Era of Disaster

Chapter 551: Capsize

Ning Xue is not stupid. I just never thought about it in that direction before. At this time, I was in a crisis, and my thinking became more and more sensitive and clear. At that time, only he can do it in terms of time and process. But why? Is it because he felt hesitant and did not directly agree to his courtship? But... hatred just because of rejection? No, there should be more profound reasons.

No, it doesn't matter for any reason!

A trace of self-deprecation flashed in Ning Xue's heart. Sure enough, she didn't look at the man's eyes, why the men who made her tempted were all this kind of thing.

Ning Xue's fingers clenched slightly and shook his head fiercely. It wasn't time to think about this time. I had to go out from here. Ning Xue closed his eyes and concentrated his energy.

"Do you still want to resist, useless."

"The toxin in you is a newly discovered toxin, which is not so easy to remove, or that you are still waiting for rescue. But it is not against you, your rescue will not appear, need me to tell you why? "Although Ning Xue has fallen into an unfavorable state, these people continue to attack Ning Xue's confidence and persistence. It would be best if Ning Xue could be given up to resist.

"Rescue, that kind of thing!" Ning Xue's mouth twitched with a smirk.

Many people have exactly the same ability and strength, but a few of them can become kings, while some people can only follow the trend.

Their biggest difference is their mentality!

Some people always dream of daydreaming, and always put their hopes on the outside conditions-rescue, charity, luck... Others, however, always give their hopes to themselves, and outside help will always be just extra gains. This is the difference.

At this time, Ning Xue had never thought about whether his men would come, and the pupils in his eyes contracted, forcibly suppressing the restlessness in his body. Obviously, the discomfort and pain caused by the toxin were extremely strong, but Ning Xue's eyes gave birth to a cruel excitement.

Suddenly a small step jumped out, and Ning Xue faced the five people without retreating.

"Be careful!" reminded one person. Even if he didn't remind, these five people did not dare to carelessly, even if Ning Xue was poisoned, it was a dangerous person.


At the moment of contact, the surrounding aura seemed to suddenly become extremely frozen. The person who was about to attack Ning Xue made a mistake and suddenly killed his teammate. At this time, Ning Xue was hiding on the side of this person, his right hand stretched out. A buzzing tremor slammed the rushing torrent among several people. The attack between several people does not look gorgeous, but it is extremely dangerous. In particular, now Ning Xue has a desperate attitude.

Soon, two of them were injured in their hands, and at this time, Ning Xue also shed light black blood from the nostrils.

When he passed by, Ning Xue's left finger twitched, and another person's left arm suddenly heard a cracking sound. This guy suddenly screamed, but before he could stop the scream, the next person was punched in the waist with a punch that was absolutely impossible. In fact, several people have been alerting Ningxue's control ability, but I didn't expect that Ningxue could control it after he was poisoned.


When the fierce fire fist was about to come in front of him, Ning Xue held his right hand, his eyes narrowed. The other person's body suddenly looked like a puppet under control, and was instantly blocked in front of Ning Xue. Seeing that his teammates were under control, the other person quickly succumbed to power. But at this time, Ning Xueming was not attacked, but spit out blood. The two controlled by Ning Xue took the opportunity to force the life field out and broke free of Ning Xue's control.

After staying in the distance, several talents looked at Ning Xue again. Obviously, I have been hit with that kind of strong toxin, and I can still exert such strength. Neither of them knew whether Ningxue had the power of 1% before. Control is really tricky, especially when the more people attack Ning Xue, it is simply a puppet in Ning Xue's hands.

However, it's almost the same. Now Ning Xue seems to know that it won't last long.

As several people continued to walk towards Ning Xue carefully, Ning Xue's closed eyes suddenly opened. The extremely condensed pupils bring tremendous pressure. At this moment, everyone feels that Ning Xue now is completely different from before. That's right, it's completely different, because now Ning Xue has also temporarily entered lv4. You should know that Bai Yi and Ning Xue's data are basically shared, so Ning Xue has also touched the edge of lv4 before. After long-term accumulation of strength, Ning Xue finally entered this state.

Take control of yourself!

Others think that Ning Xue's strongest ability is to control other people's bodies and cause them to kill each other. But in fact, Ning Xue's own exploration is not to strengthen this ability to control others, but to control himself. It may be possible to control other people and deal with ordinary masters, but when dealing with real masters, don't think about it. The battles between real masters can only rely on their own strength.

Self-control is such an alternative way of controlling oneself, allowing one's own functions to erupt in an overclocking manner without being affected by any injury or illness.

Ghost flash step!

Ning Xue's ghost flash step is exactly the same as Bai Yi's, but it looks more light and strange. Almost instantly, Ning Xue appeared in front of one of them, and then the pupil and the other stared at each other.


At this time, the person who looked at each other with Ning Xue clearly saw the message from Ning Xue's eyes. Ning Xue's attacking movement is extremely simple, which is a simple push. This person also summoned his strength and greeted Ning Xue. With a slight crash, a dullness appeared in the man's eyes, just like a flesh burst, the person's body suddenly burst from the front toward the back, becoming a pile of bright red meat sauce.

"Baro!" The other people's eyes were so shocked that they couldn't believe it. How could Ning Xue's attack be so powerful.

Ning Xue turned around, an elegant swing, and when his slender right leg kicked on another person's leg, this person probably knew why. At the moment of contact, his body didn't belong to himself for a moment. The defense originally built by his body collapsed at this moment.

Slight control!

At the moment of contact, precisely control a part of the contact with the other party, completely disintegrating various defenses of the other party's body. At that moment, the various defenses that were originally very powerful basically became completely scattered and arranged like a tofu. It is self-evident that the body in this state will collide with Ning Xue's attack.

After a simple collision, the second person suddenly burst from the right leg into a pile of meat sauce. In the face of unmatched attacks and defenses, he was still quite powerful, and he was even weaker than babies.

Ning Xue opened her mouth slightly, her white teeth were exposed, and it was obvious that a weathered beauty could make people feel crazy and domineering.

Failed, the remaining few people looked at Ning Xue's expression, they knew they provoke Ning Xue's killer. The remaining three desperately wanted to escape, but Ning Xue quickly caught up.

When Ning Xue's last finger broke through the flames and clicked on a person's right fist, the person suddenly showed a look of panic, and then his body collapsed instantly from the front. With a bang, scattered pieces of minced meat and blood splattered, but Ning Xue stood there without evading, and let the blood splatter on himself. It's not that I don't want to dodge, but I have no power.

Ning Xue itself touched the edge of lv4 is shorter than Bai Yi, and now is poisoned again, it is good to be able to maintain for a few seconds.

After Ningxue killed the last person, he looked over to the right. When he saw the man who came out, Ningxue's mouth slightly raised.

"Is this the power of lv4?" Zhou Sheng asked Ning Xue with a smile.

"Yes, this is the power of lv4." Ning Xue said lightly.

"Which way?" Zhou Sheng asked.

Ning Xue did not answer, she believed that Zhou Sheng came here, definitely not asking this question. The reason why he betrayed himself is definitely not because Ning Xue did not tell him the secret of lv4. In fact, in Baiming Building and Zhongxue Mansion, the information of lv4 is not known to everyone. Because Bai Yi and Ning Xue both feel that it is not a good thing to know the information of lv4 when the strength is not reached. To enter lv4, the requirements for body and soul are too high. Seeing Bai Yi's so many struggling to improve before entering lv4, I know how difficult it is.

"Hey, sorry." Zhou Sheng saw Ning Xue no longer couldn't help saying sorry.

"Reason!" Ning Xue needed no apology.

"I don't feel like chasing you. Your heart is too big. As a woman, no one likes it." Zhou Sheng explained simply. Originally, the purpose of Zhou Sheng was to catch up with Ning Xue and completely trap Ning Xue in love. It is best to become a desperate woman for men. But after long-term communication, Ning Xue seems not to be obsessed with love, and even has a slight sense of resistance. In addition, Ning Xue seems to be more interested in personal strength and power. Whether he was caused by Ning Xue's previous experience or not, in short, it made him feel that Ning Xue was not in control.

Ning Xue showed a slightly taunting smile, grabbed his right hand slightly, and stepped out instantly.

Zhou Sheng, who was not far away, was shocked. He didn't expect that Ning Xue had such a time, and he still had the power to attack. Zhou Sheng suddenly tightened his body, not daring to carelessly, the fierceness of Ning Xue just broke out just now, but he could see clearly. Ning Xue gritted his teeth and grabbed him towards Zhou Sheng. When Zhou Sheng's heart was lifted, suddenly, Ning Xue's body fell like a sudden loss of power and fell towards the ground.

Zhou Sheng hugged Ning Xue subconsciously, and then found that now Ning Xue looks extremely delicate.