Era of Disaster

Chapter 948: Sent to different places

As the cotton ball was transferred away, the originally tense battle suddenly became quiet, and countless people looked at the group of Shalo who appeared behind with a slight thought in their eyes. + Top + Dot + Little + Say + www + wx + com Emperor Kuoluo looked at Salo and others, then looked at Bright and Angora, and then suddenly a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Hahahaha, it's really unexpected."

"I'm surprised that I have been in this star field for decades, and I have never seen a relatively strong existence. It stands to reason that a star field that gave birth to life is basically congenital, but this star There is no domain. Originally, I thought it was because the formation time of this star domain was too short. However, it seems that you have already been planning for a long time. It is really amazing. I am interested in you. "When Emperor Kuiluo said the last sentence, his voice became deep and his eyes were very serious.

"Very frightened." Salo walked gracefully with a simple manner.

Sarah is not the strongest here, but at this time, whether it is Bright or Angela, there is no opinion about Sarah speaking on behalf of everyone. Because, the identity of Bai Minglou is always a little different. Even if Bai Yi has fallen, others have a respect for Bai Ming Lou.

"Compared to your star field, the solar system star field is just a newborn. First of all, thank you for not creating a big mess in the star field." Sa Luo said.

"No, there is no need to thank. Although they belong to different star fields and different races, they are all intelligent life. The buck star field came here only for the purpose of breeding, so it will not make kills for no reason." Batch The Great Priest in the Star Zone suddenly returned the gift.

"Huh, this star field, apart from the breath of breeding, there is nothing worthy of my fancy." Emperor Kuiluo is even more simple.

People in other Starfields also gave gifts slightly, no matter whether they were enemies or not, they were so peaceful. At this time, there are several other Starfield people in this place. Even if they act like this, they won't stand silly. You know, this can be related to the most basic politeness of a civilized race.

Of course, Sarah also knows that the people in these star fields are not necessarily really peace-loving. The bigger reason, I am afraid that they all notice the existence of other people a little, so they don’t want to discover the breath of pregnancy. I just exposed myself.

"Then, secondly, as the owner of this star field, we did not expect that there would be such a thing as a breeding breath in the star field. Although it was only accidental, but since it appeared in the star field of the solar system, then we cannot fail to smell it. Ask..." Sarah said slowly again.


As things on Sarah's side gradually changed, the people who had been sucked in by the vortex all fell into different places in Sifangtian. What surprised these people most was that although they fell from the same place, there were not many people around them. There are many people who are alone.

The two figures suddenly appeared in the air, actually Li Lan and the young girl who had been in contact with Wendi before.

Before it was too late to think about where the captain had been teleported, Li Lan screamed suddenly. Because, where she appeared, it was actually thousands of miles above the ground. As soon as her body was light, she suddenly fell towards the bottom. Li Lan was shocked. She could not fly. If she fell from such a high air, it would be half dead if she died. However, Li Lan soon stopped crying because, beside her, there was another girl who called even more amazing than her.

"Ahhhh!" It seemed that she noticed something, and the girl stopped crying.

"Uh, sorry to disturb you, you continue." Li Lan said.

The girl blushed suddenly. Are you kidding me to continue? Although it was really shocked when Kai was sent over, but now calm down, I am not so nervous.

A person may be very nervous, but if he is accompanied by a person, it is much better. After calming down, the two immediately began to think about how to save themselves. Soon, the girl tried to step on the air to counteract the falling gravity.

"Are you, Bukong?" Li Lan looked at each other's movements and asked suddenly.

"Well, do you know? That's right, this is very common." The girl asked a question, and then patted her head without waiting for Li Lan's answer.

Instead, Li Lan was puzzled by what the other party said. The reason why she knew her was because You Xinzi had said this step. Use the life field to condense your own strength, control the air in a small range, and form an instant pedal, a method of running and fighting in the air. Even if it is not the ability of atmospheric control, it can be used.

Just, is it common?

This issue was not discussed at this time. The two fell in the air at high speed. Although they had footwork, they had not been very good after the previous battles, so they could only concentrate on trying to counteract the impact of gravity. The cotton lump that Li Lan had been holding seemed to feel no danger at all, and he was very interested in turning into a group of things that were really like clouds and floated.

This change shocked Li Lan again. To be honest, even after taking a cotton ball for a while, Li Lan still has no idea what this is like.

After a period of fall, the two finally landed on the ground. It's just that the two looked at the surrounding environment in surprise. They didn't expect that the place where they fell was not a wilderness. Instead, they seemed to be a well-managed residential house. Especially the girl twitched her nose instantly because she felt a very familiar feeling in this place, as if she were in the drug garden at home.

"Come in!" Suddenly, a voice came from inside.

Li Lan and the girl looked at each other and walked in. Although the two talents have just met, the experience of falling from the sky just now seems to have become friends. The communication between girls is sometimes so simple. When one feels right, it is as good as a girlfriend.

The two of them walked in and found out that the changes were very big. It wasn't a medicine garden like an ancient one, but a variety of sophisticated instruments and equipment all over it. It was a very huge research institute.

"I still need to prepare, you wait a minute." There was a voice inside again.

Li Lan and the girl suddenly became surprised because listening to each other's tone seemed to be waiting for them.

"Well, please..." What the girl just wanted to ask, she found a plump blonde beauty coming out of it. Oh oh, whether it was Li Lan or that girl suddenly widened her eyes, envious of jealousy and hate, so full body.

"Please sit down." The woman came to the two and sat down first.

"Well, may I ask, where is this place?"

"This is my research institute. Salo asked me to help me a while ago. Is that the Breath of Breeding? Actually it will look like a cotton ball." The plump beauty looked at the cotton ball and was very curious.

"Excuse me, can you be more specific." Li Lan asked.

"Detailed, specific things, I don't know very well. In short, Sarah found me not long ago, saying that she found the Breath of Breeding, please ask me to test the characteristics of Breath of Breathing, what effect etc. Speaking, my name is Cheryl, what's your name, don't be so nervous." Cheryl said.

Cheryl: The blonde beauty who was next to Doctor Wang was an assistant to Doctor Wang.

Many of the people at the top do not know where they have been moved by this world in 10,000 years, and they do not know whether they are awake or not. Now none of the original top pharmacists can find it, but Salo had met Cheryl before, so this time Sarah remembered to let Cheryl help. Fortunately, although Cheryl may not be as good as those top pharmacists, as doctor king, he is also very good at various researches.

"My name is Li Lan."

"My name is Paula." The girl also introduced herself.

"That, Senior Cheryl, you seem to know a lot of things, but don't know where Wendy is?" Li Lan asked immediately after introducing herself.

"Wendy, oh, you mean the boy in your team, I don't know where he is, but there is certainly no danger. How to say, he is also the son of the Salo No one will hurt him." Sheridan replied.

"So, although I don’t know the specific situation, then I will tell you roughly what I know. First of all, I have no intentions or dangers for you. I’m just being dragged by people to test Just look at him..." Cheryl pointed to the cotton ball. At this time, the cotton ball had not felt any danger at all, and looked interested.


After a brief explanation by Cheryl, Li Lan and Paula barely knew what happened. It's just that after this, if you want to digest it completely, it is estimated that a lot of brain cells will die.

And after Cheryl explained, he began preparing to test the cotton ball. Sarah had already spoken to Cheryl, and it must be studied as soon as possible. What is the nature and role of this cotton ball, or the breath of breeding?

Because even Sarah is not sure how long they can keep the breeding breath in their hands. Many people can do it in a short time to keep the breeding breath in their own hands. For example, the former Eastmen didn’t **** the breeding breath for a while, but it is not so easy to want this kind of thing to really be owned by others so that others would not dare to **** it. Therefore, the best way is to seize the time to figure out the nature of the breath of birth, if it can be used or integrated, it is the best.