Era of Disaster

Chapter 904: Newcomer

As they began to search for the legendary White Ning Tower, the people in the inner area of ​​the East Ring also appeared outside the solar system again. And this time, the people who came here, besides the disciples sent by the group of innate gods (spirits) from Easten, there are other people who are curious about the inner circle of the solar system. For some reason, the civil war in the East Ring inner region continued at this time, and many people felt a sense of restlessness. If the living environment of the inner circle of the solar system is good, then migration is also a good choice.


"Tuxiao, what do you think we will meet when we go to that strange circular inner region?" a fat Eastman asked. Although this guy is as fat as a meatball, he is very famous in the inner circle of the East Ring, which is definitely not a small role.

"No matter what he meets, East is just too boring anyway, and I can come to this new world to experience a different feeling." Before another Tu Xiao answered, another person said something.

"Repair, your attitude is dangerous." The man named Tu Xiao glanced at the other party.

"Really! I think you are too cautious, too cautious." The men who had just spoken smiled disdainfully, turned off the intranet conference room, and disappeared directly into this room.

"I think that the current situation is not suitable for joint action. It is better for us to look for the congenital spirits in this inner circle according to our own ideas. What do you think?" said another man.

"No comment!"

"I have no opinion!" Continuously, in this intranet conference room, everyone else expressed their views.

"So, I wish you all success in finding innate creatures to complete the teacher's task." The man who spoke said with a smile, and then disappeared in the intranet conference room. When the picture in front of him changed and returned to his spaceship, the man propped his head with his right hand and played with a jade-like white skull in his hand.

So, it's fun.

At this time, other people also withdrew from the intranet conference room one after another, and the consciousness returned to reality. Although these people are all disciples dispatched by the group of innate gods, the teachers are different from each other. Just like the legendary Sanqing capitals still have differences, these innate gods also have their own factions. If it is not because the unknown disaster is really difficult to deal with, these people may be the enemy.

Now, it is just a temporary union.

Outside the inner circle of the solar system, six spaceships appeared at the same time, and then flew in different directions. Now that you have decided to act separately, you don't need to stay together. As for how to find the legendary innate creatures, it depends on their own plans.


In a remote place where no other intelligent life seemed to exist, a spaceship landed, and then came out a few figures from inside.

"Master Xiubing, what shall we do?"

"Baluru, you lead others to stay on the spaceship, follow us at any time, and keep in touch. Gross, Chuande, Xin Yuhuan follow me to inquire about the news below." said the man who was called a soldier. Then I pressed my eyebrow and added another sentence. "By the right, Baruru, pay attention, no matter what happens, do not use spaceships to attack. The previous news came back that there was a spaceship that used virtual flash guns and was rebounded."

The Barulu suddenly looked awkward, and then returned to: "Yes!"

"So, let's go to the nearest settlement of intelligent creatures first. The first thing is to learn the language of this ring-shaped inner domain creature." The soldier said.

"Yes!" The two men and one woman named before answered immediately.

The four of them flew towards a human town that was previously discovered on the spaceship. The spaceship quickly took off again, suspended outside the atmosphere, and kept in touch with the soldiers at any time.

While running, the soldiers are calculating this next step. First of all, it is necessary to learn the language of this ring-shaped inner domain creature. This is necessary, otherwise there is no way to communicate. Secondly, innate creatures are not so easy to see, the only thing that is more reliable is to let the human beings of this world find themselves. Of course, if you can find Amphora, it might be a good choice to follow each other...

The soldiers are constantly planning in their hearts.

Because this town of various races was discovered on the spaceship long ago, it didn't take long for the soldiers to come out of this town. This town is small and has a fusion style unique to the East and the world. The reason for choosing such a small place, besides just meeting, is to plan to train soldiers.

Before they integrate into the world, it is better for them to understand the world in a small place. Otherwise, entering those huge cities at the beginning will definitely be impossible.

Several people fell outside the town, and then put the flesh armor into their bodies. Carnivorous armor has its own appearance, and it does not look like a natural creature at first glance. Only when the body is exposed, they can see that they belong to the same race. Even if the flesh armor is withdrawn, the strength of these people is not weak, especially the soldier training, which has completely reached the level of lv4. If put on flesh armor, the strength is even more difficult to estimate.

Although it seems a bit arrogant, this group of people is after all a disciple taught by Eastbourne's innate gods, both in strength and ability.

Several people walked into the town, and the humans outside saw a few people coming, slightly puzzled, but said nothing.

"Adult, what are we going to do?"

"Look at it first. It seems that the creatures in this ring-shaped inner area are much more acceptable to foreign races than we thought." The soldiers surveyed the surrounding crowd and answered. Because although the people here are somewhat puzzled, they have not shown much hostility or repulsion towards them. This is incredible in intelligent creatures.

In fact, this is really in the inner circle of the solar system. There are too many humanoid intelligent creatures. This place itself is a small town with a mixture of various intelligent races. Although several of them look different from humans, who knows what kind of human intelligent creatures are.

After walking around the street, several people chose the only restaurant here and went inside. Because it looks very lively here, it is more suitable for them to sum up the language.

Several people entered this restaurant with some ancient oriental style, and suddenly a petite cat girl came out and made a welcome gesture to several people.

"Welcome, are you here for dinner?" said the little girl.

"Welcome to visit, are a few of you here for dinner?" The little kitten asked again, because she found that the other party had not answered her words.

In fact, these Eastist people don't understand Earth language.

However, just as the little cat lady was talking, in the body of several soldiers, a specially loaded language program was already quickly sorting out the other party's voice, and then simulated and calculated various behaviors to analyze this from actions and behaviors. The meaning of the sentence, and then split and rearrange the syllables. In fact, this function has already started when they enter the town. At this time, the more the language program is heard, the faster the language program will be improved.

However, until they understand the language of the planet, it is impossible for several of them to stand at the door all the time.

The soldier pointed to a free table beside him, and walked over.

The kitty girl reacted immediately and took them over there.

The soldiers quickly captured the behavior of other intelligent creatures in the restaurant and learned to order a few dishes from the menu. From the beginning to the end, the soldiers did not speak. After the start of the stun, the little kitten didn't say much. After seeing several dishes ordered by the other party, he nodded and went to the kitchen to prepare.

At this time, several talented soldiers found that in this restaurant with ancient oriental style, various humanoid intelligent creatures simply don't know how many. A small part of them are human beings, and the larger part are human-like intelligent creatures. In the restaurant alone, you can find eleven kinds of human intelligent creatures. These humanoid intelligent creatures have different shapes and characteristics, but basically speak the same language.

What a strange ring-shaped inner domain!

Several soldiers were extremely shocked, because this is incredible. In most intelligent galaxies, basically one of the races is absolutely dominant. Above a few wisdom galaxies, even if there are limits to the germination of other intelligent creatures, they will be brutally obliterated in the early because this is the repulsion from different creatures!

Soon, several people's meals were served, because they are specialized in ordering food from others, so it is more common. This is also to prevent mistakes in ordering. After the meal arrived, the Gross took a sip and quickly analyzed the ingredients of the meal.

I don’t doubt that the food is poisonous, just look at this hot restaurant. The reason for being so cautious is because of different races. A certain element that is completely harmless to one race and even beneficial may be a poison for other races.

Several people have just entered the inner circle of the solar system, and they must definitely test it clearly.

Soon, the Gross nodded slightly, indicating that he could eat. The taste of the food is slightly different from their food, but it seems to taste pretty good. Oh, the point is, they can also eat.

Seeing a few people finally start eating, the little kitten standing on the other side turned around in surprise. Have you made any mistakes? You still have to test the poison before eating. Where are these guys who have never met before? I1292

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