Era of Disaster

Chapter 818: Torn sky

After Alice's power broke out, she knew that Candice's mentor wanted to save her, but it was clear that even Candice could not save her from Kamadovich. The strength of the two is too different. too much. When Candice fell near her, Alice only felt very sad. However, this sorrow did not last long because Alice clearly felt the passing of her life.


It was not the first time to die. Alice was a dead person, but this time, it was different from the previous death. The previous death was only the death of life, but this time, it seems that even the soul has completely dissipated, and even consciousness has no basis for existence.

There was no pain, no unwillingness, and nothing but emptyness.

However, just as Alice's consciousness was about to completely dissipate, a force appeared to protect her consciousness. Although it is not clear what is going on, but Alice can feel the breath of Tutor Candice from this power. That kind of cold breath of death became very familiar and warm to Alice at this time.

However, even this kind of breath can't save Alice, because her body and soul have completely disappeared by this time. The potential inside was completely consumed by Kamadovich's crushing.

Alice did not resurrect, but did not dissipate completely, as if only a ray of consciousness remained. No, even consciousness is incomplete, only a confused feeling. It's more ethereal than dreaming, and it's drowsy and lingering, as if nothing was thought, as if no thought existed.

I don't know when it started, Alice could hear a slight voice.

On the Underworld Island, the voices of countless dead!

However, it is different from the breath of death before, and is different from the rich and fierce breath of Netherworld Island. This sound was originally very weak, and it was completely suppressed under the breath of death, but it was only revealed after the death wings absorbed the breath of death completely. However, it is still very weak, as if it were born from a suddenly empty battlefield, weak, but full of vitality and vitality.

The voice of the deceased, defeat, death, unwillingness... and the call for victory!

Because all the dead are the losers!


At this time, the Gate of the Netherworld was greatly impacted. The erupted Winged Falcon, which has completely exploded, has almost no reservation, and the powerful force is constantly tearing the gate of the Netherworld. Although Tsukachi still retains most of his power, he can't do much under Kamadovich's attention.

Crack me!

The power of death is condensed, and it is obviously the invisible gate of the underworld, but it seems to have the entity to be caught by the other two claws of the dead wing. The power of death is synonymous with the Netherworld system, so that he can easily grasp the Netherworld gate and destroy it. The powerful force keeps surging, the muscles on the chest of the dead wing are trembling, and the blood is beating and splashing. However, the dead wing fierce at this time does not care about this at all, just crazy tearing, just want to completely destroy the gate of the Netherworld, and then enter the Netherworld to completely kill.

At this time, the previous masters including Vera spent a lot of power. In a short period of time, they did not recover much power at all and were not suitable for continuing the fight. It is entirely conceivable that if the gate of the Netherworld is opened again, then the Netherworld will be truly impacted.

The space around the Gate of Hades continued to oscillate, and everyone watched the dead wings that were torn in the air, and then swallowed involuntarily.


Uncompromising. That kind of powerful force, and the grim body, completely subverted everyone's imagination. Although there are other puppets that are constantly attacking and stopping, their power is almost nothing compared to the dead wing fierce. As the space continued to tremble, it seemed that the sky had been torn apart, and gradually opened a huge gap towards both sides.

"Ang!" A huge and ferocious roar, the gate of the Netherworld was completely torn, which was more serious than when the door of the Netherworld was opened. A huge crack of several hundred meters appeared directly, exposing the Netherworld inside.

When the Gate of Hades was torn again, there was a cry of exclamation almost on the entire battlefield. Those who could not find the target originally became excited at this moment, even more excited than before. At this time, it was as if in the endless darkness, these people were given a light and a direction of progress. In the endless cries of excitement, these people constantly rushed to the reopened gate of the Netherworld.

And this time, even those masters who had been hidden have already appeared again.

For example, the subordinates of Kamadovic, for example, other masters in the world. Because, they can clearly understand that this time, Bai Minglou is really at a disadvantage. No matter how powerful Bai Minglou is, there is always a limit. Perhaps they can kill millions and tens of millions, but it is absolutely impossible to kill hundreds of millions in a short period of time. Even if these people stand and let them do it, they will kill them.

Without the time for rest, even a real master will be piled up to death!

God, it's going to change!

The turbulent flow of people rushed into the underworld continuously, and at the very beginning, it was the violent dead wing of the dead wing. That powerful posture and fierce attack made everyone unstoppable. This creature that appeared in the middle of the battlefield has unimaginable power. Especially after entering the underworld, it is like a fish.

Vera and Sharpi, who were recovering their strength under the Soul Release Tree, after feeling the movement, could not care about recovering their strength, and suddenly came to the front line.

When the two saw the dead wings, they were slightly surprised.


At this time, Shapi really wanted to kick the puff. The stupid pig said that he saw the variable. If the so-called variable is this, he must make the puff into the pig's head. Although there were some messy thoughts in my heart, Shapi and Vera shot at once, stopping the dead winged hawks.

With two clicks, Shapi and the claws of the dead wing fierce collide, almost the same. And this is just the beginning, and soon, Shapirvila and the winged murderer are killed together. At this time, Vera and Shapi had no reservations at all, and they merged their strength almost as soon as they appeared. The powerful force, the subtle calculation formula, the fierce body, the battle between the Netherworld's three-headed dog and the dead wing fierce, completely shakes the Netherworld.

Three-headed stranglehold!

Shapi's body twisted and turned fiercely in the air. Frankly speaking, this is really a close-to-even battle. Before fighting with other people, Shapi always felt unusually uncomfortable in fighting because of his size, and his strength was always less than a point.

A cry of sorrow sounded, and the wings of the dead wings were bitten by Shar Pei and tore apart.

Although it is just a fight, but above Shapi's minions, it is the power of subtle control, full of huge lethality. Everyone was stunned, so that the battle between the two real beasts exceeded their level of participation. At this time, no one was approaching here, fearing that it would be spread accidentally, and then turned into gray.

"Hey, Master's new toy seems to have been suppressed." Stanley looked at the dead wing, and couldn't help saying.

"Are we going to help?" Ou Xinhe asked.

"I don't think it's necessary. This is only temporary." Rex saw some powerful battles there, and he was a little tempted, but knew that they would not be used to them. Because, that is only temporary, their enemy is not the three-headed dog. After talking, several people turned to the side.

At this time, in other directions, several figures came out again, the captains who appeared on the battlefield before, and several new faces. However, at this time, several of the captains all smiled bitterly, because the contrast of the atmosphere between the two sides is very different. Their strength has not yet been restored, and the guys on the opposite side have long waited.

However, no matter what, there is only battle!

At this time, the battle between the Shar Pei and the Dead Wings quickly deflected. As Rex said, they don't use the past. Shapi and Vera did not have much time before the battle was deflected. There is no force to kill each other by force, and soon, Shapi and Vera once again feel an amazing overdraft. The weakness after extreme consumption has deeply affected them.

At this time, Shapi and Vera are even more aware, this guy is learning!

Although at the beginning it was miserably suppressed by Shapi, but this guy was constantly learning Shapi's fighting style while fighting. You know, although Shapi's fighting method is simple, but they are all attack methods after detailed is absolutely efficient and powerful. Although the use of the dead wing's body to perform these combat methods seems a bit nonsense, but this guy is obviously familiar soon, and then truly adapt these combat skills to himself.

The strength of one side gradually weakens, while the other side gradually learns to strengthen.

Death claws!

A fierce rollover, a claw hidden under the body of the dead wing, immediately pulled out. Although Shapi and Vera have long been aware of it, this time the body that has just resisted the attack of the dead wing is just completely unable to follow. Thoughts in mind. The overdraft of power, the kind of extreme exhaustion, is definitely not a word to describe, it is definitely more exhausted than simple physical exertion.

Shapi's footsteps were a little trembling, as if an ordinary person had been pulled up and forcibly ran for a marathon.

With a loud grunt, the blood claws flew through the air, Sharpie suddenly turned up, and a huge wound on the front chest that almost ripped out the heart.

After several tossing in the air, Shapi stood again.

Dead Wing, what kind of guy is it!