction under the entire shady Italy.

Absolutely focused!

After discovering this, Bai Yi immediately entered a state of absolute focus, carefully read all the files, and then analyzed the useful things. After three hours, Bai Yi closed his eyes and thought about the things mentioned in these documents in his mind. These things are not enough. More details about the following details are not written on it. Obviously, these files are the main files that Tina specially sorted out, and she has already handled some less important things by herself.

This is the task of the secretary itself, but at this time, Bai Yi wants to take the initiative to deal with those things.

"Ti... Na!"

Bai Yigang wanted to ask Tina to bring in the other documents as well, but just put her hand down and put it down. He just didn't want to deal with these things at all, but now he changes his attitude immediately, the other side will doubt it. Reverse flower pupil is not a panacea, nor can he rely on hypnotic hints of reverse flower pupil. If there is any conflict with the content of hypnosis, it is easy to show off.

Process these files first.

Bai Yi looked at the pile of documents in front of him and then picked up the pen. Sabbatino's handwriting, Bai Yi knew from Luigi long ago. It is not difficult to imitate with the observation power and precise control power of the inverted flower pupil. When I looked at these documents in detail before, Bai Yi had already thought about everything in his heart. If it is real Sabbatino, how to deal with these things.

But unfortunately, now this Sabbatino is pretending to be Bai Yi.

such as:

The next lieutenant climbed into the bed of his colleague's wife and was beaten to death after being found. This guy's strength is not very good, but it seems that the relationship with the shady seniors is not bad, so it is mixed up in a position that can't be kept. Now because of this guy's identity, the following people don't know what to do with it. They dragged and dragged it, and they pushed it to Sabatino.

Bai Yi looked at the guy whose wife was wearing a green hat again, second lieutenant, it turned out to be the same, the official rank was one grade lower. But this guy's real skill is much stronger than that lieutenant.

It would be self-evident to punish who was normally judged, but now, Bai Yi has approved this document.

The lieutenant was punished, but only on the surface, without pain or itching. The second lieutenant was transferred away, and his official position rose, but it was only a leisure department, eating the same kind of death. This is the so-called bright rise and dark fall, and his future basically ends here.

such as:

This time, a lot of high-level officials have died here in Italy, and they need to be promoted again. There are detailed information in all the listed candidates. Of course, Bai Yi does not only look at these materials, but also analyzes the personalities of these people from other documents. In the end, Bai Yi put a check on the name of a guy with average strength but good relationship with his colleagues.

Bai Yi can think of what kind of result this kind of guy would get when he got on top.

such as:

The following says that the law enforcement department is too strict, especially the captain of a law enforcement team. Bai Yi looked at the document and found that the captain of the law enforcement department was completely in accordance with the criminal law. However, when facing some people was a little too harsh. According to this guy's past, I have some opinions about these people, but, although stricter, it is not too much. And these people are usually high above, where can bear this thorn, find an excuse to kick this guy down.

Of course, this kind of thing is agreed.

Bai Yi wrote his name on the file.


There are not many similar files, and it does not seem to be particularly serious. But if these things accumulate, it will have a huge impact on the whole shady Italy. These influences will not erupt now, but as long as Luigi attacked...

Of course, in the eyes of the outside world, Bai Yi's decisions also made many people stunned. This is... Sabbatino compromised with the top? It should be like this. After all, Sabbatino is not having a good life. It is better to stay in the front line.

However, what these people do not know is that Bai Yi has silently paid attention to the really useful talents in the whole shady Italy. For example, the transferred second lieutenant, such as the captain of the law enforcement team. Don't forget about these people, pull them all into the Bright Council.