Era of Disaster

Chapter 553: Real evil concubine

After the reorganization of the United Nations, many people stared at that position, because once they got on the seat, the power that the United Nations would develop in the future would be amazing. However, although everyone is optimistic about the position, according to what was said before, whoever stops Bai Yi will sit in that position, which seems not easy to achieve. In just three or four days, not only did it not prevent success, but it was picked by Bai Yi in more than 60 locations, and more than 100 people were killed at the top. As for the other affiliated personnel, it is even more unknown how many.

Under such circumstances, the new UN resolution is to focus on preventing Bai Yi. Whoever made the greater contribution at this time, who will temporarily sit in that position.

Although it is temporary, everyone knows that once someone gets up in that position, the eight achievements are not so easy to let out. So this temporary is very important.

If the United Nations wants to ambush Bai Yi, he needs enough bait, otherwise Bai Yi cannot know that there will be an ambush.

For Bai Yi, the relationship is very deep, but it seems that none of them is so good to deal with. According to the news from all parties, those guys who set their target on the Baiming Building in Japan seem to have all failed. On the surface, the Japanese Baiming Tower looks very loose, but under the arrangement of Guhuai and Vera, it has long become a complete defense system and cannot be invaded at all. In this operation, these people not only failed, but lost a lot of strength. Perhaps they also caused a lot of damage to the Baiming Building, but those marginal personnel can be of any use.

There are many, many reasons why Zhou Sheng betrayed Ning Xue. If there is more time, maybe he will have other options, such as continuing to attack Ning Xue, making Ning Xue a woman willing to give up for his man. But now, the situation has evolved like this. After measuring the progress and gains and losses, Zhou Sheng has made a choice that seems to be better now-abandon Ning Xue.

And now, succeeded, Ning Xue was really caught.

As for other people, it seems that some of them have succeeded, but their weight cannot be compared with Ning Xue.

Under such circumstances, it is basically certain that China will get the position of temporary UN leader. Of course, it is estimated that it will not be Zhou Sheng, but there will be another person in that position. Although Zhou Sheng feels a pity, the forces left by Ning Xue are also huge. If you hold it in your hands, you will have the capital to speak in the world. In short, no matter how you look at it, discarding the bait that Ning Xue has long been fond of is currently the best choice.

After Zhou Sheng flicked away Qing Shiyu, he thought about it a little, and he continued to suffer.

Become a big deal...!

That's right, this is the mentality of the so-called hero or Xiaoxiong, Zhou Sheng said to himself. He did not expect that at this time, Ning Xue's mentality was also undergoing a fundamental change. I am afraid that the next time they meet again, Ning Xue will surprise him.


Soon, Bai Yi knew the news of Ning Xue's accident. Bai Yi was shocked, but this time, it is no longer to investigate the reason why Ning Xue was in trouble, because the people of the United Nations asked Bai Yi to stop the current operation. In fact, the preparation for ambushing Bai Yi is far from being achieved, but the first thing that needs to be done now is to stop Bai Yi from sweeping. Otherwise, when they are ready, it is estimated that the earth has been killed by Bai Yi.

It was Barop and another man who met Bai Yi. Bai Yi contacted Barop before, so he knew that Bai Yi could receive satellite signals no matter where he was, so he was not afraid of not being able to contact Bai Yi. After a few twists and turns, Bai Yi projected the opposite picture in front of him.

"Meet again!" Barop said.

"Ah, I didn't expect to meet again so soon." Bai Yi said.

"I have no other purpose this time, I just want you to stop the current hunt for chasing and killing." Barop said, letting go of a position directly, and then showing Ning Xue behind. This is not the first time they have dealt with each other, so he knows that it is better to talk to Bai Yi directly, otherwise it is a waste of his own time.

"Ning Xue!" Bai Yi was shocked.

"Sorry, I'm behind." Ning Xue's face was pale, and he didn't look very energetic. But when he saw Bai Yi, he still showed a smile.

"What you look like now doesn't match the name of Xiefei." Bai Yi said lightly.

"I didn't expect that you can really catch the person who made me cast a mouse." Bai Yi looked at Barop and another Oriental man next to him. It was not long before he and Dorothy talked about the problem, and he didn't expect that someone was really caught, and still Ning Xue. Bai Yi thought that it would be at most a few others.

"Overwhelming!" Barop seemed to completely praise Bai Yi's words.

"If I said, no." Bai Yi looked at the two and said slightly tentatively.

Just when Bai Yi's voice fell, the Oriental man next to him suddenly put his hand on Ning Xue's left arm. Just when everyone was stunned, Ning Xue's left arm was forcibly pulled down by this person directly with a snork. In the broken part, the tough tendons and muscles are still connected, but it makes Ning Xue more painful. It is estimated that even Barop did not expect this person to do so, and Bai Yi's pupils contracted slightly.

"Every time you continue to attack a place, I remove one limb of Xie Fei. After that, the limbs are different internal organs. You can rest assured that Xie Fei, as a top evolutionary human, will not die so easily. Of course, if you don't care about her very much If I didn’t say it, I can continue.” The Oriental man raised his head, his teeth slightly exposed, and a slightly cruel killing intention flashed in his eyes.

For a while, everyone was slightly silent.

Although Ning Xue was forcibly torn off one arm, it was still very quiet at this time. If it wasn't for the sweat beads that appeared slightly on the forehead, I'm afraid it would make people think that she hadn't changed at all. However, although Ning Xue's surface was very quiet, his heart was blackened again, and the phantom opened his eyes in the direction of the Eastern man, his eyes flashing with excitement and bloodthirsty light.

It's really interesting, this lesson is really evocative!

After Ning Xue was betrayed by Zhou Sheng, her inner fluctuations were very huge, and at this time, every time she suffered humiliation in this place, her heart broke apart. At this time, this pain not only did not make Ning Xue feel gloomy, but also caused Ning Xue to have a blackened excitement.

At this time, Ning Xue had already noticed her own changes, but she did not feel uneasy because of this change, but felt that this was what she lacked.

It turned out that... Ning Xue closed his eyes.

"I promised!"

Immediately after closing his eyes, Ning Xue's ear heard Bai Yi's promised voice. Ning Xue was not surprised by this. Although she and Bai Yi were like enemies and friends, according to Bai Yi's personality, it must be a heavier friend. After silently recording the owed relationship, Ning Xue opened his eyes.

Barop and the Oriental man saw Ning Xue close his eyes and thought she was taking the pain. However, after Ning Xue opened his eyes, the two were simultaneously vigilant. Because now Ning Xue's face and eyes are actually flashing with a smile. But the smile is very gentle, but it gives people a creepy feeling. The feeling that this expression and atmosphere are completely contradictory made both of them shudder.

Bai Yi was slightly surprised when he saw Ning Xue's expression.

"You can persevere, Ning Xue." Bai Yi seemed to be asking, but he was completely sure.

"Well, of course there is no problem. After all, I still have a lot of use now." Ning Xue did not feel the slightest gloom at this time, but instead appeared slightly fascinating like poppies, as if appearing here, just to be a guest .

"So, I look forward to the two prepared stages." Bai Yi looked at Barop and the Oriental man again. Without waiting for the two to continue to say anything, Bai Yi interrupted the communication.

After Bai Yi interrupted the communication, Barop felt slightly wrong, obviously they came to threaten Bai Yi, how do they feel, but they are in the same disadvantage. And this time The oriental man looked at Ning Xue with a slight gaze in his eyes. Looking at Ning Xue's enigmatic smile, the man knew that Ning Xue could not stay. After Ningxue loses function, he must find an opportunity to kill it, is dangerous.

At this time, Bai Yi smiled nervously after interrupting the communication.

"What are you laughing at? Ning Xue is your friend. She is in danger and you can still laugh." Dorothy said.

"Do you know me, you still have to ask me." Bai Yi said, laughing again. After laughing, Bai Yi let Ye Ye connect Bai Bai Lou to prepare to grasp all the current trends in the world. There should be more than a problem with Ning Xue and Grevis. Other people should also have encountered many things. The subsequent actions need to be rearranged.

Dorothy heard Bai Yi saying this, and she couldn't help nervousness.

She certainly understands why Bai Yi laughed. Although it seemed that Ning Xue was in danger, as Ning Xue himself said, she is still useful now, so she can't die temporarily. The former Ning Xue was called the evil concubine because of her strength and the means of attack that controlled others to kill each other. Once Ning Xue escapes from this crisis, I am afraid not only from the strength, but also from the heart, will become a real evil concubine.