Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 298: Weird disappear

In the torrential rain, Lin Zhen looked up at the tall boulder, and the waves rolled in his heart.

Since his rebirth, he has almost nothing to fear. If there is any, there is only one, which is the nightmare experience before his rebirth, when his soul travels through a black hole.

Black holes can be said to be the most terrifying place in the universe, and the matter in them is compressed infinitely.

A planet can be compressed into a basketball-sized object in a black hole, where a steel ball can weigh millions of tons!

This compressed object has a name called neutron!

The black hole swallows everything from its material. When an object is compressed infinitely, it can produce an extremely huge gravitational force. The pulling speed of this gravitational force is likely to be greater than the speed of light!

What is the concept of being greater than the speed of light?

Light travels at a speed of 300,000 kilometers per second, but within the gravitational range of a black hole, even light cannot escape, which proves that the gravitational speed of a black hole is greater than the speed of light.

Once an object moves faster than the speed of light, it may reverse time and space.

The planet was born there, the galaxy was also annihilated there, time was flowing backward, space was distorting, and bizarre things were happening all the time. Lin Zhen's soul was sucked into the black hole, and then came out and was reborn.

So he vaguely knew the neutron in the black hole.

But he did not expect that one of the neutrons in the black hole was actually on the earth.

The actual size of this neutron is only the size of a small rock, but its weight is said to be a mountain, which is really not an exaggeration.

It was so horizontal at the entrance of the ancient city of gods. When Lin Zhen saw it clearly, he really felt the tremor from his soul.

That was the fear from his heart, and he dared not touch this neutron-changing stone.

Seeing Lin Zhen staying motionless in front of the stone, the Indian elders waited leisurely behind him.

If possible, he doesn't want to fight Lin Zhen hard. This kid is strong enough and he is not sure of winning. When the Holy See's reinforcements arrive, no matter who killed Lin Zhen, I believe he will not be lost. Make a contribution.

So he would rather wait, there is less than a minute left, and he can easily consume Lin Zhen here.

He didn't move, and those sights wouldn't even go up to death, all staying here waiting for the result.

On the horizon, a number of aircraft are approaching quickly.

Just now on the side of the Holy See, Yan Huang, the first pope of the religion, became angry.

Today is the day when the Holy See was established and he was enthroned, but he didn't expect Lin Zhen to make a mess again.

I originally thought that today's order to kill Lin Zhen would definitely be able to give Lin Zhen the leader, but I didn't expect that this kid was so tough that he would kill thousands of people in a row and retired the Holy See army abruptly.

Fortunately, he let the Indian elders pass in advance, otherwise he would lose the adults today.

The reason why the Indian elder was allowed to pass, Yan Huang also had his considerations. The first was because the Indian elder's mental power was so strong that he had reached the early stage of the diamond and he was able to interrupt Lin Zhen's teleportation.

The second is because this person has a strange stone in his hand.

This stone comes from the church in New Delhi, India. It is the treasure of this church for nearly a thousand years. Only by picking up this stone can every great **** sect formally take over.

If you can't even hold this little stone, it won't be recognized.

Yan Huang also saw this stone when he went to New Delhi, India. It was indeed a very magical thing. The weight of this thing was simply incalculable, and he couldn't even pick it up with his power.

The Indian elders told him that this stone has the weight of a mountain. In India, children who want to obtain the position of the Great God Sect in New Delhi must gather around this stone to practice since they were young.

To communicate with the stone with spiritual power, only that child can really get a little contact with the stone with spiritual power, then he can drive it and be able to put it away.

And this Indian elder was the lucky child. He became the Great God Sect, and because of his communication with the stone, his spiritual power skyrocketed from the late dark gold stage to the early diamond stage.

Yan Huang had long believed that Lin Zhen would want to go to the city of ancient gods, so he sent the Indian elders over, so he must not let Lin Zhen go in.

He is a face-loving person and doesn't want to send too many elders at once to let the people of the world criticize him. But he has a lot of calculations. He didn't expect that Lin Zhen was so fierce that he would have eliminated so many people from the gods and made him have to send The second batch of elders.

This time, Allen Great God Sect of Bingcheng Base City took the initiative to invite Ying, and together with the other eight elders, a total of nine people went to the city of ancient gods, be sure to kill Lin Zhen!

Through the online video, Yan Huang kept watching the situation here, and he was secretly relieved to see that Lin Zhen was finally blocked by the boulder.

"Great! Lin Zhen can't enter the city of the ancient gods, so he will definitely not escape the pursuit of our ten elders. You must know that Allen and Adams of the European Union are all figures on the star list. Lin is more than enough to clean up. Up."

"Although it is shameful to dispatch ten elders, it is worth it to eliminate Lin Zhen. If Lin Zhen does not die, the reputation of the gods will be irretrievable, and Su Mingyue will never give up."

Yan Huang sat on the pope's throne aloft, waiting for the news of the victory of the ten elders.

As the spacecraft approached, everyone present and watching the video thought that Lin Zhen was over this time.

I don't know what he thinks, why can such a stone block it?

Many Huaxia audiences even shouted excitedly: "Smash that stone, what are you doing Lin Zhen?"

"The enemy is coming, you won't have time until you break it!"

It's a pity that Lin Zhen couldn't hear these, his heart was struggling extremely at this moment.

"What to do? I dare not approach it, I even want to step back..."

"It's okay if I didn't find it, but I found it. My soul is resisting. I instinctively want to stay away from this thing."

Lin Zhen is afraid of everything in the black hole. This is also the fear that no one knows deeply in his heart. In his plan after rebirth, the only thing he doesn't want to think about or can't find a solution at all is this thing. .

When he returns to that point in time, what will he do?

It is impossible for fate to take care of a person twice, and if he has no solution at that time, it may be gone.

But today suddenly encountered a little basic matter in the black hole, awakening the fear buried deep in Lin Zhen's heart.

"No! I have to insist. If I dare not face even the most basic tiny neutron in the black hole, I will definitely die at that time."

"Although this is an accident, it is also an opportunity to prepare me for the emergence of black holes in advance. I must overcome this fear."

Lin Zhen raised his head, braced his body and came to this huge boulder.

His hands seemed to carry a weight of tens of thousands of catties, and he slowly lifted up, his forehead sweat mixed with rain poured down, and with an extremely strong will, he pressed his hands on the boulder.


Lin Zhen tried hard to push away the boulder, but like a dragonfly shaking the stone pillar, it had no effect.

"Hahaha! Lin Zhen, don't be delusional! I told you that this stone is the sand of the Ganges, one sand and one world, and it weighs as much as a mountain. Your meager force can't move it."

Lin Zhen couldn't push, he simply raised his hand, wanting to use his mental power to receive it directly into the space ring.

But it's still useless, the boulder still doesn't move.

"Hehe, if you want to receive the space ring, you must first be able to move it. You can't even make it move a little bit, so how can it be collected."

Lin Zhen gritted his teeth, he took out the seven-kill spear, and swept a shot, clearing a large area of ​​sand under the stone.

Originally thought that the stone would be skewed, revealing a little gap in the entrance, so that he could teleport, but he did not expect that the stone would become a little bigger in an instant, still blocking the door firmly.

"It's useless to tell you that this stone won't sag because of the softness of the ground. This is the wonder of the sands of the Ganges, Lin Zhen, you should give up."

Lin Zhen still didn't give up, he raised his hand again, and the dark star gravitational!

The gravitational force of the dark star is already extremely powerful, and Lin Zhen can even grab the aircraft in the sky by raising his hand, but still cannot move the neutron.

"Why? Why can the Indian elders move this neutron, but I can't? What is the reason?"

Lin Zhen is still working hard, covering the boulder with spiritual power.

"Um... this is...?"

When the mental power entered the neutron, he actually saw an incredible scene!

At this time, the aircraft of the reinforcements had already fallen down, nine aircraft, and nine golden robe elders of the Holy See came down.

Including Allen from Ice City, and Adams from the European Union's Paris base city.

The strength of these two men was obviously higher than that of the others. They came to the side of the Indian elders, and ten golden-robed elders stood side by side, slowly walking towards Lin Zhen.

Allen said as he walked: "Lin Zhen, you accept your fate, you should have been mentally prepared for the end of the battle against the Holy See. Although I admire your courage, I still have to say that you are an idiot. "

Ten elders walked up to Lin Zhen's side, and the ten of them ran the star power together, and the sky and the ground were suddenly surrounded by twinkling stars. In this case, Lin Zhen not only could not fly, but could not even teleport.

Until the completion of this scene, all the religious believers were relieved.


Lin Zhen is finally He was captured alive by ten elders.

In an instant there was a cheering in the world. All the cultists were berating Lin Zhen, the demon was finally arrested. Some congratulated Pope Yan Huang, and some even proposed bringing Lin Zhen back to execute the fire.

Yan Huang also squinted his eyes slightly. Perhaps he could use Lin Zhen's life as a condition to coerce the saint who seemed to think that he was not pleasing to the eye to do something that everyone loves to do.

"Allen, catch live."

He took out his cell phone and sent an instruction to Allen.

"As you wish, my majesty."

Allen stepped forward and reached out and grabbed Lin Zhen's clothes: "Lin Zhen, give up resistance..."

Fingers crossed, but only grabbed a handful of air.

Under everyone's gaze, under the star power blockade of the ten elders, when the whole world thought that Lin Zhen was about to be captured, he unexpectedly disappeared.