Era of Disaster

Chapter 467: Bai Yi gives way

"Uncle, they hate it." Esia left under Bai Yi's lead, but said angrily while kicking the ground with nothing.

"Do not mind!" Bai Yi said with a smile.

"How can't you mind!" Esia mumbled something.

Bai Yi couldn't help but smiled and put his hand on Esia's head. This was Bai Yi's previous move to appease Mo Mo, but at this time, Aisia, who was still talking about something, was surprised and suddenly became very quiet. As if revealing a reassuring feeling on this uncle Sabbatino. Although the former Uncle Sabbatino cared about her, he never felt this way.

After Bai Yi left, Zakaro also watched a young boy leave. Really, it's done well. Recently, Sabbatino's things have become more and more exceptional, and the faults are also very picky. It is estimated that it is not far from pushing him to that position. So, the next step is the cronies that originally surrounded Sabbatino.

It is common sense that every person in power will promote some of their own cronies. And beside Sabbatino, there were quite a few people. These people centered on Sabbatino and formed a large interest group. This is not to say that all interest groups are derogatory. In fact, with these cronies around, Sabatino’s various instructions will be executed more efficiently and smoothly. Otherwise, all of the following people are violating Yang and Yin, and it is estimated that no one is in power.

When a new piece of instructions was placed in front of Bai Yi, Bai Yi laughed again.

Really, did you start looking for excuses to smooth Sabbatino's cronies.

A guy named Azo was excused by outsiders, pitted, and violated the regulations. Now this matter is placed in front of Bai Yi.

"Sir, it's very bad for us to continue this way." Tina said solemnly after handing this information to Bai Yi.

"Well, I know." Bai Yi nodded.

After thinking for a while, Bai Yi gave his own attitude to this matter. In fact, Bai Yi didn't care about this Azo's stay. However, Bai Yi knew that he could not do so obviously. It’s all ‘own’ to say, if such simple abandonment and compromise, it is estimated that the outside world will be skeptical. Bai Yi believes that the following group of people will definitely not agree with Bai Yi's maintenance, and then continue to force Bai Yi under the slogan of fair law enforcement.

Sure enough, after Bai Yi's opinion was conveyed, a group of people began to clamor again. In addition, outside public opinion has also begun to say that Sabbatino has done things unfairly, particularly protecting himself.

Bai Yi was not surprised after knowing these things, especially when he watched Zaccaro and Edmundo jump up and down, and felt very funny. On the surface, Bai Yi looked very sad, and seemed to be very unsure because of the situation in front of him. At this time, Luigi's side also won a few games, which put more pressure on Bai Yi's side. In the eyes of many outsiders, Sabbatino's position is really unstable.

Bai Yi's appearance is completely pretended, but Tina is really very worried, so going on, the situation of Lord Sabbatino is really very bad.

"Sir, you!" Tina was shocked after receiving Bai Yixin's instructions.

"Go for it."

"Adult, this is not enough. If we give up on this matter, the other party will not only stop right, but will be more incisive." Tina will not usually forcefully admonish, but this time, Tina knows this behavior. What stands behind.

"Go!" Bai Yi said extremely tough. Then Bai Yi hugged her gently in Tina's extremely angry eyes. "Relax, there is nothing to sit in this position. The opposite is Bai Yi. In my eyes, nothing is more important than you. Since they are willing to face Bai Yi, then give them this position. "Bai Yi said on the side, the scorching breath gradually sprayed on Tina's neck, which made Tina almost melt.

Although I feel that today's Sabbatino is so tender and fascinating, but soon, Tina was awake.

"Okay, sir!" Tina's answer was not very firm, but she didn't hesitate.

"This is my Tina." Bai Yi said.

"Go ahead." Bai Yi gently pushed Tina away and said something. Just kidding, Bai Yi has discovered that Tina is getting emotional again, and if you continue to play, she will get angry.

"Yes!" Tina was reluctant, but knew that it was not a time for indulgence.

Soon, the outside world knew Bai Yi's attitude, and after knowing Bai Yi's attitude, several behind-the-scenes messengers secretly clenched their fists in their hearts. Sabbatino, the service has softened! The public opinion and other people's persecution finally began to soften. And this is only the first step. Next, they will continue to persecute Sabbatino, and then gradually take over the power, and then finally let Sabatino step down from that position.

Sure enough, after Bai Yi was forced to make concessions in Azo's affairs, the other party's behavior became more and more excessive. If no surprises, it is estimated that the problem of the new marshal commander will be mentioned at the next meeting.

After Tina's tenderness last time, Tina didn't continue to struggle with this problem, but just cooperated with Bai Yi's idea to arrange a retreat. After all, this is not a transfer of power in a peaceful age. Although they now have very strong power, they are not bad. Who knows if the other party will kill them.

At this time, Bai Yi asked Tina to leave here with Esia to find someone in Albania next door.

"Who are you looking for?"

"You will know when you go. He will protect you for a while. By the way, there is a fast data chip here. Give it to him." Bai Yi threw another data chip to Tina again. "You watch with him, don't ask so much first, some things are not very easy to explain." Bai Yi said.

"Well, I believe you." Tina nodded.

After Tina also left, the power on Bai Yi's side became thinner and thinner. It seemed that there was no one celebrity to use. And in this way, in the eyes of Zacharo and Edmundo, Sabbatino's power is already in the mountains. All of these things happened during this time. Although Sabbatino would not be able to do so quickly, making them feel a little surprised, but the excitement of success has already stunned their minds, so I did not think so much.

As for the other two, Camino did not care about Sabbatino, but he did not care about this issue.

"It's you." Camino didn't turn his head, just glanced at Bai Yi.

"Well, it's me."

"What's the matter with you recently? It seems that you intend to give up this identity." Camino said lightly.

Bai Yi smiled for a moment without answering. In fact, Bai Yi knew that what was needed in this position was not the kind of contention, but the decision of the real ruling people behind Italy. This position is the bait used by the high-level people behind to balance the power. It does not throw some weighty positions. How to attract the group of people below. But the person who really decides this position is the shady power behind Italy.

Therefore, Camino will ask Bai Yi what is going on, because the shady forces behind Italy did not intend to let Sabbatino down. As long as the shady forces behind the scenes do not oppose Sabbatino, no matter how busy the other people's seizure of power is, they will not succeed.

Sabbatino knew this. Is Sabbatino planning to give up now?

"Guess?" Bai Yi said lightly.

Camino looked at Bai Yi, his pupils shrunk slightly, and now he was a little unsure what Bai Yi wanted to do. At this time, Bai Yi was also looking at Camino. Bai Yi could see some of the vigilance hidden in Camino's eyes. Bai Yi didn't come to Camino often. There were only a few opportunities to get along alone. Bai Yi can see that Camino is not a careless person. In general, although Camino was born noble, but apart from his arrogant temperament, the others are not the ancestors of the brain.

No chance!

Bai Yi said silently in his heart, according to Camino's present situation, Bai Yi had no chance to directly control him with the reverse flower pupil. Even subduing Camino in a short time will reveal his current identity. This identity is still useful.

Wait until the action begins!

Bai Yi decided in his heart that by that time there would be no worries anymore, he would forcefully ask Camino to find out where the shady power is, and then-kill it all! Bai Yi thought of this, with a slight killing in his eyes. However, this trace of murderous intention was hidden deep by Bai Yi, and even Camino didn't see it.

"If you really don't want to stay in this position, then at the next high-level meeting, new candidates will be introduced." Camino said tentatively.

"Oh!" Bai Yi said, then turned away.

Camino looked at Bai Yiyuan's back, and suddenly felt both familiar and unfamiliar. It seemed that Sabbatino had changed during this time. However, Camino could not see exactly what changed.


Soon, the high-level executives secretly received the news. At the next high-level meeting, Sabbatino will resign from his current position. At that time, it is estimated that a new marshal commander will be elected.

When Bai Yi returned to his current residence, he felt that the surrounding atmosphere became a bit cold. Really, is this a cold tea? Now that he hasn't been inferior yet, OK. I really don't know what kind of expressions these people will have when the truth is revealed at the meeting.