Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 449: Exit

"Huh! Purgatory is too difficult. I have already advanced to the eighth rank of Comet, but the completion rate is only 19%, not even 20%."

Lin Zhen put away the yin and yang spear, lamenting the perversion of the difficulty of purgatory.

"Master, don't be dissatisfied. You have to know that you are only a week away. Others are like you and are still mixed in the simulation field of normal difficulty. You are in purgatory."

Lin Zhen was stunned for a moment, and realized that he was already so much ahead of the same realm before he knew it.

Not to mention the comet week, even the general sidereal period is not seen in Lin Zhen's eyes now. After all, he is not a simple comet week. He also has a dark star in his body. The combination of two star forces makes his star power able to Compared to a normal sidereal period.

Coupled with his various methods, it is difficult to meet opponents in the sidereal period.

Lin Zhen calculated the time, and it was only a month since the beginning of World Rock.

"Time flies so fast, another year has passed in a blink of an eye, and I have been practicing in the simulation field for ten months."

"Master, do you want to go out now?" Kris asked.

"It’s better not to go out yet. There is still a month left. I have calculated. I can take advantage of this time to break through to the ninth level of the comet. Then I will go out. There are still a few days left, enough for me to prepare. Up."

"Master, I suggest you buy Mithril Essence now. After you break through to comet ninth level, you will break into the satellite phase after using the fire bronze essence once. The world stone will take three months. You need to buy at least The mithril essence used the first two times."

Lin Zhen nodded. In his Dark Star Space, all the Kylin Coins were used to exchange Sanjiang Coins to buy Fire Bronze Essence.

Sixty billion Kylin coins, the exchange of Sanjiang coins is sixty trillion, so it was actually spent!

"Well, you are right, buy it, but Mithril essence is too expensive, one hundred thousand yuan a gram, the cultivation in the satellite phase basically emptied my current money."

"Master, as long as you have the strength, you can get it for any amount of money. This time the World Stone is an opportunity, so strength is the most important thing."

"You are right, buy it now."

Lin Zhen hadn't fully practiced during this time, and if he had nothing to do, he exchanged all the currencies of the various high-level universe nations in his hands into Kylin coins.

Now that he exchanged Kylin Coins again, Lin Zhen bought enough Mithril Essence to cultivate to the week level.

The high-level cosmic currency he obtained in the world stone has also consumed most of it. Except for leaving 100 million each as a souvenir, Lin Zhen only has 100 billion Kylin coins left in his hand.

"Although the one hundred billion Kylin coins are enough, compared to before, this is a return to the pre-liberation period."

When Lin Zhen bought Mithril Essence, he took the time to look at the situation outside.

Nowadays Baichuanxing is surging, and there are so many people from all major forces participating in the World Stone Challenge.

They recruited masters from various places and snare at all costs in order to obtain sufficient profits in this war.

When the masters gather together, there will be more battles. At this time, the Star River Behemoth Alliance, where Lin Zhen is located, has nothing to do.

Because the most important thing in the Galaxy Behemoth Alliance is to look at genes, and only those who match the genes can be selected, so the number is very small and it seems weak.

The other parties in the struggle did not take the Galaxy Giants Alliance into their eyes.

Therefore, during this period of time, all the stories about the masters of XX have been circulated outside, and some people have already shined and stood out, being hailed as strong candidates for the winners of the world stone.

Lin Zhen didn't have time to take care of outside affairs for the time being, and grasped the last month to cultivate hard.

"The latest news, the latest news, the world stone map is exposed!"

"The whole strategy of Huangquan Youmingdi, internal information, one thousand yuan!"

"The enemies of Tongtian Tower are careful. Jin Haonan said that they will snipe their enemies on the banks of the Three Ways River."

"Dragon Totem masters show that they will get at least five places in the top twenty!"

"The only master, Holly, was expelled, and the talents of the Galaxy Behemoth Alliance were dying, and people from all walks of life looked down on them. I am afraid that the particles will be lost.

News about World Stone flooded the Internet, overwhelming.

In addition to the stances of the major forces, a lot of information about the masters was also disseminated.

Almost every force has leaders and key goals.

In order to ensure that these key figures can smoothly get out of the Nether Land of Huangquan, the major forces have sent many experts to protect them.

This time the world rock, the strongest person is in the black hole stage, and the worst person is almost at the peak of the week.

Ghosts are rampant in Huangquan Nether Land. This is not a virtual environment, but a real world. If you fail here, you will most likely face death.

However, there are few reliable maps that sell maps on the Internet. Only one person in the black hole stage has seen the situation in this world stone, and this person died not long after he came out. It can be said that no one knows the specific situation. .

It's just based on what that person said, people roughly depicted some scenes.

Legends about the Three Ways River, the Judgment Platform, the Six Paths of Reincarnation, the Temple of the Underground Palace, and the No Loop, etc., make people full of expectations for this world stone.

As the day of the competition approaches, all forces are ready to instill knowledge to the participants at any time, who is the focus of breakthrough, and who is the focus of protection.

Here in the Galaxy Giant Beast Alliance, Han Sha gathered everyone together for the last conversation.

Now there are hundreds of people in the Galaxy Behemoth Alliance, because Hansha realized that their team was too small and their strength was too weak, so they gathered people who had been more optimistic but were not the key training targets, and they were regarded as the second batch of students. .

Unexpectedly, among the second batch of students, there is really a talented person named Hong Hao from a primary civilized universe, who actually obtained the intermediate galaxy beast flash bee gene fluid, which gave Hansha a surprise.

"There are three days left before the opening of the World Stone. I am here to remind everyone that your enemies are not only the ghosts of Huangquan Netherland, but also other contestants. As competitors, if you die Within the world stone, no one can avenge you."

"In particular, you should pay attention to two places, one is the Tongtian Tower and the other is Tianqi Mining Group. The contestants in these two places are very hostile to us."

At this time, a new student said: "We know that the offending of the Tongtian Tower is because of Lin Zhen Holi and the others fighting in the dimension universe, and the offending of the mining group is because Holly was expelled."

"Yeah, I also heard that, mentor, shouldn't you drive out Holly because of Lin Zhen? Otherwise, Lin Zhen has nothing to do with him. He hasn't come back since he is almost starting to enter."

"Lin Zhen first started the fight, right? I heard that he also forced Holly to pay for the bar. Why did he make us blame him for the wrong thing?"

The relationship between new students and veteran students is not good, especially seeing that the strongest one of the veteran students is Taishan, who has obtained the Elementary Galaxy Beast Gene Liquid, which makes them look down on the old students.

Many people were surrounded by Hong Bo, and as a gainer of Intermediate Galaxy Beast Gene Liquid, he had become the leader of many people.

Hearing these people’s complaints, Han Sha didn’t wait to say anything. Hong Bo waved his hand: “Don’t talk nonsense. It’s better to practice your skills if you have complaints. As long as you have the strength, you don’t need to help anyone. ."

"It's the boss Hong Bo who has the aura. After I entered the World Stone, I followed the boss. I heard that Lin Zhen is only a low-level Galactic Beast Gene Liquid winner, and there is something like the boss Hong Bo."

"Yes, I heard that there were more than 200,000 people who entered the World Stone this time. I think I don’t have the ability to excel in it. Then I can only follow the strong. There is no doubt that Hong Bo is a strong, at least Lin is really stronger."

The veteran students were silent, and there was an invisible gulf between the new students and the veteran students.

The new student is headed by Hong Bo, but the old student is looking forward to Lin Zhen's return.

Regarding Lin Zhen's strength, the old students also quietly communicated in private. Cao Yang said that Lin Zhen's power was unfathomable. During the Battle of the Fairy Forest, no one saw Lin Zhen's full strength, but he felt very strong.

In addition to Holly's affairs, these veteran students secretly had a little guess inside. Maybe Lin Zhen had obtained the advanced galaxy beast gene, and Han Sha and Jerry deliberately hid it.

Han Sha continued: "After you enter the World Stone, don't rush into it. The time is three months. Remember that the key is to find the universe crystal. A small universe crystal is one hundred thousand unicorn coins, which is one hundred million yuan. If you can find tens of thousands of Sanjiang coins, you will be rich."

"Teacher, besides looking for the universe crystal, what if you find the treasure left by King Yan Junjie? It belongs to us privately."

"Yes, but I advise you to keep a low profile. If the treasures of the realm king are fate, they will be useless. Don't be discovered."

"Understand, I heard that in every named place in Huangquan Netherworld, there is a treasure of the world king hidden ~ I must look for it carefully."

Looking at those excited martial artists, Han Sha did not give too much instruction.

In his mind, it is good for these people to get good grades, but if they can't, it's not a big deal, as long as Lin Zhen can go smoothly.

Counting the time, Lin Zhen should be back soon. He only talked to Lin Zhen yesterday, and he said that he would practice training today.

I haven't seen each other for eleven months, and I don't know how far Lin Zhen has practiced.

Two more days passed in this way, until the early morning of the third day, that is, the day when he was about to enter the World Stone, Hansha received Lin Zhen's dimensional universe news.

"Mr. Hansha, I have completed my training. I didn't go back to your place in a hurry, but came directly to the entrance of the World Stone. Come here to find me."

The heart that Han Sha had been holding for the past few days was relieved, and Lin Zhen finally caught up.

"It's time to enter the world stone, everyone set out!"