Era of Disaster

Chapter 969: Baozi dispatched

The cotton ball wants to change its body. Although this is a sudden idea, it does not need to be thoughtful for the simple consciousness of the cotton ball. But, just as the cotton ball raised the idea, a sudden feeling of repulsion came from his body.

The cotton ball does not understand this feeling at all. It has never happened before, what is going on. Suddenly, the cotton ball began to daze.

Just like the people who swallowed the Udi Star Territory by cotton balls, the ideology was affected to a certain extent. This time, the cotton **** completely invaded Minghui's body, which was also affected. In particular, Minghui’s last thought of guarding his sister was completely left in this body. The cotton ball obviously wants to change the body, but after seeing Mingzhen, the cotton ball can't help but dispel this idea, but want to protect this...Sister.

younger sister?

The cotton ball looked at this human girl, slightly strange, why would he think this human girl is a sister?

"Sister?" Minghui's sister asked.

"I'm fine...well, let's go first." The cotton ball said very gently.

The cotton ball, who had no idea what was going on, felt very strange. However, the cotton ball is now very simple, although it feels strange, but it does not have a deep meaning. Even in the heart of the cotton ball, he naturally found a reason for himself. Anyway, it was all hiding his identity, so now it seems to be a good look to become a woman.

Just as Minghui was about to leave with his sister, three men wearing law enforcement clothing came in from the outside. The servants who were originally in the courtyard suddenly became nervous. Although the cotton group didn't quite understand it, they were smart enough to think that these three people seemed to have any special rights.

"Miss Minghui!" said the headed person.

Uh... uh?

Suddenly, the cotton ball realized that the person across from him was thinking of calling him. That was the case, is his name Minghui now?

"Um." The cotton ball replied lightly after understanding it. In fact, the cotton ball doesn't even know what the situation is now, but this bland attitude seems to be just right for Minghui's previous character.

"What do you do, don't allow my sister to go." Instead, Miss Mingzhen II was very nervous. Because these three people are wearing the clothes of the law enforcement officer here.

"Miss Mingzhen does not need to be nervous, we just register the procedure. Although Miss Minghui killed Mitsuya Sungui, but the actions of both parties are in full compliance with the "personal law of absolute autonomy", so we will not be held accountable." The law enforcement officer headed said, and then began to record. However, at the time of recording, the law enforcement officer looked at the cotton ball slightly strangely.

"Unexpectedly, Miss Minghui actually has such a strength. I was originally worried that Miss Minghui would be hurt by the design. It seems that I was more worried." The law enforcement officer's eyes were slightly dissatisfied. As a law enforcement officer, this man is undoubtedly competent. Originally, he was still very worried about Minghui, but that gambling contract completely complied with the law of personal absolute autonomy, so he was not easy to stop. However, after seeing the battle just now, the law enforcement officer suddenly felt that he still thought things too simple. It seems that it was Mitsuya Chenggui who was designing Minghui, but it seems that Minghui is the last one to win.

"So, if the Mitsuya family retaliates against the Xia family, you can call the police. As for other normal judicial means, commercial means, diplomatic means, etc., it is not our protection."

"So, let's say goodbye first." Because he felt cheated, the law enforcement officer's tone was not very good. It's just that no matter how bad the tone is, the law enforcement officer still finished the precautions before leaving.

"The law of personal absolute autonomy, what is that, sister?" Ming Zhen asked.

When Mingzhen saw that her sister did not answer, she immediately muttered: "Really, my sister would say let me go check it myself. I know that." Soon, Mingzhen put aside his sister, entered her room, and went Inquire about that'personal absolute autonomy law'.

"Hmm..." The cotton ball murmured softly. In fact, at this time, the most puzzled is probably the cotton ball itself. However, after seeing the few people go away, this suddenly younger sister also left, and after the servants around him became quiet, the cotton ball stood for a while, and suddenly realized. It seems that things have been completely resolved?

It turned out that I was really amazing!

Discovering that everything was resolved, the cotton ball suddenly raised a pride in his heart. Although, he himself did not understand what was going on. Slightly proud and happy, the cotton ball returned to the room where it was before according to this physical habit.

After the two sisters left, the few servants left looked at each other. After a while, someone asked: "Hawker, what shall we do?"

"The law enforcement officer said just now that Missy's behavior is in full compliance with the law of personal absolute autonomy, so don't worry. Now, we just need to keep this place tidy." The Hawk steward said.

After hearing these words, several servants involuntarily looked at the flesh and blood scattered all over the place, which required them to clean up... It was really unlucky. However, although there is some disgust in my heart, most people are not against it. Because, as a servant, the stronger the host family, the more they will be proud. The fighting posture of Miss Minghui before has proved that she is very strong now.


Mo Mo taught those few people a meal during the battle, and the little helped Becky withdraw a little interest, and then found the cotton ball again. It was just that when Mo Mo found the cotton ball here, he couldn't help but daze for a moment, then suddenly laughed. Because, even after the matter ended, the cotton ball did not change its appearance, it was still the appearance of Minghui, and the cotton ball seemed to be used to this identity.

It's really funny, actually turned into a woman, and still a big lady.

However, I'm so sorry!

Mo Mo gazed quietly at the cotton ball that was getting used to his new identity, and said sorry in his heart. Mo Mo does not really want to disturb the life of the cotton group, but if he wants to resurrect Bai Yi, as far as he knows now, he must have the breath of the birth of the cotton group. Therefore, it is destined that the life of the cotton ball is very short, and this Xia family will soon be involved.

"Sir, you have collected it," said Salo.

"Well, say."

"That Xia family had accidentally obtained the blood of the two-tailed lynx in the broken age, and thus gained a part of the power of the two-tailed lynx. However, how the ancestors of the Xia family obtained the blood of the two-tailed lynx could not be traced. "Sarah reported on the information collected below."

"It doesn't matter. At that time, there were too many battles. Although the traces were carefully removed afterwards, there were still a lot of people who had been passed on by accident." Mo Mo waved his hand casually, indicating that he didn't care about this.

"Well, yes." Sarah nodded. "The Xia family accidentally got the power of Lord Erwei Lynx. But this kind of power is just a simple diminishing infection, which is not a real bloodline. Therefore, in order to prevent the strength of Erwei Lynx from becoming weak, I have developed a mystery technique that can re-coagulate the blood of lynx before dying. Although it is incomplete, but with the power of the original master, it is a very important inheritance treasure in the eyes of ordinary people. ."

"As for the three Miu Chenggui, after knowing the existence of lynx blood, he raised a peeping heart at this thing." Sarah continued to explain. Including after the gambling contract, Mitsui Chenggui secretly set a trap, so that Minghui was injured and could not play in the game. And now the Migu family is preparing to retaliate against the Xia family. In addition to revenge Sangu Chenggui, of course, there are also thoughts that have not given up the blood of lynx.

"How is the Sangu family criticism?" Mo Mo asked suddenly.

"Not very good."

"Is it." Mo Mo said lightly and gently, and stroked gently with his left hand.

Salo froze, then nodded. Sarah understands Momo's current mentality, and all obstacles that prevent Bai Minglou from resurrecting Bai Yi will be cleared. If the Migu family's style is good, maybe Mo Mo will just restrain and prevent them from disturbing the plan. However, since the Migu family clan's criticism is not very good, with Momo's coldness and determination now, it is bound to eliminate any target that may be unexpected.

"Sala, who do you think is more appropriate to guide the cotton ball?" Mo Mo asked as if doing a trivial thing.

"Find someone who doesn’t know the cotton If it’s just a person you don’t know, you will underestimate the spirituality of the cotton ball. Although the wisdom of the cotton ball is still very simple, but There is an amazing spirituality and intuition, if there is any guidance around him. Maybe he does not understand why, but he will definitely notice and make changes again." Mo Mo looked at Salo.

"Buns!" Sarah said suddenly.

"What?" Mo Mo didn't seem to understand.

"I said, the pure spirit body born in Baiming Building-Baozi, that is an equally simple guy." Sa Luo said.

"you sure?"

"Well, I think if anyone can guide the cotton ball without any artificial traces, then there is only buns. Because, that guy may not have that kind of consciousness himself. And, although the buns are simple, but Not stupid, I always feel that the buns and cotton **** are very similar." Sha Luo said with a smile.

"Really, since you believe so, let that bun go." Mo Mo nodded.

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