Era of Disaster

Chapter 970: member list

Although Sha Luo trusted the bun very much, Mo Mo still had to call to observe before officially determining the candidate. After receiving the notice, the two ephemeras suddenly came towards Momo. In addition to the mayfly who likes buns, there is also a good friend of the bun Xiaoyou.

"Listen, see the princess Master, you must not be stupid." Mayfly Ling called Xiaoyou said to the bun.

"I know, Xiaoyou doesn't have to keep reminding me like this." Another mayfly said slightly complaining. The two mayfly spirits are now in human form, only slightly transparent. After a few steps, the bun suddenly opened again. "I still think the buns look better, or else..."

"That's why I'm worried that you offended the princess lord. Speaking, how much do you like buns." Another mayfly Ling Xiaoyou didn't wait for the buns to speak, and immediately stopped.

"Hmm~!" The bun suddenly lost his head.

The two mayfly paused outside, then knocked on the door. Although it may be a mayfly, there are special rules belonging to the Baiming Building, which can be physically in contact with ordinary humans. After knocking on the door, the two mayfly spirits were called in.

Standing below respectfully, the mayfly named Xiaoyou didn’t dare to look around, but the bun looked up quietly, wanting to see what the princess looked like. Many of these mayfly spirits, who were born in the New World, have never seen Mo Mo. But, the action of the buns is always quietly blocked by Xiaoyou.

Momo looked at the small movements of the two mayfly spirits on it, and couldn't help laughing slightly. In fact, in the former Baiming Building, the atmosphere was very relaxed. Although others saw Momo, they were very respectful, but there was absolutely no such kind of restraint of Xiaoyou. It seems that it's because she didn't understand the reason why these new mayfly spirits had not yet known.

"Don't be so strict, it's just as usual." Mo Mo said.

"Really, I'll just say, Xiaoyou is too..." The bun suddenly raised his head excitedly after hearing Momo say this.

The little You just wanted to stop it, but suddenly found that he was bound by an invisible force and could not move at all. This time, this mayfly called Xiaoyou became even more nervous. Watching his good friend talk to the princess in excitement, it also became his favorite bun shape. This little actor was really afraid of accidentally infuriating Princess Princess and was punished.

‘Am I so scary, little one. Suddenly, a voice appeared in Xiaoyou's mind. Hearing this voice, the mayfly named Xiaoyou reacted, and the princess was talking to her. It's just that it seems that Baozi didn't hear this sound at all.

‘Fool, majesty and status are not for family members. ‘A gentle and forgiving voice flew through the small mayfly’s mind. I don’t know what happened. The small mayfly who was still very nervous suddenly became relaxed. It wasn't until this time that the mayfly named Xiaoyou believed that Mo Mo really didn't mind the bun attitude. Moreover, the princess actually said that they are family members.

Not knowing what came to mind, this little mayfly suddenly blushed.

Looking at the gentle Momo above, besides the previous respect, this mayfly named Xiaoyou suddenly raised a longing and admiration.

After Momo's test, she agreed with Salo's proposal, preparing to let the bun to guide the cotton ball in the predetermined direction. Just like what Sara said, the buns are very similar to the current cotton balls. To some extent, both people can be called stupid, but they are not really stupid.

Moreover, Mo Mo specifically permits the buns to appear in the form of buns.

It was easy, after careful arrangement, the second Miss Ming Zhen met with the bun in an accidental opportunity. This is the result of special consideration. Rather than making the bun and cotton ball together, it is better to make the bun to be the pet of this second Miss Ming Zhen. Although there is a layer of relationship, from the recent findings, it seems that the cotton ball is affected by the flesh, and it is impossible to set aside this ‘sister’, and this almost confirms the identity of the cotton ball’s sister.

Minghui looked at the bun on the head of the'sister' and examined it slightly.

"Okay, sister!"

"Well, whatever you want." After looking at it for a while, the cotton ball still didn't see anything special about the buns, or that the two fools got together and couldn't see anything.

"Sister is the best." Mingzhen jumped up and hugged her, and then said excitedly.

The cotton ball paused for a moment before pushing the sister away. Just like what Bai Minglou discovered, the cotton ball can't put aside this'sister' now. Since he could not leave it aside, the cotton ball followed this fleshly idea at will, and reluctantly regarded the other party as his sister. Although slightly uncomfortable, the cotton ball did not feel anything else.

Watching her sister leave, Ming Zhen said slightly: "Sister!"

Even the nine-year-old Mingzhen can perceive her sister's changes. Because, the cotton ball has no idea of ​​hiding its identity at all. In other words, being able to maintain the current appearance has not changed, it is already good for the cotton ball. If it weren’t for the original concept of the body that affected her inexplicably, I am afraid that it would have changed for a long time and engulfed the others. Although it seemed to be a different person, the other servants dare not say anything. Affected by the negative energy of Udi Star Zone, the current cotton masses are definitely not good.

"~!" Baozi jumped on Mingzhen's head and yelled.

"Well, what kind of creature are you, but there is no body." After all, Miss Ming Zhen was not very big. She was quickly attracted by the cute buns and forgot her troubles. Because no matter how the sister changes, she loves her.

At the beginning, Baozi still remembered the task that Princess Master had given her, but in the end, she played with the little girl. There was cheerful laughter in the yard.

Seeing this scene, Mo Mo couldn't help frowning, wondering if it was a mistake to hand this task over to Baozi. But, soon, Mo Mo settled his mind and didn't think about it anymore. Momo has learned a habit with Bai Yi from a long time ago, since the things that have been decided, there will be no gains or losses before the results come out.

After putting this matter down, Momo began to pay attention to other things, for example, the power integration in Baiming Building now.

Although there is no need to have a very large battle in the arrangement, no one can tell what will happen in the future. Momo knows one thing very clearly. At the end, the most reliable is always his own strength, so it is very necessary to do a complete sorting of strength now.

The original Bai Ming Lou was very powerful, but when the new world was formed, everyone fell asleep. So far, some people have not awakened, and some people do not know where they are even if they wake up. Others... chose to go out independently.

Because of the improvement of personal strength, the current Baiming Tower is definitely more powerful than the Broken Age. But as far as personnel are concerned, there have been very huge changes.

Mo Mo looked at the current list of people in Bai Ming Lou that Sha Luo handed in.

Core member--

1. Vera: Momo’s teacher has a very rigorous attitude and meticulous thinking. In the past, many times, Vera arranged and managed the daily affairs of Baiming Building.

2. Hylois: Similar to Vera's identity, she is also responsible for the daily affairs of Bai Ming Lou.

3. Shapi: Baiminglou's most loyal guardian beast, although it is called the Three Kingdoms of the Netherland in the outside world, with a fierce name, but inside the Baiminglou, it is very kind.

4. Becky-Moxibustion: The pillars of Sifangtiandong tomorrow, has always been the core of Baiminglou.

5. Nancy: It has been awakened, but it has not returned. Of course, Nancy did not want to break away from the Baiming Tower, but because the world has changed so much now that Nancy is in

6. Felix:

7. The centipede centipede:

8. Xia Wanqing:


All of these people can be regarded as the current core members of Bai Ming Lou. Moreover, they do not have any clear positions, and most of them are members who act alone. And the next one is also a core member, who has a very clear position and commands some strength.

1. Ye Ye: The leader of the Baiminglou puppets, led by the five puppets of Shenwu, Blade Lotus, Youxinzi, Qin Sisi, and Suye, has its own huge army. And in the Baiming Building, most of the current maids are also dolls at night. And the mayfly spirit is basically half and half.

2. Salo: Take charge of the internal affairs of Bai Minglou, and have completely taken over the responsibility of Vera, the maidservant who manages all the maids.

3. Shinzo Abe: A woman who manages the diplomatic affairs of other countries and has amazing diplomatic potential. This woman who joined Bai Ming Lou at the beginning has spent countless hours to prove herself, and gradually became a core member of Bai Ming Lou.

Then, it was originally the domestic power of Ming, and it is also one of the armed forces of Baiming Tower. This part of force is divided into armed forces and scientific research forces. The armed forces, led by the captains in the country, are currently returning 1. Randolph, 2. Raymond, 3. Tsukazaki, 4... There is no complete return. Several people also chose to be independent. But Mo Mo is not forced.

As for the scientific research force, the same is true of the original Ningguo and external researchers, with eight original tutors and well-known doctors. It has also been reorganized.


And in the end, it was the members who were still asleep and not yet awake: 1. Woolf, 2. Anna...

Members confirmed to be alive, but unable to confirm their position: 1. Poo Poo, 2. Bemira, 3, Malvi, 4. Flying Wing Scorpion...

Maybe still be dead, in short, the members who are now unable to be determined: 1. Alotija, 2. Erao Lynx, 3. Jinjila, 4. Mayvis...

Mo Mo looked at this detailed list quietly, and gradually outlined the structure of Baiminglou in his heart.

It is currently known that Ye Ye is responsible for puppets and can be dispatched wherever it is useful; Sha Luo is responsible for internal affairs and rectifying the current interior of Bai Ming Lou; diplomacy is a group of diplomats headed by Abe Zhenyang; Armed, it was the captains and those members who were originally in the country. Mo Mo plans to wait for Woolf to wake up and give him the post of captain; then there is the scientific research department. Now the scientific research department is not only researching technology, but also There are a series of existing power systems and so on.

The scientific research department is currently in charge of Ye Ye temporarily, but Ye Ye has told Mo Mo that she is actually not suitable for this position. Because, although the puppet has advantages in technology, it has always been limited for personal strength.

However, Momo is currently unable to find a suitable candidate. If you want to say the right position, people like Wang and Ji Qingyao are more suitable. However, even Bai Minglou, there is no one who can match them.

It seems that everything should not be anxious.

Finally, it is the secret department, responsible for all secret affairs...

Momo put this list together, in short, first to see the current core members. As for those who are willing to break away, Momo flashed some names in their hearts, and then forgot them casually. That's their freedom, Mo Mo doesn't care, and will not pursue anything. As long as they do not become enemies with Bai Minglou in the future, they will be treated as ordinary people.