Era of Disaster

Chapter 657: Accidental contact

It is no longer necessary to investigate how the fighting happened. Everyone can see that Fang Jinshi really wanted to kill Wu Yonghao, and the hatred in his eyes could not be faked. The negotiations between the two parties were not established, and the battle began immediately. No matter what Wu Yonghao did, God and the three of them were also teammates. It is impossible to send their teammates out of their own words.

"You said that Wu Yonghao has hatred against you, can you explain it?" Shi Guangpeng, as the captain, was quite competent. Unfortunately, Fang Jinshi made up his mind to kill Wu Yonghao, the enemy of the previous life. As for the explanation, how did Fang Jinshi explain, did he explain that he was born again, or did he say that he did not use what happened as an excuse. Fang Jinshi didn't say anything. He made a direct step and rushed towards the opposite side.

Fang Jinshi, the captain of the team, started to work. Of course, the other people were not slow, and immediately followed.

"Seriously explain later." Shi Guangpeng turned to Wu Yonghao when he stepped out.

"Laozi swears that he has never seen this inexplicable guy." Wu Yonghao shouted resentfully.

A group of people immediately fought together. At this time, Wu Yonghao felt that he was too wrong. This **** is totally a disaster of innocence, conscience of the world, if he really did something that sorry the guy, he would not feel so injustice, but he did not do anything.

There were five people across from each other, but one woman stayed and did not take part in the battle. The two sides were evenly matched. Fang Jinshi naturally recognized Wu Yonghao, and the opposite Liang Shengquan faced Shi Guangpeng. Another man had originally planned to choose Shenwu. As a result, God Wu turned directly in the air and met Lilian.

Lilian didn't really plan to fight. In fact, Fang Jinshi's arrangement only required them to drag others, and he would meet Wu Haohao himself. However, after one contact, Lilian was taken aback. Was she mistaken? The petite girl seemed to know all the ways and weaknesses of her attacks.


Lilian judged in an instant and then used a rarely used trick. Even if you know the attack method, many attacks are impossible to avoid. But after Lilian locked her gods away, she suddenly showed a surprised look. With the sound of Zheng, the Seven Prison Locks were forcibly broken, and then no God appeared in front of her. However, Lilian is not the strength from out of thin air, so she cannot avoid the attack of Godlessness.

Almost overturning the boat in the gutter, Lily became very serious.

At this time, Shen Wu was requesting to exchange data with Ye Ye while fighting. Soon, the information there was exchanged every night, and then God didn't understand what happened.

"Strange, how could such a nonsensical task be arranged." Yeye is also a little strange. Not all things need to be handled by Bai Yi and her. As long as it is not a very important thing, the following has the right to decide. Therefore, there is only the result of the original decision here, not the matter decided every night. Looking at the recorded data every night now, I just felt very strange. Which one of the following people actually agreed to such a messy task request?

At this time, the following man sneezed. This guy is Lilian and their immediate supervisor. They have good abilities, but they like novel ideas a lot, so they are a bit messy. Fortunately, this guy still knew the importance, so he didn't cause any major problems.

It wouldn't be a beautiful woman thinking of him, this guy thought suspiciously after a sneeze.

‘Lilian? Garcia! Suddenly, a voice came from the communicator in Lilian’s ear hole. Lily was suddenly taken aback, and was originally deflected by the action of God's innocence, and was almost directly cut into two parts by God's innocence.

'it is me! ’

After Lilian returned to God, she looked at Shenwu in amazement, neither she did it, nor she didn't do it. However, at this time, God Wu did not stop, still fighting, but it had to ease a lot. Lilian felt it immediately, so she followed Lilian's attack. This time, Lilian felt very familiar with fighting, just like doing battle tests with those training puppets.

‘Report to me the complete process afterwards. "The voice of God without calmness and no emotion reached Lilian's ears.

Not long before the battle started, Wu Yonghao fell into absolute danger. Fang Jinshi and him were too different. However, at this time, God Wu suddenly broke out, directly hit Lilian with a punch, and then rushed between the two. Shen Wu and Fang Jinshi quickly met, the kind of thrill and coldness surprised everyone. After an instant, the two bounced off at the same time, Fang Jinshi's arm was penetrated by a special filament, and Shen Wu's body appeared a slight frost.

"Go!" Shen Wu's words were simple.

At this time, Shi Guangpeng and the three others also saw that the strength of several people opposite was very strong, especially the guy headed by that one. So after God didn't speak, several people did not stay, and immediately evacuated. Just when Fang Jinshi's team wanted to catch up, suddenly, a Chinese realm around Shen Wu flashed. Including Fang Jinshi, everyone suddenly felt that his expression had become trance. And when they were awake, they found that few people of God had disappeared within a hundred meters away.

Originally other people still have to catch up, but Fang Jinshi stopped them. Does that feeling of distraction, the power of that mirror, confuse the mind. The other party was not easy to deal with. Fortunately, the other party just fled. If they attacked, maybe that moment would be enough for them to pay a heavy price.

I really didn't expect that Wu Yonghao had such a powerful teammate beside him.


The two sides contacted suddenly, and then they fought as if they were nonsensical. Except for Fang Jinshi, who knew what was going on, everyone else was very puzzled at this time.

After stopping, Lilian still wondered who the expressionless girl was. No impression at all, not anyone she knew. However, since the other party can talk to her directly through the communicator in the ear, it means that the other party is also a person in Bai Minglou, and the identity must be much higher than her. It turns out that there are people who perform tasks outside of her alone, so what is the task of the other party?

Lilian only feels that her head is very large, and hopes that they will appear suddenly without destroying the girl’s task, otherwise Lilian feels that she must be punished.

"Brother Jinshi, what shall we do now?" Zhu Xiaoqiong, who has become a trend of little white flowers, asked.

"Just wait. I thought there was nothing surprising about their squad. I didn't expect that there would be such an amazing girl. But it won't take long for them to find it by themselves." Fang Jinshi's mind, It also flashed the awe-inspiring that I had just played against God. At the moment of interleaving, the expressionless girl gave him the feeling of stunning. In addition to the appearance, there is also extreme precision control.

Everyone has no objection to the arrangement of Jinshi Shi. Since this time, everyone has been familiar with the way Fang Jinshi seems to know everything.

"What is going on, can you explain it now?" Lilian asked again. Fang Jinshi insisted on revenge before, but did not say the reason. Now playing a game, but found that the other party is not so easy to deal with, Fang Jinshi should always explain the reason.

"In short, it's the enemy." Fang Jinshi still didn't want to say more. In fact, he couldn't say more.

At this time, on the other side, Shi Guangpeng, who stopped, also looked at Wu Yonghao. They were originally just scattered people, but they formed a team by accident, and found that this was really good, and there was no plan to separate for the time being. But now, if the people in the team will bring great danger to themselves, they need to re-judge. Of course, we must first listen to Wu Yonghao's explanation.

"I have never seen that guy!" Wu Yonghao saw the eyes of the three men and said immediately.

"Really?" Neither Shi Guangpeng nor Chen Dan believed. The hatred in the guy's eyes was so obvious that the two of them didn't believe that Wu Yonghao hadn't even seen each other.

"I swear, not only have I never seen each other, but I have no idea what I have had with him." Wu Yonghao immediately swore.

"I can know if you are telling lies." Shen Wu suddenly said.

The three of them turned their eyes to Shenwu immediately. During this time, they all found that Shenwu was very calm, basically without any expression, but at a critical time, amazing power always broke out. Even just now, if it wasn't Shen Wu's sudden shot, I'm afraid Wu Yonghao had already explained it.

"Well." God nodded.

"So, you come to test, I promise not to lie." Wu Yonghao said. Because he really didn't tell lies, he was very "Shen Wu was ready to use a Chinese realm, but suddenly stopped, and then looked at the frost on his body.

"What's wrong?" Chen Dan asked subconsciously, but suddenly, the three of them were suddenly blown away by a force, and then immediately prepared to counterattack. What's going on, why is there a sudden ignorance? However, after stopping, the three talents discovered that God Wu didn't attack them, but pushed them away. At this time, Shen Wu was looking at the invading components in the body, and began to analyze in his eyes.

"This is an unknown toxin. It has a strong ice cold toxicity and can evaporate." Shen Wu said by pointing at his shoulder.


"It won't take long for them to find them again." At this time, Fang Jinshi said confidently on the other side. During this time, after Fang Jinshi mastered methamphetamine, he found that it was really convenient to use the poison, although it seemed not so bright and upright. The ice on Shen Wu's body was specially modified by Fang Jinshi. It is not immediately fatal, but has a strong infectivity. In Fang Jinshi's mind, a few people will soon find that something is wrong, and then find it automatically.

However, what he did not know was that God was not, not human.