Era of Disaster

Chapter 75: Are you desperate!

Bai Yi's eyes reflect the role of butterfly mimicry, alert color and protective color to the maximum.

If an ordinary person suddenly sees a colorful viper, 99% of the heart will definitely shrink and startle. This is the message conveyed by the form of the snake and the color...Alert! However, the warning message transmitted by Bai Yi through the eyes is even stronger, and has achieved a kind of ``shock'' effect.

If you have to give an example, it is similar to what ordinary people call "stunned".

In addition, Bai Yi's eyes also have a protective color'confusing' effect, just as humans always ignore some obscure things in some cases.

However, regardless of the mimicry, alert color, and protective color, they all play a passive role, and other creatures need to take the initiative to see it before they can produce an effect, and usually, the maximum effect cannot be achieved.

Bai Yi's eyes are not special, but they are related to his own mimicry, alert color, and protective color through active cells, and then expressed through his eyes. However, it is this slight change that has triggered the most critical qualitative change, and it is the initiative to pass this information to other creatures through both eyes to achieve the maximum effect of ``deterrence and confusion''!

This is Bai Yi's current eyes... It's not something like God's Eye and Devil's Eye, it's just a more advanced evolution of life forms.


Hypnosis: The unique information transmitted to the subject through the five senses through sounds, actions, colors, etc., in order to confuse the subject's autonomous judgment and consciousness, and at the same time distort or lose the sensations and perceptions.

Bai Yi recalled the simple information about hypnosis in his heart. It seemed that, as Ye Ye said, there was a huge similarity between the two, but Bai Yi did not know exactly what to do. Speaking of it, Bai Yilian even deterred his opponent by his eyes, but it was only a few minutes ago. How could he know what to do.

But ah, some things have to be done. Bai Yi definitely doesn't want to let friends fall in this place because of his mistakes.

The conversation between Bai Yi and Ye Ye just now was clearly heard through the radio all over the ring corridor.

Helois was forced back again by Woolf's unannounced attack, looking forward to Bai Yi. Mei Weisi held Momo, stopped Momo's crazy twist, and fixed Momo's head in front of him, and quietly looked at Bai Yi's back, which carried the hope of everyone. Was the young man who was anxiously showing up with a baby girl in the hospital already grown to this point?

Bai Yi walked slowly towards Woolf, even closing her eyes completely.

Bai Yi is now covered with blood and gasping heavily, but he feels firm and powerful. Not only the people on the circular corridor, but also the night and the mother were watching the movements here quietly.

Bai Yi raised his head and took a deep breath.


Suddenly roaring, his hoarse and hoarse voice echoed in the ears of everyone in the ring corridor. Even those monsters that are still devouring cannot help turning their heads in this direction. And Woolf's original crazy movement, after hearing the roar of his name, could not help but pause slightly, and then looked over here.

Open your eyes!

Bai Yi suddenly opened his eyes when Woolf turned his head. It's really hard to describe the change in Bai Yi's eyes at this moment, just like a colorful black hole, it seems to draw everyone's mind into it. The hair of Bai Yi's whole body is automatic without wind, and the colors on it seem to be gradually converging towards his eyes.

calm down!

Bai Yi's right hand stretched out and pressed into the air, as if gently appeasing Woolf. There was clearly seven or eight meters between them, but the madness in Woolf's eyes really calmed down slowly, and there wasn't that fierce look on his face. Moreover, Woolf's expression became more and more relaxed, and then there were a few clicks, and Woolf and the surrounding monsters fell to the ground one after another, falling into a deep sleep.

Mo Mo also looked at Bai Yi's direction, and looked at his father's back. His eyes also eased, and he stopped struggling.

Bai Yi breathed heavily, his chest felt extremely heavy, just like a leaky bellows, he couldn't breathe enough air. But even so, Bai Yi slowly turned around again and walked towards Shapi. At this time, Shapi was also attracted by the previous call and was looking at Bai Yi.

"!" Bai Yi's voice was extremely weak this time, as if saying a word would use all his strength.

Bai Yi opened his eyes again, so he looked at Shapi quietly, extended his right hand, and waited quietly. After a while, Shapi looked daunting and walked toward Bai Yi with blood on his body. Da, da, da, the unhurried footsteps are like stepping on everyone's heartbeat, making people's hearts tighten.

Suddenly, Shar Pei opened his mouth and everyone raised his heart to his throat.

However, Shapi stretched out his tongue and licked on Bai Yi's hand, and then slowly lay in front of Bai Yi.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief... But at this time, Bai Yi suddenly felt his eyes dark, his heart jumped violently, and then stopped abruptly. Bai Yi stood quietly in this way, and blood slowly flowed out of her closed eyes, sliding down her cheeks.

Seeing that both Woolf and Shapi had calmed down, Heloise and Mayvis finally breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately ran out, preparing to follow the method of Bai Yi's method and stay in a cell. You should know that these cells are used to detain monsters. As long as the door is closed, those monsters can never enter.

After returning Woolf and Shatou to the prison, Mei Weisi was suddenly dismayed, and Bai Yi remained standing still.

Suddenly, Mei Weisi's heart rushed to Bai Yi, and then he noticed that Bai Yi's eyes closed slowly, bleeding out slowly. Mei Weisi tried Bai Yi's breath directly...No! Then Mei Weisi put the finger on Bai Yi's neck again, and there was a pulse, but two consecutive times, it can be judged that the speed is weakening.

"Heloise, come help me!" Mayvis suddenly shouted.

Heloise heard the cry of Mayvis and saw the anxious look of Mayvis, knowing that the situation was not good. Immediately toss Woolf aside and ran towards here. The two laid Bai Yi flat, carried them into the detention room, and immediately closed the door of the detention room.

Mei Weisi opened the first aid box, found a dose of cardiac needle, quickly injected Bai Yi, and immediately began emergency rescue. Although Helois can't help, but during the basic ambulance period, she still learned a little from Mayvis and Sarah, and began to treat Woolf and Shapi.

Puff, Werner, Momo locked the door, and then solemnly stood at the door. Now the whole team still has enough action ability, but there are only three weakest guys who are usually the weakest.

Outside, the monsters died too much, and the thick **** smell filled the air, making these monsters crazy. Most of the monsters that have obviously died have been fully consumed by the remaining monsters, but this kind of fighting has no signs of stopping. It seems that if the last one does not stop, it will not stop.

Everyone silently watched Mei Weisi's first aid to Bai Yi there, quietly looking forward, looking forward to.......

However, after half an hour of emergency treatment, Bai Yi's life characteristics became weaker and weaker, and Mei Weisi finally lay on the ground, almost desperate. At this time, everyone stopped the movements in their hands, Mo Mo bit his lip, looking like he was crying and stubbornly not wanting to cry, standing next to Bai Yi without saying a word... Dad!

Could it be that Bai Yi couldn't stick to the past....


At this time, outside the gate, Yu Han's golden yellow snake entangled Hong Qihua's left hand and and Yu Han's left hand was holding Hong Qihua's right hand, slowly toward the bottom Pressed down. In the hands of Hong Qihua, there is a sharp willow blade sharp knife, that is, the little willow blade sharp blade that Hong Qihua got from Bai Yi.

"Sorry!" Yu Han said coldly, his left hand slowly exerting force. That small willow-leaf sharp knife was in Hong Qihua's hand, pressed by Yu Han, and slowly forcibly penetrated into Hong Qihua's own heart, falling into it bit by bit. At this time, Ning Xue and Belixina were not there.

Hong Qihua's body twitched slightly, and blood continuously poured out, a trace of regret and disappointment flashed in her eyes, sorry, Uncle Bai. Hong Yihua finally flashed the look of Bai Yi and Mo Mo, and slowly closed her eyes!

At this time, the right eye of the mother who quietly watched everyone passing by suddenly lit up, and then shed blood.

Yu Han locked Hong Qihua to death, and found no abnormality at all. After a while, Yu Han confirmed that Hong Qihua was dead and was really dead, without any breath of life.

After a while, Yu Han stood up again, quietly watching Hong Qihua's body half-silently.

In fact, Yu Han really likes Hong Qihua. The kind of being neither humble nor overbearing, proud and independent, who does not depend on, and who does not accommodate, is like a proud Xuemei which strongly attracts Yu Han. Although there is indeed a reason why Hong Qihua is a beauty, it is also a favorite after all. However, Yu Han finally killed Hong Qihua because he clearly understood that he could never subdue Hong Qihua.

Yu Han slowly turned around and walked toward the outside of the passage... At this moment, Yu Han's real transformation, from the younger capable and scheming teenager on the campus, toward a true owl's attitude...Forbearance, resoluteness, ruthlessness !