Era of Disaster

Chapter 523: Ring of stillness

When Cecilia was completely involved in the underworld, Momo only included the black sword into the underworld. Just when others thought Momo would stop again, Momo flew directly into the air, and then opened his hands.

This battle is not as simple as winning. The purpose of the United Nations is to destroy Bai Yi, which is transforming. Then they don’t have to be obsessed with winning, as long as they drag the battlefield to the middle. Then the two parties fighting, no matter who they are, may cause harm to Bai Yi's transformation. So although the scene does not seem to dominate, the entire battlefield is indeed moving towards the middle.

Butterfly burial?? gorgeous sleep dance!

Mo Mo opened his hands, and a little fluorescence suddenly rose from the surrounding space, and Mo Mo suddenly waved his right hand toward the front. In an instant, countless soul-eating butterflies swarmed toward the front, beautiful and beautiful. Countless soul-eating butterflies carried colorful transparent light and flew to the people of the United Nations fighting below. Although this scene is extremely beautiful, everyone knows that absolutely, never be attacked.

These people also wanted to use the "light of soul" to destroy these soul-eating butterflies as before, but just after contact, many people found that their attacks were invalid.


At the moment when the soul was swallowed by the soul-eating butterfly, many people had this idea in their hearts.

Because these soul-eating butterflies are not the kind of spirit-eating butterflies that flew out before, but Moss specially selected Moss-eating butterflies that are integrated with their life fields. Soul light is the fusion of soul and life field, which can harm the spirit body, but at this time, the life fields of these spirit-eating butterflies are fully integrated into Momo's life field. In other words, as long as Mo Mo has not died, these soul-eating butterflies will not die.

At this time, Mo Mo once again waved his hand, and the originally mayfly attacked the mayfly suddenly stopped neatly, and then flew up in an instant.

Spirit burial?? The temptation of death!

It is still very beautiful, but this time no one dared to care. These beautiful attacks are all full of fatal killing intent.

However, no matter how careful, many people still fall under Mo Mo's attack.

The gap in absolute strength does not even require Momo to specifically target a certain person. Even such a large-scale attack can cause terrible killing.

This scene happened to let some absolutely high-level scripts of the UN stage. It's not that they don't have people who can compete with Mo Mo, but they can't bear it. That kind of person needs at least the level of Doyle. And such people are not available in every country. Countries with such masters would not be willing to let their own people come here to take this risk. Because once this master dies in this battle, the loss is too great.

However, can someone really awaken the law treasure in this battle?

The mourning of death continued to appear in the battlefield, and an invisible sorrow and despair gradually coalesced. A girl who is simple and weak looks at relatives, friends, teammates who are constantly falling around... An invisible pain and cry gradually emerge in my heart. In her ears, it seemed that everyone could hear the wailing before the interim. The crazy bite and devour of soul fierce beasts, the mad killing of the undead evolution human beings, the desolation of the soul completely disappeared.

What is the significance of their coming here, is it that all of them die miserably.

'stop it! ’

‘Everyone, hurry up and stop, no, no one will die anymore! The girl knelt on the ground, the expression on her face was completely twisted by the pain. At this time, no one cared about her at all, even on the UN side, the country that sent the girl did not notice her. Because, the meaning of her coming to the battlefield is a bait, a prop to wake up the brother beside her.

But at this time, the brother who was holding the hope was already dead, and the broken body fell beside the girl.

Looking at the girl's wasteful performance, the senior UN executive who sent her felt bored for a while. If this girl died, she might stimulate her brother’s awakening rule. But her brother died because of her protection. Sure enough, even though careful arrangements were made in advance, the changes on the battlefield were simply not artificially controllable. What a pity a good subordinate.

"stop it!"

"Stop...!" the girl whispered in a loss of soul. The sad expression was out of place on the entire battlefield, just like a puppet crushed and crushed by the cruel reality.


"I let you all stop!" The girl suddenly looked up, screaming loudly and madly toward the sky. In an instant, it seemed that something had been released from the girl, and all the attacks of the people were completely frozen at this instant. Whether it's that hideous expression or a fierce attack, all are confined in this range. At this time, from the edge of a few kilometers away, a circle of transparent filament gradually recovered toward the middle. This circle of transparent filaments was only the size of the real silk thread at first, and it was completely imperceptible to the naked eye, but when it was recovered to the middle, everyone found the misty white light that enveloped it.

this is!

This sudden scene on the battlefield completely made everyone jump up, especially the high-level executives who planned this scene. At this time, they couldn't even talk.

Is it!

Is it...!

At this time, Mo Mo, who was still more than ten kilometers away, also looked in that direction, and then flew over in an instant. When Mo Mo flew into the stagnant range of the center, his eyes suddenly widened. Mo Mo suddenly grabbed the black knife, his body arched slightly, and the whole body was filled with absolute power in an instant.

Yu Yan Sword?? Great Shock Wave?? Collapse!

In an instant, Mo Mo waved a heavy knife towards the girl in the center. As if the sky were torn by this knife instantly, no one could describe the power of this knife. The sword skills Bai Yi summed up from Devil Island at the beginning, after countless hours of modification and improvement, can now be comparable to the most powerful attack.

The black blade of light burned with a dark flame, and instantly cut into the center of the transparent silk ring. Even the completely frozen space outside was completely torn by this knife. Crazy and fierce shock, shot directly towards the girl in the center.

At this time, the group of people at the United Nations immediately clenched their fists nervously, especially the top officer who sent the girl. The previous abnormalities have undoubtedly shown that the girl has awakened the law treasure. If it is a general battlefield, it is very likely that the battlefield has been completely reversed at the moment of the appearance of the law treasure, but there is a more dangerous existence-Princess Baiming. Could it be that the rule of awakening has just happened, is this girl going to be directly slain by Princess Bai Ming here?

The twisted big shock wave slashed towards the girl, and at this time, Mo Mo's expression gradually became slightly dignified.

Even outsiders, it can be seen that the Great Shock Wave has been invisibly blocked, and the speed has become slower and slower. And every night there, it is an accurate calculation of the speed of the big shock wave flying out and the current speed. Mo Mo grabbed the black knife in his right hand, and when he just lifted it up to attack again, he suddenly put it down again, and then showed a figured smile.


Is this another purpose of the United Nations.

At this time, the collapse of the shock wave has completely reached the girl's body, but at that moment, the silk ring retracted from the surroundings has also reached the top of the girl's head. It was originally just a small silk ring as silk thread. At this time, it was as thick as the thumb, and then completely suspended on the girl's head, emitting a bright white light.

When Momo's big shock wave touched the girl's body for two meters, the transparent ring suddenly radiated a wave. The original remaining shock force suddenly became quiet in front of this wave, and finally the big shock wave completely stood still in front of the girl.

"Angel!" Mo Mo looked at the girl in the center and said a little playfully.

That's right, the girl in the center floated in the air at this time, suddenly became elegant and holy, and the ring above her head made her bring a trace of awe-inspiring sacredness. This image is completely in line with the image of an angel in human fantasy.

At this time, countless people are totally beyond description. It is really surprising that someone on the battlefield has awakened the law treasures, and the awakened law treasures are actually related to angels. No, no, it’s just an image, and many people immediately thought that this has nothing to do with the so-called angel, it’s just a similar look. However, even if it is similar, it is estimated that more people will call this ruled treasure the ring of The ruled treasure-the ring of stagnation [ring of angels]!


When the ring of stagnation was completely formed, the girl in the center suddenly raised her head, her face still bewildered and shocked, obviously she hadn't recovered herself. But soon, she saw the condensed battlefield around, whether it was an enemy or a friend, at this time they were completely still, and her eyes revealed consternation or even panic. Because, their bodies are completely unable to move.

Stop the fight!

At this time, the girl thought of the crazy cry in her heart, and then recovered.

"Everyone, stop fighting, don't let someone die." The girl said to the people around her like a pleading. As she said this, the range of stagnation gradually narrowed, and those outside gradually recovered their ability to act. But at this time, these people who have recovered their ability to move have not moved, because it is no longer their turn to decide.

Whether it is the girl who has just awakened the law treasure, or the white princess standing in the sky!