Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 485: Another year

Lin Zhen returned home full of rewards and lived a peaceful and happy life for a long time.

During this period of time, Lin Zhen's realm was in a period of steady growth.

He is currently at the first level of stars, and if he wants to upgrade again, in addition to his own practice, he can only buy metal to swallow, or absorb the stellar crystals in the star fruit tree.

Now that Lin Zhen swallows metal, he must buy Thunder Crystal.

The price of this kind of crystal is even more expensive. Even if Lin Zhen has some property, he can't afford it for the time being. In addition, Sealanke's wealth is not enough to be upgraded.

So Lin Zhen simply gave up the purchase for the time being. He has upgraded too quickly recently, and it takes time to settle.

Anyway, the stellar crystals in the stellar fruit trees can still support, at least in the early stage of the sidereal period, it can be upgraded only by relying on the stellar crystals.

The Dark Star is also rapidly improving, and the Heart of Plants has exploded with great power, which is already in the middle of the Phanerozoic.

Concentrate on studying combat skills at home every day, or enter the immersive field to fight the galaxy period.

Sometimes I drink and chat with my friends, occasionally look at the construction situation in the territory, and have a beautiful wife with me. I don't know how comfortable my life is.

"Dad! Daddy!"

Lin Ping and Lin An, two little guys with short legs, ran all the way from the garden path to the place where Lin Zhen often sits.

Lin Zhen picked up the two sons one by one and put them on his lap, with a smile on his face: "Why did you two run out? Where's Aunt Angel?"

Lin Ping raised her little face: "Aunt Angel and the others are accompany their mother and Mum Su to make Chinese New Year delicious food, Dad, what is Chinese New Year?"

"New Year... even Ping'er'an'er has risen by one year. After the New Year, you will be three years old."

"What about my sister? Is my sister three years old?"

"My sister is younger than you, and is two years old during the Chinese New Year."

"Dad, can I become a warrior after Chinese New Year?" Lin An asked.

"Why? Is this your New Year's resolution?" Lin Zhen asked with a smile.

"Yes, we all have to become warriors, to be as powerful as our father, and we can protect our sister in the future." The two little guys said loudly.

Lin Zhen laughed, his son and daughter are his pistachios, his treasures, and making his family happy is Lin Zhen's greatest achievement.

After a while, the garden became lively.

Lin Meier also hobbled over. She wasn't very stable when she was less than one year old, but she insisted on walking by herself. When she came to Lin Zhen's arms, she talked to her dad milkily.

In front of Lin Mei'er, Lin Ping and Lin An's two little kids really looked like older brothers. Everything was left to the younger sister, who was particularly considerate of protection.

A silver bell-like laughter came, and the beauty group of Lin Zhen's family arrived.

Anning was Lin Zhen's first love when he was a teenager. The school girl at the time, the number one beauty in Ice City, was even more radiant and glamorous after practice.

Su Mingyue is a goddess of the gods, a global idol, who interprets the pure and gentle beauty of water to the extreme.

Sister Angel is a family of angels, and Linger is a saint of the elves. The appearance of these two races is originally more delicate and beautiful than human beings, let alone the outstanding ones.

The beauty of this beauty group is simply against the sky, and their arrival has made the garden more vivid.

"Husband!" An Ning enthusiastically walked to Lin Zhen's side and took his hand: "We have prepared a lot of things for the New Year. Let's take a look at our clothes. Does it look good?"

A few beauties stood together in festive Chinese Tang suits, set off their white jade faces, which made people look a little dazzled.

"Good-looking, very beautiful." Lin Zhen said sincerely.

"We have prepared it for you, so you can replace it later."

"Okay. Tomorrow is the New Year. It's rare for our family to be so together. We will have a good year."

Four months have passed since the Searank incident, and it is now the New Year. In these four months, the whole family has made great progress.

With the supply of Lin Zhen's unlimited comet crystals, An Ning and Su Mingyue have advanced by leaps and bounds like a rocket. They have reached the peak of Comet Week and are about to enter the satellite phase.

Lin Liye and Li Qin didn't have much actual combat ability, but their realm had also reached the eighth level of the stellar core stage. If they had Su Mingyue's qualifications, they might be in the middle stage of the meteor.

Sisters Ling'er and Angel are worthy of an advanced week, and they are definitely masters on ordinary life planets.

On the contrary, Lin Zhen made the slowest progress. He was promoted from the first level to the second level of Xingxing, and he was trying to reach the third level.

There is no way, his realm is relatively high, and it is naturally impossible to upgrade as quickly as a low-level martial artist. This can only be done with the supply of star crystals, otherwise, even if Lin Zhen has good qualifications, it will take at least a few years or even More than ten years.

With the help of Lin Zhen, several children have already laid a good foundation. With such parents, the children's aptitudes are also good, and the future achievements will be limitless.

Time has reached New Year's Eve.

The whole family had a dinner together, a sumptuous banquet, and a relaxed mood. This meal was the happiest Lin Zhen had.

Although Ling'er and Angel sisters are not Lin Zhen's wives, they are already fully integrated into the family. Even An Ning and Su Mingyue have tried Lin Zhen intentionally or unknowingly and have any plans for the future of these three goddesses.

Lin Zhen once asked their thoughts, but several girls blushed and said that they would listen to Lin Zhen's arrangements, but none of them revealed any intention to leave.

Lin Zhen also knows their intentions, but this kind of thing is better to go with the flow.

After the New Year's bell rang, Lin Zhen was 26 years old.

After being reborn, it has entered the ninth year.

The whole family clinked glasses together. Lin Zhen smiled and asked everyone to talk about New Year's wishes. As a result, everyone said that they hoped that the family could be together forever and never be separated.

As the patriarch, Lin Liye glanced at Lin Zhen: "Of course we all hope so, but this kid really doesn't spend much time at home. Only this year is a little longer, and other times I don’t know where to go. Up."

Li Qin also complained to her son: "Although cultivation is important, you have a family business as a son. You have parents and wives and children. You can't let us know your whereabouts for many years. If you have something to do with you. Yes, our family can't survive."

Lin Zhen was ashamed, he also realized this problem.

With the increase in strength, he will offend more people, and the strength of the enemy will become stronger. Although he is not afraid of anything, but his territory is here, his family is here, and he can't run away.

Lin Zhen also had an idea in his heart. After the Dark Star World stabilized, he planned to let his family migrate.

But that day was still a little far away. Although it was a dark star in the Phanerozoic, it was still a little far away from the survival of animal life forms.

For human beings to survive freely in the dark star, then the dark star must at least reach the new generation.

These four months of hard training, driven by the planet's heart of plants and trees, Dark Star has reached the late Phanerozoic, but the advancement is not so fast.

After the Phanerozoic, it is the Mesozoic, and after the Mesozoic is the Cenozoic. This is a gradual process.

Wait, wait until the realm of the new generation is stabilized, Dark Star is another new world that can be controlled by itself, a safe and stable new world, not to mention family members, there is no problem in migrating the entire earth to the past, hope that day Arrived earlier.

On the contrary, his wife understands herself better. Su Mingyue smiled and said to Lin Liye and Li Qin: "Mom and Dad, don’t blame Lin Zhen. If Lin Zhen worked so hard, we might not be able to live and work in this city of the sky. I believe he will There is a bright future, and we will be protected and arranged for us."

"Dad is the best! Dad is the best!" Lin Meier, who was awakened by the New Year's bell, said loudly, looking at her father with pride.

"All right, your kid is protected by a wife and children. Your mother and I can't talk about you yet."

Lin Liye said so with a smile on his face.


Fireworks outside the window exploded in the air, and there was a joyous sound in the Sky City. No matter how time a Chinese, I never gave up on the tradition of the New Year. Even when monsters attack the city, everyone In the case of danger, the Chinese New Year must be Chinese New Year.

The children were tired, the wife took the children to rest, and the family returned to their rooms.

Lin Zhen came to the window slowly, looking at the star-like lights outside, but he was worried about the war between the Fire Kylin Empire and the Demon Empire.

The war was a bit detrimental to the Fire Kylin Empire. In the chaotic galaxy, the people on the side retreated steadily, and news of being killed and defeated came from time to time.

The senior officials of the Fire Kylin Empire finally made a decision to set the training ground for the concentration camp under a hundred years old in Luan Xinghe.

The time is set in a month. After this first month, the people in the concentration camp will be in the capital of the Fire Kylin Empire, and the Holy Star of Kylin will leave.

Godsend has suffered such a big loss, and now I don't have time to trouble myself because I want to participate in a concentration camp.

During this period of time, the media gave numerous reports on the masters of the concentration camps.

Lin Zhen could hear this news. He also wanted to go to Luan Xinghe to experience it, but unfortunately he was not from a concentration camp.

"Maybe I should set off in a few days. Even if I am not from a concentration camp, I can participate as a volunteer."

Although he was a little unwilling, Lin Zhen had to go and stay at home, which would not help much to improve his strength.

"Master! Someone in the Dimensional Universe is calling you, your friend Hansha, do you want to enter?"

"Han Sha~!"

Lin Zhen was taken aback. Since he returned to his hometown, Hansha hasn't contacted him for a long time. It seems that he has forgotten himself. Why did he suddenly contact him today?

Although he didn't know what Hansha was going to do, Lin Zhen had an intuition that maybe Hansha would bring some good news.