Era of Disaster

Chapter 618: concentric

Moxibustion bird went up to block this unknown spear, many people even paid a little attention to it even when fighting. But what everyone didn't think was that the moxibustion bird had no ability to resist at all, and was instantly put on a cool heart. Each force has its own satellite system, and when they see this scene, the senior officials of the United Nations and the leaders of all forces are slightly sluggish.

so smart?

No, maybe the speed is too fast, the speed of the spear is too fast, from entering the life range of the moxibustion bird to running through the body of the moxibustion bird, there is a distance of several kilometers in the middle, but I am afraid that it is even zero. It didn’t take a second. Although this speed is far less than the speed of light, let alone the moxibustion bird reaction can't come, even if it is changed by any other person, it is estimated that it is too late to respond.

While shocking the power of this spear, everyone felt the crisis was over. Although the moxibustion bird did not escape the attack of the spear, it took the spear at a slight angle. And this slight angle, if deflected into it, is at least dozens of kilometers away from the core battlefield.

However, before waiting for these people to react, he suddenly felt a crisis in his heart.

How to describe it, as if life is being watched, there is a feeling of catastrophe.

At this time, Ye Ye’s voice has once again passed into the ears of Bai Minglou: “Moxibustion bird is penetrated, life and death are unknown, according to my observation, this spear will automatically lock, according to the current analysis, lock The mechanism should be to automatically select the powerful living organisms nearby. This spear may be used to kill powerful individuals, and those individuals may be the ancient ones..."

"Shen Ming!" Gu Huai involuntarily added a word when he said here every night.

Kill the gun!

A word suddenly appeared in everyone's heart. This term is no stranger. In human fantasy, many guns and weapons have similar capabilities. It's just that these spears have different names. If Ye Ye's analysis really becomes a reality, then this spear is one of them.

Yeye didn't tell his analysis to people outside Baiminglou, because Yeye worried that other people would leave the core battlefield as soon as they knew the news. Now Momo is restrained in the middle and cannot move. Once the others leave, the target will almost certainly be Momo. However, even if I don't know what's going on, everyone on the battlefield still feels a dangerous feeling in my heart. At this time, Ye Ye's calculation results have also appeared. There are so many people on the battlefield, but after adjusting the angle of this spear, it almost went straight towards Momo. After calculating the trajectory, the results were quickly analyzed night after night.

"Within a certain range, lock the most powerful individuals!"

Ye Ye's voice was so calm, even a little mechanical, without feeling anxious or nervous at all. In fact, at this time, Ye Ye had already turned to the wisdom brain, not the autonomous consciousness. Because at this time, only absolute calmness and high-speed calculations are suitable for the current situation. When it comes to absolute calmness, there is no doubt that only Zhinao's calculation method based on data is the most suitable.

After Mo Ye heard Ye Ye's words, she suddenly looked up into the sky, her eyes obscure.

The most powerful individual!

Should she be proud at this time? In fact, when drawing conclusions from night to night, other people have basically thought of it. Since the emergence of evolutionary humans, Bai Minglou has been walking in front of most people. Among the people at the top, Bai Yi, Mo Mo, Grevis, Ning Xue, Hong Qi Hua, Truman..., at most, they are only within a dozen people. Of these people, who is the strongest may not be conclusive, but now among the people here, only Mo Mo. It is strange that this spear does not lock Momo.

At this time, an evolutionary creature in the distance quickly flew towards the middle. Flying winged scorpion, along with moxibustion birds, was taken out of Devil's Island by Bai Ming Lou at the same time, and then became one of the few evolutionary creatures under Bai Ming Lou. Frankly speaking, the appearance of the flying winged scorpion is very fierce, and the usual character can be regarded as very bad, but staying in the Baiming Building for a long time, the flying winged scorpion is very loyal to Bai Yi and Mo Mo.

Not only the flying winged scorpion, at this time, all the people in Baiming Building were gathering towards the middle.

Woolf, Betsy, Puff, and Alottia all rushed towards the middle quickly. While still halfway, the flying winged scorpion flew up towards the sky, and at this time, Alotija suddenly ran a few steps in the distance and ran up towards the sky at high speed. At Alotiah's feet, every step of the run, there will be a thin slice of cicada wings, which is the crystallization of the air crystallized under Alodiah's feet. It is this crystallization that supports Alortia's rapid rise towards the sky.

When Alottia ran up to the sky, Betsy and Woolf also happened to be together.

"I'm going, I'm toughened energy!" As soon as Woolf saw Alodia, he knew Betsy wanted to keep up. However, Woolf immediately grabbed the matter. "Your flame is not suitable for defense." Woolf did not wait for Betsy to refuse, and then gave a reason why Betsy could not refute.

After hearing Woolf's words, Betsy gritted her teeth and pointed into the air.

Woolf saw Betsy's movements and jumped towards the sky. Although Woolf would also walk, but because his body is too heavy, he cannot move as freely as Alottia. But this time, when Woolf was ascending into the air and about to fall, Becky also quickly followed from below, and then instantly reversed his body and stepped on Woolf's feet.

Not only was support, Betsy also exploded in power, using the power of recoil to give Woolf more motivation. Woolf, who had already stopped, suddenly accelerated again, chasing the winged scorpion towards higher ground.

After sending Woolf up, Betsy spit out a bit of blood again, and then fell down. The reason why Betsy didn't go to grab a position with Woolf was because Betsy was seriously injured at this time. Of course, Becky can see that Woolf's injury is not light, it is estimated that the opponent he just faced is very powerful.

Becky's body seemed to have completely lost its strength and fell towards the ground. However, while still in the air, a plump figure jumped up and caught Becky.

Poo Poo did not feel much better at this time, blood was flowing all over his body, and even a part of it was corroded by venom, and his internal organs were almost exposed.

"It seems that your opponent is also very strong!" Bei Qi smiled bitterly.

"Hook leech, the new guy, but that guy is also not good, and it was cut off by me, and no one took advantage of it." After the puff, the puff suddenly stumbled.

At the beginning of the top battlefield, everyone had already guessed that they would meet a very powerful enemy. After all, the Bright Council is facing the United Nations, which controls the other half of the planet. Therefore, now that I see other people injured, the two sides are not surprised at all. It is better to say that it is better to be able to overcome the opponent and survive. And when Becky heard the puffy words, she knew that the so-called hook leeches must not be dead, otherwise Puffy would not say that neither side had taken advantage.

After puffing and landing, another figure also ran from the east at high speed.

As soon as Bemira ran here, she immediately pressed her hands against Becky and Poo. The transparent purification energy quickly began to dispel the abnormal energy and toxins in Betsy and Poo, and then slowly repair their bodies. At this time, the people in the battlefield medical class also came here and immediately began to give emergency treatment to Puff and Pecky.

"How is the situation now?" Becky asked.

"The Council of Light has gained the upper hand, if it continues, but..." Bemira's hair is a little scattered and her expression is very tired. Although she didn't have a main fight, she didn't take a break shortly after the fight started and after the wounded began to appear. Long-term use of energy to save others, Bemira's own consumption is very huge.

But what, Betsy knows without asking. Although it has the advantage now, any accident can completely change the situation. For example, an unknown spear that is falling in the sky.


Woolf, after getting the help of immediately chased up into the air, and after one of the flying winged scorpions slowed down, he immediately turned over and stood on the back of the flying winged scorpion. on.

At this time, Alotija's hand was gradually spreading a layer of pale red crystal wall. This layer of crystal walls spread very slowly, but Woolf looked at the hint of red in the crystal, but his heart was suddenly awe-inspiring. There is Alotija's blood in the crystal as a connection, and it is extremely hard, almost Alotija's strongest defense now.

"As a battlefield commander, is it okay to come out alone at this time." Woolf quipped.

"You are Woolf, can your body survive?" Alotija heard Woolf's ridicule and couldn't help showing a slight smile.

"I can't die!"

"Really." Alottia didn't say much. Because Alodia knew that even if he could not persuade him to go back, both of them had their own perseverance. At this time, even if they knew it was dangerous, they could not back away. The crystal walls of Alortia's hands spread outward, forming a semi-circular crystal wall shield. This shield is not very large, only about seven or eight meters in diameter, and it does not look particularly thick. However, only the people in Baiminglou know the defensive ability of this crystal wall.