Era of Disaster

Chapter 968: Become a girl

The cotton mass invasion occupied this body, and the original injury healed automatically. It was just that when the cotton ball was about to transform this body, it suddenly stopped. Seems wrong, cotton ball looked at the recessed part of his lower body. Strangely, it wasn't like this even when it was changed from that giant headed baitfish to human before.

The cotton ball touched the place curiously with his hands, and the body that had never experienced such a thing suddenly heard a slight numb feeling.

This feeling suddenly made the cotton ball nervous, thinking that he had been attacked by an unknown enemy. Only after watching the cotton ball nervously for four weeks, I realized that there was nothing else at all.


The cotton ball looked at the part that he had never had before, as if he was thinking about the seriousness of life philosophy. It wasn't until after a while that the cotton ball suddenly blinked. By the way, hasn't he seen many such people? This body structure is a woman defined by man.

It turned out that he became a woman.

The cotton ball suddenly smiled excitedly, but the cotton ball's smile suddenly froze in the face. No, why did he become a woman? Hearing what Dr. Sheryl said, the difference between men and women seems to be very large. Is it okay to modify the body in a random way as before?

While the cotton group was still thinking about this serious issue, there was a lot of noise outside, and then it felt a shock. After the basic patience was exhausted, the Mitani Chenggui forcibly broke in with someone. Although the Xia family also has some strength in this place, after so many years, only the sisters are left. A few servants couldn't stop it at all. As for the second Miss Ming Zhen, it was even more impossible.

The cotton ball frowned, and immediately tore up the sheets next to it, covering its body. It seems that the cotton ball still remembers Cheryl that they value the privacy of the body very much. Why is it that the cotton ball is not clear? In short, it is better to block it first.

The cotton ball was covered in sheets and came out barefoot.

As soon as the cotton ball came out, it attracted everyone's attention, because no one thought that Miss Minghui, who was originally serene and quiet, would come out wearing a bed sheet. However, when he saw the red blood stained on the sheets, the outsiders naturally found a reason: Miss Minghui must have been injured too seriously, so she came out too late.

"Sister!" said the second Miss Mingzhen suddenly nervously.

"Let go!" The cotton ball saw a seizure of the seizure, and somehow anger rose in her heart.

"I'm sorry, I didn't plan to hurt Miss Mingzhen II. It's just that I made a good bet before. If Miss Minghui doesn't bet against me, then you need to take out the bet." This Mitsuya Chenggui smiled suddenly Say, and then put Mingzhen down. The reason why Mitsui Chenggui did not dare to come hard when Minghui was injured is because the current world belongs to a legal world, and it is brighter than the previous era.

Of course, no matter how bright the times are, it is always impossible to guarantee people's hearts.

By all means, Minghui made a gamble with this Mitani Chenggui under the previous radical. With this gamble on hand, as long as Miyoshi Chenggui does not come in disorder, then the Xia family sisters can't refute. Therefore, Mitani Seigui will not be a strong player. If he does, he will be a big deal and will definitely be taken away.

"Sister." Miss Mingzhen II suddenly returned to her sister, a miserable kitten.

The cotton ball obviously wanted to push away the little girl she didn't know, but her body didn't know what to do. It was obviously a move to push it away, but after falling, it turned to touch the little girl's head.

"Miss Minghui, do you decide? If you don't want to fight, just take out your bet. Of course, if you have to fight, it's okay, but, I think it's better not to fight for the sake of Miss Minghui." Opposite A pair of Miyake Chenggui seems to be good for you, but that hypocritical face is really disgusting. But it's not a bad idea, but Sangu Chenggui does have previous bets, so others can't argue.

To be honest, the cotton ball hasn't figured out what happened until now. In her simple head, this is a bit too embarrassing. However, even such a simple cotton ball still understands one thing: just fight with the other party.

"Fight!" The cotton ball said softly.

"What?" Mitsui Chenggui on the opposite side thought he had misheard.

"Fight!" The cotton group's eyes suddenly became serious. I don't know if it was the reason for being a woman's appearance now, so the evil was hidden, but it made people feel very fierce.

"Miss Minghui, are you serious? If you die unfortunately in battle, don't blame me..." Mitsui Chenggui, who was opposite, narrowed his eyes. To be honest, he can't wait for Minghui to fight him. In this way, he can not only obtain the blood of lynx, but also take the opportunity to kill the opponent in the battle. Otherwise, it would be very troublesome for the sisters to stay behind to seek revenge.

But, without waiting for Mitsuya Seigui to react, the cotton ball flew out suddenly, and with a sound, everyone saw only a trace of the residual image, and then the middle of the courtyard suddenly shuddered. With a bang, the Xia family's yard was suddenly penetrated through an opening from the front, and Mitsui Chenggui flipped out and stopped in the distance, showing a sneer.

It’s best to do it so that he can happen right away!

However, before Sangu Chenggui's mind was finished, Minghui's figure appeared again, and this time, that power was simply amazingly violent. Moreover, it is completely different. Mitsui Chenggui had no time to wonder why Minghui's attack method and power were completely different from his memory, so he flew out instantly.

Flash step!

The cotton ball chased up in a flash, and the left hand fell again. This time, on the left hand of the cotton ball, a slight whirlwind suddenly appeared. The whirlwind was torn at high speed, and a slight but extremely harsh sound came. I don't know what happened, the natural way of using cotton **** naturally emerged.

The two-tailed lynx is one of the beasts of Baiminglou, and it is controlled by the same atmosphere as Baiyi, but it is biased towards fine and small range control.

So at this time, the memory related to the easy awakening of the cotton ball is not surprising.

Melt flames!

Of course, the opposite Mitani Chenggui would not wait to die, and suddenly his own power broke out and began to fight back. However, when the fierce flame came to the cotton ball, it was suddenly blocked by an invisible wind shield. Not only that, the cotton ball also easily grasped the right hand of this Mitsuwa Seigui.

At this moment, Miyake Chenggui and the cotton **** looked at each other.

No, this is not Minghui, and definitely not Minghui. When seeing the eyes of the cotton ball, Mitani Chenggui immediately reacted. The indifferent eyes, especially the evil thoughts and killing intentions hidden under the eyes, are definitely not what the gentle Miss Minghui can have. Even, wasn't Minghui injured before? At the moment of the confrontation just now, there was no wound at all under the sheet that was lifted.

But, Miyoshi Chenggui had no chance to say anything at all, and the cotton ball used a trick that appeared in his memory.

The wind knife sickle!

Indistinct, the cotton ball's body seemed to be divided into three, and these three figures cut through the air dozens of times in just one second. The Mitsui Chenggui had no resistance at all, not even counterattack and falling. Like a sickle of the wind blade, his body was constantly cut open.

Everyone only saw the blood splattering constantly, and the sharp and cruel scene made everyone silent.

It is obviously a gentle gentleman, but Minghui at this time gives everyone a sense of evil and cruelty. When the cotton ball stopped, everyone didn't know why they just felt relieved. But, the cotton ball stopped obviously, but remembered the same thing, his right hand suddenly closed, and then the thumb pressed down.

Wind-cutting knife sickle-additional skill-chaotic flower!

Behind the cotton ball, the originally silent sword and sickle suddenly burst into the The wind blade that secretly invaded the other party burst instantly, just like the same blooming flower. However, this messy flower is completely composed of the flesh and blood of the enemy. In an instant, a flower composed entirely of flesh and blood suddenly bloomed.

The following people were completely stupid, until countless flesh and blood fell from the sky, these talents suddenly woke up. Especially the group of little brothers who had come here with that Mitsuya Chenggui, trembling their legs. After one of them ran away suddenly, a group of people immediately fled out. Not only the younger brothers of Mitsui Chenggui, but also the original people of this village, could not help but escape, leaving only the original servants of the Xia family and the second Miss Ming Zhen.

The cotton ball walked over, and the sheets that had been touched by the flames uncovered, revealing the clean body below. Even the original servants of the Xia family couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

It's just that it's not because of seeing the beautiful woman who walked away, but because of the fear in my heart.

The cotton ball looked at this group of people, it was completely a look at the food, and was examining whether this group of guys had absorbed value. Suddenly, the second Miss Ming Zhen suddenly rushed over and hugged the cotton ball.

"Sister is terrific." The little girl said excitedly, without being scared at all.

Looking at this little girl, the cotton ball wanted to push away without knowing how, but the body of the cotton ball couldn't help listening to the reaction.

The cotton ball's eyes narrowed and became nervous immediately: did it really become a sequelae of women?

The cotton ball didn't think about the real reason, but was already thinking about whether to change body as soon as possible. However, the younger sister hugged the cotton ball, as if she was very attached.